Sop Iv Line.docx

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,153
  • Pages: 7

GROUP 1 : NAME Sudarsono Rb. Nur Syarif Hidayatullah Ahmad Ahlawi Muhammad Fauzi Nafila Ayu Faleri Silvia Ratna Sari Dewi Linda Mayang Sari Alfun Yoefidha Lastin

NPM 716.6.2.0762 716.6.2.0774 716.6.2.0791 716.6.2.0797 716.6.2.0776 716.6.2.0783 716.6.2.0786 716.6.2.0799



A. Pre-Interaction Phase 1. Verify previous data if available. Ask whether there is a history of allergies or other illnesses suffered. 2. Hand washing (SOP for hand washing). 3. Prepare the tools and materials needed. a. Injection table / trolly table, available on top: 1) An IV catheter (abocath) to be used. 2) Reserve IV catheter or wing needle. 3) Infusion set wrapped in sterile. 4) Infusion liquid to be used. 5) 70% alcoholic cotton to taste. 6) Adequate betadine solution. 7) Sterile gauze size 2 cm x 2 cm. 8) Plaster, verband scissors. 9) Clean gloves. 10) Crookedness. 11) Shelter / tourniquet. 12) Idlers. 13) Instrument body (medium size). 14) Spalk (if necessary for children). b. Standard infusion.

B. Orientation Stage. 1. Giving greetings to patients as a therapeutic approach. (Good morning, Good afternoon ... Sir / Ma'am ....) 2. Explain the purpose and procedure of action to the patient / family. ----3. Asking the patient's mental readiness before taking action. 4. Ask the patient or family to fill out and sign the medical action approval form (an informed consent form).

C. Working Phase. 1. Placing tools and materials near the patient (to make it easier to take action). 2. Taking IV solution (intravenous fluid) and depending on the standard infusion, while checking the label for infusion fluid is in accordance with the therapy program or not. 3. Open the infusion set from the wrapper, then adjust the roll clamp about 2-4 cm (1-2 inches) below the drip chamber and after that return the roll clamp to the off position (locked). 4. Insert the infusion set into a liquid bag, with: a. Remove the protective cover of the liquid bag without touching the hole. b. Remove the protective cover from the hose stab, then the hose stab is inserted into the hole of the liquid bag with the position of the infusion bag perpendicular.

5. Fill the drip chamber (reservoir tube) infusion, with: a. Press the drip chamber and then release it and let the drip chamber fill in the infusion liquid by half. b. Remove the needle guard and roll clamp to let the liquid flow through the hose until the hose is free of air, after which the needle is closed again. c. The wasted liquid is accommodated in the bent. d. Returns the roll clamp to the off position (locked) so that the infusion fluid does not drip. e. The infusion hose that has been prepared is placed in the tub, brought to the patient, to make it easier to connect the infusion tube with the catheter infusion (abocath). 6.

Determine the area of vein to be used according to needs with the treatment plan (right / left hand back, right / left leg), a strategic place is chosen, in the sense that it makes it easier for intra-venous drug administration and provides comfort to patients and officers.


Install the needle and base under the body member to be infused.


Clean the area to be stabbed from feathers (if any) with scissors.


Attach the damming rope / tourniquet at a distance of 5 cm above the stabbing place with a click, then the stopper rope is pulled tight.

10. Install sterile gloves (SOP attaching gloves). 11. Ask the patient to clench his fist to help dilate the vein, so that the vein is clear. For people who are not aware, the method for dilating the vein can be

done by moving the limbs (extremities) from distal to proximal under the intended venous site or gently tapping over the vein. 12. Clean the surface of the skin to be pierced with a solution of betadine with circular movements from the inside out and let the place dry out. If the patient is allergic to betadine, 70% alcohol can be used. 13. Tighten the skin by holding the hand / leg with the left hand, then the other officer prepares the IV catheter. 14. IV catheter that has been held with the right hand, inserted into a vein with a pinhole facing upward, a puncture angle of 30-40 in the direction of the needle parallel to the direction of the vein, then pushed slowly. 15. If the needle enters the vein, the blood will appear to enter the reservoir part of the needle, then stop pushing. 16. Separating the needle part from the canul catheter by rotating the needle / mandrin back slowly, continuing to push the canul into the vein slowly while rotating until the entire canul enters. 17. Remove the needle part from the canul catheter. Hold the canul with your left thumb, so that the blood doesn't drip out. 18. Remove the tourniquet. 19. Connect the canul with the infusion set. 20. Open the channel / clamp roller to start the infusion by noting whether the drops are smooth, or the location of the stab is swollen. If swelling occurs in the stab area, it indicates extravasation of the fluid so that stabbing must be

repeated starting from the beginning. If droplets are smooth and there is no extravasation, fixation is carried out. 21. Fix by attaching a small tape (1.25 cm) below the catheter with the sticky side facing up in a cross position. This is to prevent the accidental release of the catheter from the vein. In infants or toddlers fixation is strengthened by spalking. 22. Give gauze pads, which have been given betadine, with a size of 2 cm x 2 cm in the stabbing sequence and then plastered. 23. Adjust the flow rate / infusion droplets exactly per minute according to the doctor's instructions. 24. Write down the date and time of the infusion and the size of the needle on the padding / plaster attached to the infusion site.

D. Stage of Termination. 1. Tidy up the patient. Creating a comfortable atmosphere for patients. 2. Extension after infusion. Giving a message to the patient / family if there are complaints due to infusion, for example: pain, swelling, fever / shivering or non-fluids to report to the guard officer. 3. Goodbye to patients. Tell the patient that the action has been completed. 4. Clean the tools by disposing of consumables. 5. Sort out medical and non-medical waste and dispose of it in their respective places. 6. Sterilize heated equipment (SOP sterilization equipment).

7. Removing gloves and washing hands (SOP for hand washing). 8. Record activities in the nursing sheet. Things that need to be noted include: the

time of administration of fluids, the type of fluid and droplets, the amount of fluid that enters, and the patient's reaction to the fluid entering.

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