Son Rise Riders September 2009

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  • Pages: 14
“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, Says the Lord of hosts”.

SON RISE RIDERS Chapter #462 September 2009

Important Dates September 2009

From the Heart of your President “Work sucks, let’s ride”

5th Chapter Mtg. @ 9:00 a.m. (Breakfast I actually am blessed to have a great job where I have @ 8:00) 12th Fast Lane Informational Mtg. 25-26th IL CMA Women's Conference October 2009

people I like to work with and a job where occasionally I even get to ride my glide while on company time.

Recently I enjoyed that opportunity, as three of my Michigan counterparts and I had the chance to ride our bikes to a meeting at our Regional offices in Cincinnati.

3rd Chapter Mtg. @ 9:00 a.m. (Breakfast When the three DM’s from Michigan stopped to pick @ 8:00 a.m.) then Ride to Tony Packo’s me up en route, we looked a little like the “Wild Hogs”, 21-25th CMA National Event at Iron Mountain ,Hatfield, AK Contact-Missy Parmenter 870.389.6196 For more information on the events, please contact: Jack Lorence or Ben Hunsicker

dressed to the hilt in Harley Davidson’s finest & riding like John Travolta, although we do have a Dudley in the group. I had the pleasure of being road captain from Ft. Wayne to Cincy, so I chose the leisurely scenic route of Hwy 33 & Hwy 127. Both of these roads take you through some great corn country, sprinkled with the occasional commercial hog farm. Nothing like the smell of that fresh country air, and we even managed to take a side excursion to the HD dealership in Piqua Ohio where the Team decided to pick up matching shirts that read “work sucks lets ride”, for our meeting on Thursday. When Thursday morning dawned however, we had the torrential down pours of rain that had moved in from

Indiana, so the wife of one of our Michigan crew was forced to haul us to the meeting in her SUV, and the bikes set parked under the canopy of the Hampton Inn. Thursday evening as we headed back to our hotel the rains had subsided, but parked on the side of the highway was a lone biker with his custom chopper. I asked Sandy to pull over so we could help, and then heard a chorus of voices from the back saying, “we didn’t have time to stop, and besides we didn’t even know this guy”. Sandy asked if I was serious (as we cruised past the stranded rider), and when I said yes, she agreed to return with me to help after we dropped the others off at our hotel. WOW! Here were guys that each ride, dress to the max with HD and biker attire, and yet wouldn’t stop to help a fellow rider. It really gave me cause to reflect, and unfortunately think, these guys aren’t bikers “they are just posers”, kind of like the “Del Fuegos”. As I mulled over the “poser” idea, wasn’t it just like God to poke me in the eye. I was concerned about people posing as bikers, and God said he was concerned about people posing as Christians. You know, wearing the right clothes, using the right phrases, talking about Godly things, but when it comes right down to the Christian rubber meeting the road, just “posing”. God has really challenged my heart to be “ready”, ready to stop and give my fellow biker’s a hand, whether it’s with a broken down bike, someone needing a tank of gas, a meal, or cup of cold water, or most importantly, helping them get to know Christ. My prayer is that as CMA’ers we inspect our own hearts, and never be guilty of just “posing”. When was the last time you talked to a biker about Christ. “One Heart at a time” Ride Safe / Know Jesus

Jackson Lorence Email: [email protected] 260.241.4480

VICE PRESIDENT’S CORNER Well this year’s state rally was just what the doctor ordered. 4 days of relaxing, fellowshipping and teaching. The thing that stood out to me was the dramatization of Heaven and Hell. A team of evangelist went out and if you were talked to you got to go up front and if not you went to the back. If you went to the front you were in Heaven, in back Hell. This bothered me because some of my friends were in Hell. I would have done anything to have my friends in Heaven with me. Then the Lord convicted me. Why don’t you witness to everyone as if they were your friends or family? The thing was, I was just looking at everyone else as just strangers. If you accept Jesus you go to Heaven, if not you choose Hell. The bible tells us in Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” In some translations it says that we were enemies of God. If while being enemies of God he sent his only son to die for us then we need to witness to others as if they were our friends or family. God loved us so much that He wants everyone to be in Heaven with Him. The challenge to me and to all of you is to tell everyone about Jesus as if they are friends or family and I want you to be in Heaven with us. Our job is to tell everyone the Good News and that is that Jesus died for us so we can live forever with Him. Praise be to God! Yours in Christ,

Phil Brown Email: [email protected] 260.385.6757

TREASURER’S REPORT How many of you “Facebook?” Do you have a “farm” on either “Farm Town” or “Farmville?” On these farms, you may buy plow land, buy seeds, plant them, and depending on the crop, harvest in 2, 3, 8, 12 hours or 1, 2, 3 days. Would it not be fantastic if we could see our “Christian

Harvest” so quickly!!!! Recently, I was blessed with the opportunity to pray with an individual I met at a secular event 3 years ago. Jack and I began a coffee and dessert relationship with her and her husband. I really looked forward to ABATE events, because I knew I would see them. Some serious trouble hit their family at the end of May. I thought I was going to lose contact with them, and I was upset that I would not get to share Jesus with them anymore. However, she had reached out to someone else to find a phone number to reach either Jack or myself. I was able to call her, listen, and pray. We are going to setup a “lunch date” soon. Please pray that Jesus may work through me so my friend can know Jesus as her personal friend. Please pray for Jack as he ministers to her husband. So, whenever your planted seeds do not sprout quickly, keep watering, weeding, fertilizing and the harvest will grow.

Paula Rae Lorence Email: [email protected] 260.459.7809

SECRETARY’S REPORT My article this month is actually just a prayer request: Most of you know that Ben has been out of work. Well, he has taken a job in Wisconsin...yep, you heard me...Wisconsin! We are waiting on the Lord to see what will happen in the future but for right now he will be working up there and we will be staying here. This of course is pretty tough but with the Lord's help we will know what HIS plans are for our family. Sometimes you just have to go through a door to see what is on the other side... We trust in our Lord to provide for us. We trust in the Lord to strengthen our marriage through this time. We trust the Lord to

strengthen our family. I trust the Lord to build the relationship between Zeke and Ben stronger. My "article" this month is that you will all join us in prayer and lift us up to help us through... I know that there are others, even in our CMA family, in similar situations. Please join together in prayer for each other... We serve a MIGHTY GOD! He is in control and I hold tight to HIS promise to "know the plans He has for me"... It is difficult for me to wait on the Lord and to not know what HIS plans are...BUT... I know they are good and are in HIS big picture. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for filling out the activity reports for your events. Ride safe. God's blessings to you and your families...

Miriam Hunsicker Email: [email protected] 260.456.1240

CHAPLAIN’S REPORT “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.” Matt. 7:1-2 How many times in your life have you had that quoted to you? I think we can become almost immune to it. People use this verse all too often to excuse sin. Try to explain to someone that a certain act is sin and they will likely say, “The Bible says not to judge and you are judging me.” Makes my blood pressure rise just typing this. When we are applying GOD’S WORD and GOD’S STANDARD, WE are not judging. God has already done the judging. We are merely making known the judgment put in place by God. John 3:18 says, “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son.” What the Lord has brought to my attention this year is that sometimes I DO judge folks based upon MY judgment. This is where John 7:1-2 applies. I have been guilty of either not sharing or discontinuing to share the Gospel with folks I believed were a lost cause. Some

people just make it so hard to share Jesus with! They are rude, self-centered, often foulmouthed with no regard for God’s laws, His Word, His principles. Have you ever come across anyone like this? Someone that you have tried to be kind to. Someone that you have tried to share the love of Jesus with. Have they responded in rudeness? What was your response? What were your thoughts toward this person? Did you stop to pray for them or did you stop praying for them? Too often I have been guilty of thinking that there is no point in sharing Jesus with these people. I have felt that my kindness toward them was a waste of my time and energy. I have thought, “I’ve tried to share Jesus before and they didn’t listen… they’re never going to listen…” “For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.” I wonder how often people have thought I wasn’t worth their time or energy? I sure am glad Jesus didn’t think I wasn’t worth His time or energy to go to the Cross. Who have you felt wasn’t worth your time or energy? Are you like me? Are ya feelin’ like ya oughta pray for ‘em… maybe now? Blessed Beyond All Reason,

Hollywood Email: [email protected] 260.433.4500

Road Captain’s Report Finally...cooler weather!! Well even though the weather is cooling off, still remember to drink plenty of water as you do longer rides, you can still get dehydrated when it is cool outside!

I am sure all of you have your bikes scheduled into your favorite shop to have the summer air switched for winter air in your tires...yuck yuck... But on a more serious note, have you checked your tire pressure and fluid levels? Your tire pressure can change with the change in temperature (as stated in the Combined Gas Law, Charles Law and Boyle's Law - how is that for High School Physics flashback?). With the change in the season, your pressure may decrease due to the lower temperatures and combined with the normal loss of pressure, this could make for a hazardous situation. At our last meeting, I thought my bike rode a little odd, so I checked the pressure in the rear tire. 7.5psi YIPES! I filled it up again at Osborn's and two days later it was down to 28psi. So I had it replaced, and it has been fine. Has this riding season/summer got you feeling a little odd... deflated... well take the time to get restored and back on top of things. And if you need to, go to “Colors” the CMA National Rally in October. It is a great time to top off and get rejuvenated! The “Colors” was my first CMA rally, and it was great. The riding, the camping, the food (DADDY DON SPECIAL!!!!), the teaching and the worship! Remember our October Chapter Ride after the meeting will be to "Tony Packo's" in Toledo. Bring a friend! Show up with a full tank of gas. I typically will make a gas stop at about 130 miles on longer rides. We will either stop before lunch, or hit a station after lunch. But it should be about a 2 hour ride there.

Ben Hunsicker Email: [email protected] 260.456.1240

Our new member being recognized this month is Dane Bailey. Dane, better known as the “Singing Auctioneer” completed the CMA requirements to earn his back patch in August. Dane received Christ when he was 4 years old when an evangelist came to their church. Dane went through the Servant Ministry and Music Ministry DVDs because as a Christian, his first call is to be a servant. But his desire is to be used in music ministry since that is the area God placed on his heart while attending seminary. He has been very blessed the last 9 years to travel fulltime, doing about a 100 dates a year, in music ministry doing concerts and auctions around the country. He has been a licensed auctioneer for the past 19 years. Now the auction is a part of his ministry as he does quite a few benefit auctions around the country for Christian schools, churches, missions, and other organizations working to raise money for good causes. Dane has been married for 12 years to Christina. They have 4 children and 10 grand children. Christina travels with Dane and helps in their ministry. For more information about Dane you can check out his web site

Last month we introduced our new area reps Glenn “Little G” and Georgie Artley. This month let’s get to know them a little bit better. Pam: How long have you and Glenn been CMA members? G&G: Glenn and I have been members of CMA since 2002

Pam: What chapter are you two a member of? G&G: We were members of Hoosier Son Riders from Goshen, until we became area reps. Pam: Were either of you officers in your chapter and if so what offices have you held? G&G: Glenn was the chaplain of our chapter 3 years. We are also active in the prison ministry. Pam: What kind of motorcycle(s) do you ride? G&G: Glenn rides a 07 Screaming Eagle Road King and eventually I will ride a 02 Fat Boy, but I need more practice!!!!! Pam: Tell us a little about you and Glenn and your family? G&G: We have been married for 33 years. We have 2 grown children...David is 32, and Caitlin is married to Dave. They have 1 daughter, Olivia 2 1/2 yrs old, and they are expecting a son in Oct. Being a grandparents is the best!!!! Pam: Do you have anything that you would like to share with our chapter as far as your vision for your new ministry as our area reps? G&G: We are both excited about this opportunity that God has given us. Our goal right now is getting to know the people in our chapters and to help them as they go out and serve the secular community. We want many people to know about Jesus, and the life they can have, if they have a personal relationship with Him. Thank you for sharing with us and we look forward to working with you.

Lisa Walker won the mission trip at the state rally and God has wonderfully supplied the finances for her to get her passport and the flight to Florida. Her husband, Kim desires to go along. Kim was put on disability this past year and does not have the finances to go. He is trusting in the Lord to work it out. The total need was $2000.00 and they have been blessed with $1400.00 of this need. I know an email has gone out to our chapter and that some of you have already responded with prayers and financial support. Thank you very much for your gifts for His kingdom. Our chapter is taking up a special offering at this Saturday’s meeting to help with this need. If you would like to give and will not be at the meeting please contact Jackson.

About of 42 people either rededicated their lives to Christ or received salvation for the first time!! Praise the Lord!!

Look pretty for the camera Lyle!!

Open wide Phil!! Phil and Wendy enjoying lunch.

Popcorn serving his specialty.

What is CMA? C.M.A. (Christian Motorcyclist Association) is a nonprofit organization that has more than 950 chapters chartered in the U.S. and is in 25 other countries around the world. The main purpose of C.M.A. is to share the love of Jesus with other motorcyclists. This happens by attending motorcycle rallies, races, and rides, etc., where the gospel is shared. Once a year CMA (Christian Motorcyclist Association) on the first Saturday of May, all across the USA and Mexico have a fund raiser. Each chapter plans a 100 mile motorcycle ride and all the money raised goes to Missionary Ventures, Open Doors, the Jesus Film Project and ministry to motorcyclists right here in the U.S.A. CMA is not a Christian Club or riding group designed to segregate Christians from the influence of the world, but rather to help send each person into the world by spreading the light of Jesus in dark places For more information about CMA you can contact a chapter near you by locating them on the CMA web site at

Son Rise Rider Event Form The CMA National requests that members let them know what ministry they are performing each month. Each Chapter secretary compiles the information and forwards it on to CMA National. This helps the CMA to retain its status as a not for profit organization. So your cooperation in recording your ministry activities is greatly appreciated. You can copy and paste the following link into your computer browsers address line and fill out the information there or print out the form and manually fill it out and turn it in at our monthly Chapter meeting, or send it to our chapter secretary. This link is for Son Rise Riders only invented by our very own Ben H.

WE NEED PICTURES FOR OUR WEBSITE!!! Please feel free to take along your camera to our many upcoming events and capture the fun and camaraderie we share as CMAers.

September Birthdays/Anniversaries

9-Craig Carper 13-Paula Lorence 17-Anne Foreman 21-Jenneane Buckmaster -Hollywood Hayden 26-Mike Stark -Pam Kirvan 28-David Krone

Meeting Dates September 5th November 7th

October 3rd December 5th

Chapter meetings are held at Don Hall’s Guesthouse @ 1313 W Washington Ctr Road., #260.489.2524, Breakfast @ 8:00 a.m. Meeting @ 9:00 a.m.

Continue to check our web site for current and upcoming events @ SONRISERIDERS

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