Special Test 2007

  • June 2020
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Special Test I, 2007 Paper : English

MM : 35 Class : XII

Name : ______________ Class &Section_______ Roll No.:______ Marks:__________ 1.

Read the stanza given below and answers the questions that follow each:


……..The stunted, unlucky heir of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease, His lesson form his desk. At back of the dim class one unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream of squirrel’s game, in the tree room, other than his. a.

Who is the unlucky heir’ and what will he inherit?


What is the stunted boy reciting?


Who is sitting at the ‘back of the dim class?


“His eyes live in a dream” What dream does he have?


Pick two images of despair and disease form these lines.

2. Answer the following questions:



What did M. Hamel tell them about French Language?


What order have been received from Berlin that day?


What are most of the bangle makers ignorant of? What would happen if law were enforced strictly?


What did Douglas experience as he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time?


Which exercise helped Douglas to loosen his stiff legs and make them work, as he desired?

3. The story “The Rattrap” has many instances of unexpected reactions form the characters to other’s behaviour. Pick out at least 8 instances of these surprises. 10


You visited an International Trade Fair at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. As a reporter of the Times of India, write a report in 100 words about the various activites you saw. You are Christopher. 10

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