2009 Summer

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June 5, 2009 Time: 1130


Time: 1530

June 1 – July 31

Bald eagles (2) Juvenile 2nd year

Patti Reum

West side of VA 637 about 4.6 miles north of US 250

Two BE perched in tree behind house. There was a dead sheep nearby, but didn’t observe them eating.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

over VA 639 Snyder Lane

Adult BE flew west to east over Snyder Lane.

Bald eagles (2) Adult Not aged

Edmund Hevener

West of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Two BE perched in maple tree behind house.


June 6, 2009 Time: 0645


Time: 1040

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

East side US 220 5.4 miles south of Monterey.

Adult BE perched in tree next to Jackson River.


Time: 1100

bald eagle juvenile

Keith Carson

East side US 220 south of Monterey 13.4 miles

Juvenile BE perched in tree next to Jackson River.

1 2

bald eagles (3) juveniles

Keith Carson

Time: 1230

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Three juvenile BE flew over CarsonNewlon house and then south, southwest up the Blue Grass Valley.

Bald eagle Adult

Sandy Hevener

West of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Adult BE perched on top tip of left fork of perch tree behind house.

Time: 0900

Bald eagle adult

Patti Reum

West of VA 637 north of US 250 4.6 miles

Adult BE perch in same tree as two eagles on June 5.

Time: 0955

Bald eagle Adult

Edmund Hevener Sandy Hevener

Directly over town of McDowell

Adult BE circled with several vultures. A couple of crows harassed the BE.


June 7, 2009 Time: 0845


Time: 1030

Bald eagle Immature

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just south of VA 639

Immature BE fed on sheep carcass.


Time: 1100

Bald eagles (4) Adult 3 juveniles

Keith Carson

West side VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Three juvenile and an adult BE fed on lamb killed by coyotes on Steve Ralston farm just south of

Carson/Newlon house.

2 2

Time: 1510 June 8, 2009 Time: 0745-0830

Time: 0955 June 9, 2009 Time:

Time: 1400


June 10, 2009 Time: 0610-0750

Bald eagle immature

Carol Bandy

Over VA 640 & VA 639 intersection

Immature BE circled overhead.

Bald eagle (2) Juveniles

Sandy Hevener

West of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Two hatch year BE on ground eating groundhogs near perch tree. They continued to feed while I let sheep out gate but then flew to hill west. One took part of a groundhog with it. When the sheep ran up the hill one flew toward me and up into the perch tree. It remained perched while the other feed. They seemed less nervous of me than eagles other years and act like older eagles that are familiar with my routine. I wonder if the experienced ones communicate/show things to young ones like sheep. (Laurel is poisonous to sheep. If one eats it and survives, it remembers not to eat it for its entire life and can safely graze areas with laurel. I’ve observed that if you put ewes with young lambs in these fields, the lambs don’t try to eat laurel either.)

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener

Over McDowell, US 250 & VA 654

Adult bald eagle circled with vultures and several crows then harassed the eagle.

Bald eagles (10) 2 adults 1 immature (white belly) 7 juveniles

John Spahr

VA 642 between VA 640 & VA 643, across from big spring pond.

Ten eagles attended a fresh sheep carcass. The next day, the carcass was gone,(perhaps taken away by the farmer) and so were the eagles.

Bald eagles (3) juveniles

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Three juvenile BE perched in tree and flew near Carson/Newlon driveway.

Bald eagle th 4 year w/eye shadow

Sandy Hevener

West of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

BE on very top of left branch of right fork in perch tree. Later it moved down to center of left fork in open area surrounded by leaves. This bird had a fully white tail and head, but dirty

looking area around eyes, It flew NW as I approached gate to let sheep out.



Time: 1230

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Adult BE soared south of Carson/Newlon house and circled east.

Time: 1300

Bald eagle adult

Betty Mitchell

West side VA 640 about 0.25 mile north of VA 642 junction in Blue Grass

Adult BE flew over house. It scouted out a sheep lying down that appeared dead, but wasn’t and then flew away.

Time: 1645

Bald eagle 4th year w/eye shadow

Edmund Hevener

West of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Near adult BE perched in maple tree on left branch of right fork of maple perch tree.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BE perched in Julie’s tree.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BE perched in Julie’s tree.

Bald eagle 3rd year

Sandy Hevener

West of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Third year BE perched on top of left branch of righ fork of maple perch tree.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Carol Bandy

West of VA 640 just south of VA 639

Two adult BE perched in Julie’s tree.

Bald eagles (4) 4th year 3 immature

Carol Bandy

West side of VA 640 just south of VA 639

Fourth year BE and 3 immature BE perched on boundary fence between Bardon Warner & Julie Rexrode properties near carcass.


June 11, 2009 Time: 1710


June 12, 2009 Time: 0720


June 13, 2009 Time: 0655-071 Time: 1730


June 16, 2009 Time: 1604


June 19, 2009 Time: 0745-0815 or later

Bald eagle 4th year w/eye shadow

Sandy Hevener

West of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles.

Fourth year BE with dirty eye area perched top of left branch of left fork of maple tree preening and looking around.

Time: 1000

Bald eagle Juvenile

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Juvenile BE perched on old fence post on Warner land SW of Carson/Newlon house.

Bald eagles (4) juveniles

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Four juvenile BE fed on carrion, probably deer, on Ralston land SW of

1 1

Time: 1400

Carson/Newlon house. They were there all afternoon.


June 20, 2009 Time: 0830


Time: 1230


June 21, 2009 Time: 1338

2 2

Time: 1530 June 22, 2009 Time: 0810


Time: 0810

2 2



Time: 1645

June 23, 2009 Time: 0745-0815

Bald eagles (4) Juveniles

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Four juvenile BE fed on same carcass as day before. Two stayed on carcass all morning.


Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Bald eagle Adult

John Sweet

West side of US 220, 1.4 mi S of Mustoe. 38° 18.785'N 79° 39.486'W

Adult BE flew In and perched in tree near carcass. Adult BE ate on a fresh deer carcass along the edge of hay field. I got within 5-6 m of it on my tractor before it flew to a nearby tree. It remained in the tree for at least 15 minutes, until I finished kicking hay and went to get my camera. Upon return it was gone.

Bald eagle immature

Carol Bandy

Intersection of VA 640 & VA 639

Immature BE flew south from Bandy residence

Bald eagle Immature (1-2 year)

Sandy Hevener

In road VA 637 3.4 miles north of US 250

Very splotchy 1-2 year old BE eating carrion in road while several TV nearby. BE flew up as car approached.

Bald eagle Adult

Patti Reum

VA 639 half way between VA 640 & VA637

Adult BE perched in tree across from Faye Chapman’s house.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West of VA 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BE perched in Julie’s tree.

Bald eagle 4th year w/eye shadow

Sandy Hevener, David Kiser, Bardon Warner

West of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Fourth year BE with dirty eye area perched top of left branch of left fork of maple tree watched farmers move tractor. When observer let sheep out of gate, eagle flew NE..

Bald eagles (3) Adult 4th year w/eye shadow juvenile

Edmund Hevener

West side of VA 637 about 2.6 miles north of US 250 below silo

Adult, near adult and juvenile BE in recently mowed hay meadow.




June 24, 2009 Time: 0645-0730

Bald eagle 4th year w/eye shadow

Sandy Hevener

West side VA VA 637 2.4 miles north of US 250 behind Hevener house

Fourth year BE with dirty eye area perched top of left branch of left fork on right tip while observer let sheep out of barn lot and walked up lane toward BE. She returned to house and got camera to take photo. BE remained perched as she approached and vocalized a few times. Another eagle in distance answered. Finally the BE stretched its wings and flew NE.

Time: 1815- 1915

Bald eagle 4th year w/eye shadow

Sandy Hevener

West side VA VA 637 2.4 miles north of US 250 behind Hevener house

Fourth year BE perched on left branch of left fork of maple tree. The eagle remained perched but watched as observer walked out lane toward it and opened gate to let sheep into barn lot.

Time: afternoon

Bald eagles (3) adults

Sarah Chaney

West of VA 654 about 2 miles north of US 250 about 300 yards from Chaney house

Three adult BE in hay meadow fed on carrion left by mower. Observero reported seeing hem thoughout the week after making hay several more times, but only one at a time.

Bale eagle 4th year w/eye shadow

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Fourth year BE perched on left branch of left fork of maple tree.

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener

Over south side of Blue Grass VA 642

Adult BE circled low and several crows chased it. The group moved south down the valley out of sight.

Bald eagle Juvenile hatch year

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Juvenile BE perched on left branch of right fork of maple tree.

June 26, 2009 Times: 0615 no eagle 0715 eagle 0815 eagle 1045 no eagle


June 27, 2009 Time: 1045


June 29, 2009 Time: 0602


Time: 0650

Bald eagle Juvenile hatch year

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Juvenile BE perched onright branch of left fork of maple tree.

Time: 0700

Bald eagle Juvenile hatch year

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Observer didn’t see eagle, but when she walked under it a juvenile BE flew


out of it, circled, started to perch, then flew low around tree and disappeared. When she approached the scouting camera a very black skunk was eating on a groundhog she’d staked to the ground inside a feed sack late the previous day. She made noises at the skunk, but it kept eating.


July 2, 2009 Time: 0910-0915


July 6, 2009 Time: 0837


Bald eagles (2) Juveniles, hatch year

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

First juvenile BE perched in tip-top of right fork of maple perch tree. It was gone at 0915, but a second perched on right branch of left fork of same tree. This bird had small shoulder bars and distinct white at base of tail. The first one was slightly darker, smoother.

Bald eagles (2) 2 adults

Rick Lambert

East side US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Two adult BE perched in tree overlooking Jackson River.

Time: 0843

Bald eagle adult

Rick Lambert

East side US 220 south of Monterey 9.5 miles

Flying up Dry Branch

Time: 1400

Bald eagle 2nd year immature

Allen Boynton, Gale Kuebler

West side of VA 640 slightly south of VA 642 38.4977°N/-79.5549°W

Second year BE on ground near group of TV perched on fence. The BE flew toward TVs and landed on ground.


Time: 1630

Bald eagle Juvenile/hatch year DEAD

Al Burgeois, Roger Propst, Sandy Hevener, Gary Smith

East side US 220 5.7 miles south of Monterey

In response to a report of an injured eagle, a rescue team met at site. They found the eagle in the river, dead with one wing almost severed. The injury looked like a gunshot wound. Burgeois took the bird to test for lead. The test came back negative- no traces of lead. The property owner said she’d notice it perching on low limbs nearby for several days but did not realize anything was wrong with it.


Time: 1805

Bald eagles (2) Adult Juvenile (b. 2009)

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 3.3 miles

Juvenile perched in snag. When we stopped the car to observe, an adult flew west from the ground. A short time later the juvenile flew same direction.


Time: 1845


July 10, 2009 Time: 0710-0825

2 Time: 1300


July 11, 2009 Time: 1000


July 12, 2009 Time: 1840 July 13, 2009 Time: most of day


July 14, 2009 Time: 1645-2015

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Adult BE flew south low over hayfields.

Bald eagles (2) Adult Juvenile- hatch year

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Adult BE showed up about 0710 and perched in tip-top right side of left branch of maple. At 0745 observer walked up corridor with sheep toward tree and juvenile flew in from north and perched left side of right branch down from the top in a clump of leaves. The adult flew SW after observer opened gate and let sheep out. The juvenile remained perched after observer returned to house. It was gone at 0825.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BE percehed in Julie’s tree.

Bald eagle immature

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just north of VA 639

Adult BE fed on carrion on Bandy farm.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BE perched in Julie’s tree.

Bald eagles (2) adults

Alix McGraw

Hayfields farm VA 678 about 7.2 Miles south of US 250

Two adult BE on snags near Bull Pasture River while farmer mowed hay fields.

Bald eagles (4) 3 juveniles 1 3rd year

Sandy Hevener, Edmund Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Two juveniles on ground 50 feet away and one in tree while third year bird ate carrion (sheep.) The two on the ground fussed and picked at each other. Eventually the older bird flew to a locust tree on hill and younger eagles ate one at a time. Crows tried to sneak in bites. Turkey Vultures on ground nearby didn’t try to eat while eagles ate.


July 15, 2009 Time:0645-until at least 0815

July 16, 2009 Time: 1431

July 17, 2009 Time:1420


July 18, 2009 Time: 1015


Time: 1500-1600

July 19, 2009 Time: 1500




July 20, 2009 Time: 1030

Bald eagles (4) 2 juveniles rd 1 3 . year adult

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Adult perched low in maple on hill. Juveniles were on the ground between adult and carrion. The third year bird was on carrion first, juveniles later. The juveniles ate at the same time. Turkey Vultures circled above, crows on ground nearby.

Golden eagle adult

Rick Lambert

Southwest Monterey at county landfill

Adult GE circled to east.

Bald eagle

Carol Bandy

VA 640 about 1.5 miles north of US 250 near quarry

Adult BE perched on fence near Paxton Grant residence.

Bald eagles (2) immature

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just north of VA 639

Two immature BE perched on fence at Bandy farm.

Eagles (3) Golden- adult

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 637 north of US 250 2.4 miles

Observer placed three fresh groundhogs in front of spy camera about 0900. At 1500 observer saw large GE on carrion from the yard. It had a very shiny head.. Went to get binoculars and it was still there. Observer tried to move up closer blocking view with building, but when closer, saw nothing but but a bunch of turkey vultures on carrion. Spy camera failed to record any images.

Bald eagles (5) Juveniles

John Spahr

VA 642 just west of VA 643

Five juvenile BE fed on sheep carcass.

Bald eagle 2nd year

John Spahr

VA 640 Wimer Mountain Rd.

Second year BE perched on fence post.

Bald eagle adult

Carol Bandy

West side 640 just south of VA 639

Adult BE perched in snag

1 1 4


July 21, 2009 Time: 0800 Time: 1200

July 22, 2009 Time: 1015

Time: 1415

July 23, 2009 Time: 1650

1 W V 1

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 near VA 643

Juvenile BE soared SW of Carson/Newlon house and moved west toward Lantz Mtn.

bald eagle juvenile

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 near VA 643

JuvenileBE soard SW of Carson/Newlon house with red-tailed hawk and moved SW.

Bald eagle adult

Brenda Pullin

US 220 north of Monterey 5.7 miles

Adult BE displayed peculiar behavior. For at least two hours it perched in locust tree across from house and flew back and forth from the tree to the trout ponds and back. It would fly low over ponds and return to tree, but never actually dove at the fish.

Bald eagles (2) adult immature

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just north of VA 639

Adult and immature BE ate carrion on Bandy farm

Bald eagle Adult

Rick Lambert

Southwest Monterey at county landfill

Adult BE flew east.

Bald eages (3) Adult 2 immature

Carol Bandy

West side VA 640 just north of VA 639

Adult and two immature BEs ate carrion on Bandy farm.

Bald eagle adult

Sandy Hevener

VA 637 about 0.7 mile north of US 250

Adult BE circled over Blue Grass Valley.

Bald eagle adult

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 near VA 643

Adult BE flew toward Lantz Mtn.

Bald eagle adult

Nancy Witschey, Katharine Windsor

US 220 at Snowy Mt. Road (WV)

Bald eagles (3) Adult 2 juveniles

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Time: 1800-2000



Bald eagle juvenile

July 24, 2009 Time: 1000 Time: 1700 July 27, 2009 Time: 0745

Adult BE flew along Potomac River and settled in tree.

Adult BE flew SW and perched in tree on Ralsoton property with two juvenile BE perched. The juveniles stayed around the tree most of the morning.




Time: 1543 July 28, 2009 Time: 1630


Time: 1840


July 29, 2009 Time: 0753


Time:1000 & 1015

1 6

Time: 1330

Bald eagles (2) 3rd year Juvenile- hatch year

Sandy Hevener, spy camera

West side VA 637 2.4 miles north of US 250

Third year BE ate on groundhog for 7 minutes and flew south. Hatch year appeared at 1024 took a bite and third year returned at 1025. The younger BE stood back and let the older one eat undisturbed. The older BE left at 1031 and then the younger one ate until 1043.

Bald eagle adult

Rick Lambert

US 250 at US 220 Monterey

Adult BE flew west.

Bald eagles (2) adult Juvenile

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Adult BE perched in tree near driveway/right-of-way, flew west as car approached. Juvenile flew west from tree 100 yards away, near front gate.

Bald eagles (5) Adult 4 juveniles

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Two juvenile and adult perched in same tree SW of Carson/Newlon house. Two more juvenile BE were in ground and styed in the vicinity of the tree for one hour.

Bald eagles (2) Adults

Rick Lambert

East side of US220 5.4 miles south of Monterey

Two adult BE BE perched in tree over Jackson River.

Sandy Hevener

East side of US 250 5.4 miles south of Monterey

Large adult BE perched in tiptop of perch tree over Jackson River.

Keith Carson

North of VA 644 between VA 640 & VA 643

Juvenile BE perched in same tree SW of house as on 7/27/09 for about one hour and then flew west.

Bald eagle Adult Bald eagle Juvenile

Time: 1602

Bald eagles (2) Adult Immature

Rick Lambert

East side of US 220 south of Monterey 9.8 miles

Adult and immature BE were on the ground near trout raceways.


Time: 1610

Bald eagle adult

Rick Lambert

East side US 220 south of Monterey 5.4 miles

Adult BE perched in tree over Jackson River.


July 31, 2009 Time: 0845

Bald eagle th 4 year with eye shadow

Sandy Hevener

West side of VA 637 2.4 miles north of US 250

Large 4th year BE perched on tiptop of left branch of sugar maple perch tree.

GENERAL REPORTS Robin Vance reports seeing two adult BE and a juvenile at Riverbend Farm almost every day. This is on VA 678 south of McDowell about six miles. They are shooting groundhogs and leaving them out for eagles. Pen Goodall continues to report seeing adult golden eagles on west foot of Tamarack Ridge north of Goodall house. He says he is seeing them there off and on all summer but doesn’t write down date time etc.

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