Spm Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K1

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 292
  • Pages: 1
Paper 1


/his queslirttt poptr ronsitls of / tto,vrz'lrozr,s'.Section rn' odt'ist'd lo spettd qhou/ li ntlnrtle,s ott Scction

One hour :rnd forty-fivt: ntir.rutt,s

A azrrl Section lf.,ln.;t,trt-brtth set,ltr.tn.,-)oti A ond ottt: hour ott Sectiort B.

Section A: Dilected


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t our lricnd. who lives rn another town. witnts to kno\a, $.hctheI he/she shoultl run 1i)r the pclst ol. flcad Prefcct. Writc n lettet to Iour lriend gi,,-ing Leasorrsrvhv hc/she u,ould rnr,rkea good Head I'reiect. - s e t h c Dotes given l)elow to $,1'ite !our letter.

Personal Qualities: 'frienrllv 'rcslxrnsible 'helplirl Academic Per.formance; ' intclligcnt student 'hard-workirg ' problcm solvt'r

Co-curricular Involvement: ' Illue Ilouse (lapt:rin ' secrctitrl of English Language Scx:ictv ' school dt,bater. Other points: ' lives near st:hool ablc to sacrifice time . good studv habits acildcmir, lter-formancewill not be allectcd ' popular with studcnts and tcachers

'-hcn writing l o u r l c t t e r . YOLI s h o u l d r c m e m b c l t o i n c l u d e t h c t b l l o w i n g : o address . salutation/gl.eeting . closc r all the notes givcn 'ttarhsl

'ir.clion B: ( ont inuous W r . i ti n g [5O mor/tr] ''.rtar a coorposrtion ofabout BbO words on one of the follou,.irrgtopics. I)cscribe an enjol'ablc weekcncl 1-ou havc expcrienccd. Write a storl cnding with: " lf only I had hat'n tnort, L,e).4 1. t/1.1/ tt ouldn ,l /tatv, hopTx.ttecl.., \\rhat changcs would vou likr: to s.e in r.our liftr in thc n.xt rcn \.oarsl How can tclcvision hclp studcnts in thcir. sturlics? l'ood


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