Southern Bulletin Summer 2009

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S u mm e r 2 0 0 9 Volume 27 No. 1

A Magazine




L u t h e r a n T h e o l o g i c al S o u t h e r n S e m i n a ry

Mission Focused:

Teach, Form, and Nurture

In This Issue:

Rolling Around on Holy Ground Formed with a Purpose Faces Of Faith: My Ministry of Presence in Afghanistan A Complete Vision: Fulfilling Needs Now...and Later Next Dean Committed to Fulfilling the Mission and more...

In This Issue The Seminary Scene


Women and Men Prepare for Public Ministry Alleluia!, 3 The Journey with Mary Sue, 4 Seminary News & Announcements, 5 Rolling Around on Holy Land, 6 Formed with a Purpose: To Do God’s Work in this World, 8


Faces of Faith

David Nuottila: Am I Ready for This? My First Year as Pastor, 10 Faces of Faith in the Community: Operation Inasmuch, 11 Carl Yost: My Ministry of Presence in Afghanistan, 12

Visionary Giving


Seminary News & Announcements, 14 Faithfully and Creatively, Donors Lead the Way, 15 A Complete Vision: Fulfilling Needs Now...and Later, 16 Overcoming Darkness: Spreading the Light of Hope, 17

18 Southern People

Meet the New Faculty Members, 18 2008-2009 Reinartz Scholars, 19 Faculty, Staff, & Alumni Updates, 20 Coming Events, 23

Photos Above (from top): Lamont Johnson (S.T.M.) and Anthony Dicks (Senior, M.A.R.) gather outside of Christ Chapel at orientation; Sister Marilyn Stauffer (M.A.R. ‘05) is consecrated as a Deaconness by former Bishop of the SC Synod, David Donges at Christ Chapel April 10, 2008; The Rev. Dermont Swicegood (‘35) shakes the Rev. Dr. Julius Carroll’s hand following the naming ceremony at the Hillcrest Apartment Complex; Keith Getz (Senior, M.Div), wife Laura, and children Caroline and Owen play on the swings in the Gabriel Parish Kinsey Playground at the Hillcrest Apartment Complex. On the Cover: Michael Beery (Middler M.Div.) prays during the Rite of Naming and Dedicating on September 12, 2008

The Seminary Scene Women and Men Prepare for Public Ministry, Alleluia! One of the great joys of the Easter season is the repeated singing of the Alleluia! that was buried for the forty days of Lent. The hymns make it the clearest as we sing that wonderful word of victory and eternity over and over again during the fifty days of Easter. As followers of Christ, the resurrection is our mission statement. Christ is raised, we are raised in our baptisms, we have the promise of eternity, death has lost its power over us, God is We stay focused among us, we are sent into a troubled world with this good news, and we taste and see Jesus’ presence every time we on our mission... gather around Word and Meal. This is the pattern for our life at Seminary. We stay focused on our mission statement and come back to it over and over again. Our part in the whole fabric of the church’s resurrection ministry is this: to prepare women and men for public ministry. During this Easter season we have seen vividly the result of this work as 38 people receive diplomas, move elsewhere and take up a new call in a parish or institution as a public minister of the Gospel. Alleluia!! When I meet graduates of the seminary and they show me around the church building and we ride around the parish where they serve and I hear stories of ministry, I realize that this is the fulfillment of our mission. Alleluia! When we are faced with financial challenges and a downturn in the economy, we keep our eyes focused on why we are here and seek not to let the market be our mission but keep our eyes focused on the preparation of women and men for ministry. Alleluia! When we tell the story of the Seminary in Columbia and beyond we stay focused on this mission of preparation. This mission is the form of our witness to this community of Eau Claire and Columbia. Alleluia! When we ask for your support, when we write thank you notes to donors, when we take on new projects, when we meet with alums, when we develop and expand curriculum, when students tutor at the local elementary school, serve meals at the homeless shelter, welcome the stranger, and go to field work and internship sites, when we consider applications for admission, when the faculty meets to approve candidates for ministry, when faculty deploy to lead continuing education events, when we gather for worship and prayer, women and men are being prepared for public ministry. Alleluia! Thank you for being a part of this ministry, for your support and encouragement, and for all you do to support these women and men in their time of preparation. In Christ, Marcus Miller, President

The Seminary Scene The Journey with Mary Sue Mary Sue was my companion during the last days of Lent, thanks to her obituary. The South Carolina resident’s body was discovered in her home some seventeen months after her death. Tax bills went unpaid; electricity was cut off. Neighbors seemed unconcerned because “...she kept to herself.” No person missed her or was concerned about her until after her property was sold at a delinquent tax auction. Mary Sue was the forgotten, unexpected part of the sale. Mary Sue continues to remind me of what I’ve been called to do: to assist in the formation of women and men who not only become proclaimers and servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries [I Cor 4:1-2], but people who have learned to remember, to hold precious those whom God holds dear. In turn, seminarians are sent out to assist in forming others to embody and proclaim God’s love and concern for creation, even the parts all too easily forgotten. Mary Sue reminds them and me that the life of faith is not simply knowledge about the Bible and the Church, but a way of living which becomes our very fabric of being, our actions, and our memory. Forgetting Mary Sue remains an indictment on us who have heard God’s gracious call and have failed to remember its consequences. In a culture which presumes the life of faith to be an individual, private mat(Left to Right) Dr. Hawkins, Wade Roof (Senior MDiv), ter, among Christians content to “keep to themselves,” Rev. Wayne Kannaday (‘79) and Andrew Bansemer (Se- authentic formation for ministry demands an exceednior MDiv), rehearse in Christ Chapel prior to the Bapingly complex and thorough engagement not only with tism of Roof’s daughter, Anna Grace. ones own religious tradition, but with Christians across the ecumenical spectrum, and with life as it is encountered any day on any street corner. Liturgical formation, particularly for those who are called as the Church’s servant-leaders, is a daily undertaking. This ecumenically diverse seminary community not only studies toNo person missed her or gether, but finds that it must pray together in order to work together as Christians. We see in scripture that those who was concerned worked together prayed together, too. Simply going our sepaabout her... rate ways after class each day and on Sunday results in a ministerially debilitating isolation. As awkward as it is to gather this racially, confessionally, theologically, and liturgically diverse seminary community together frequently for prayer, it affords us the opportunity as well as the challenge to be formed by the equally diverse prayers, songs, sermons, and pieties of those who gather. Such formation can also, over time, form a people who no longer will forget Mary Sue. May she now at long last rest in peace. Bob Hawkins is the Leonora G. McClurg Distinguished Professor of Worship and Music and the Dean of Christ Chapel at the seminary.


News & Announcements

Budget Crunch Hits Seminary

Institute for Church Leadership

Military Chaplaincy Workshop a Success

The impact of the global economic recession was felt in fullforce on the seminary campus. The fall of the securities market meant that most of the 34% of the budgeted income usually seen from endowment earnings would not be available this year. In January, four non-instructional staff positions were eliminated. In April, another staff position was eliminated due to attrition. Over 80% of the remaining faculty and staff voluntarily agreed to a 10% pay reduction and reduction in employer pension contributions to help the seminary cut expenses. Spending has been cut dramatically and every expenditure is evaluated towards its impact on the seminary’s mission before it is authorized. The accelerated debt reduction on the Hillcrest Apartments continues, as additional payment on debt would create more flexibility for operational support. These measures, combined with the faithful gifts of supporters are helping the seminary navigate this economic downturn.

The Department of Lifelong Learning at Southern Seminary will offer the inaugural Institute for Church Leadership this fall in two locations: Columbia, South Carolina, and Waynesboro, Virginia. The Institute for Church Leadership is designed for busy lay persons and their rostered leaders to deepen their engagement in the Christian Faith and God’s engagement in the world. Courses in Bible, theology, and leadership will be offered on two Saturday sessions led by seminary faculty, and four small group sessions led by other rostered leaders. To earn a Certificate in Missional Leadership, participants must complete 2 courses per year for a 3 year period. Individuals may register independently or register as a congregational group with others (group rates available). The first classes will be offered in October/November 2009 with more details, dates, and locations to be released soon. For more information and for registration details please visit

Eighteen students, current pastors, prospective students, pastors, and spouses attended the Southern Seminary’s first Military Chaplaincy Discernment Workshop on April 17-18. Over the two-day workshop, participants toured Fort Jackson (including the Army Chaplain Training Center and the future locations of the Navy and Air Force Chaplain Training Centers), met with current and retired military chaplains, attended lectures by seminary faculty, and learned about the steps required to become a military chaplain candidate. The event is a precursor to a planned January 2010 course that is an intensive course exploring military chaplaincy. The workshop and J-term course are part of the the Military Chaplaincy Program that is being developed by grant funding from the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation. The grant was awarded in 2008 to assist the seminary as it explores ways to assist military chaplains in professional development and encourage discernment among seminary students.

For more news see page 14 or visit


The Seminary Scene Rolling Around on Holy Ground This article is written by Sarah Flatt, Middler MDiv seminarian from the Southeast Michgan Synod.

How often are we able to look back at our life, and point to specific places in which we feel as though we have been standing on “holy ground”? For some, it is an empowering moment to realize that the place you are, whether geographically or metaphorically, truly is in the presence of God. For others, it is intimidating to admit that there is a God who has and continues to break into our world, lessening our control on circumstances. And still, it is overwhelming, regardless, when you find yourself in the presence of the Lord. While I could tell many stories in which I felt all of the emotions above, one in particular comes to mind during my time here at Southern. A bit of background, though, first. I have served and am still called to serve as an advocate for those who have disabilities within the church. I was the chairperson for a Definitely-Abled Advisory Committee to the national Board of the Lutheran Youth Organization while in high school, seeking ways to integrate young persons with different abilities into all areas and aspects of the Christian community. This was holy ground. I participated in a speakers’ bureau, “Beyond the Ramp,” which was an interactive workshop-based training for Lutheran churches and communities to educate themselves on how they can seek out the gifts and abilities of persons with disabilities among them. Each workshop or speaking opportunity was holy ground. I currently am a young adult member of the planning team for the Definitely-Abled Youth Leadership Event, being held in New Orleans before the National Gathering this summer; youth with definite-abilities will come together, being identified or called as leaders or potential leaders within their churches. The planning, and upcoming event, have been, are, and will be, holy ground. In each of these experiences, I have been humbled to be called and recognized as an advocate, with no special knowledge or insight into this ministry other than personal experience: I am a young adult who lives and experiences life from a wheelchair. So, when I realized Southern Seminary is where I was being called, I was a bit confused: the beautiful, old buildings that make up the majority of our classroom and office spaces, situated on the top of a hill in South Carolina don’t exactly lend themselves to physical accessibility. And yet, there were enough ramps in place, new housing to live in, and most importantly, a hopeful and determined attitude of the faculty, staff and community to make this place as inclusive, and therefore as accessible, as possible. This was holy ground. This past summer and fall, a new piece of holy ground was in-

The Seminary Scene stalled between the ground and first floor of Beam hall, a building that used to hold the entire Seminary within its 3 stories. Beam now houses the Development and Contextual Education departments, the community pastor’s office, and dorm rooms for many students. An indoor lift now accesses the first two stories! While on a metal platform, pushing a button that elevated me from the first floor to the second floor, I realized, more concretely than I had in a long time: I was sitting on holy ground. This lift is the first of many more hopedfor projects to come that will give greater, easier access to all of campus for all people. I am not the first, the only, nor the last, student with a physical disability to attend Southern. The sense of community transcends the sometimes frustrating access, but the community continues to realize its work is not done, yet. This attitude of inclusion, advocacy and progressive movement extends beyond the immediate comAmy Witt, Ricky Inman, and Sarah Flatt visit outside of the munity of LTSS this year. It reaches out to Voigt Classroom Building. Already accessible on the first floor, the alumni classes and those who are yet new preliminary plans will also make the upper level accessible. to come. It is entangled within the prayers and support of pastors, lay leaders, friends and others connected to this place. The community is the body of Christ, here in this place, among us. We are certainly walking, rolling, and standing on holy ground.

Faith Formation: It takes a Community As is tradition, every Thursday night, the seminary community gathers for the Eucharist. For the Spring semester, this service was moved to an hour earlier to accommodate more families who wanted to attend. The community took advantage of the extra hour of daylight and warm spring evenings to break bread together and to visit in fellowship with classmates, professors, and their families. The MAR degree students prepared a meal and shared with the community their emphasis area of study and special plans for their future ministries. As each individual went around a circle and talked about their calling for ministry, the community learned more about the various and important roles these students will soon be fulfilling in church and organizations across the country. On another night. the spouses group and Development office offered a dessert reception to honor student scholarship and award recipients and the donors who made the awardings possible (for more information, see page 14). Time spent in community, whether in the classroom, in worship, on the sidewalk, or over a shared meal, continues to be a crucial element in faith formation for the seminary. Students, faculty, and their families gather at the MAR provided meal following a Thursday night Eucharist.


Judith A. Aebischer

Jason T. Antley

G. Daniel Bacon

Andrew C. Bansemer

John A. Barichivich

H. Lawrence Boudon

Joseph M. Boutte

Kristy R. Buyok

Jared A. Carson

Lawrence M. Dabeck

Erik W. Dailey

Anthony A. Dicks, Jr.

Craig A. Falvo

Margaret L. Gross

Keith W. Getz

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

Philip H. Harkey

1 Corinthians 12:27

Class of 2009 Emily M. Hartmann


Candise M. Heinlein

Lamont Johnson

Barbara A. Koch

Elizabeth A. Lowder

W. Ryan Lyles

Jan M. S. Olson

Pauline F. Pezzino

Michael L. Rhyne

Wade T. Roof, III

Rebecca D. V. Smith

Harry E. Tedrow

Michelle M. Terry

Stephen Troisi

Jacqueline Utley

Allison R. Ward

Cynthia A. Werner

Sheryl V. Williams

Mary Kay Wood

Not Pictured: C. Rachelle Blake, Bridget W. Kokolis, James F. Mauney, Nathan H. Yoder

The Seminary Scene Formed with a Purpose: To do God’s Work in this World It is difficult to describe just what has happened to the Class of 2009 This article is by Michael Rhyne, the in the 4 years (for M Div. students) and 2 years (for MAR students) as Class of 2009 President. Michael, a native of North Carolina, came to we have journeyed here at LTSS. the seminary as a candidate from the In the course of study, discernment, and spiritual formation at South- Southeastern Synod. He has recently ern we have come to the place where we are not quite the same as when accepted a call to the Geeseytown/ Newry Lutheran Parish in Blair we arrived. We have been stretched, challenged, given the opportunity County, Pennsylvannia. to grow, and have been changed by our experience and training in the Seminary. We came here as people who felt this tug of God’s call to ministry and we leave here as leaders in Christ’s church who will soon be consecrated and ordained for our various ministries among God’s people. This was part of the reason that many of us came to LTSS. Southern Seminary has a reputation for formWe came here as ing very good pastors and leaders who are able to care people who felt this for God’s people and who are able, in all things to point tug of God’s call to to Christ. I believe that has been what we have found ministry and we leave here. In this unique place we have worked with faculty and here as leaders in administrators who understand that all that we do is Christ’s church for the purpose of serving God and by working to serve God’s people. This does not mean that Southern is some type of nice sweet “Pastor Mill” which holds us for a few years and then unleashes us on the church. LTSS is a seminary with a rigorous academic load and which is seriously committed to ensuring that its graduates are ready to meet the challenges of the parish (as much as any seminary can prepare us for the demands of the parish). But all of this academic work is focused through the lens of how the work we do in seminary is for the purpose of our ministry. So we leave here prepared. Which is a good thing. Most of us are going out to first calls where we will be the resident theologian, pastoral care provider, church historian, worship expert, counselor, and administrator. We can go into these new positions with a firm foundation which was formed here at Southern. Now, as the rubber meets the road, our true education will begin. We take what has been formed in fieldwork, classrooms, and on internship and to our true teachers and professors – the people of God. We do not know where the Holy Spirit will lead and the experiences into which it will take us. But we thank God for the gift of our training here that has prepared us to be part of God’s work in this world.


Faces of Faith Am I Ready for This? My First Year as Pastor What a difference a year makes. This statement is perhaps an over used cliché, but as I look back on the year since my seminary graduation it is definitely most appropriate. As graduation neared, I had already begun the call process and looked to the future with great anticipation. Yet, along with anticipation also came a number of questions. “Who am I that I should be someone’s pastor?” “Have I really sensed God’s call to ministry or is there something else I should be doing?” And the one question that most often popped into my mind, “Am I really prepared to handle the difficult tasks required of a congregation’s pastor?” Of course, none of these questions would be answered until I actually received my first call and I could put the lessons I learned to good use. Last summer, I received and accepted a call to St. ...although I was Barnabas Lutheran Church in Charleston, SC. I rememnewly ordained, ber during the first week amidst unpacking my boxes of people knew me best books and seminary notes wondering how often I would use any of them. as Pastor David. When I came upon my Pastoral Care notebooks from Dr. Tony Everett’s classes, I suddenly recalled seeing these same books placed in prominent places on the shelves of other pastors I have come to know. I decided that I would follow suit. Surely those notebooks were in such retrievable positions for a reason. As I finished unpacking and settled into my office, several members of my new church family stopped by to say hello and welcome. With each person I met I realized new relationships were forming and although I was newly ordained, folks knew me best as Pastor David. Learning my way around also meant learning more about this new community I serve, and learning how to be a campus minister for the Lutheran students at The Citadel, South Carolina’s military academy. Again the questions, “Who am I?” and “Am I ready for this?” popped into my head. After a few more weeks I came to realize that I actually serve three distinct congregations. There is the congregation that called me to be pastor, the congregation I serve at The Citadel, and the unemployed or homeless people who gather on the sidewalk each morning. I couldn’t say definitively that seminary prepared me for such a variety in my ministry. Then I remembered those two Pastoral Care notebooks on my shelf. Could they possibly shed any light? It didn’t take long for me to realize why so many of my peers keep these two books at hand. Flipping through the pages and the notes that I had made in the margins, one common thread soon became clear. Dr. Everett referred to this thread as W and the five

This article is by David Nuottila graduated from Southern Seminary in 2008. He now serves St. Barnabas Lutheran Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Faces of Faith W’s. In each of the roles I occupy, the questions of identity are really the same questions we covered in our first year of seminary. Who and whose are we? What kind of community are we? What difference does it make? What’s going on here? Where is God in all this? Throughout years of seminary instruction these questions formed the framework for our discussions centered on pastoral identity. Each of these questions also helps form the framework of my ministry. As we proclaim Christ crucified and risen, we remember that we are united with Christ through our baptism and called by God to extend the love of God in Christ throughout the world. Pastor David Nuottila shares the Bread of Life during Holy Communion at St. Barnabas, Charleston. The pastor and people in the sanctuary on Sunday have the same need to hear the gospel as do the folks who gather on the steps of the church on Monday morning. The students in my campus ministry group have the same need to feel the power of God’s grace as do the homeless and hungry in our community. A year removed from the classrooms at LTSS, I continue to consult the notes and books I accumulated during my seminary education. Depending on the situation, there are several memorable quotes from my former professors that quickly come to mind. Yet, the lesson of W and the five W’s is one that seems to permeate all that I do as pastor. In reality, the statement “What a difference and year makes” would best be summed up another way. Given the wide variety of ministry opportunities and experience of only one year as pastor, I can honestly say, “What a difference my seminary education at LTSS has made.”

Faces of Faith in the Community: Operation Inasmuch Bishop Herman Yoos (‘79) encouraged the entire South Carolina Synod to participate in “Operation Inasmuch” on May 2, 2009. This statewide day of service sent Lutherans into the communities in which they serve to fix leaking roofs, clean local parks and playgrounds, apply fresh coats of paint, organize hymn-sings at senior facilities, and more. The students, faculty, and staff of the seminary answered the call to help. Across the midlands of South Carolina, seminarians took a break from final exam preparation and papers to give back in their home congregations and in the communities of field work and internship sites. Over 2,000 Lutherans participated in Operation Inasmuch in its first year in the South Carolina Synod. To learn more about this national program, visit Amy Witt, a first year MAR student from Michigan, helped fix-up a home in Chapin, South Carolina.


Faces of Faith My Ministry of Presence in Afghanistan Carl Yost (‘83), Pastor at Community in Christ Lutheran Church, in Cornelius, North Carolina, and a chaplain in the Air Force Reserves. Last year at the Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, Chaplain Yost served side by side with Army and Navy Chaplains to the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, NATO, and contractors in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

The calling of military chaplain is referred to as a ministry of presence. I often tell others it can better be identified as an “incarnational presence.” Here is just a glimpse of what I experienced serving as the Wing Chaplain of the 455 Air Expeditionary Wing at Bagram Airfield: Just Where We Can Expect to Find Jesus in Our Midst The summer before I deployed, I recall training with security forces in preparation for going into Iraq and Afghanistan. At the conclusion of the training, I proclaimed at the Sunday worship how most people would believe that the places where we were headed would be like “hell on earth.” I then reminded them is just where we can expect to find Jesus in our midst. This missionary ministry to the military is truly an incarnational ministry of presence. Photos: Yost in Afghanistan


“He Took My Place” One day in the ER, a Marine Captain was brought in, the victim of an IED blast. A fellow Marine had escorted the Captain. Together we whispered prayers to the critically injured Marine while his life slipped away. After a few moments of silence, the escort looked at me and said, “He took my place.” I inquired what he meant and he informed me that he was to be on patrol that morning but his friend and fellow Captain stepped in and took his place. In the midst of his grief, guilt, and relief, we retreated to the chaplain’s office to talk. The Only One I Remember Another day in the ER, two trauma cases came in by medivac chopper. A young Marine Lieutenant was suffering from a blast concussion. I moved up to his gurney and as he lay there gathering his senses, he described in detail

the horrific event which lead to their injuries. I continued to be present with him as his Captain was wheeled into surgery. A few days later while at breakfast, the young Marine Lieutenant having recovered came up to me and said thanks. I asked, “Why?” He told me, “You, chaplain, are the only one I remember from the ER the day they brought us in.” The Counseling is 24/7 Counseling in today’s deployed environment offers unique challenges. One moment you are dealing with a possible enemy threat and the next, you are helping someone discern an issue from home. With today’s global technology, immediate communication from home brings issues and concerns across thousands of miles in an instant. From failed relationships to failed car batteries, the counseling is 24/7. From advising seasoned commanders and sergeants to

Faces of Faith young troops, the counseling is diverse and constant. The Thirst for Word My “incarnational” ministry included duties of worship leadership, Bible studies, counseling, visitation, ceremonies, and “ministry of presence.” The worship consisted of numerous services offered as Liturgical, Contemporary, Gospel, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, and Jewish. I personally led or assisted in three each Sunday: liturgical, contemporary, and protestant. I specifically let the chaplain staffs know that as a Lutheran, I could handle a variety of traditions and expressions. The Bible studies were numerous. The 24/7 operation tempo provided opportunities for morning, noon, or night for small group studies. The “desert” environment made for an excellent thirst for Word and diverse fellowship. On Christmas Eve, we celebrated with two liturgical candlelight services and one celebration with the Gospel and contemporary faith

communities combined. There in the land of the wisemen we sang, “O Holy Night” with thousands of voices in the cool, night air. The Moments of Solemnity Being a member of a “ramp ceremony” is a sacred honor for a chaplain. The ceremony is for a fallen service member where the whole airfield community lines the streets as the caisson was brought to the plane to be carried home. I will always remember standing shoulder to shoulder with fellow service members over a dozen times in the midnight air, offering prayers and Scripture as the bagpipes played Amazing Grace. The solemnity is indescribable. Joyful Duties One of our joyful duties was assisting with humanitarian relief to the Afghan people. It was fantastic to deliver and share donated clothes, shoes, coats, blankets, etc. to people so needful, yet thankful. I particularly enjoyed this ministry because many of the items came from my home

congregation and congregations I previously served. The home support was all grace, not only in gifts for the Afghan people but in the many morale items of coffee, candies, cookies, and comfort items donated for the troops. I was a popular guy in being able to deliver these small comforts. Every week I delivered 20+ lbs. of coffee to the “lighthouse coffee” ministry, a 24-hour free coffee house built by an army chaplain and his unit. Reflection My first grandchild was born 3 days after I redeployed. I thought how a couple of months earlier an Afghan baby was born in the airfield hospital. It will be my prayer that both these babies grow up in a secure and peaceful world. Two of the last three Labor Days I have left for deployments. I thank my family and my church family for their support in this calling. Hopefully Labor Day 2009 will be one of rest and retreat, but readiness is a constant in this calling to the ministry of presence.


News & Announcements

Scholarship Donors Honored at Service

Taylor Receives Bachman Award

Charles A. Cannon Legacy Continues

On April 30, 2009, the seminary community and honored guests joined in worship to honor the recipients of donor-provided scholarships and those who made those scholarships possible for the 2008-2009 school year. During the 2008-2009 School year, 98 students received scholarship gifts totaling more than $470,000. 30 students recieved between $5,000 and $9,999 and an additional 12 recieved more than $10,000 in scholarship awards. President Marcus Miller welcomed the donors present at the service and introduced them to the congregation. Also during the event, students were recognized for individual awards and for departmental honors. Following the Holy Eucharist in Christ Chapel, donors and the seminary community joined in fellowship on the seminary quad for desserts and punch, hosted by the Development Office and the Seminary Spouses Group. There, the donors were able to meet and get to know their student recipients for the scholarships they funded.

William E. “Ol’ Bill” Taylor of Tallahassee, Florida, received the Bachman Award for Distinguished Leadership on March 19 at the weekly Eucharist service in Christ Chapel. Taylor was presented with the award by President Marcus Miller and the Rev. Dr. William Trexler, Chair of the Board of Trustees. In attendance were special guests the Rev. Dr. Edward Benoway, Bishop of the FloridaBahamas Synod, the Rev. Royall A. Yount, former Bishop of the Florida-Bahamas Synod, and Taylor’s son, William H. Taylor. Taylor is a longtime advocate and volunteer for the seminary. He actively shares his passion and energy for theological education well into his ninth decade on Earth. In addition to being a loyal donor to the seminary himself, he encourages others to support the seminary. The Bachman Award is named for the Rev. Dr. John Bachman, founding benefactor of the seminary. The award recognizes those exhibiting the same vision as those shared by the seminary’s founders.

The Charles A. Cannon Charitable Trusts of Concord, North Carolina, announced a grant award of $100,000 to support the operations of the seminary in March 2009.  The grant will be applied to the seminary’s New Life Fund. “The current economic challenge is a test for all of us and our institutions,” says President Marcus Miller.  “It would be easy to become discouraged but we continue to see generous and faithful friends like the Cannon Trusts support this ministry and work with their gifts.  We all thank the Trust and its leadership for this wonderful donation.” The Charles A. Cannon Charitable Trusts and the Cannon Foundation are the legacy of the late Charles A. Cannon, President and Chairman of Cannon Mills Company for more than 50 years. Since 1987, the Cannon legacy has funded $970,000 in grants and awards to Southern Seminary.  The seminary is a beneficiary of the trust, and is eligible to apply for but is not guaranteed, grant funding each year. 


For more news see page 5 or visit

Visionary Giving Faithfully and Creatively, Donors Lead the Way Faithfully (and often creatively) the visionary supporters of Southern Seminary have found ways to lift up the seminary during a period of global economic uncertainty. • The Evangelism Committee at Transfiguration Lutheran Church in Cayce, South Carolina, created an Easter Tree in the narthex of the sanctuary and challenged each member, young and old, to take an empty egg home during Lent and prayerfully consider bringing it back with an Easter offering for the seminary. On Easter morning, the children, parents, and grandparents of Transfiguration stacked their eggs in an Easter basket, filled with $1,750 in offerings. • St. Paul Lutheran, Columbia, felt called to help. Pastor Tony Metze (‘85) and the congregation worked together on how they could faithfully answer the call to help. They later awarded the seminary a $50,000 grant for operational support. • Jonathan Weant, a native of Gastonia, North Carolina, and student at the seminary, spent his January volunteering in the seminary offices. He then wrote congregations, family, and friends to ask them to pledge a wage for each hour he worked, of which 100% would go to the seminary. Jonathan’s creativity and time resulted in almost $2,000 in gifts. • Two authors also creatively supported the Stephanie Sturkie, member of Transfiguration seminary. Cristy Fossum, author of the Sunday by Lutheran in Cayce, SC takes an egg for the congregation’s “Easter tree” offering. Sunday book series, and Nola Garrett, a poet from Florida and member of the seminary Board of Trustees, donated a portion of proceeds from their new works to the seminary. • The Florida-Bahamas Synod saw the need to support theological education. They held a synod wide “Seminary Sunday” on March 22, decided to donate Synod Assembly offerings to the seminary, and pledged full support to the seminary. • An anonymous graduate of the seminary faithfully walked into the development office one afternoon. After already giving $10,000 to help the seminary, this proud graduate felt called to do more and wrote another check. This time for $75,000. These are just a few examples of faithful and creative ways ordinary people have done extraordinary deeds. Since 1830, the seminary has persevered through hard times and prospered in good times because ordinary people, like the ones above, have had the faith and the will to Contributing Author, make it so. Today is no different. Every day the seminary is blessed with Andrew Boozer, seminary Director donors who have the vision to give of their time and possessions of all of Communications. sizes. Thanks be to God for each and every gift.


Visionary Giving A Complete Vision: Fulfilling Needs Now...and Later Scott Ness has been associate pastor at St. John’s in Grove City, Ohio since August of 2008. He and his wife, Deanna, have a son Ethan, a daughter Elanna, and are expecting another child this summer.

The Rev. Scott Ness, Class of 2005, and his wife Deanna have recently made a generous contribution to the seminary’s New Life Fund and the establishment of a scholarship fund. “Our time at seminary was very meaningful,” Pastor Ness explains. “Not only did it form and equip me for ministry, but it was a special time in our lives. The lessons learned and friendships formed have deep value and meaning to both of us. Recently, we found ourselves at a point where we could contribute financially to ensure that these lessons and friendships will benefit future generations of seminary students.” When the couple first spoke with Vice President for Development Ron Walrath their intention was solely towards establishing a scholarship. They were aware of tight budget issues, but they wanted their gift to help more students over a longer period of time. However, Scott says, “When Ron highlighted ongoing expenses the seminary has on a daily basis, Deanna and I were moved to support current operations as well. We saw and heard the need and wanted to do what we could to help.” With deep appreciation for the Ness family’s open, giving spirit, Walrath emphasizes the importance of financial support for today and tomorrow and tells how that concept is interpreted to donors. “We present a both-and opportunity rather than an either-or. Scholarship endowments such as the one Scott and Deanna have established ensure the future mission The Rev. Scott and Deanna Ness presenting their gift to President Marcus Miller. of the seminary, while their contribution to the New Life Fund enables that mission to happen immediately.” Pastor Ness reflects on their decision-making process. “I could quote scripture and give you one of my better stewardship sermons on the reason for our gift, but I think the motivation goes much We saw and heard deeper than proof texting stewardship verses. More than any reason, our gift was our devotion of walking in faith the need and with our Savior. (Maybe that is a stewardship sermon.) The wanted to help Lord put the desire in our hearts, and we could not deny his leading. It is nice to know that our gift helped current and future students, it is nice to be recognized, it is even nice to have an article written about us—but the true blessing that we receive is in our joy-filled hearts of walking with Jesus where He leads us.”


Visionary Giving Overcoming Darkness: Spreading the Light of Hope! The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5) So we hear and so we believe about Jesus, the Christ. Christ’s light shines brightly at the seminary, through students and faculty and through you, the people who make it possible for your seminary to teach, form and nurture the next generation of public ministers and Christian leaders. The darkness that has gripped the American and world economies has worked to create fear and doubt in almost all people, Christian or not. Jobs and homes have been lost. Careers and plans have been derailed. Retirement and investment accounts and endowed funds like the seminary’s have suffered significant losses, creating cash flow deficits for people and institutions of the church alike. By almost all measures, these are dark days. An amazing thing has happened in the past year, however. People like you and congregations like yours have responded to the seminary’s financial crisis with incredible generosity and resolve. Hundreds of ordinary folk have become new helpers in the seminary’s ministry. Hundreds more have increased their help. Additional hundreds have maintained their help in the face of uncertainty. Your seminary is humbled by your generosity. The light of Christ shining brightly through you is scattering the darkness of economic and financial uncertainty. Yes, we have a long way to go before we fully recover, but where gloom and despair reigned just a few months ago there is now hope. Thank you for being bearers of hope and living reminders that we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us. Together, with Christ to help and guide the way, we are emerging from this dark night into a bright new day. Ron Walrath, Vice President for Development He also mentions the influence of the late Virgil Summer, who had served as chair of the seminary board, and his wife Vera. “During my field education at Our Saviour, West Columbia, I had the opportunity to meet many faithful people, including the Summers. When Virgil died, I was deeply blessed by time spent with Vera. Through our connection I realized the vital impact they have had on Southern Seminary. Their support, dedication, commitment, and financial generosity helped the seminary succeed in its mission. They understood the gift of stewardship and taught others of its blessings by their actions.” Now, the Ness family applies the lesson learned from the Summers and are leading by their own actions. President Marcus Miller expresses gratitude for the two-fold gift of this young couple. “I am very grateful for the generous gift that Scott and Deanna have made but even more grateful for the opportunity that I had to get to know them in this process. Their remembrances of Southern Seminary help me get more deeply connected to the story of this wonderful place. Their desire to further the mission of Christ’s Church in Grove City, through the ministry of the Seminary, and beyond is an example to all of us.”

Contributing Author, Cristy Fossum, author of the Sunday by Sunday book series.


Southern People Next Dean Committed to Fulfilling the Mission The Rev. Dr. Ginger Barfield says that about a year ago she started to discern a call from God that she never expected. It was similar to the call to ministry she vividly remembers from when she was in college, and to the call she heard in seminary to be a professor. After much discernment and conversations with those around her, this Baptist minister and New Testament professor realized that everything in her life had led her to be the Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the seminary. A native of Kershaw, South Carolina, Dr. Barfield started working at the seminary in 2003. Since then she has worn eight different “hats,” including, Night Instructor of Greek, the Inaugural Director of the Baptist Studies Program, Adjunct Professor of Baptist Studies, Associate Dean, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Registrar, Director of Financial Aid, and Associate Professor of New Testament and Baptist Studies. Her new role will make number nine, but she will also reMiddler MDiv students (From left) Nathaniel Anderson, Stephen Friedrich, Lisa tain many of the same responsibilBeery and Michael Beery, meet with the Rev. Dr. Ginger Barfield as part of a ities already under her care, includstudent government meeting with the seminary administration. ing teaching 1-2 classes a year. As she takes office, she is highly optimistic about what the seminary can be. “Ever since I first came here, and I don’t know why, but I felt like this seminary is on the brink of being what it could be: vitally important,

What is Dr. Root Going to Do? Dr. Michael Root, who has served as Dean since 2003, will step back into a half-time faculty position for Systematic Theology, beginning July 1, 2009. While he has eased his time commitments at the seminary, he has a full schedule planned for the next 18 months. This summer (after spending a few weeks in golf school) he will join the International Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue for their first meeting in Germany. In September 2009, he will give a lecture in Toyko, Japan for the 100th Anniversary of the Japan Lutheran Seminary. In Spring 2010, he will take a leave of absence to accept the McCarthy Visiting Professorship at Gregorian University in Rome. He will follow that with a sabbatical to complete a commentary on the Johannine Epistles. He will then plans to rejoin the faculty halftime in Spring 2011. Dr. Michael Root lecturing at the seminary.

Southern People not just to Lutherans, but to this city and this state,” she remarks. “We are the only mainline seminary in the state and we can live up to the potential that offers.” To maximize that potential as Dean, Dr. Barfield will lead the faculty and help build upon an already successful academic program. She is continuing the initial stages of a curriculum review, as a self-study and as preparation for the 2013 accreditation review by the Association of Theological Schools. Dr. Barfield is also meeting with faculty members individually to help refine roles so that each professor can better utilize their gifts and resources within the institution. She is committed to engaged classroom settings where students are motivated to learn. She hopes that in refining faculty roles, it will create better opportunities for study, research, and to network with theological peers. “We are the academic arm of the church and we are supposed to be exciting and creative,” she remarks. Not deterred by the current economic situation, Dr. Barfield sees the financial challenges that face the seminary as an invitation for creativity that can be a gift to the institution. “Having just come through the strategic planning process to clarify who we are and what is our mission in this time and place, makes us focus on what is central to our mission, and let go of tangential elements.” She goes on to explain, “Five to ten years from now it will be a huge gift, it does not feel like it now but it can prepare us to be more of what we can potentially be than if we hadn’t had to look at ourselves—and not just in belt tightening but in fulfilling our mission.” While she looks forward to helping lead the seminary in fulfilling its mission, Dr. Barfield realized this spring that Dr. Barfield uses her she needed to take precautionary steps to give her opportu- walks around campus nities to unwind. With this thought came two additions to with her dog, Luther, as her life: a personal watercraft and Luther, a beagle puppy. stress relief and to have casual conversations with “Not only is Luther stress relief, but he gets me out of the of- seminary and Eau Claire fice to walk him around campus,” she says. “People flock to community members. him, and so while they are playing with Luther, I have conversations and learn what is going on around campus and in the neighborhood.” Dr. Barfield’s enthusiasm for the seminary, and now for her new call as Dean, is a sign of her commitment to see this place thrive in the years to come. She joins an administration team that is capably leading the Contributing Author, seminary to fulfill its mission to teach, form, and nurture women and Andrew Boozer, seminary Director of Communications. men for public ministry.


Southern People Updates and News from the Southern Community Ryan Rapert (1985-2009) Ryan Rapert, a Junior Master of Divinity student from Marion, Ohio, died on April 15, 2009 from complications following an emergency appendectomy. Ryan was the son of Debra Key Rapert and the late Gary Rapert. He was a member of Emanuel Lutheran Church in Marion, Ohio where he was a worship assistant. While in seminary, Ryan attended Ascension Lutheran Church in Columbia, South Carolina where he also assisted with worship. He was also an active member of Little People of America. Ryan had a very generous, giving and loving spirit who helped anyone he ever met. He was an active member of the seminary community and he will always be remembered by those who had the honor to know him.

Faculty, Staff, & Emeriti The Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Miller, President The Eau Claire Community Council in Columbia, South Carolina, awarded President Miller with the 2009 Dorcas J. Elledge Award at its 14th annual awards and appreciation dinner on March 28, 2009. He was presented the award by Mayor Bob Coble of Columbia.

The Rev. Dr. Daniel M. Bell, Jr.

American country. CPT Colombia has worked for a peaceful end to the country’s 40-year-old civil war through fasting, public prayer, and nonviolent action in threatened communities, primarily in the Magdalena Medio region.

Dr. Susan W. McArver

Professor of Church History and Educational Ministry, Director of Center on Religion in the South

and The Rev. Dr. Brian K. Peterson

Associate Professor of Theological Ethics Dr. Bell’s article “God does not demand blood” was featured on the cover of the February 10, 2009, issue of The Christian Century. The article is adapted from his “God Does Not Demand Blood,” in God Does Not, edited by D. Brent Laytham and published by Brazo Press, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Professor of New Testament Dr. McArver and Dr. Peterson were promoted to the rank of full faculty by the Board of Trustees in their Spring meeting after a faculty review and recommendation by President Miller. These tenured professors were acknowledged for their excellence in teaching effectively, professional development, and involvement in the life of the seminary and the church.

The Rev. Dr. James Thomas,

The Rev. Dr. Carl Ficken

Associate Professor of Church and Ministry, Director of African American Ministries In July 2009, Dr. Thomas will travel with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) Colombia to the South


Professor of Theology and Culture, Emeritus Dr. Ficken is the editor of Honucopia: Selected Writings of Henry E. Horn, published by The University Luhteran Association of Greater Boston in 2008

and honoring the ministry of this prominent Lutheran campus pastor, liturgical scholar, and historian. Dr. Ficken is also co-author of Crossings for Kids, a Sunday School Curriculum for Grades 1-6, published by Logos Productions, released in 2009 and 2010.

The Rev. Lawrence J. Clark

Executive Director of Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta (LTCA) Pastor Clark announced in April that he will be leaving LTCA to accept the call of pastor at St. Mark’s Lutheran, Chicago, beginning July 1, 2009. No immediate plan for Clark’s successor have yet been announced.

Alumni George Moore, ‘57

George published his fourth book, Luke, Ambassador of the Word. It is the life story of a man who wronte one-fourth of the New Testament, the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. The book was published by Xlibris. He now lives in Hickory, North Carolina.

Robert M. Weeks, ‘60

Robert was installed as Pastor Emeritus of St. Andrew Lutheran,

Southern People New Bern, North Carolina on February 15, 2009 by Bishop Leonard Bolick (‘72), and the Rev. Dr. Theodore Rust, Pastor at St. Andrew. A retired Navy Chaplain, Robert was recognized and honored for his years of service to the church and his community. Additionally, the church honored him and his wife, Sylvia, by renaming the Fellowship Hall as Weeks Hall. The couple have been active members of the congregation for over 20 years.

Gerald S. Troutman, ‘60

Gerry was awared the Clarence L. Pugh Distinguished Alumnus Award from Lenoir-Rhyne University on April 4, 2009. He and his wife, Marihope, live in Newnan, Georgia. They are parents to three children and grandparents to six.

Scott Hendrix, ‘67

the choir at Holy Trinity Lutheran in Chapel Hill.

Bill Trexler, ‘70 and ‘91

Bill serves as Senior Pastor at First Lutheran, Norfolk, Virigina. This summer he will retire, having served as a pasotr and bishop during his 39 years of ordained ministry. He and his wife, Karla, are building their retirement home at Lutheridge.

Charles Zimmerman, ‘74

On May 8, 2009, Charlie received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Lenoir-Rhyne University. He serves as Pastor at First Lutheran Church, Greensboro, North Carolina. He serves as Secretary of the North Carolina Synod, and his term expires in 2009.

Robert Schoffner, ‘74

This year, Scott will release two new books, Luther and Early Protestant Spirituality, both published by Paulist Press. After retiring from teaching at Princeton Seminary, he and his wife, Emilee, have settled in Fearrington Village, North Carolina and sing in

Bob’s congregation, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Hickory, North Carolina, celebrated the 35th anniversary of his ordination on May 17, 2009. As part of the celebration, the congregation collected an offering as a gift to the seminary, given in honor of their pastor.

G. Reginald Cruse, ‘81

Reggie is serving as Chaplain for the South Carolina Department of Corrections at the Broad River Correctional institution (BRCI), where he has served since May 1, 2008. BRCI is a maximum security facility which houses 1450+ male inmates, including 400 living with HIV/AIDS.

Frank Honeycutt, ‘85

Frank is pastor at Ebenezer Lutheran, Columbia and has published two essays in the April 7, 2009 issue of The Christian Century. A third essay in the magazine will appear later in 2009. He will be writing a new book on sabbatical this summer, due out from Brazos Press in 2010.

John D. Stirewalt, ‘88

John accepted a call as Senior Pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran in Tampa, Florida. He had previously served Holy Trinity Lutheran, Nashville, Tennessee.

Brian Hiortdahl, ‘97

Brian’s church, Resurrection Lutheran, Chicago, received the 2008 Illinois

Lok And Maxey Receive Honorary Degrees Two Doctor of Divinity honorary degrees were conferred at the 2009 Commencement Service. Receiving the degrees were Michael Creed Maxey, President of Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia, and the Right Reverend Philip Lok Oi Peng, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore (LCMS). “We realize that we cannot do the work of a seminary in isolation from other servants and so Southern Seminary is committed to building bridges to our many partners throughout the church and the world. Mr. Maxey and Bishop Lok are examples of these partners whom we cherish and, with this degree, honor,” stated the Rev. Dr. Marcus Miller, President of the seminary. The seminary awards the degree of Doctor of Divinity to individuals who have provided outstanding service to the seminary’s mission to teach, form, and nurture women and men for the ministry of Christ’s church. The degree recognizes persons who have provided leadership in the church and in academia. The mission of the seminary depends on the cooperative labors of persons in many fields. By awarding this degree, the seminary honors partners in the task of education for ministry and builds bridges to those who share its goals. Pictured left (starting at the top): Michael Creed Maxey, Bishop Philip Lok

Southern People Call For Nominations Southern Seminary asks that you prayerfully consider nominating significant people in your life for seminary awards such as: • Jacob Luther Mauney Award - Given for exceptional contributions to the ELCA, ministered graciously among the whole people of God, and provided exemplary leadership in service to the gospel. • Bachman Award for Distinguised Leadership - Given for exhibiting the same vision as those shared by the seminary’s founders. • Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) - Given to individuals who have provided outstanding service to the seminary’s mission to teach, form, and nurture women and men for the ministry of Christ’s church. For more information or to nominate someone, please contact Ron Walrath at [email protected]. Environmental Hero Award from then-Lieutenant Governor (now Governor) Pat Quinn. The church received the recognition for being the first church in the city of Chicago with solar hot water. He has served the congregation since 2001.

David N. Young, ‘97

David received his Doctor of Mnistry in Preaching from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in May 2008. His thesis was, “Growing Deeper: Preaching with Passion, without Fear, and within Grace,” and was chosen as one of three outstanding theses. He serves at Gloria Dei Lutheran in Cincinnati, Ohio. His wife, Deidi David-Young is currently serving an internship and will fulfill her “Lutheran year” at Trinity Seminary next year. They have two sons, Micah and Noah.

Jay Gamelin, ‘01

Jay is the pastor at Jacob’s Porch, the Lutheran Campus Ministry of The Ohio State University. He was a presenter at the 2009 Winter Ministry Institute at Trinity Lutheran Seminary. He currently travels around the country speaking to thousands of youth and adults. He and his wife, Tia, have two sons, Abel and Roman, and they live in Columbus, Ohio.


Philip Bouknight, ‘04

Philip and his wife, Tara, were featured in Mozart’s “Requiem Mass in D minor” opera performance at Trinity Ecumenical Parish in Moneta, Virginia. The couple, who live in Wirtz, Virginia, have performed with numerous opera companies throughout the United States and abroad. Philip serves St. Mark Lutheran in Willis, Virginia, and Zion Lutheran in Floyd, Virginia.

Laura R. Carson, ‘07

Laura was commissioned as an Associate in Ministry by Bishop Dean Nelson in the Southwest California Synod. She has served as the Director of Christian Life and Faith Formation at First Lutheran, Torrance, California since September 2008. Her husband Jared (‘09) has also been assigned to the Southwest California Synod and is awaiting his first call.

Editor’s Note: Living Our Mission. Despite worldly events on Wall Street, and their impact felt here at our campus on North Main Street, we remain committed to living our mission as a seminary. As an institution, we are living our mission: We teach, form, and nurture women and men for public ministry and Christian leadership. When you and I face personal times of uncertainty, I pray that we take the time to apply that same resolve in our lives. Today, take a moment and discern your mission as an individual and as a member of the body of Christ. The daily grind and 24-hour (or less!) news cycle should not define us. Steal a page from your seminary: Discover your mission and live it daily. Andrew Boozer, Director of Communications [email protected] (803) 461-3296

for more events and information visit Fall Classes Begin

Coming Events

Sept. 9

Orientation, September 8 Fall break, October 19-20 Reading/CPE Day, October 21 Thanksgiving Break, November 25-27 Last Day of Classes, December 16 Exams, December 17-19

Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 Lay School of Religion

Three classes will be offered for each Tuesday in October. Individuals may register for one class. Courses will be taught by the Rev. Shuana Hannan, the Rev. Dr. Charles Sigel, and the Rev. Dr. James Thomas. For more information, email [email protected] or call 803-461-3263.

Oct 25-27 Seminary Days

Join prospective students from across the country as they discover what life is like in our seminary community. Attend classes and lectures, learn more about financial aid, and enjoy the fellowship that Southern Seminary has to offer. Room and board are provided. Contact Jenny in Admissions at [email protected] or 803-461-3297 for more information.

Apr. 2

Hein-Fry Lecture Series

Dr. Mary Hinkle Shore, Professor and Associate Dean at Luther Seminary, will present Hearing the Word: Lutheran Perspectives on Biblical Interpretation. This theme will engage the crucial conversation facing the ELCA concerning various Lutheran approaches to scripture and what resources and challenges those approaches bring to diverse contexts. Photos Above (from top): The Rev. Dr. James Thomas leads a class about Mission in Stavros Hall; The Rev. Shauna Hannan leading a workshop held for pastors to help prepare for the season of Lent; Prospective military chaplains partcipate in a Q&A with active duty chaplains from the army, navy, and Marines at Fort Jackson, SC; Jennifer Jackson, Junior MDiv Student provides music at the Rev. Dr. Dan Bell’s post-tenure lecture in Christ Chapel. Back Cover (from left): Keith Getz (Senior MDiv) and family; Lamont Johnson (STM); Amy Witt (Junior MAR); and Kristopher Litman (Middler, MDiv).

Southern Seminary’s Mission: To teach, form, and nurture women and men for public ministry and Christian leadership in a context that is Christ-centered, faithfully Lutheran and ecumenically committed. Adopted by the Board of Trustees, October 24 , 2008

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(803) 461-3219 or (803) 786-5150 Fax: (803) 461-3272 (USPS 8846-2000) Published by Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 4201 North Main Street, Columbia, SC 29203. Mr. Ron Walrath • e-mail: [email protected] Vice President for Development Editor/Design: Andrew Boozer • e-mail: [email protected] Director of Communications Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race or religion. Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary admits men and women. Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary is in compliance with Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

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