Son Rise Riders November 2009

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“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, Says the Lord of hosts”.

SON RISE RIDERS Chapter #462 September 2009

Important Dates November 2009 7th Chapter Mtg. @ 9:00 a.m. (Breakfast @ 8:00) Chapter Ride following meeting December 2009 5th Christmas Party at 6:00 p.m. *No morning meeting

From the Heart of your President "Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name." Jeremiah 15:16, NKJV Does it seem you are always living on the go? Eating strange meals at weird hours? Visiting the fast food joint a little too often? In this hectic compressed world, we all have times in our lives that seem to get us out of our desired routines and healthy habits. The other night I was working late and eating the typical "dinner of champions" a jar of cheese spread, a box of wheat crackers, a diet coke and a couple pieces of Paula’s “pre-Halloween” cherry Twizzlers candy . It seemed perfectly healthy to me; I at least had the vegetable, fruit, bread and dairy food groups covered!

For more information on the events, please contact: Jack Lorence or Ben Hunsicker

My little snack-like dinner reminded me of how things can be spiritually at times. We get so busy doing things, even worthy things, that we forget to eat the Word! We snack on a verse here and a verse there, but we get busy and end up treating God's Word like a fast-food operation. I know I have been guilty. On crazy days, we pull up to "the Lord's drive-up window" and ask Him to super-size a verse for us and off we go to our busy

lives. Thankfully, God is merciful and gracious and at times, He does accommodate us in this way. But, we all know for the long-haul, this is no way to eat! We need a healthy, regular diet of God's Word loaded with all the spiritual vitamins, nutrients and energy we can get for life and godliness. Today, I hope we are all encouraged and reminded to set aside the time we need to spend with the Lord eating His Word. One of my favorite verses Isaiah 40:31 puts it right in perspective. For they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They will mount up on wings of Eagles, they will run and not be weary, and will walk and not faint. “One Heart at a time” Ride Safe / Know Jesus

Jackson Lorence Email: [email protected] 260.241.4480

VICE PRESIDENT’S CORNER Unfortunately the temperatures are dropping and the riding season is coming to a close. It is time to take our riding gear out and clean it up and maybe even repair or replace some of it if it’s not effective anymore. Just like our riding gear our spiritual amour can be neglected which is why we need to take time for spiritual renewal. In Ephesians Paul tells us to put on the full armor of God to battle against Satan’s schemes. The belt of truth is to know true teaching from false teaching. The breastplate of righteousness to protect our hearts and gives us confidence of His approval because He loves us and sent His Son to die for us. Cover your feet with the gospel of peace in readiness to tell people of the peace they can have with Jesus Christ. Protect yourself from Satan’s attacks with the shield of faith knowing that he doubts Satan would have you believe with the helmet of salvation. Our sword is the Word of God; we need to stay in the word of God so we can call upon scripture when we are being attacked spiritually. By keeping our armor in good condition we are able to be effective to the

kingdom of God; then we will be a greater witness to a lost world. I hope that everyone gets a chance in this off season to take time for a spiritual renewal and shine your armor of God. Yours in Christ,

Phil Brown Email: [email protected] 260.385.6757

CHAPLAIN’S REPORT As I have been fighting the "creeping crud" this week, please accept this excerpt from Jerry Williams' latest Ministry Update as my article for this month Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ:

“ I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Phil 1:3-6 ESV We just returned home from a week of ministry in Mena, AR with the Christian Motorcyclists Association. During the rally we witnessed one of the most powerful forces the world will ever know – a united core of believers corporately participating with the Holy Spirit to release a God ordained work in the earth. The biblical word for this is KOINONIA. Koinonia is most often translated fellowship, but can also be correctly translated partnership. God created us to live, move and have our being in fellowship/partnership with Him, but also with each other. (1 John 1:1-7) As we fellowship/partner with Him the Holy Spirit then teaches us how to effectively live, move and partner with each other to accomplish His work in the earth. Therefore, no individual member of His body is insignificant or less valuable than another member. Not one! Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would ALL be ONE with the Father in the same way He is ONE with the Father. He further stated the result of that fellowship/partnership would be a unified witness to everyone in the world still living in darkness causing them to believe in Him. At the rally in Mena, AR we witnessed a core of believers experiencing this true koinonia. What followed was a spontaneous move of God wherein a God size vision was cast, caught then released through a joyful eruption of sacrificial giving. In other words we partnered together with the Holy Spirit to see a work that originated in heaven birthed in the earth. What a powerful demonstration of God! What a witness in the earth! (Jerry and Donna Williams)

Blessed Beyond All Reason, Hollywood Email: [email protected] 260.433.4500

2010 Son Rise Riders Officer Nominees Nominee Jack Lorence Phil Brown Tom Wulpi Dave Kirvan Wendy Brown Pam Kirvan

President x x

Vice Pres Secretary Treasurer Road Captain Chaplain x x x Declined Declined x x x x Declined x

Miriam Hunsicker


Chris Stark Laura Wulpi

Declined x

Paula Lorence John Cutshall Mike Stark Hollywood

x x Declined x x

x x

Dave Hiatt


Dave Pyard Mike Harold

Declined x

President Nominees Phil Brown 1. Date you joined CMA: 2006 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: Vice President 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rally 2 years, Seasons 2 years, Officers training 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: HOG 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Lay leader for Good Shepherd UMC at the Rescue Mission

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Boogie 2 years, Cycle Fest, Hep Fest, Carl Brown Run, polar ride, mayors ride, Cross & Dagger (not sec. but not CMA)

Jack Lorence 1. Date you joined CMA.

January 2005

2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: Chaplain 2 years, President 1 year.

3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rally 2009, Seasons 2 years, Officer Training 2 years. 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to. Cross n Dagger, HOG 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry.

Cross n Dagger executive committee,

Life Bridge Church Missions Council.

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Boogie 2 years, Auburn Cycle Fest 2 years, Hep Fest 2 years, Ft. Wayne Polar Ride 2 years, Mayors Ride 2 years, Cross n Dagger 2 years. Woodson’s Friday Night Bike Night.

Vice President Nominees Phil Brown 1. Date you joined CMA: 2006 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: Vice President 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rally 2 years, Seasons 2 years, Officers training 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: HOG 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Lay leader for Good Shepherd UMC at the Rescue Mission

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Boogie 2 years, Cycle Fest, Hep Fest, Carl Brown Run, polar ride, mayors ride, Cross & Dagger (not sec. but not CMA)

David Kirvan 1. Date you joined CMA: 3/24/2009 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: News Letter Assistant Editor 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Chapter meetings, chapter rides, Run for the Son, and chapter bonfire/cookout.

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: First Assembly of God Motorcycle Riders, Summit City Beemers, Abate of Indiana, Iron Butt Association, and BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (BMW MOA). 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Pam and I lead the First Assembly Motorcycle riding group.

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Capitol City HD’s Lower Great Lakes Iron Butt challenge, Auburn motorcycle Fest, Abate’s Mayor’s Ride, Ride For Kids in South Bend. I also attended several of the Woodson’s Friday night motorcycle gatherings.

Jack Lorence 1. Date you joined CMA.

January 2005

2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: Chaplain 2 years, President 1 year. 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rally 2009, Seasons 2 years, Officer Training 2 years. 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to. Cross n Dagger, HOG 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry.

Cross n Dagger executive committee,

Life Bridge Church Missions Council.

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Boogie 2 years, Auburn Cycle Fest 2 years, Hep Fest 2

years, Ft. Wayne Polar Ride 2 years, Mayors Ride 2 years, Cross n Dagger 2 years. Woodson’s Friday Night Bike Night.

Secretary Nominees Pam Kirvan 1. Date you joined CMA: 3/24/2009 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: News Letter Editor 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Chapter meetings, chapter rides, Run for the Son 2009, and chapter bonfire/cookout.

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: First Assembly of God Motorcycle Riders and BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (BMW MOA). 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: David and I lead the First Assembly Motorcycle riding group. Non motorcycle related; I have taught a Sunday school class. Dave and I hosted a teen girl’s bible study at our house for the past 6 years. I was the coordinator for First Assembly’s Missionettes program and taught different Missionettes classes over the years.

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Auburn motorcycle Fest, Abate’s Mayor’s Ride, Ride For Kids in South Bend. I also attended Woodson’s Friday night motorcycle gathering at least once.

Laura Wulpi 1. Date you joined CMA: 2001 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: None. 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rallys, Seasons, RFS, local chapter rides and events. 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: Valkyrie Riders Club (no position held). 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: None. 6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Many events, I can not remember all of the events.

Treasurer Nominees Wendy Brown 1. Date you joined CMA: 2009 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: None. 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rally 2 years, Seasons 2 years, Run For Son 2 years. 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: None.

5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: None. 6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Cross & Dagger (not sec but not CMA) ’08 & ‘09, Mayor’s ride ‘09.

Christ Stark 1. Date you joined CMA: Member since Feb, 13, 2006 We've been riding and attending since Run for the Son 2004. 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: Have held no CMA offices. 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Monthly meetings, Brown County Training earned patch here, Run for the Son, Ride for Kids, Fall party at Wulpi's

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: Goldwing C2 Club member. 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Co-leader of Grace Point Women's Group for a year.

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Goldwing State Rally in Indy 09, Bike Blessing, Midnight Ride for Juvenile Diabetes.

7. I work full time for AWS and am a sheltered workshop supervisor working with individuals with mental and physical

disabilities. I am also a full time student working towards being a Registered Medical Assistant. I'm half way through. Those two things limit my ride time but I'm scheduled to graduate in September of 2010 which is right around the corner.

Laura Wulpi 1. Date you joined CMA: 2001 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: None. 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rallys, Seasons, RFS, local chapter rides and events. 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: Valkyrie Riders Club (no position held). 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: None. 6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Many events, I can not remember all of the events.

Road Captain Nominees David Kirvan 1. Date you joined CMA: 3/24/2009 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: News Letter Assistant Editor 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Chapter meetings, chapter rides, Run for the Son, and chapter bonfire/cookout.

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: First Assembly of God Motorcycle Riders, Summit City Beemers, Abate of Indiana, Iron Butt Association, and BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (BMW MOA). 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Pam and I lead the First Assembly Motorcycle riding group.

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Capitol City HD’s Lower Great Lakes Iron Butt challenge, Auburn motorcycle Fest, Abate’s Mayor’s Ride, Ride For Kids in South Bend. I also attended several of the Woodson’s Friday night motorcycle gatherings.

John Cutshall 1. Date you joined CMA: 1998 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: Road Captain for 2003 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Run for the Son 2008&2009,National East Rally 2009,State Rally 2008,member church visits 2008&2009, Wulpi's Party 2008&2009

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: I am a member of the American Legion Riders 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: I was ALR's first chaplain 2002,again in 2004 ,District 4

6. What secular bike events have you attended: Abate- Mayor's Ride 2008 &2009, ALR- poker run 2008 & Fund Raiser & Auction 2009.

7. Any other information you would like to include: At start of the season Janet & I did another ministry team coursePrayer Team. So far I have attended every Run for the Son since 1998.

Mike Stark 1. Date you joined CMA: February 2006 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: None 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Chapter meetings, Seasons of Refreshing X2, Run For the Son x2, and chapter bonfire/cookout.

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: Hog member, GWRRA, Cruiser Club USA, BSF Bible Study Graduate, AMA

Member, Vintage Motorcycle Club

5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Current President of Toast Masters #32903, BSF Bible Study Graduate, Kairos Prison Ministry Team. 6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Daytona bike week, Vintage Days @ Mid Ohio, Wings

over the Smokies, Honda Hoot Kentucky, Wing Ding Ft. Wayne, Honda Home Coming Marysville OH, Meijers Mid Night Ride For Kids MI, Ride for Kids South Bend, several off road scrambles, Neihaus Open house route 66 Illinois, Gillmores vintage cycle show MI, GWRRA State Rally, Hudson Leather event, Brandts HD Hog Roasts, Kerstings HD Hog Ohio.

Chaplain Nominees Phil Brown 1. Date you joined CMA: 2006 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: Vice President 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rally 2 years, Seasons 2 years, Officers training 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: HOG 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Lay leader for Good Shepherd UMC at

the Rescue Mission

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Boogie 2 years, Cycle Fest, Hep Fest, Carl Brown Run, polar ride, mayors ride, Cross & Dagger (not sec. but not CMA).

David Kirvan 1. Date you joined CMA: 3/24/2009 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: News Letter Assistant Editor 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Chapter meetings, chapter rides, Run for the Son, and chapter bonfire/cookout.

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: First Assembly of God Motorcycle Riders, Summit City Beemers, Abate of Indiana, Iron Butt Association, and BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (BMW MOA). 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Pam and I lead the First Assembly Motorcycle riding group.

6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Capitol City HD’s Lower Great Lakes Iron Butt challenge, Auburn motorcycle Fest, Abate’s Mayor’s Ride, Ride For Kids in South Bend. I also attended several of the Woodson’s Friday night motorcycle gatherings.

Mike Stark 1. Date you joined CMA: February 2006 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: None 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Chapter meetings, Seasons of Refreshing X2, Run For the Son x2, and chapter bonfire/cookout.

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: Hog member, GWRRA, Cruiser Club USA, BSF Bible Study Graduate, AMA Member, Vintage Motorcycle Club 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Current President of Toast Masters #32903, BSF Bible Study Graduate, Kairos Prison Ministry Team. 6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Daytona bike week, Vintage Days @ Mid Ohio, Wings over the Smokies, Honda Hoot Kentucky, Wing Ding Ft. Wayne, Honda Home Coming Marysville OH, Meijer’s Mid Night Ride For Kids MI, Ride for Kids South Bend, several off road scrambles, Neihaus Open house route 66 Illinois, Gillmores vintage cycle show MI, GWRRA State Rally, Hudson Leather event, Brandts HD Hog Roasts, Kerstings HD Hog Ohio.

Hollywood 1. Date you joined CMA: 1993 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: President, Chaplain 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: State Rally 2 years, Seasons 2 years, Officer training, National Rally 2 years, Changing of the Colors 2 years, Run For the Son 2 years.

4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: Valkyrie Riders 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: Ordained Pastor of Grace Christian Church. 6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: Valkyrie Riders Covered Bridge Ride 2 years, Cycle Fest 1 year, Polar Bike Ride 2 years, Mayor’s Ride 2 years, MotoGP 1 year, (and non-CMA) Cross & Dagger 1 year, Mahomet

Biker Sunday 1 year, Beef Run 2 years.

Mike Harold 1. Date you joined CMA: 10/09/2007 2. CMA Chapter positions you have held: None 3. CMA Events you have attended in the last 2 years: Run for the Son twice, State Rally twice 4. Other ride groups you currently belong to: None 5. Positions of leadership held in any other Bike club, ride group, or ministry: None 6. Secular Bike events you have attended in the last 2 years: None 7. Any other information you would like to include: 6 First Sundays - 8 Church Biker Sundays - 12 Ice Cream Rides - 3

Adopt a Highways - 1 VA Hospital Visit - 2 POW Rides - 1 Herr's Bike Night - 1 Hot Dog Giveaway 2 Christmas Parades 2 Smaltz's Harley Davidson Open Houses - 2 National Day of Prayer Rides - 2 Cycle Max Open Houses

Our new member being recognized this month is Wendy Brown. Wendy is the wife to Phil Brown our beloved Vice President. Wendy started attending the chapter meetings in 2006 with Phil but did not become a back patch wearing member until this year. Wendy was at Seasons this year and went through the training provided in order to earn her back patch. I was interested in why Wendy wanted to become a member now and what was her thought process behind that decision as it may be helpful for others who are debating the same thing. Wendy’s reply; “When Phil first started with CMA I was afraid that if I got too

close that I would have to do too much and I already felt that I had a full plate. CMA hasn’t been that for me. I do help out when I can but I’m not forced to, I want to. I enjoy the Christian fellowship with the meetings and rides but also think it is important as a group of Christians that we give back to the community. I may not be able to participate in all the organized events because of other commitments or I may not be comfortable with a secular event but I want to be able to do what I can to help CMA reach out as a CMA member and not just as a tag along.” I

also wanted to know what CMA ministry she wanted to be involved with. Wendy’s response; “I tend to be more behind the scenes and help out wherever needed, I like to help with hospitality.” Wendy has also been nominated for the office of Treasurer and is willing to be used in that capacity as well if she is elected. Wendy and Phil were married in ’81 and they have a son Christopher who is married and expecting his first child. Wendy is excited to be a grandma. Wendy is a 19 year breast cancer survivor (praise the Lord). Wendy works and stays busy helping Phil with the Good Shepherd church services at the Rescue Mission.


December 5th at 6:00 p.m.


Good Shepherd United Methodist Church 4700 Vance Ave, Fort Wayne

What to bring:

A Dish and/or Desert to share Meat, soft drinks and tableware will be provided

The chapter has selected 3 families to adopt this Christmas. We will be taking a special offering during the November meeting and the December Christmas party. If you would like to give but cannot attend either of the meetings please contact Jackson Lorence.

November Birthdays/Anniversaries

7-Paul Heitmann 15-Jack Lorence 18-John Elston 19-John Cutshall 22-Richard Troyer 30-Debra Fradette

Meeting Dates November 7th

December 5th

January 2nd

February 6th

Chapter meetings are held at Don Hall’s Guesthouse @ 1313 W Washington Ctr Road., #260.489.2524, Breakfast @ 8:00 a.m. Meeting @ 9:00 a.m.

Continue to check our web site for current and upcoming events @ .Newsletter Editor: Pam Kirvan - [email protected] #260.450.2901

What is CMA? C.M.A. (Christian Motorcyclist Association) is a nonprofit organization that has more than 950 chapters chartered in the U.S. and is in 25 other countries around the world. The main purpose of C.M.A. is to share the love of Jesus with other motorcyclists. This happens by attending motorcycle rallies, races, and rides, etc., where the gospel is shared. Once a year CMA (Christian Motorcyclist Association) on the first Saturday of May, all across the USA and Mexico have a fund raiser. Each chapter plans a 100 mile motorcycle ride and all the money raised goes to Missionary Ventures, Open Doors, the Jesus Film Project and ministry to motorcyclists right here in the U.S.A. CMA is not a Christian Club or riding group designed to segregate Christians from the influence of the world, but rather to help send each person into the world by spreading the light of Jesus in dark places For more information about CMA you can contact a chapter near you by locating them on the CMA web site at

Son Rise Rider Event Form The CMA National requests that members let them know what ministry they are performing each month. Each Chapter secretary compiles the information and forwards it on to CMA National. This helps the CMA to retain its status as a not for profit organization. So your cooperation in recording your ministry activities is greatly appreciated. You can copy and paste the following link into your computer browsers address line and fill out the information there or print out the form and manually fill it out and turn it in at our monthly Chapter meeting, or send it to our chapter secretary. This link is for Son Rise Riders only invented by our very own Ben H.

WE NEED PICTURES FOR OUR WEBSITE!!! Please feel free to take along your camera to our many upcoming events and capture the fun and camaraderie we share as CMAers.

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