Special Education Philosophy Paper

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 656
  • Pages: 4

Philosophy of Special Education Paper Morgan DeWinne Monmouth University




Philosophy Paper “See the able, not the label,” means giving students with exceptional needs an endless amount of opportunities in and outside of the classroom. As a future educator, I promote this saying every single day, as I am extremely passionate about the field of special education. I have known my entire life that I wanted to teach, as my love for children and learning grows constantly. However, it wasn’t until my younger brother was classified of having a disability of his own that I became more determined to share equal and individualized instruction for all students. I want to teach special education to ensure the best academic experience to all my students while praising them for their abilities instead of immobilizing them because of their classification labels. I believe that through differentiation in my content area of English, full inclusion in the classroom, and promoting positivity in schools, students with exceptional needs will receive the best possible education. In my content area of English, it is vital to differentiate instruction for special needs learners. Because of curriculum-mandated texts, students with exceptional needs might fall behind. I believe that differentiation through journaling, reflection, and literature circles will most benefit students with exceptional needs. Because of the diversity within families, cultures and previous schools students have attended, delivery of special education must be handled with care. I believe that differentiation is one of the best ways to do this, as special educators must accept students from all backgrounds and circumstances to truly love what they do. My classroom might be the only safe haven that my students have, and I want them to receive instruction tailored to each of them specifically. I believe that all methods of differentiation must include all students, so that full inclusion is properly implemented.



While a least restrictive learning environment is mandated under IDEA, I have witnessed special educators who do not create the most inclusive classroom for their students with special needs. On the other hand, I have witnessed and implemented accommodations for students with exceptional needs in the ideal LRE classroom. I believe that implementing assistive technology, preferential seating, visual aids, and extra time on tests and assignments are accommodations that every student should have. I believe that it is every educator’s responsibility to honor a child’s IEP accommodations and modifications in every classroom setting, especially in a coteaching scenario, where I would work with another colleague to apply specialized instruction to students with exceptional needs. That way, students can work towards their learning goals in an atmosphere of positivity. There is a negative stigma that falls upon students with exceptional needs: that they are incapable, or unable. The world must become more accepting of all individuals, and in the meantime, I believe that promoting positivity and praising small successes in the classroom is a way that I can constantly grow as a special educator. By attending special education workshops and seminars to constantly learn more, I can provide guidance to my colleagues, to student teachers who are the future, and to my students who crave acceptance and a true and fair education. Special education is a field full of opportunities to learn and to grow, for students and educators alike. By implementing differentiation, full inclusion, and promoting positivity, students with exceptional needs will be taught to the highest degree possible. I believe that students with exceptional needs must be shown care and love just like any other student, as there is no such thing as a disability, there are only abilities. Giving all students a life of fulfillment in the classroom is what will help them throughout their lives to come.

PHILOSOPHY OF SPECIAL EDUCATION PAPER References Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Special Educator Professional Preparation. 2015. Web.


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