Sp9-april 16, 2009

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AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, April 16, 2009, commencing at 7:12 p.m. Salmon River Committees & Commissions Room 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES PRESENT: T. Bowman, Chair R. Austin, R. Blackstone, B. Crockett, P. Erikson, V. MacDonald, D. Melnychuk, , A. Robinson, K. Taylor, S. Trummler MUNICIPAL REPRESENTATIVES: Mayor R. Green Councillor M. Kositsky STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: B. Doyle, Manager, Administration and Approving Officer S. Palmer, Recording Secretary R. Seifi, Director, Community Development OTHERS PRESENT: N. Mufford A.


Introductions of members were held. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1.

Agricultural Advisory Committee April 16, 2009

An e-mail from Dean Holcombe regarding technology to grow potatoes on pavement was placed under Item K. Items for Information. Moved by V. MacDonald, Seconded by R. Blackstone, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee adopt the Agenda of the April 16, 2009 meeting, as amended. CARRIED

April 16, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes



Agricultural Advisory Committee December 11, 2008 Moved by R. Blackstone, Seconded by V. MacDonald, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee adopt the Minutes of the December 11, 2008 meeting. CARRIED ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR Moved by V. MacDonald, Seconded by B. Crockett, That Ted Bowman be nominated for the position of Chair of the Agricultural Advisory Committee for 2009. CARRIED Ted Bowman was acclaimed as Chair of the Agricultural Advisory Committee for 2009. Moved by D. Melnychuk, Seconded by R. Austin, That Vic MacDonald be nominated for the position of Vice-Chair of the Agricultural Advisory Committee for 2009. CARRIED Vic MacDonald was acclaimed as Vice-Chair of the Agricultural Advisory Committee for 2009. The meeting recessed at 7:21 p.m. to take a Committee group picture for identification/recognition purposes and reconvened at 7:30 p.m.



Council Advisory Committee Establishment Bylaw 2008 No. 4700 B. Doyle provided a presentation on Bylaw No. 4700. Resulting discussion points included: • A. Robinson commented that the bylaw as currently worded didn’t enable the committee to develop its own terms of reference. • It was indicated that the Township would consider preparing a bylaw amendment to enable the establishment of Committee terms of reference. • Ways to formally recognize the Committee were briefly discussed, including use of the Committee web page on the Township web site, adding a Committee group photo on the web page and the use of name tags. Additional future discussion on this topic was suggested.

April 16, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes






UBC Farm File 0540-201 LAGR1-01

Letter dated January 12, 2009 from Community Development to Metro Vancouver relative to UBC Farm. COUNCIL Moved by R. Austin, Seconded by R. Blackstone, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee receive the letter from Community Development to Metro Vancouver relative to the UBC Farm. AMENDMENT Moved by A. Robinson, Seconded by K. Taylor, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee supports retention of the UBC Farm and requests Council convey the Committee’s position to Metro Vancouver and UBC. CARRIED The question was called on the Main Motion, as amended, and it was CARRIED H.


2008 Annual Report and Draft 2009 Work Program T. Bowman provided a presentation on the 2008 Annual Report and Draft 2009 Work Program for discussion (Attachment A). The following comments were provided: • Investment Agriculture has committed $30,000 in grant money, subject to $60,000 being approved by Council in the corporate budget. • The proposed 2009 Work Plan included the following: 1. To review ALR applications and provide recommendations prior to Council decisions. 2. To assist the Township in the preparation of an agricultural viability strategy. 3. To assist the Township in the Agriculture Bylaw review process. 4. To provide steerage and assistance for a farm tour in 2009. 5. To provide advice on the Township’s consideration of future farmers’ market proposals.

April 16, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes


6. To provide advice on the Township’s Water Management Plan and implementation. 7. To assist with implementation of the Township’s Sustainability Charter, with specific focus on developing a Township food security and sustainability policy and strategy to promote producing, buying and eating local food products. 8. To participate in a joint Council and AAC workshop. 9. To host a joint Abbotsford/Surrey/Langley AAC meeting, to discuss common issues and share ideas. 10. To participate in a joint Land Commission/Township Council/AAC meeting to discussion common issues and share ideas. 11. To participate at the next joint AAC meeting, hosted by MAL. 12. To attend a joint Federal/Provincial/Township workshop, regarding crossover issues, involving farmland and watercourse protection. Moved by R. Blackstone, Seconded by V. MacDonald, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee approve the 2009 Work Plan as presented and that the Chair make a presentation on this and the Annual Report to Council for approval. CARRIED Next Agenda: 1. Staff to provide a presentation of the Rural Plan. 2. AAC to provide staff direction on the 2009 Farm Tour. I.






Metro Vancouver Agriculture Committee Agenda April 2, 2009 File 0400-60 April 2, 2009 Metro Vancouver Agricultural Advisory Committee agenda provided for information. http://www.metrovancouver.org/boards/Agriculture%20Committee/AgricultureApril_2_2009-Agenda.pdf

Moved by D. Melnychuk, Seconded by A. Robinson, That staff invite Mark Robbins, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands to a future meeting to provide a presentation on “Public Amenity and Ecological Services Study”; and

April 16, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes


That copies and/or a presentation by Metro Vancouver staff on the “Future of the Region Sustainability Dialogues: Agriculture” be provided to the Committee, to be scheduled over the next six months. CARRIED R. Seifi provided statistics on BCALC applications submitted to the Township over an eight-year period. The request was made to provide statistics on the land area involved in these applications. 2.

Rezoning Application RZ100317 and Provincial ALR Application No. 100169 (Eagle Wind RV Park Ltd.) File 14-06-115 At the January 12, 2009 Regular Council meeting, Council was in support of Rezoning Application RZ100317 and Provincial ALR Application No. 100169 (Eagle Wind RV Park Ltd.).


Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Application No. 100174 (Anderson Management Inc. and Rippen Fur Farm Ltd.) File 13-08-0012 At the February 16, 2009 Special meeting of Council, Council passed a resolution to support Provincial ALR Application No. 100174 (Anderson Management Inc. and Rippen Fur Farm Ltd.).


Shrinking Farmland - Technology to Grow Potatoes on Pavement Email from Dean Holcombe regarding technology to grow potatoes on pavement. Moved by V. MacDonald, Seconded by R. Austin, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee receive the “Items for Information” as presented. CARRIED





100 Mile Diet R. Austin commented on a TV program based on a project in Mission, BC, regarding the 100 Mile Diet.

April 16, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes 2.


Promotion of Local Farm Produce R. Austin commented on the Volunteer Recognition Dinner. She raised the question as to whether Langley farm produce could be featured in the catering of this event in the future. Councillor Kositsky suggested broader consideration to all Township catered events when the Committee considers its work program item dealing with promoting buying and eating local food products.


Promotion of Local Produce It was pointed out that some of the local large food retailers were promoting local produce.


Agriculture Land Commission The suggestion was made to provide a link to the BCALC website on the Township’s website under the AAC webpage.



Staff provided information on the new electronic agenda system. Staff also reviewed the Committee’s web page on the Township’s web site, highlighting the various information resources. O.


Date: Location: Time: P.

Thursday, May 21, 2009 Salmon River Committee Room 4th Floor, 20338 - 65 Avenue 7:00 p.m.

TERMINATE Moved by V. MacDonald, That the meeting terminate at 9:40 p.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:

_________________________ Chair, Ted Bowman Agricultural Advisory Committee

ToL’s AAC’s 2008 Annual Report & Draft 2009 Work Plan Agenda • 2008 Highlights • Mandate Review • Draft 2009 Work Plan

Presentation from AAC Chair to Council Special Meeting, May 11, 2009.

2008 – In Review During 2008, the AAC met nine times. Several sub committees were established, with the following purposes:

• to provide a terms of reference for an agricultural viability strategy and to assist with a grant application to the Investment Agricultural Foundation of BC;

• to provide preliminary planning for a 2009 farm tour;

• to provide drainage & dyking advice; • to provide input to the Township’s draft water management plan; and

• to provide advice regarding farmers’ markets. Presentation from AAC Chair to Council Special Meeting, May 11, 2009.

2008 – In Review During 2008, the following special meetings were held:

• a joint Council/AAC meeting to review the Committee’s mandate; and

• a joint Delta/Surrey/Langley AAC meeting to discuss regional issues.

Presentation Presentation from from AAC AAC Chair Chair to to Council Council Special Special Meeting, Meeting, May 11,.09. 2009.

2008 – In Review During 2008, the Committee also provided representation on:

• Metro Vancouver’s Agriculture Advisory Committee; and

• the Township’s Water Management Plan – Stakeholder Advisory Committee.

Presentation Presentation from from AAC AAC Chair Chair to Council to Council Special Special Meeting, Meeting, May 11,.09. 2009.

2008 – In Review The Committee was very active in 2008 and accomplished several initiatives, including:

• making recommendations to Council regarding several ALR subdivision and non-farm use applications;

• making recommendations to Council regarding Twn. policy/protocols affecting the processing of ALR applic.;

• submitting the “Langley Farm Tour Event Planning Guide” for Council’s consideration; and

• completing the Ag. Viability Strategy Study terms of reference, as input into the 2009 Corporate work program & budget process. Presentation Presentationfrom fromAAC AACChair ChairtotoCouncil CouncilSpecial SpecialMeeting, Meeting,May 11, 2009. .09.

AAC’s Mandate Reviewed - Proposed Amendment • In response to Council’s request, the Committee reviewed its mandate for potential recommended refinements. • As a result, the Committee would like to reinforce its desire to become more proactive in providing advice to Council on ALR applications.

Presentation Presentation from from AAC AAC Chair Chair toto Council Council Special Special Meeting, Meeting, May 11, .09. 2009.

AAC’s Draft 2009 Work Plan 1. To review ALR applications and provide recommendations prior to Council decisions. 2. To assist the Twn. in the preparation of an agricultural viability strategy. 3. To assist the Twn. in the Agriculture Bylaw review process. 4. To provide steerage and assistance for a farm tour in 2009. 5. To provide advice on the Twn.’s consideration of future farmers’ market proposals. 6. To provide advice on the Twn.’s Water Management Plan and implementation.

Presentation Presentation from from AAC AAC Chair Chair toto Council Council Special Special Meeting, Meeting, May 11, 2009. .09.

AAC’s Draft 2009 Work Plan 7. To assist with implementation of the Twn.’s Sustainability Charter, with specific focus on developing a Twn. food security & sustainability policy and a strategy to promote producing, buying and eating local food products. 8. To participate in a joint Twn. Council and AAC workshop. 9. To host a joint Abbotsford/Surrey/ Langley AAC meeting, to discuss common issues and share ideas. 10. To participate in a joint Land Commission/Twn. Council AAC meeting, to discuss common issues and share ideas.

Presentation Presentationfrom fromAAC AACChair ChairtotoCouncil CouncilSpecial SpecialMeeting, Meeting,May 11, 2009. .09.

AAC’s Draft 2009 Work Plan 11. To participate at the next joint AAC meeting, hosted by MAL. 12. To attend a joint Federal/Provincial/ Township workshop, regarding crossover issues, involving farmland and watercourse protection.

Presentation Presentationfrom fromAAC AACChair ChairtotoCouncil CouncilSpecial SpecialMeeting, Meeting,May 11, 2009. .09.

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