Spanish Adjectives- Lesson Plan 1

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 574
  • Pages: 2
BHSU LESSON PLAN PART A: PLANNING Grade Level: ​9th- 12th grade ​ Date Lesson is Taught: ​09/10/2018   Targeted Content: ​Spanish Level I ​ Integrated Content:      For Lessons Taught: # of Students: ​21​ # of Boys: ​9​ # of Girls: ​12     # of IEP Students: ​2 ​(​1-IEP & 1-504)​ ​ ​ # of ELL Students: ​0​ ​ ​# of High Ability Students: ​NA   

Target Standard(s)​:

FL2.NM.2 Students use memorized words, phrases, and short sentences in written communication (2 way) to exchange information.

Supporting Standard(s)​: FL1.NM.2 In culturally authentic audio-visual materials, students will recognize familiar words and phrases-—Listen and identify the person from the description (S-2.O).   Instructional Setting​: Check all that apply:     Whole Group 



Other (list) 


Small Group 



Role Playing   


Individual Student 





   Lesson Focus​: ​Utilizing Spanish adjectives to describe a person’s physical and personality traits.     Learning Outcome(s)​: ​As a result of this lesson, students will utilize Spanish adjectives vocabulary to compare  and contrast a hero and a villain.     Assessment Measures​:  Formative Assessment(s)​:   ● Quizlet Live Spanish adjectives vocabulary review (small groups).  ● Pear Deck interactive questions (individual)- ​Guess the mystery person:​ Based on the given descriptions  of mystery characters, students must try to identify the identity of the characters. ​Describe the character:  Based on the provided images of animated characters, students must use the target language to describe  the characters.    Summative Assessment(s)​:    ● The students create their own “Hero versus Villain” Venn diagrams. Students will list a minimum of ten  adjectives that appropriately describe the hero and the villain, spelled correctly with the proper gender.   ● Then they will write two sentences using es, (1 sentence per character) and two sentences using tiene  (one sentence per character).   

● In pairs students will take turns describing their hero/villain to their partner (using the target language) and their partner will try to guess who the characters are.

  Differentiation​:   Students will select a hero and a villain of their choice for the compare and contrast activity.      Materials​:   ● Adjectives Vocabulary   ● Google Slides Presentation   ● Héroe Contra Villano Venn Diagram   ● iPads  ● Internet Access for Quizlet Live and Pear Deck   ● markers/ color pencils 

PART B: DELIVERY OF INSTRUCTION The 5E Method of Lessing Planning    Introduction​: ​(Hook)  Refresher: Students will read, find the mistakes and correctly rewrite 5 sentences. Then I will use popsicle sticks to  call on students to read their corrected sentences.     Procedures for Teaching and Learning​: ​(Explore, Explain, Extend)  Order of activities:  1. Refresher/Bellringer  2. Quizlet Live  3. Pear Deck interactive questions: ​Guess the mystery person/ Describe the character  4. “Hero versus Villain” Venn diagrams    Questions during lesson:  ● Describe their physical appearance (hair, eye/skin color, height and weight).  a. ¿Cómo es él/ella? (Describe su aspecto físico- pelo, color de ojos / piel, altura y peso).  i. ¿De qué color es su pelo?  ii. ¿De qué color son sus ojos?  iii. ¿Es alto/a o bajo/a?  ● What sort of a person is he/she? What kind of personality does he/she have?  b. ¿Qué clase de persona es él/ella?   c. ¿Qué clase de personalidad tiene?  ● Is there a particular feature that distinguishes them from other people?  d. ¿Hay una característica particular que lo/la distingue de otras personas?    Closure​: ​(Evaluate)  Students will sketch and color their hero and villain.    Reflection Questions​:   ● Were the students engaged? How do I know?  ● If I had the opportunity to reteach the lesson to the same group of students, would I do differently?  

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