Spc Project Report

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(JUNE, 2007)


Our experience in Tecumseh India Pvt. Ltd has been a wonderful exposure to professional world of manufacturing. Firstly, I thank Tecumseh for giving us an opportunity to work on this project. We are grateful to Prof. Harinath Prasad, HOD (MECH), Prof. Subbaraju for giving us an opportunity to work in this organization. We thank project mentors, Mr. Nagabushanam, Mr. Balaji chander,


Pradeep, Mr. Krishna Rao for their continuous feedback and suggestions for the progress of the project. Thank Mr. Vishnu, Mr. Joseph, Mr. Naresh, Mr. Vivek, Mr. Ravi, Mr. Sanjeevi, Mr. Rajesh and Mr. Naveen for their valuable co-operation and suggestions in team work.




Tecumseh India Pvt. Ltd

Centre: Hyderabad


1 month

Date of Start: June 23rd, 2007

Date of Submission:

26th July

Title of the project:

Statistical process control

Students name(s):

Vishwani. M (AERO) D. Anand babu (AERO) V.K. Srinivasan (AERO) P. Srikanth (MECH).

Project Areas: PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY Abstract: To improve the quality of a rotary compressor by optimizing various parameters which contribute to performance of compressor, so as to minimize the rejection rate. A set of process parameters responsible for the variation in performance of compressor to be found out and to be optimized in order to control the rejections by applying 7 QC Tools and SPC Techniques.

Signature(s) of student(s) Date:

Signature of PS Faculty

CONTENTS Acknowledgements Abstract



1. Introduction to Organization 2. Introduction

to 7QC tools

3. statistical process control 3.1 Definition 3.2



1. Introduction to the Organization Tecumseh Products Company is a full line independent global manufacturing of hermit compressors for air conditioning and refrigeration products, gasoline engines and power train components for lawn and garden application, and pumps. Their products are cool in over 100 countries around the world. The company has proposed by providing high quality competitively priced product on an expanding global basis. They have a sixty-year history of growth through successful development and application of new technologies and through acquisitions. Compressors products include a broad range of a conditioning and refrigeration compressors and compressors parts as well as refrigeration condensing units. A compressor is a device, which compress a refrigerant gas. When the gas is later allowed to expand, it absorbs and transfers heat and produces a cooling effect, which forms the basis for a wide variety of refrigeration products. Their compressors range in size from fractional horsepower units used in small refrigerators and dehumidifiers to large units used in commercial air conditioning applications. The company sells compressors in four major market segments: household ref and freezers, room air conditioners; commercial and residential unitary central air conditioning systems and commercial devices including freezers, dehumidifiers, water coolers and vending machines. The company sells compressors to original equipment manufactures and cool products distributors. Tecumseh Products Company (TPC) global visions of providing comfort, health and convenience to millions worldwide, gives an impetus for the company’s steady diversification into new frontiers. And today, this cooling giant’s products are available in over a 100 countries across the globe. TTC entered India through a dual acquisition of seal compressor limited. Hyderabad and the compressor division of whirlpool India limited (TPIL) is a fully subsidiary of TPC. TPIL is the largest independent manufacturer of compressors in the country.

2. Introduction to 7QC tools Production environments that utilize modern quality control methods are dependant upon statistical literacy. The tools used therein are called the seven quality control tools. These include:


Check sheet


Pareto Chart


Flow Chart


Cause and Effect Diagram




Scatter Diagram


Control Chart

2.1 Check sheet The function of a check sheet is to present information in an efficient, graphical format. This may be accomplished with a simple listing of items. However, the utility of the check sheet may be significantly enhanced, in some instances, by incorporating a depiction of the system under analysis into the form.

Ch Che eck ckS Sh he ee ett

Defect Type






√√√√ √√


√√√ √ 7 Quality Tools

Quality Improvement: Problem Solving

Fig no. 2.1: Check sheet 2.2 Pareto Chart Pareto charts are extremely useful because they can be used to identify those factors that have the greatest cumulative effect on the system, and thus screen out the less significant factors in an analysis. Ideally, this allows the user to focus attention on a few important factors in a process. They are created by plotting the cumulative frequencies of the relative frequency data (event count data), in descending order. When this is done, the most essential factors for the analysis are graphically apparent, and in an orderly format.

For example, A Pareto charts are shown as:

% Complaints

Pareto chart 30


25 20 16




10 6

5 0

Loose T hreads

Stitching flaws



Button problems

Material flaws

7 Quality Tools Quality Improvement: Problem Solving



60 50 40 30


a l ib p ra e ti ra o to n s r e rr D o e r s fe c ti ve m S a u te rf a ri c a e ls a b ra s io n s


n s

p a rt


ve M a c





e n s

e fe c D

ig n

d im

ro n g

P o




e s










Pareto Chart

Percent from each cause

Fig 2.2 Pareto chart 1

Causes of poor quality Quality Improvement: Problem Solving

Fig 2.2(a) Pareto chart 2



2.3 Flowchart Flowcharts are pictorial representations of a process. By breaking the process down into its constituent steps, flowcharts can be useful in identifying where errors are likely to be found in the system. “Draw a flowchart for whatever you do. Until you do, you do not know what you are doing, you just have a job.” -- Dr. W. Edwards Deming

The symbols used in flowcharts can be explained as:

F ch Flo low w cha arrtt Activity



No 7 Quality Tools Quality Improvement: Problem Solving

Fig no. 2.3 Flow chart symbols

A typical Flowchart can be shown as:


Quality Improvement: Problem Solving

Fig no. 2.4 Flow chart 2.4 Cause and Effect Diagram This diagram, also called an Ishikawa diagram (or fish bone diagram), is used to associate multiple possible causes with a single effect. Thus, given a particular effect, the diagram is constructed to identify and organize possible causes for it. The primary branch represents the effect (the quality characteristic that is intended to be improved and controlled) and is typically labeled on the right side of the diagram. Each major branch of the diagram corresponds to a major cause (or class of causes) that directly relates to the effect. Minor branches correspond to more detailed causal factors. This type of diagram is useful in any analysis, as it illustrates the relationship between cause and effect in a rational manner.






Fig no. 2.5 Ishikawa diagram An example of Ishikawa diagram in solving a Quality problem is shown here:

FishboneDiagram Measurement Faulty testing equipment Incorrect specifications Improper methods

Inaccurate temperature control Dust and Dirt



Poor supervision

Machines Out of adjustment

Lack of concentration

Tooling problems Old / worn

Inadequate training

Quality Problem Defective from vendor Not to specifications Materialhandling problems


Poor process design Ineffective quality management Deficiencies in product design


Quality Improvement: Problem Solving

Fig no. 2.6 Fishbone diagram

2.5 Histogram Histograms provide a simple, graphical view of accumulated data, including its dispersion and central tendency. In addition to the ease with which they can be constructed, histograms provide the easiest way to evaluate the distribution of data. For example, Histograms for some data to understand are as depicted:

Histogram 25

15 10 5

8. 9 9. 9 10 .9 11 .9 12 .9 13 .9 14 .9 15 .9 M or e

6. 9 7. 9

5. 9

4. 9

3. 9

2. 9

0 1. 9




7 Quality Tools Quality Improvement: Problem Solving

Fig no. 2.7 Histogram

2.6 Scatter Diagram Scatter diagrams are graphical tools that attempt to depict the influence that one variable has on another. A common diagram of this type usually displays points representing the observed value of one variable corresponding to the value of another variable.

Scatter Diagram


Quality Improvement: Problem Solving

Fig no. 2.8 Scatter diagram

2.7 Control Chart The control chart is the fundamental tool of statistical process control, as it indicates the range of variability that is built into a system (known as common cause variation). Thus, it helps determine whether or not a process is operating consistently or if a special cause has occurred to change the process mean or variance. The bounds of the control chart are marked by upper and lower control limits that are calculated by applying statistical formulas to data from the process. Data points that fall outside these bounds represent variations due to special causes, which can typically be found and eliminated. On the other hand, improvements in common cause variation require fundamental changes in the process.

Control rol Chart 27

Number of defects

24 UCL = 23.35


c = 12.67

18 15 12 9 6

LCL = 1.99

3 2






Sample number

Quality Improvement: Problem Solving

Fig no. 2.9 Control chart



2.8 Keys to Successfully Using the Seven Q.C. Tools Mental Attitudes •

Keen awareness to the actual problem.

Eagerness to solve problem.

Be highly motivated for the challenge

Four Specific Keys

Understand the problem

Select the right tool for the job

Obtain appropriate verbal data

Interpret analytical results

Understand the problem

Stage 1 - problem is unclear and not obvious what exact issue should be addressed. Stage 2 - problem is obvious, but causes unknown explore causes and single out valid ones. Stage 3 - problem and causes are known required action is unknown strategies and plan must be developed.

Selecting Right tool for the Job

Stage 1 - Collect verbal information on events (Brain storming). Stage 2 - Choose tool to identify causes (Pareto Diagram). Stage 3 - List strategies and activities (Fishbone Diagram) Stage 4 - Now plan actual activities (Flow charts).

Obtaining appropriate verbal data

Three types of verbal data: •

Facts; factual observations expressed in words.

Opinions; factual information colored by opinion.

Ideas; New concepts created by analyzing facts.

.Group Discussions:

Ensures common understanding.

All data should be without bias or distortion.

Data should fit objective of the analysis

Interpreting Analytical Results

Information must be obtained for accomplishing objectives from: - Completed diagrams. - Process of completing diagrams. Analyze actual information obtained: - Prepare summarized report with findings, conclusions and processes used. - Check if necessary data has been obtained, if not Discover the cause and take appropriate action. 2.9 Summary The tools listed above are ideally utilized in a particular methodology, which typically involves either reducing the process variability or identifying specific problems in the process. However, other methodologies may need to be developed to allow for sufficient customization to a certain specific process. In any case, the tools should be utilized to ensure that all attempts at process improvement include: •








3.1 Definition Statistical process control (SPC) is a method of visually monitoring manufacturing processes. With the use of control charts and collecting few but frequent samples, this method can effectively detect changes in the process that may affect its quality. Under the assumption that a manufactured product has variation and this variation is affected by several process parameters, when SPC is applied to "control" each parameter the final result trend to be a more controlled product. SPC can be very cost efficient, as it usually requires collection and charting data already available, while "product control" requires accepting, rejecting, reworking and scrapping products that already went through the whole process

3.2 General Information on SPC Classical quality control was achieved by inspecting 100% of the finished product and accepting or rejecting each item based on how well the item met specifications. In contrast, statistical process control uses statistical tools to observe the performance of the production line to predict significant deviations that may result in rejected products. The underlying assumption is that there is variability in any production process: The process produces products whose properties vary slightly from their designed values, even when the production line is running normally, and these variances can be analyzed statistically to control the process. For example, a breakfast cereal packaging line may be designed to fill each cereal box with 500 grams of product, but some boxes will have slightly more than 500 grams, and some will have slightly less, in accordance with a distribution of net weights. If the production process, its inputs, or its environment changes (for example, the machines doing the manufacture begin to wear) this distribution can change. For example, as its cams and pulleys wear out, the cereal filling machine may start putting more cereal into each box than specified. If this change is allowed to continue unchecked, more and more product will be produced that fall outside the tolerances of the

manufacturer or consumer, resulting in waste. While in this case, the waste is in the form of "free" product for the consumer, typically waste consists of rework or scrap. By observing at the right time what happened in the process that let to a change, the quality engineer or any member of the team responsible for the production line can troubleshoot the root cause of the variation that has crept in to the process and correct the problem. SPC indicates when an action should be taken in a process, but it also indicates when NO action should be taken. An example is a person who would like to maintain a constant body weight and takes weight measurements weekly. A person who does not understand SPC concepts might start dieting every time his or her weight increased, or eat more every time his or her weight decreased. This type of action could be harmful and possibly generate even more variation in body weight. SPC would account for normal weight variation and better indicate when the person is in fact gaining or losing weight. 3.3 Introduction TO SPC Techniques Quality of Design and Quality of Conformance: “Quality of Design” is the level of quality, a company plans to achieve for its product. In general, costs rise as this level is raised. “Quality of Conformance” is the difference between the actual quality of a product and its designed quality (i.e., the quality for which the company aims).

The Relationship between Quality, Cost and Productivity

Quality of Design Quality


Conformance Manufacturability




↑ ↑

↑ ↓

of the Design Relationship between Quality, Cost and Productivity

In quality (conformance) control, we set quality levels for groups of products and we control these levels company-wide. On the shop floor, we try to control the process in such a way that we will obtain product lots with specified statistical distributions. (present requirement Cp, Cpk ≥1.33). Statistical quality is not fixed; it always has a range of variation and is a living entity that changes according to the technical and economic conditions and advances in process capabilities. Earlier Cp, Cpk ≥1 was acceptable standard. Subsequently it was revised to Cp, Cpk ≥ 1.33. Now this standard is being revised to Cp, Cpk ≥ 2 as a part of six sigma implementation. Quality Standards: To follow up the Quality standards, a random sample of about 60 to 80 units produced during a period (which may be a day, a week, a month or even a year or sample from a lot produced) must be considered. •

Now draw a histogram for quality characteristics, which may be dimensions on a part, performance of a product, moisture % purity, finish, etc.

And now if the histogram looks as normal centered and within 75% of acceptance limits then only the performance is said to be as per the “Quality Standards”.

If the histogram has any other shape then the quality is not good enough for the customer satisfaction.

3.4 Statistical Concepts: Following are the concepts we need to know: •

Average (Symbol X bar)

Average (Symbol X bar)

Range (Symbol R)

Standard Deviation(Symbol σ)

Normal Distribution

S. no. Inspection Standard 01.

Quality Standard

Too many inspectors (5-10% of Very few inspectors (less than 1% of total employees)

total employees)


High rejections and rework

Very low rejections and rework


High Quality = High Cost

High Quality = Low Cost

(For the same design)

(For the same design)


Difficult to introduce changes in Process changes can be introduced process



QA/ QC responsible for Quality

Manufacturing is responsible for quality




product New process or product introduction is

introduction is slow

quick and economical


High customer complaints rate

Low customer complaint rate





and CAPA are quick and clear, effective/




Difficult to increase productivity

High productivity is possible


Worker carries the burden of Process carries the burden of Quality Quality and Productivity

and Productivity

Inspection standard Vs Quality standard

Average: To find average add all the readings noted and divide the total by the number of readings. Range:

Range is the difference between the largest and the smallest reading. It shows the total spread of the readings that are noted during the experiment. Standard Deviation: •

Standard Deviation is a figure calculated from collected data.

It indicates the variation of production process.

It tells us about the dispersion or spread of the data around the average.

If the process variation is limited, then most of the individual readings will be near the average. In this case value of standard deviation will be small.

If the process variation is large, the data will be more spread or more dispersed around the average. In this case the value of standard deviation will be high.

Standard deviation for the sample taken is calculated using the following formula : σ = √ {[(Ҳ-x1)2 + (Ҳ-x2)2 +…….. (Ҳ-xn) 2]/(n-1)} Where Ҳ is Average of readings; xn is the nth reading; n is no. of readings.

Normal Distribution: •

As we have seen earlier, the data is distributed around the average. Some readings lie below the average and the others lie above the average.

If individual readings are distributed around the average on the both sides symmetrically and most of the readings are near the average and

very few lie away from the average, then the data is said to be ‘normally distributed. •

The figure looks like a bell and is called bell shaped curve.

Bell curve Process Capability (Cp): An important step in SPC is to establish process capability. A capable process is capable of maintaining variation with in specification limits required for the job. Process capability is expressed in terms of an index called process capability index (Cp). Cp = T / 6 σ Where, T = U.S.L – L.S.L. σ is process variation. Ex:

Suppose you take 100 readings on the shop floor for a particular

characteristic (which may be length, width, diameter, hardness, moisture percentage, etc.). Draw a Histogram from these readings. Find ‘X’ and ‘σ’ for these readings. If the distribution is normal we can talk about process capability.

Machine Capability Index (Cm): A machine capability index is the one which reveals the capability of the machine to meet the tolerance and it is expressed in terms of a ratio as follows: Cm =

(Tolerance)/ (6 σ for machine)

Since Process Capability index should be greater than 1.33 it may be preferable to achieve an index of 1.67 or even 2 for machine capability. However, if improvement in machine capability involves expensive modifications, check overall process variation before making such modifications. If variations from the other factors such as material, method and man are negligible, then machine capability index of 1.5 to 1.66 may be sufficient for the process. Machine Capability study: Since Cm <2, machine is not capable of meeting the specifications. •

If Cm< 2, machine capability should be improved.

Using cause and effect analysis, causes of variation can be identified.

Once causes are identified they can be removed or controlled to reduce the variation from machine.

If variations are reduced, machine capability will be improved.

Variation of a machine can be traced to worn out parts or play or run out or other machine problems.

Repeat capability study after making improvements and ensure machine capability.

This process may have to be repeated a few times before machine capability is obtained.

Conclusion: As described above, we are trying to reduce the rejection rate of components with the implementation of 7 QC Tools and SPC techniques which thus will improve the Process capability (Cp) and Machine capability (Cm).


4.1 OBJECTIVE: The objective of measurement system analysis is to obtain information related to amount and type of variations associated with measurement system when the system interacts with environment. Just as processes that produce a product may vary, the process of obtaining measurements and data may have variation and produce defects. Measurement systems analysis (MSA) evaluates the entire process of obtaining measurements to ensure the integrity of data used for analysis (usually quality analysis) and to understand the implications of measurement error for decisions made about a product or process. MSA analyzes the collection of equipment, operations, procedures, software and personnel that affects the assignment of a number to a measurement characteristic. A Measurement Systems Analysis considers the following: selecting the correct measurement and approach, assessing the measuring device, assessing procedures & operators, assessing any measurement interactions, and calculating the measurement uncertainty of individual measurement devices and/or measurement systems. Common tools and techniques of Measurement Systems Analysis are: Attribute Gage Study, Gage R&R, ANOVA Gage R&R, and Destructive Testing Analysis. The tool selected is usually determined by characteristics of the measurement system itself. The Measurement Systems Analysis process is defined in a number of published documents including the AIAG's MSA (Measurement Systems Analysis) Manual, which is part of a series of inter-related documents the AIAG controls and publishes. These manuals include:

The FMEA and Control Plan Manual

The SPC (Statistical process control) Manual

The MSA (Measurement Systems Analysis) Manual

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Manual

The AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) is a non-profit association of automotive companies founded in 1982. What is measurement system

4.2 SCOPE: It is a must for all measurement tests and equipments referenced in control plans at all levels and for all types.

4.3 Measurement variation MSA comprises evaluation of 5 types of variations present in measurement system in a statistical manner.







It is the difference between the observed average of measurement and the reference value. Linearity: It is the difference in the Bias values through the expected operating range of instrument. Stability: It is the total variation in the measurement obtained with the measurement system on the same part when measuring a single characteristic over an extended time period. Reproducibility: It is the variation in the average of measurements made by different persons using the same measuring instrument while measuring the same characteristics. This is also known as Appraiser Variation (AV). Repeatability: It is the variation in measurements obtained with one measuring instruments when used several times by same person while measuring the identical characteristic of the same part. This is also known as Equipment Variation (EV). Repeatability and Reproducibility are often major contributors to the variations. The evaluation of variations contributed by Repeatability and Reproducibility is called GAGE R&R study.

True Value or Reference value: A True value is that which is obtained by perfect measurement and these values are indeterminate by nature. They can only be defined through under the conditions that uniquely exist when they are considered.

4.4 Preparation for measurement system study: •

Inform Appraisers

Avoid obvious mistakes.

No. of Appraisers – 3

No. of samples – 10

Repeat the experiment thrice.

Selected Appraisers must be normally operating the measurement system. •

Sample parts must be selected from the process and represent its entire operating range.

Least count of 10% tolerance is acceptable.

Procedure to measure.

Measurements to be taken in random order.

4.5 Methods of GAGE R&R study: •

Range method

Average and Range method.

ANOVA method.

Popular method of R&R variation analysis is Average and Range method.

Average and Range method: It is typically done through 3 actual operators and 10 randomly chosen parts.

The properties of a good measuring system are:

Measurement system must be in a state of statistical control.

Variation present must be only due to common causes.

Variability of measurement system

must be small compared to

manufacturing process variability. •

Variability of measurement system must be small when compared to specification limits.

4.6 Utility of GAGE R&R: •

A criterion to accept new measuring equipment.

For comparing one measuring device with another.

Basis for evaluating a Gage suspected of being deficient.

A required component for calculating process variation and acceptability level for production process.

Information necessary to develop a Gage Performance Curve (GPC), which

5. Grinding wheel

Grinding wheel

5.1 Introduction: A GRINDING WHEEL is an expendable wheel that carries an abrasive compound on its periphery. These wheels are used in grinding machines. The wheel is generally made from a matrix of coarse particles pressed and bonded together to form a solid, circular shape, various profiles and cross sections are available depending on the intended usage for the wheel. They may also be made from a solid steel or aluminum disc with particles bonded to the surface. Materials used are generally silicon carbide and diamond with a vitrified bonding agent. In production grinding, a wide array of materials are used. Wheels with different abrasives, structure, bond, grade, and grain sizes are available. The abrasive is the actual cutting material, such as cubic boron nitride, zirconium aluminum oxide, manufactured diamonds, ceramic aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, and others.

7 .ROTARY COMPRESSORS 7.1Introduction: The rotary compressor is not new. This compressor first took root in the early 1920's. The Norge Company did much of the design work to perfect the Rotary compressor. Not long after this original design, Frigidaire designed a rotary compressor called the Meter-Miser. These compressors were very popular and reliable for use in refrigerator applications. In the early 1950's, General Electric (GE) designed a rotary for room air conditioning. This rotary was later applied to residential split systems. In 1972, Fedders Corporation produced a rotary compressor that Fedders used exclusively in their products for several years. In 1978, Fedders Compressor Company (now Rotorex) began to sell their compressor to other air conditioning manufacturers. In 1982, Tecumseh began seriously to explore the proprietary design and manufacture of rotary compressors. By 1983 and 1984, Tecumseh had developed a family of rotary compressors of unusually high efficiency (l0.8 Btu/watt). Tecumseh called these compressors the RK series. In 1993, Tecumseh completed an agreement with GE to purchase existing equipment to manufacture rotary compressors. Earlier", this equipment had been part of GE's Columbia, Tennessee, compressor operation. In 1994-1995, Tecumseh installed the improved family of rotary compressors in its Tupelo, Mississippi, plant. Tecumseh calls these compressors the RG series. In 1996, Tecumseh increased the Company's rotary production capacity by building rotary manufacturing facilities in its Sao Carlos, Brazil, operations.

7.2 About Rotary air compressors: Rotary air compressors are positive displacement compressors. The most common rotary air compressor is the single stage helical or spiral lobe oil flooded screw air compressor. These compressors consist of two rotors within a casing where the rotors compress the air internally. There are no valves. These units are basically oil cooled (with air cooled or water cooled oil coolers) where the oil seals the internal clearances. Since the cooling takes place right inside the compressor, the working parts never experience extreme operating temperatures. The rotary compressor, therefore, is a continuous duty, air-cooled or water cooled compressor package. A rotary compressor is provided with a rotary valve arranged rotatably in the housing unit. The rotary valve is partially exposed to an interior space of the housing unit. The interior space is divided into a plurality of variable working spaces. A return port is formed in the rotary valve for feeding a cooling medium into an inlet port from the working space. A quantity of the cooling medium discharged from the working space through an outlet port is changed in accordance with the rotation of the rotary valve controlled by the actuator.

Rotary compressor model

7.3Parts of Rotary Compressor:  Cylinder block.  Roller.  Outboard bearing.  Crank shaft.  Main bearing

7.3.1 Cylinder block: An outlet valve for rotary rolling piston compressor, the piston being assembled within a cylinder block having an attached end wall provided with gas discharge passage whose outlet end defines an annular valve seat placed in an oblong recess area circumscribing the valve seat within which a valve blade is located, the area between the bottom wall with the circumscribing side wall of the oblong recess and/or with the peripheral wall of the valve seat being curved to reduce the turbulence of gas leaving the outlet of the discharge passage.

Material: Shell molded Gray cast Iron. Hardness: Hardness of parts to be 170-241 BHN as measured with 3000kg load and 10mm ball indenter.

7.3.2 Roller: Disclosed is a roller for use in a rotary compressor, which roller comprising a sintered body consisting essentially of 0.5-2.0% by weight of C, 1.0-5.0% by weight of Cu, 1.2-3.0% by weight of Mo and a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities. In the sintered alloy, hard particles of Fe-Mo alloy are dispersed in one of pearlitic and tempering martensitic matrix, and sintered pores of the sintered body is sealed with tri-iron tetroxide. Resultant sintered body has high wear resistance and scuffing resistance capable of being used as an inverter type compressor. Material: Heat treatment shell cast gray iron material.



Plate no. 7.3 out board bearing Material: Class G3000 Cast Iron. Hardness: Hardness of the parts is to be 170-241 BHN as measured with 3000kg load and a 10mm ball indenter.

7.3.4 CRANK SHAFT: The crankshaft is made of either forged alloy steel or out of spheroidal gray iron casting. The portions of shaft that work inside the bearings are called ‘journals’. The Crankshaft should be strong enough to take the thrust of the piston during compression, without getting distorted. The reciprocating motion of the piston is made possible by the ‘crank’ of the crankshaft. The piston-end of the connecting rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin, which is tightly fitted in the position.

Crank shaft 7.3.5Main bearing: Material: Class G3000 Cast Iron. Hardness: Hardness of the parts is to be 170-241 BHN as measured with 3000kg load and a 10mm ball indenter.

Implementation of SPC techniques:

OUT BORED BEARING: Fits (clearances): The design of the clearances between parts causes an oil film to fill in the clearance to reduce leakage (blow by). Excessive leakage not only reduces compressor performance but also raises the discharge temperature. High discharge temperatures put more load on the motor, causing it to work harder, and can lead to premature compressor failure Exhibit 1 shows a cylinder, roller, and vane assembly to illustrate how the oil film seals the ends of the roller and vane. The oil is actually reducing leakage between these parts and the main bearing/outboard bearing faces. This exhibit does not show the Main bearing/outboard hearing faces. Also, this exhibit does not show two other leakage areas that are equally important. These areas are the “suction seal” (o-ring) and the “valve seat”. Leakage in these two areas has the same effect Importance of face flatness of a out board bearing Understanding the geometric tolerances of the parts is the secret of building a rotary compressor. Part geometry is more important than the fits and finishes. Each part has many geometric tolerances. Roundness, square ness, parallelism, taper, flatness, concentricity, etc. Unfortunately, we do not have the time to review these on every part. The following review should give you an overall understanding of the importance of geometric tolerances. Remember, we cannot see these small dimensions with the naked eye. The following purposely exaggerated exhibits show conditions that are real.

Bearing Roller Face Flatness: Figures located on the following page show how main and outboard bearing roller face flatness affects leakage and tight pumps. The flatness of the bearing face can either be "concave" or "convex.”. Fig. shows the main bearing face to be concave. In this condition, the face of the bearing dips away from the roller. This action causes an increase of the clearance over the roller. Remember the section on roller to cylinder clearance? If the main bearing face is .0002 out-of-flats in the concave direction and the selected clearance was .0004, then the total clearance is .0006. If the out board bearing (not shown) is also .0002 out-of-flats, we have a combined total of .0008 clearances or a 6 percent reduction in performance.

Concave bearing face

Fig. below shows the face of the main bearing face to be convex. In this sketch, we can see that the bearing face is the opposite of the previous sketch. The face dips in towards the roller. If we had selected .0004 for the roller to cylinder clearance, we would not have a problem. However, if the out board bearing was also .0002 outof-flats in the same direction there would be no room for oil to lubricate the parts. This metal to metal contact can damage the parts. Depending on the vane clearance, the vane can seize during normal operation. In either case, the result is failure.

Convex bearing face

Hence Flatness is considered as the most important parameter in manufacturing the Rotary compressor. Since there are a lot of rejections of compressors in the company because of the variations in Face flatness of out board bearing, we concentrated to improve the Flatness and bring it to the desired value. For this, we implemented the Statistical process control techniques and 7 Q.C tools. In further, we discuss the implementation of the above methods and the results obtained.

In the implementation of SPC techniques for any component, first we have to study the machine. OUT BORED BEARING: In case of OBB, the machine capability calculated is 2.66, which is more than the required value. So the machine is capable for producing the components within the required range. In case, if machine capability is < 2, then using cause and effect analysis, causes for variation are identified. Once causes are identified, they can be removed or controlled to reduce the variation from machine. If variation is reduced, the machine capability will improve.

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