Special Education

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Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

Special Education & IEP’s Melissa Baier Instructor: Marie Browski June 2, 2008

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

Outline Thesis: In this research, you will see how the IEP has impacted Special education. I. The Introduction of Special Education and IEP’S II. The investigation of Special Education and IEP’S III.

Literature Review of Effects of Go 4 It…Now!

IV. Studies of IEP’S and It’s Use in Special Education V. In Depth Discussion of the Study of the IEP VI.Summarization of Special Education and IEP’S VII.Appendix A. Short Form 1 of IEP B. Graph 1 of Average Mean of Scores VIII.Annotated Bibliography

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

The subject that I am writing about is Special Education and IEP’s (Individualized Education Program), because the use of the IEP is a tool that is designed to have a certain set plan for each student that is in Special Education. In this paper I will go in depth about the studies of the IEP’s and show the progress of students in these studies.

Also I will provide a sample of the

actual IEP form itself (See Appendix Short Form 1 of the IEP.) In this research, you will see how the IEP has impacted Special education. “Once IEP objectives have well established foundations in state standards, implementation and instruction in least restrictive settings…(Lynch, Sharon and Adams, Paula).” In the investigating of the use of IEP’s in Special Education, I have found that it has helped most students. With the use of the IEP in Special Education,”that way it allows for early intervention without waiting for students to fail before providing necessary services and support (Casey, Baylot Laura et al.).” So by having an early intervention, this will allow the student to be able to advance in their education at their own pace. This will also prevent the student from failing and with the IEP being in Special Education, this will help the student to reach their goals. “ If a

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

parent would prefer to have an annual IEP, the law continues to guarantee that right( Boehner, John).” Also they can have a 3 year IEP instead of an annual. I think that having the IEP is a great tool to have. In, Effects of Go 4 it…Now; is based on a study of 2 different groups of students, which one group of students were in middle school. The students were in grades 5 through 8, which were in special resource classes. The other group of students was in grades 6 through 8. One teacher had a master’s degree in special education. Teacher 2 had her license in elementary education and only had an emergency license in special education. Also teacher 3 only had her license in LD (Learning Disabilities). Teacher 4 had an emergency license in special education. All of the teachers had 2 hours of training to learn how to implement the lessons. Another study was done in Wisconsin and “the purpose of this investigation was to understand the variables that influence teachers’ regarding one state’s alternate assessment process and results (Roach, Andrew T. et al.).” There were great significant findings in these groups of students. (ParaphrasedKonrad, Moira and Test, David T.)

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

The findings show that there was a slight improvement, but they maintained their goals during the intervention. But for the case of Anna, “the hearing officer reviewed the IEP and concluded it was not appropriate… (Bateman, David F. ).” The findings show that there is a variable in these investigations. However, in Wisconsin; “by contributing to our understanding of the variables that influence teacher satisfaction with one state’s alternate assessment, this investigation provides direction for designing professional development programs… (Roach, Andrew T. et al).” In class 1, the three students in this class, baseline scores ranged from 1 to 5, with a mean of 2.8. Overall, they had an improvement; but there was an indication of an ascending trend following the intervention. Class 2, they had an average mean of 1.8. One student Sid didn’t reach his goal. Class 3, they had a mean of 1.6, and some students had a slightly higher scores. Also in class 4, their mean was higher than any other class; they had a mean of 4.3. So in this class they achieved their goals, but maintained their gains. So looking at this study, the one class that showed overall improvement was in class 4. That is including the instructions that were given, as well as; the post-intervention

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

of the use of the IEP. Even though, there was a variable of the teachers that had different teaching licenses. It shows that if you have the right teacher and the use of the IEP, there would be a great improvement in the child’s education (Paraphrased- Konrad, Moira and Test, David W.). See also the appendix of the Average Mean of is study, Chart 1. Information is based on Effects of Go 4 It…Now! In conclusion, this paper is about how the study of the use of the IEP in Special Education. Mainly what the study has showed that there is a slight difference of scores in each class and it also shows that the variable had an effect on the outcome as well. It also shows that the IEP is a good tool to have. It shows in this paper of the different scores that were attained in each class. Overall, this paper is about how the IEP is used in Special Education and how the scores vary from student to student.

Special Education and IEP’s


June 2, 2008

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

Short Form 1 of the IEP Individualized Education Program School District Street Address City, State and Zip Code Telephone Number Student Name:

Date of Birth: / /


Disability Classification: Street:



County of Residence:


Male ( ) Female( )

Student ID#:

Native Language of Student:

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

Current Instructional

Interpreter for Student Needed:

Grade/Grade Equivalent:

Yes() No ()

Racial/Ethnic Group of Student:

If yes, specify language:

Medical Alerts:

Surrogate Parent Needed: Yes() No()

Other Information:

Date of initial referral: / / Date initial consent for evaluation received: / / Date of IEP meeting to determine initial eligibility: / / Date of Committee on Special Education(CSE) Meeting to Develop this IEP: / / Type of Meeting: [ ] Initial []Requested Review [ ] Annual Review [ ] Reevaluation [ ]_________________ Date IEP is to be Implemented: / / Projected Date of Next Review: /


Projected Date of Reevaluation Meeting: / /

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

Present Levels of Academic Achievement, Functional Performance and Individual Needs Current functioning and individual needs in consideration of: • The results of the initial or most recent evaluation, the student’s strengths, the concerns of the parents, the results of the student’s performance on any State or district-wide assessment programs; • The student’s needs related to communication, behavior, use of Braille, assistive technology, limited English proficiency; • How the student’s disability affects involvement and progress in the general curriculum; and • The student’s needs as they relate to transition from school to post-school activities for students beginning with the first IEP to be in effect when the student turns age 15(and younger if deemed appropriate). Transcript InformationSecondary Students Only Diploma Credits Earned:

Expected Date of High School Completion: / /

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

Commencement-level State

Projected # years to graduate:

Tests Passed:

Expected Diploma:

Academic Achievement, Functional Performance and Learning Characteristics: Current levels of knowledge and development in subject and skill areas, including activities of daily living, level of intellectual functioning, adaptive behavior, expected rate of progress in acquiring skills and information and learning style.

Social Development: The degree and quality of the student’s relationships with peers and adults, feelings about self and social adjustment to school and community environments.

Physical Development: The degree or quality of the student’s motor and sensory development, health, vitality and physical skills or limitations that

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

pertain to the learning process.

( www.vesid.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/policy/iep/schoolagei ep.htm)

Graph 1 Average Mean of Scores

12 10 8

Class 4


Class 3


Class 2

2 0

Class 1

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

Annotated Bibliography

Bateman, David F. Compensatory Education Case Study Teaching Exceptional Children Reston Jul/Aug. 2007 Vol. 39, Issue 6, Pg. 62. Bateman wrote that the District developed an individualized education program for Anna. He also stated that the parents of the child rejected the program and they requested a due process hearing. He stated that the IEP lacked objective measurement of functioning.

Boehner, John The Improving Education Results for Children with Disabilities Act: Separating Fact From Fiction. March 16, 2004.

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

http://republicans.edlabor.house.gov/archive/issues/108th/education/idea/fac tvsfiction.htm Boehner states that a proposal of an IEP to be for 3 years, which could be an option for the parents. If a parent preferred it for 1 year, they could go back to it without waiting the 3 years to begin the 1 year program. Casey, Baylot Laura et al. A Much Delayed Response to a Nation at Risk: Recent Innovations in General and Special Education. Phi Delta Kappan Bloomington: Apr. 2008 Vol. 89, Issue 8; Pg. 593. They wrote that there was controversy and confusion over the use of the standardized test to make the decision in special education. They also stated that a search for alternative kinds of assessments for identifying students for special education has emerged.

Konrad, Moira and Test, David W. Effects of Go 4 IT…Now! Strategy Instruction on the Written IEP Goal Articulation and Paragraph-Writing Skills of Middle School Students with Disabilities. Remedial and Special Education. Austin: Sept/ Oct. 2007 Vol. 28, Issue 5; Pg. 277. They wrote how the current standards-based reform movement, which emphasizes teaching academic skills to all students. They also wrote about the effects of an intervention. It also shows a functional relationship between instruction and goals of writing.

Special Education and IEP’s

June 2, 2008

Lynch, Sharon and Adams, Paula Developing Standards-Based Individualized Education Program Objectives for Students with Significant Needs. Teaching Exceptional Children. Reston: Jan/Feb. 2008 Vol. 40, Issue 3; Pg. 36. They wrote that once the IEP objectives have an established foundation in all aspects. They also wrote about how the IEP requires goals and objectives that reflect the individual needs as well as general curriculum standards. Roach, Andrew T., Elliot, Stephen N.; and Berndt, Sandra Teacher Perceptions and the Consequential Validity of an Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. Austin: Winter 2007 Vol. 18, Issue 3; Pg. 168. They wrote about how the investigation of the variables influences teachers’ perceptions regarding one state’s alternate assessment process and results. They also wrote about the prevalence of disabilities and the compliance of the evaluations.

School-Age Individualized Education Program www.vesid.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/policy/iep/schoolageiep.htm Basically it shows what is on the actual form of the IEP. The form asks about what kind of disability that the student has. What kind of social and physical development that the students have.

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