Space And Nasa

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Space and NASA

Space is the frontier that we humans don't know all about it to this day. We originated from Space. Whether you believe in God or nothing, we existed from space. We are not alone. We were never alone. I believe in God since life has an origin and the universe has an origin. That origin is much stronger than the Universe since the Universe is still finite. The infinite, absolute mind, truth, love, and power is God to me. I believe God sent his Only begotten Son which is Jesus Christ. Science is about observation. There has been no evidence of observing Darwinian Evolution in the eons past, which violate many scientific laws. Also, the complexity of life and machines in cells don't deny a Creator, they enhance proof of an intelligent designer. That's why man can create complex machines. If man can create complex instruments with purposes, why can't God create a complex Universe with a basic purpose. Life and especially human beings have systems placed in it for various functions. Evolution believes that random actions of nature made all life. Universities and Hollywood promote Evolutionary ideas. This is silly since nature is never random. Nature is composed basically of precise chemicals, precise laws, and other mechanisms. Even DNA, which is apart of life, is a symmetrical helix. It's physical matter, which is being predetermined. DNA can't be random since it's development is very advanced and the Universe itself is based on many mathematical laws, fractals, and formulas. Randomness isn't apart of mathematics at all. DNA and even the Circulatory System is based on Three Dimension Fractal Geometry. The reason is that the circulatory system is subdivided into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole," which is a property called self-similarity. That's possible and I believe in the existence of God. Genesis 1:1 is clear that: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth." Also, since man has finite knowledge in his brain, he can't

disprove God's existence since he can't evaluate all of the evidence in the Universe to disprove it.

Stories about flying beings or UFOs existed for thousands of years. For example, the Mayans had literature called the Popuh Vuh. It was an ancient text that had astronomical calendars that predicted ellipses from the sun and moon. It called the Earth as spherical and not sphere. It depicted Quetzalcoatl as a flying serpent. In fact, from the ancient cultures from the 4 cultures of the Earth (creation stories in the Middle East, Sumerian texts, Europe, Australia, North America, etc. teach similar stories). These stories consist of God or beings monitoring the world from the distant past. Also these stories, in the past, describe beings from the stars having fantastic technology and some interbred with human beings. They traveled in great vehicles. Some researchers believe that they are called the Watchers who created the hybrids called the Nephilim. Biblical scholars believe that the Watchers are the fallen angels). The Vedas mentioned space travel by beings from the stars as well. The Hindu book of the Bhagavad-Gita talk about star beings using space craft called Virmana. In the times of the ancient Romans, there are images of a burning flying disk in the air. In Medieval art, there are many images of spherical orb traveling the sky. Of course, they has been no conclusive evidence of beings traveling from stars into Earth literature observable by mankind.

For thousands of years, ancient societies utilized rocket-like weapons in warfare or other destructive purposes. There were the ancient Chinese who revolutionized warfare with rockets, paper, and the like. The British used such devices. The Nazis were famous for it during World War Two. Verner von Braun was a S.S. officer and a rocket scientist. He designed the V-1 missile. The Nazis definitely used V-2 Rockets against Britain. The Nazis had secret Rocket bases in Germany. Secretly, the Third Reich had Vril devices powered similarly with anti-gravitization technology. They looked like circular disks which were powered by BMW engines. Allies called them Foo Fighters. The V-7 was an more advanced disk-shaped machines. Some were the persecutor of stealth aircraft and modern cruise missiles. von Braun studied UFOs. UFOs have been photographed as far back as the 1920’s. Funds to advance the Nazis were done by many bankers and elite fellows like Prescott Bush (confirmed by scholar John Buchanan), the Rockefellers, the Bank of England, some Knights of Malta, and others. Wewelsbourg Castle was the Headquarters of the Jesuit inspired Nazi S.S. during WWII. They wanted the castle to be also similar to the Knights of the Round Table relating to the legends about King Arthur. Walter Schellenberg who was a

Nazi himself admitted to the Jesuit Order's connection to the Nazi SS. Heinrich Himmler was raised as a conservative Catholic and Joseph Goebbels was a prominent Roman Catholic (who was trained and educated by the Jesuits). The Nazis murdered Jewish people, Orthodox, Protestants, and even Liberal Catholics. Hitler and the Nazis believed in perverted Evolutionary views mixed with the Occult as a justification to exterminate and kill innocent human beings.

Jewish people were used in slave labor to build up V-2 Rockets. Chris Everard (a filmmaker) got documents from manufacturing companies that prove that Hitler considered a Nazi space program for real (in 1 billion Deutschmarks). Secret memos from Werner von Braun and Hitler believed in alien civilizations plus wanting to rule the Earth and colonize the Moon as well. After WWII, the Pentagon and the U.S. government lusted after the Nazis to retrieve their advanced rocket technology. Dr. Hubertus Strughold was one scientist involved in it. Operation Paperclip was such of program to get Nazis into America for development of technology (Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace supported this action). Some of the Nazis files were changed from "an ardent Nazi" to "not an ardent Nazi" to get the Nazis into America. The CIA is a creation in part by Nazis and the SMOMs. Ultimately, the Third Reich (which was supported and controlled by the aristocratic/royal/religious elite) was a wicked representation of how those who want a new world order desire us to be treated. Area 51 is a central location of taken Nazi disk technology to this day in a desert. The purpose of Area 51 is to hide advanced information about technology and space from the common man (they readily test devices there), while we're shown the smokescreen about Space via NASA, etc. Dr. Herman Oberth (von Braun's teacher and mentor) talked about some UFOs having a cylinder shape. He said that some of them are very advanced than some of NASA's devices. Today, rockets can travels from Earth into space in a matter of minutes at full speed. Space has no atmosphere and humans can literally see millions of miles. 99% of all matter exists in space called Dark Matter. There are invisible radio waves in Space as well. These radio waves help our with our satellite, computer, and television communication systems globally. Voyager 1 (and other Voyager system) are devices or probes that travel from Earth to the solar system (there is a map of where Earth is, the composition of humans, and a recording from Kurt Waldheim. Waldheim was pro-Nazi and was the Secretary General of the United Nations. His voice is on a solid gold disc attached to the pioneer satellites). The same Nazis and those that controlled them in the Third Reich still rule most political policies today. Far too often, those who embrace UFOs have an occult or New Age agenda. Check out these sources:

"A recurring theme in the abduction scenario is the delivery of detailed messages to abductees. The messages delivered to abductees are typically done by telepathic (mind to mind) conversation....In some cases, abductees report being shown scenes or messages on large screens within the alien craft. These messages are usually horrific prophetic scenarios about impending cataclysmic events on Earth and the destruction of Earth due to environmental degradation. In some cases overt religious messages are given to abductees. These messages can include the notion that the aliens are our creators, that they are trying to advance our evolution through these breeding experiments, and that mankind must unify-with their assistance-into a system of global governance and religion in order to survive the future cataclysms." - Missler & Eastman, Alien Abductions, pp. 108-109 "I think the stage is set for the appearance of new faiths, centered on the UFO belief. To a greater degree than all phenomena modern science is confronting, the UFO can inspire awe, the sense of the smallness of man, and an idea of the possibility of contact with the cosmic. The religions we have briefly surveyed

began with the miraculous experiences of one person, but to-day there are thousands for whom the belief in otherworldly contact is based on intimate conviction, drawn from what they regard as personal contact with UFOs and their occupants." -Jacques Vallee, Dimensions, 1989, p.192. "...Further, in light of the messages given by the UFO entities, how credible is it to think that literally thousands of genuine extraterrestrials would fly millions or billions of light years simply to teach New Age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult? Why would they do this with the preponderance of such activity already occurring on this planet? And why would the entities actually possess and inhabit people (as in Walk-ins and channeling) just like demons do if they were really advanced extraterrestrials? Why would they consistently lie about things which we know are true, and why would they purposely deceive their contacts?" - John Ankerberg & John Weldon, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, 1992 .p13.

Many Rockefellers support this UFO research. I wonder why? It could be that the some Rockefellers follows the same esoteric/new world order agenda that numerous UFO proponents endorse. Now, years ago Laurence Rockefeller funded a special report on UFOs to be sent to President Clinton and other world leaders. Laurence believes in the existence of aliens from outer space. The Rockefeller held leadership positions in supranational bodies like the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and the Bilderberg group for decades. The Rockefellers have funded socalled radical movements as well. During the student movements of the 1960’s, the Rockefellers offered money to them. We do know that the Rockefellers funded the pro-eugenics organization of Eugenics Records Office during the 1920’s. This office promote the lies of inferiorities of non-white races. This program influence Hitler’s Nazi race laws including his sterilization programs. Dr. Wilhem Reich shortly before he died in 1957 accused the Rockefeller Foundation to “made me tool of its socioeconomic interpersonal relations.” Laurence Rockefeller also funds Dr. John Mack (who is the Harvard psychiatrist that supports the idea of alien abductions). The HPF or the Human Potential Foundation promotes UFOs, alternative religions, and psychiatric/psychological paradigms. It was founded by former U.S. Senator Clairborne Pell, which is based in Falls Church, Virginia. Ironically Laurence Rockfellers funds this group as well. Common Cause Magazine reported that Rockefeller put more than $700,000 through the HFP from 1991 to 1994.

Rael is an unbiblical and very controversial organization. Their goal has been to undermine traditional religion in order to form global government. In his primary book entitled "The Message Given To Me By Extra-Terrestrials" by Rael Claude states on page 254 that he wants global government (plus a one world currency to end the dollar). On page 204 of the same book, Claude supports putting a biochip in people's forehead (this is similar to the Mark of Beast where a mark is placed by the Antichrist in a person's hand and forehead). This goal is nothing new since many leaders from Walter Cronkite to Nehru have called for the establishment of an one world government. Kings and rulers have called for this nefarious proposal for thousands of years. There's no doubt about it. Ed Parker created an amazing work on this Raelian cult for years. Their cult leader is French journalist Claude Vorilhon. He claimed to have a vision in 1973. This is where he was visited by an UFO and told him that aliens created mankind not the Supreme Almighty God of the Universe. These words are typically New Age since a lot of the UFO movement intersect with the New Age Movement (in their belief that "gods" or super intelligence beings created life in the Universe and that we should reject conservative Christianity, which I don't). Their logo is the Hexagram with a Swastika on it. The Hexagram is an old symbol of Generation and witchcraft. The Swastika was originally a sun symbol embraced by Native Americans, ancient Middle Easterners, Hindus and other cultures. The Nazis reversed the image of the swastika to promote their evil purposes. Rael itself is similar to the Egyptian sun god of Ra and El, who is the God of the Bible. Ed Parker found that Raelians support the Kabbalah and the Golden Age, which are supported by Freemasonry. Raelians even want a Third Temple built as subscribed to by the Order of Freemasonry. So, what we have here is a cult that have many Masonic influences in their dogmas. This cult and other groups want to create Order out of Choas in creating their globalized system. We ought to dissent, expose, and oppose the Raelian cult indeed.

For real Space travel to exist beyond the Earth, you have to take into consideration the van Allen Radiation Belt. This Belt without proper protection can kill human being easily because of the strength of radiation. It will take a while for America to compete and be superior the Soviet Union in space technology. Apollo and 1969 was an important event in history. The media reported on the man on the moon. There are tons of Masonic and occult relationship with NASA and the Moon project. There is an image of Neil Armstrong wearing a Masonic apron supposedly being on the Moon. The aircraft used in the journey is called Apollo 11. 11 in numerology and occult means destruction and evil. Neil Armstrong's father was a 33rd Degree Freemason. Neil is also a Mason. Buzz Aldrin was the second one who walk on the Moon and he was a 32nd Degree Freemason in 1969. Gordon Cooper, Edgar Mitchell, Thomas Stafford, and other astronauts were Freemasons, who swore on death oaths. They were headed by NASA head Kenneth Kleinhenecht in the 1960's. Scottish Rite Journal reported that Aldrin sent a flag to the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry. They planted a flag of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (who logo is the double headed eagle. The double headed was used for civilizations from the Romans, Byzantium, and others for centuries) temporary on the Moon supposedly to signify that the Eagle has landed. The double headed have many meaning throughout history. In ancient times it was meant for transformation as the story of the Phoenix goes. An author Manly P. Hall (a well known philosopher and 33rd Degree Freemason) who wrote many works on the subject, suggested it an alchemical symbol of the union between the masculine and feminine principles in the individual. This alchemical symbolism additionally has a sword representing heavenly fire, and the crown of spiritual attainment. The astronauts are said to performed a Masonic ritual. The Moon space program was Apollo, which is the old sun god of the Greeks. Apollo looks similar to Apollyon, which is the name of Satan in the book of Revelations. They used a flag to claim rule over the Moon. Ironically, Kenneth's brother Fred Kleinhenecht is the head of Scottish Rite Worldwide Freemasonry. Occult names like Columbia and Apollo are apart of NASA. In 1970, The Apollo 13 spacecraft was launched at exactly 13:13 military time, a bewitching moment. 13 in the occult world means rebellion, revolution, and apostasy. There is the story of John Parsons. John was a rocket scientist and he was involved in the occult. Parsons followed Aleister Crowley's views

of Satanism and occultism. In Pasadena, California, the OTO headquarters in America was created. Parsons created solid fuel rocket engines. His patents are still used in intercontinental missiles like Polaris (some have a Pentagram shaped symbol to make better rocket burn). Parsons was anti-Christian and wanted to produce the Antichrist child to kill Christians.

The 2003 Columbia space disaster was devastating. Men and women died. The tragedy occurred in February 1st, 2003. The logo above commemorating them is strange. There is a 5 pointed Pentagram. The star shoots out over a circle (which looks similar to a phallic and a circular womb). February 1st is the exact time of Imbolg [also Imbolc], the first of eight annual Satanic Sabbats, each of which requires human sacrifice. Witches fundamentally celebrate these wicked holidays to herald the Spring instead of Winter. The craft broke up near Dallas close to the 33rd Parallel. The 33rd Parallel is a location where many massive historical events occurred. "Masons and Mystery At The 33rd Parallel" is an article written by Day Williams proving it. The vehicle planned to land at Runway 33 at the Kennedy Space Center (at 330 degrees). Columbia was 22 years old and other change number multiples of 11 occur. We don't know all of the answers on why Columbia fell, but occultists obsess with these numbers to perform rituals and try to control society. In 2008, the

Bush administration and other countries want to control space. Bush and NASA even have plans for exploitation of space-related weapons. Even the Pentagon admits a goal of the weaponization of th space. The Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado Springs has the 50 Space Wing calling themselves “Masters of Space.“ Nexus Magazine in December 2006 reported that China blown up American satellites. Star War technology exist now. Thousands of satellites exist in space. Some have nuclear material, which could risk harming the Earth's environment and atmosphere. Some believe in UFOs. I personally think that UFOs are either secret technology created by governments, strange natural phenomena, or other beings like the Nephilim. There is also Project Blue beam which is a Secret government project to use holograms in the world. NASA and other agencies don't talk about it that much. The media even demonize an observation of UFOs. Some like Dr. Philip Corso of the Pentagon believes in it. Corso served in the White House for more than 20 years. Corso's book entitled "The Day After Roswell" that the government uses Nicholas Tesla technology and the US has plasma weapons. He also claimed that microchips, semiconductors, new metal alloys, and lasers have been back engineered from UFOs shot down by the American government. Corso says that the U.S. military has more powerful and advanced weaponry than what's shown in Independence Day (a movie starring Will Smith and Vivica A. Fox). Many NASA astronauts like Freemason John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Kady Koleman, and others reported about UFOs. The elite not only want the occult infiltration of NASA learned of the public. They also want to suppress the secret history of Giants in ancient history. Blue Beam Project is another real situation that uses holograms in the sky by the government. The truth on UFOs is that public is investigating it. Many UFOs are advanced governmental technology. Numerous folks of those who embrace UFOs as interplanetary beings subscribe to New Age or occult thinking in their basic creed.

By Timothy

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