Spm Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2

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  • Words: 3,419
  • Pages: 10
Paper 2


'fwo hours and fifteen minutes

Section D. 7'htr' (lrft'.tlio/t papcr utnsi''/s of'lbur .sulion.; Section A. Section B. Section C rzzrrl ctrr,tr/t i<, rl Yot, ot up/ttt/tr. four -1n,suv'r all ;etl\ons. Qucstittns inSection A na.v huue cilht'rthtee C cad 35 ott Section 1o spentl 2'.t ttrittrtle.s rtrt Section A.. 25 ninult's orz Section B' 50 ninults tn//tu/!,t o/t Section D.


Scction,A. ||)



,\ poor bol nccrleclrl1one\'to paY lbr.his sr:hoollbcs. So. hc sold r:akes fronr hottse to housi'. hillr onc ttnr.. hc f,,lr vt,r'. thirst1'. lle askert lirr a d|ink hrim a \'o!mg \\'oman. sht'olfercd ' H o w l l l l r c l t m o n e l c l o I o w e ! o u ' l ' s h t ' a s k e t l . Y c i t td o n t o r v e n t e l r n l t h i l l g . " g l a s s n r i l k . of a . [ ' h c b o r . t h a n k e d h c r . \ i ' a r s ] a t e r . t h a t \ ! u n g w o m a n ] t c c i t n t ev e L t i l l r r n d h a d t o she rcplierl. got hei' see a spct:ialist rvho rer:ognizccll.re,r.He rrierl his vcn bcst to savc her lif'e. whcn sher g l t r s s m i l k . ' o f o n c w i t h i n l i r l l I ' a i d w o r d s . . . t h c s e t o l c a d bill. she was shockt,tl l,'nrm the cxtract. wc know that the poor bov C A sold cakes ibr a living D g l a s s ol rrrilk B paid lirr the

grcw rLp t0 be a specialist owe(l the wolttan some moll('l

[nr. a;a .'ou havca -,-,1 \ l timc in Langkawi _ff

-) n *"" -irt*

\*", \

lr","dt.'t 1"-

u'r' arrivetl. Ilut then 1t st(4)l)cd ] latet in thc alternoon. We hacl a u , ' r . l , r l i r l l i ' r t i c . u nr h r ' .l " ' : r 'h T h ' I 1 \\, rrlhpr $jr:


c"ul ind



t h c b t ' s tt h a t I h a d . ] " . . " " " . ,


I ]



l F r o m t b c c l i a l o g r t ca b o v e . r v c k n o u ' t h a t J o c h a d A a miscrablc tintc R atr annofing time C an er.rjol'able'timc D a cotnfortable timi:

spot check at the C h a r m a [Y.,"t".,1,,t, thc local trade ilnd consur]ter enfolc e'llent Tcam uradc a melket in Scntosa ancl listcncd to the complaints tnade b1'thc tradcrs' R\'I2 per Thev clainrcri that thcir supplicrs had t'aised thc price of sotut' r'egcttrblcs br' kilo.'l'his lcft tirt'ttt u'ith no t:hoice brtt to make constlnlers par'1br the increase' llascd on thc (:xtra(rt ilbove. t h c t r a d e r s h a d t r r A spend morc to buv sotttc v c g c t a b l e s I i c o l l c c t m o t ( ' t o s t o p t h c spot cht'cks f' c

. l lt e s ,)n D.


hert' r'asn t much wor.k for us to do: cither that or we lacked thc cxpertise. In the encl.nrost I : us just hung around and starcd at thc intcresting hospital equipncnt. One thins we did ::lrrnagc to do was to talk to the patients arld lo lietp thcnt contpoT/.1,. I'hc phrase 1o /tee7tl/tt,m cotzrpttnt in thc c\tract above lneitns -\ pertbrming togcther C spending tinte togethcr. 13 rvorking together D having a business rnccting togethl,f


i .cfi'r t. thc article on the construction of a ne*, man made wctiand in Sclangor. I t'r,el it ' rl \lilste to spcnd so much monev rvhcn there are so nran! other niltural q.ctlands in oLrr. 'Lrntrr'. Wouldn't it be botter to mtrke r.rsetil ther natural wctlnnds? Creraring a man-ntlcft' . , . , . t l a n crlv i i i d ( , s t r o l ' t h e n r t u r a l c n v i r o n m c n t . ri D t )9. Ito h e.r

In -\ B f D

the cxtract of the lettcr aboyt.. f'he CzTz:r,rz suggests that we spend monev crcating ncw wetlands support thc building of wetlands in Selangor cor)stru(t u'ctlands to carc for our cnvironrncnt devclop tht, natural wetlands found in our (ountrv

TIMI]S STORE Free hondphones for 5luchr- custorners H o w : S p c n d m o r e t h a n R \ 1 2 ; i 0i n a s i n g l er c c e i p l and get a chanceto take part in thc luckl drarv.

Purthoses ul lhe suqx'rmor/iel ttnd p/torurztt I:jrrst'don thc notice abovc, custonters mav -\ takc part in the luckv draw B spend R\{250 in one rcccipt l ht litlhtu'|ng



Ii-ee handphone if ther.

C make purchases in the pharmacv D bccome 'l'imes Store flardmembels

is a .s.t'ttop.rlso/ o hook.





clre nol inclutled

Tuan.Jack is an Cnglish rubber planter in \'Iunr. .lohort'. flc lt'avcs hotrc for. the cxotic llast in scarch of his {brtLrnebefolr. \\torld \\'a l 2..\ller thc uar. ht'hclps tht' lrx als to gain indi'pt'nclenco from the Brit ish.


'l'hc book is about A thc journ.r' to rhe l.last B t h e s t r u g g l et i r l i n d e p e n c l e n c c C tht,sran h fbr prc,rvar fortune D the lili,ol an llnglish rubbcr pltnter

to br'rrutilr thP tu\\11\\ rth lrrltrrrel As Rawang is growrng tast. nrore efforts shoulcl be takcn rcsoutccs instead ol plnstic trtles' art'sittrplv not attractive So' please -not trccs do t.rothelp rmprove thc t'nvironmcnt antl l'lastic prrhlic funds' Ra*a,.,g wiih f,,kc palm trees' Jt is a waste of do "poil ,tl./r Mnktv,sitt


hrs N{r \'Ialar sia wtitt:s to the neu'sPaPcr to cxPrcss s1-mPathv C A concern ' t r " pi ' i " n D R ctlrtosrtY



15 ort batttd on lht fe.'llouing passogt:

nren rlith loug u hitc beards sittitrg A woman camc otlt ol hcr house itnd s:tw thrce olcl on inviting thcnl into hcr housc' in her lrcint yard. She did not recognizc thcm but insisted togethcr' I am Lovc 9 up and saitl to her. "We do not go into a house Onc of the mcn. 'fhesc arc rly frientls. Wealth ancl Sucrress" Then hc saicl to


woman" Go in and discr'rss

to invitc into vour house-' with vour husband whicb onc ol tts trrtt rvoultl like Attermuchll.thehushlrnclfinalll.clccicleclthatthevsholrldinvitel,ovcirrsothatthe\' could havc their house fillcd with lovc' Whcn Lovc startcrl


him' into the hor'rse,the other trvo men also got up antl folkrrved

Surprisccl. thc woman askerl. l onlv invited Love in


arc vou coming in as wcll'l'

The uen replied togcthur. iI 1'ou had invitecl Wcalth woulcl have staled out but


14- Succcss in' thtr two ot us

gocs we rvill follorv Whercver 1ou invitecl Lovc' whcrc hc

there is Love. there is alwnvs Wcaith ar.rdSut:cess'



B t_l


stood stan(ls s t an d i n g

1 3 A wh!' B whcn (_l

14 A

ts c

10 A B il 11 (.; thc

15A B C D

1 1 A approval B d iscr.rssion L]

D 12 A B D

cillculation determlrlatron walk rvalks u alkecl u alking


rvhat anrl but OI

since although thercforc clespitc

\.ur -J

Section Il [10 nctt /,.s]


Q u e s t i o n s1 6 - 2 b l. .tl llte odt.\,rll,tu rnl hc/ott. r,orc/tt11r.7htn, tr.tnTtlt,ft, the tltogrant lfiol /olhrt.,.

CARNTVAL CRAA/ AT DATARAN 5URIA organizedby The Ministry of youth ond Sports A speciorcornivorwi be herdfrom 10.00-o.m. to 6.oo p.m.ot DotoronSurio.rt offers ofs of fun, gomes,food ond entertainmentfor the whoile'+am,ty. There arz mogicshows,rock climbingond o specicl p.o"onr" op -unigue by the Funtosio610up 'rom The Resorf worrd.witnessorsoo showcos ^oo."n donce- c combinotion :f gymnostics "'olf with ocroboticstunts in o donce. A fun-filled cornivclnot to be missed!!l Seeyou Sundoy,8Decamber ot DoioronSurio Win o cor in thc Lucky Drow Sponsors Skit,.Iuict,

('hoki Lr la

r-il;_] ll ll Entertainlnent


Section C l2't norhsl questions

26 - ll

orc brtsed on lht lrlktu rtt;1 possctgt,.

l,ittlc did Kumar'. 31).1r'.' l)r,rror-ilr'gc knorv that the jackfrurt tree he prantccl 1.i 'r:trr.s . g J ' u " o u l d s a v c h i s l i f ' c , n c r l a r ' .w h e . t h e s k v c r a r k e r c , c r , , " , 1 th..,r,"],,;i., ."i. i;ii ,i',,, dLrr'.he. likt, most Sr.i Larkans.. was 't h,me enjol.ing his public h.Ji.ar.. fh" ,:itt"g,.,.. b"": givcn a w.r'ing bl the 'eteor.logicni il,'p,irtm,'t months befbre the l'roods l:td. hit but few pal-att(,nti()n t0 [. When the rain cantc. the lvatcr. lcvel went up threc mctr.es within an hour. Kumar onlr. had timc to savc intportant documents and i fcw things. He was also trl,ing to savc thc .n11.'r'efrigeral.r his tirmill h'tl cvc..wnecl {r,m tr";,ri"."pt.wa}.. but the current was t'erv str.ng. ln his ltt.'pt hc almost lost his lifc io thc Delwrila river..,It t..k mc rlorvns-trcaman. I quickl' clung o.to thc j.ckrruit trec wh'e ml friend tt,."* ,r .of" t o n e l r o m t h c o t h c r . i a c k r r u i t t r c e r . ' s a i dK u m a r . a n ' r m v o r l i c c r . l , ' u r t h c r d o n , nt h c r i v c r . sorne lJuddhist .no.ks 'rescu.c| the .rfrig..r.trrr untr it has bccn in thc ternplc since.' Kumar- s house w:rs rrestrol'cd onrv its fo.ntr,ti'n rvns r-isibrc .n the m.rning wc visitetl thc villag. of Pebo .s part cif N{c'r* NIararsins Fk,od irclief missiru. pcbo is one of ttrc fbrtun.te r.illages: no one cii.rl in thc iioocl. How.vc.. 1l houscs ,uu.,, dern.lishecl thosc situatcd ncar('st to th. srvift'fr.wing riv.r beibrt,it b.r.st"onrpl,,t"t" its banks. ln adtlitional ,9 houscs wert' b'clrv da'agccl. man' Jf th,,m b1, lanclsrides from the surrounding hilrs Ove'night. the temp)e i' I'cbo. l.i:r r.Lrrlst attractron. becanc ir retugec carnp Left rvith no shcrter, it w.s the "rlnrn uatu.al p)a.e lbr the' cornm unit-r.t' ga the r.



ovcr at PellLr'...thcr srn.lr vill:rge. a randsricre, srvcpt arval'ricc liercls,crepriving thrmers 2 0 of thcir livelihood. In addition. 2? houscs *".,, ,,n ,rrot irrg.tS0 ptlplc honeJcss. 'l'hcl "*.,1n were t:rowdctl together in pour sanitar.t. ".ri roldru(,ns ,r, ,t.," tLlto viliagc school. rvartingfbr help. lrosha D'rnalanti..15, was m a c r eh o . r e r . s s d u e t o t h c I a n t r s l i d c .s h e sritredat,re carne.a with learrul evcs.s shc w a s b c i n g i n t e r v i e w c d b v . e p o " t e , r s .S h c \\,as at a lricnd s ho.s. whc. the Iandslitle ,ccrirr.ecl. Sh. is norv st.l.lng wtth hcr aunt. 2 5 'l'housands of lirmilies werc ailected bl the rloods and ranrlsiides. .r.he dcath toll was high .rt ?50. (i.m 'ines were danragccl. as . r.esult of which thc n.rn industrv of the town (amc to a standstiil. '['he po,r u,cre macle poofer as the floocl watcrs ancr ]andslicrer t l c s t r o l ' e dt h e i r m r r d h r u s e s . w i r a t r i t t l c r a n c i t h c l had *,r",nk"n lrom them. i,r"r;,li;; t h t ' m i n c s w h e r e t h t , 1 ,w o r k c c i a s l a b o u r e r s .


\lcrc' Malaysia'steam donatedcrothi.g. such as uniiirrms. shocsand.ther items trrat *r're requost.d 'v thc viJlage head. O. the c',r1,.f the tlistributio.. ne,arb.r',rillage.s ca're rn la.gc numbers ailer getting ncws ol the rcrief clIort. It rv.s Nrurcv Nfura;ia.s fir;; .rssron to Sri L.'k,. F-oods'ch as rico. fl..r cr.king'il, sugar ancr s,rt rvere distributcd t, fltrrd and l.ndslidr victims. N,lobilc cli.ics werc ,,p. i:t \,lutinls. nra.,' .t wh.m Bb t't'r'e sufli'ring from scabies.lrrng and r'1'einfcctions ",,, w.r.c givcn "mcclical trcatment. x,lcr.r. - \ l a l . 1 s i a ' st e , m p r e s i d . n t s a i c l , ' w h a f w e h , v c c l o n ei " , , ' a . " p i . i n . rrc do because wc believe that q,,1.can bring " . . , . r . ' w , , ' ,peonle. rr'_ir;, hopc. soliciaritr. anr.l love to the (Adapted ftor(t 7he ,gter. 200:])


f r ' , r n tp a t a g r a p h l . l v h c r c w a s K r r m i r r w h t : n t h e r : l t l o t r i c r r r i r r l l l l ?

l1 nor/tl 2 1 l " r ' o n rp a | a g | i t p h 2 . ta) rvhl' did Kurrar tr1' to save the reli igt'i ntor'?

11.u, t rl'l (D) how s'as Krtmal savetl frorn bcing swcpt awal bv thc strong (rurr('rlt .) [1 tt,tt /;]

28 (a) From paragtaph ll. which place was used as a shc.itet fol thc rcfirgccs'? ll u,til) (D) !'rom paragraph .1. how was Dnmatauti

aflictcd lrv thc lanclslide?

l'l nrurftl [rom paragraph S. (rz) which phrasc sho*'s that thc gctn industtv stopl)ed its operatronl [L nar/tl (D) how did thc poor becon'ic pootct.' Statc two $'avs.


l1 nctrk)


11 nur/tl

3 0 From paragraph t i . r l " r ' r ' u t l r i u k l h a t N l t . r u ' N{alavsia's rtntribution was importit nt.' (iive a reason.

12 norksl 31 llnscd on tht' pirssirgc given. rvrilt' a sLlttlrlal\' olI: ' '

thc hardships the villaiJt'rs fatrt'clas a result ol tht: f'loods rlnd landslides whnt was donc to h<:lp thc'm

Crt'dit lvill bc givetr ltir usc of own lvoi'ds but care' trrtst bc takcn not t() change thc original mcaning. Vtttr stttnntart' must . b e i n c o n t i n u o r r sr v r i t i n g ( r t o t i n n o t c f i ) r l n ) . usc matcrial from line 14 to the end ' not b(' longet than 130 words including the 10 words givcn lrt'lorv


Llt'gitr vorrt sunlnlary as firIloll's: Ihe t il/cry't'rl Pcho u'us olltr.fttl h1 /he //oor/,.; rt.s ..

115nnrl,sl Section I) 12; nor/t,sl 32 Reucl lAc potn

qnd ttnsuer l/tt trrtt,:ltons /hul /o//ctu..


The Road Not Taken


T\",'oroads divclged in :r lellorv zzoo1L And sorrl l could not travcl both ,\nd be one tlaveler. Jong I stood And ltnkcd down one as f'ar as I coultl To wherc it l)cnt irr tht, Lrnderglowth; fhen took the othcr. as just as fair.. .\nd having pcrhaps the bettcr claim. Ilccause it was grasst aud wantcd u ear'; f h o u g h a s 1 o r t h a t t h e p a s s i t r gt h c r e Hiltl rl'


(rz) Which phrasc in stanza 1 shows that tho travcller wantcd to take both roads? l7 tttrtrl']

(b) Give the mcanitrg of tht' fiilIrrving rvords: (i7 uoocl (stanza 1)

11rrurr/l (ii)

rl.1't's(stanza -1)

17narhl (c) W o u l d v o u t a k c t h e r o a d L'st rr1t.L\/ l)xplain r ottt i l-totct'.


l) tt ' ttl 'i lleurl rhc (.\1ro(1l)'ort th? rhort t;lott'The



-r.tt".,**t. r'r,",r

Wife bchtu und onsu'tr thc q (r/iolt'' //toi

"*'rr.''*.T,; childreu mrtst be brought inside. Sht'will not take them into thc house. tbr sht' knol's thc snake is t h c r e a n c lm a v . a t a n v n o m c n t . c o m e l t p t h r o u g h t h e clacks in the rough. slab llcxrr: so shc i:arrics selvcral armfrtls of firervood into the kitchcn. nnd tht'n takers the children there. Thc kitchcn has no floor. or. ratht'r. an earthen one cal)ed a "grortnd 1loor" in tht'tlctrtle of the plate. She hrings thc children in antl tnakcs thcnr get on this table.'l'hel art'trvo trols atrd tn'tr girls tncre lrabit's. Sht'gives tht n) som(' sltppcr itn(l t b e n . b c f o r t ' i t g c t s d a r k . s h e g o e si n l o t h e h o r t s ca n d snatchcs up somc pillot's a nd hedclrthcs - tlxpcct ir.rg to see ot lav on the snakc at at-rvnlintttc She makes a bcd on the kitchcn table tbr the trhildren. ancl sits down br:sicleit to wat(rh all night


(a) Whcrc is the snakc?

ll nui:l ( l ) W h a t t w o i t c m s does tht'Drover's

Wife get for thr: childlcn lrefbre it is dark'l


lI norhl

( ii )




l)o lrru admire the actions of the mother? Give reason for vour answer.

l) nttrl.l

tnarkl fht litl/ucing ) /r1Q/til

are the norels ,'ludied

in l/te /tlt,ntture

Jung)e of Hope I'he Pcarl The Rcturn


in Eng/is/t


.JohnSteinbeck K.S.Ilaniam

( hno.se ony t\\,o of /he noue/s ohoct: {.rnr/ o4.s71:6,7. lhe qtte.stion bt lou,,.



ll;xl',i:",ffi:',::iT,':xl ..Tliii,;; Jil":. JtnT:TiT". "tH:l

' iomc, rnstances that show the character,s tletcrmination ' how tho determination affects his/her familv

l norl.l

ntor*l nar/;l

ll5 nor,4) 35

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