Spm 2007 Bi K1 K2

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Paper 1


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*; One hour and forttr-five rninutes

This qtrestictnpoper con.slslsof tu,toser:tions:Section A an.clSection B. Ansu;r:t'both sections. Section A: Directed Writing [35 m.arks]

45 minutesl fTimesuggested: You have been asked by your teacher to give a talk on a reference book that, is useful for secondar5'students.You have decidedto talk about a sciencebook. Use the follorn'ingnotes about the book to write your talk. Details of the book Title Author Publisher

attractive presentation clear explanations helpful diagrams variety of exercises sample answers practice question papers useful tips

Science Made Simple Sharifah Shazana Bunsa Publications

When n,riting the talk, you should remember: to use an appropriate greeting and closing - bo state the purpose of the taik to use all the notes given * to give two other reasons of your own - that the talk is for school students

Section B: Continuous Writing [50 marks] [Tim<: suggested: On,efutu.rl Write tr composition of about 350 words on oRe of the followi,ngtopir:s. I 2 3 4 5

Describe an embarrasing experience in your life. 'Teenagers today are only interested in entertainment.' Do you agree? Support your opinion. My early years Write a story beginning with: Ki,rn was neruous uth,enthe d,oor ope.ned".. Tomorrow


Paper 2

Two hours and fifteen minutes

'fhis question paper consists of four sections:Section A, Section B, Section C ond Section D. Answer aLl sectionsin this qu,estionpopel. Questionsin Section A may haue either three or four options. You,are aduised to spend 25 mintt,teson Section A, 25 minutes on Section B, 50 m i n u t e s o n S e c t i o n C a n d 3 5 ' m i n t t t e so n S e c t i o n D .

Section A [15 marhsj MAP OF PULAU RAJA

m Legend:

Cultural Zone


- - -_t- I - - -l l-


ffi ffi l-l

Rural Zone

Historical Zone Wildlife Roads

Scale: 1cm:1km

Based on the map above, the best piace to study the habitat of animals would be A Teluk Bendahara C Teluk Demang B Teluk Dayang D Teluk Puteri

Take part in scheme to control crime (NGOs) to take part in the The police are invitingNon-Governmental Organisations PoliceSchemein orderto reducecrime.The policewouldalso respondto Neighbourhood the NGOs requestfor meetingsand talks on fightingcrime. (Adapted ftom The Stor, January 2006) From the newspaper report above, we know that NGOs can help to A bring down the crime rate B hold meetings with residents C give talks on fighting crime D patrol housing estates for safety

37 nFF*'


:.' 9 -:l;&.' t\6i+;€.a35:r!trt58

Thoughts of trer childhood brought back rnemoriesof the viilage r,r,hereshe grew up. Her village was surrounded by vast paddy fieids - sadly now covered with terrace houses. "Once I went back to see it and I f'elt that someone had put his dirtv hands all over my childhood. Since then, I never returned," she said" l


From the extract above, w h a t d o c s t h e w l i t e r f e e l a b o u t w h a t l r a s h a p p e n e d t o t h e p l a c e where she grerv up? A Afraid C Guilty D Confused B Upset

Pleasetick the appropriate box below:

n []

Yes,I wouldlike to subcribeto YouthWorld.


I wouldliketo stop my subscription.

Name: Afynan


Address:21, Jal,aw Arwaana',

Ta'vna,nEndalu, OTOOOLa'rqk'a.tu-!

Contact Number: 9I J291 999 CustomerReferenceNumber:A 6L7 Complete and returnthisform.Pleaceincludeyourcustomerreferencenumber. 4

According bo the form above, Azman may C A request for free gifts D B stop his subscription

give his new address change his reference number

MAKECOURTESY OURWAYOF LIFE 'fhe slogan above tells us to be more A efficient B healthy

C punctual D polite

LOVE YOUR HEART The Kota Lama Town Council is organising a health talk on heart diseaseat Silk Hotel, Kota Lama, on 22 November. A rvell-known specialist, Ramesh Kumar, will talk about early detection of hearl diseaseand simple preventivemeasures. Those interestedcan call F'itnessPharmacy at 04-7788 1900 fbr details.


If you wish to attend the talk, you should get in touch with A the Kota Larrrz Tow-n Council C Itamesh Kutnar B Fitness llharmacy D Silk Hotel

Rules and Regulations: 1 The contest is open to all secondary school Nature Club members. 2 There is no limit to the number of entries from each student. However, a student is entitled to win one prize only. 3 Entries must be based on the theme Malaysian Beaches. 4 The closing date for all entries is 8 November 2007. Late entries rn'ill not be entertained.

The notice above tells us that the participants can A draw on any Malaysian theme B register as Nature Ciub members C send as many entries as they want D submit entries after 8 November 2007

(Adapted from T'he.l/S7, March 2006) From the comic strip above, the phrase I'm a grown man srggests that the character A loves his family B is not really sick C does not need a wife D can take care of himself


Questions 9 -15

are based on the following passage.

Khai was silent. There was nothing physically wrong with the eleven-year-old Taiping boy - he was what 'elective mute': a person who will 9 doctois cali not speak in certain circumstances.Although he talked 10 at home, he refused to speak at school. Unable to explain Khai's problem, his teachers recommendedmusic 11 a tool to help him" 12 the schooll counsellor Diane met Khai, she presented him with a range of instruments. Khai liked the drum 13 he followed Diane's drum beat. Later Khai strummed a guitar and he started whispering and tapping to the music. After a year of counselling sessions, Khai was speaking at school. He even L4 in a school play. Now at seventeen,h"


like a normal teenager.

"The music therapy encouragedKhai to speak at school," Diane commented.

13 A so Bor C but D either

9Aa Ban C the 10 A B C D

freely loudly politely carefully

11 A with B for Cof Das LZ A B C D

Until Even Before When


L4 A B C D

attended organised performed entertained

15 A B C D

talk lalks talked talking

St:cfiiiir | | Il (] rr,n'/,'r;l Questiotrs 16 25 Read,th,r:following info'rmation on the different types of ,mushroom, uni onswer thr' questtons thai folbw.

Ling Zhi The Chinese have used it in treating liver disorders and arthritis for 4000 years. It strengthens the heart, prevents blood clotting and fights life-long fatigue syndrome. Woodear Mushroom In Chinese herbal medicine, this mushroom increases the fluidity of the blood, improves circulation and is given to patients suffering from problems of the arteries. Ovster Mushroom It is a medicinal mushroom with rich nutritional values such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. This mushroom can also be used to treat pains in the waist and back. and numbness in the feet and hands. Dancing Mushroom This is the most powerful immuno-stimulant of all mushrooms. This type of mushroom has the ability to activate immune function and control tumour growth. It also helps control blood glucose ievels and reduces high blood pressure. Shiitake It is an edible mushroom which contains Vitarnins BL,B.2,86, 812 and D2 with high amounts of riboflavin and niacin. It has been used to help improve the immune system of cancer patients besides lowering cholesterol levels.


- 20 Questions l6 (lsing the inforntatiort' gitten, write tlte name of thr: most appropriate mushroom in the boxes below. Name of mushroom.

Description' 16

Manu has diabetes and needs to lou'er his blood pressure.


Puan Gan, a 65-year-oldgrandmother has pains in her back and cannot feel anything in her hands.


Mior is suffering from poor blood flow and u'ishes to find a cure for it.


Revathi has a weak heart and is always very tired.


Encik Zainthas high cholesterol and the doctor has advised him to watch his diet. [5 marles]

- 25 Questions 2l Complete the sentencesbelout using the information giuen. 2l Mushrooms with a lot of riboflavin and niacin help

fl mark] 22 Ling Zhi can be used to treat [1 mark] 23 Oyster Mushroom is rich in

[7 markl 24 Eating Dancing Mushroom controls 11 marlt) 25 Besi{es improving blood circulation, Woodear"Mushroom helps peopie with [7 markl [5 marks]


Section C [25 marks] Questions 26 - 3L a,re base,don tlte t'oLloruingpossage. .: lt was a delightful scene for many visitors, young and old; at Kampur-rgf)ek 1 Permai, Selangor,on 18 August 2003. Armed with 20 000 young trees, these Malaysian volunteers were united by a t,ask r.vhichrvas to plant trees on six hectares of land. 2

Kampung Dek Permai was chosen as its environment had been damaged as a result of indiscriminate logging. The aim of this activity was to protect the ecosystem and, at the same time, allow future generations to live in a healthy environment. As this activity involved teamwork, it became a symbol of friendship and helped to create awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. The organisers hoped that what the volunteers were going to do would set an example for others.


The happy participants, made up of 900 residents of Kampung Dek Permai and 600 schoolchildrenand teachers. cheerfuily rolled up their sleevesand worked together. Those who attended included the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and the headman of Kampung Dek Permai, who spoke briefly at the opening ceremony.


Before planting the trees, the partici.pants were briefecl by Ayub Musa from the Department of Agriculture, who had the crowd in stitches with his step-by-stepguide to tree-planting. The talk was informative as Ayub related in detaii how a tree is planted.




If you want to plant a tree, accordingto Ayub, you will need to gather all the things you require: a young tree in a plastic bag, a large water container, a trowel, garden scissors and some mulch, which is a mass of dead leaves and bark, spread around a plant for protection or to enrich the soil. Ayub mentioned that the next step is to handle the young tree with tender, loving care so that it can grow healthily. "Always hold the plant at the bottom, and never hold it by the stem. You would never dream of carrying a baby that way! Feel free to stroke the plant gently as you handle it - it is a living bhing that needs affection too!" he added jokingly. "Next, while holding the young tree in the plastic bag, soak the entire plastic bag in a large container of water. Keep it under water and check that all the air bubbles are gone. Then use a trowel to dig a hole where you want the young tree to grow. Ensure that the hole is at the right depth to match the height of the plastic bag. It must not be too deep or too shallow. This is very important. Carry the soaked young tree over to the hole. You are now at a very important stage of the process.Now cut through the plastic bag, making sure that the roots are not damaged. This may cause the plant to die." The next step, according to Ayub, is to place the young tree into the hole that has been prepared. "Remove the plastic bag completely. lf the soil surrounding the roots breaks off while you are removing the plastic bag, do not panic! Just collect it and place it in the hole as neatly as possible," he said" "Do not forget to cover the hole with the soil that you have removed earlier, using the trowel or your hands. Press the soil down firmly, but not too hard or too lightly, as that may cause the plant to have problems in growing." Ayub added that the last step is to place wet mulch around the young tree" The mulch wil,l provide protection as well as nutrients for the roots. "It









must be wet and hold ennugh rvater for the plant to grorv heaithily over the next few months," Ayub emphasised. B "

When the talk was over, the participanLs got down to work. A{'ter a tiring two hours, the whoie area was covered with young plants. By the end of the tree'planting activity, it was clear from the smiles ail around that something lasting had been sown in their hearts. It was the seed of a speciai friendship, very much like the young trees in the fertile ground of Kampung Dek Permai.


(Adapted from PEARI, November 2004)

26 (o) From paragraph 1, what activity was carried out on that day?

l1 markl (b) From paragraph 2, why was Kampung Dek Permai selected for the project?

II morkl 27 Which phrase from paragraph 4 suggests that the briefing was amusing? [1 mark] 28 (a) From paragraph 5, what did Ayub Musa mean when he said. "You would never dream of carrying a baby that way!"?

fl mark] (b) From paragraph 6, why is it important not to damage the roots? [7 marh] 29 From paragraph 7, (o) what must be done just before removing the plastic trag completely from the p lant? [7 mark] (b) how can we provide nutrients for the young tree? [1 mark] (c) what does the word It in line 41 refer to?

17markl 30 In your opinion, why were the participants pleased with the tree-planting activity? Answer in your own wor:ds.

[2 marks] 44

31 Rased on the passagefiven, write a sumrnary orl: . the steps th:rt should be taken to plant a young 1,ree Credit will be given fbr use of orn'nrvords but care must be taken not to change the origilal meaning. Your summary must: be in continuous writing form (not in note form) " . Lrsemateriais from lines 18 to 4g ' not be longer:than 130 words, including the 10 words given below Regin your summary as follows: If you want to plant a tree, you need to ... [15 marles]


Section D [25 rnarks] 32 Reclr|the following stonzus .and onswer th,equ,estionsthat follow. si tenggang's homecorning ii it's true i have growied at my mother and grandmother but only after having told of my predicament that they have never brought to reason the wife that I began to love in my loneliness, in the country that ah.enatedme, they took bo their predecisions. i have not entirely returned, i know, having been changed by time and place, coarsenedby problems estranged by absence. iii but look, i houe brought mYself home, seasonedby confidence broadened by land and languages, i am no longer afraid of the oceans or the differences between PeoPle, not easily fooled by words or ideas. the journey was a loyal teacher who was never tardy in explaining cultures or variousness. look, i am just iike you, still malay, sensitive to what i believe is good, and more ready Lo undersland than my brothers. the contents of these boats are yours tort becausei have returned. muhammad

haji salleh

(cr) In stanza ii line 3, to whom does bhe word "they" refer? II marlt] (b) In stanza iii line 2, what does si tenggang mean when he says, "i hantebrrtught myself home"? [1 mark] 46

(c) Which line in stanZa iii shows that si tenggang has not completely Changed? [1 mark]

(d) "the contents of these boats are you,rs too" In your orvn words, rvhat do you think si tenggang means by the statement above?


[2 marksl

33 Read the extract from the sh,ortslory The Lotus Eater below and answer the questions that follow.

"What does he do?" I asked. "He walks in bhe hills on his own. I've tried to speak to him. But it's no good. He runs away whenever I go near him. Assunta comes down here sometimes to see me. I give her some money so that she can buy some tobacco for him. But I don't know if he gets the tobacco.Perhaps her husband takes the money and keeps it." "What a terrible wav to iive." I said. "It was Wilson's decision," said my friend. "He lived happily for twenty-five years. He didn't do any work. Why didn't he kill himself when he said he would?" (o) What does Wilson do every time someonetries to speak to him? [1 nmrltl (b) What is Assunta supposed to do with the money gi.ven to her? [1 mark] (c) What is the writer's opinion of Wilson's life? [1 mark]

@ If you were Wilson's friend, how would you help hirn solve his problem? In your own words, suggest one way.

[2 marks]


;i I

l i t l l . l t t u i r t . gu t e { f i V n , o t t t ' 1 , : " ! t r l , ' , /

rrr llrr'lrlt't'tt!trt'i t:ornf)onent in, En$lish'Lartguage.

Jungle of, Hope

- Keris lVlas

The Pearl

- John Steinbeck

The Return

K. S. Maniam

Chooseany or^e of the nouels aboue and unswe,rthe question beLow. 'It is important to have a person you iook up to in your life.' From bhe novel that you have read, write about one character that you look up to" Give reasons why you choosehirn/her. [15 marlesl


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