Social Studies Lesson Plan Final

  • May 2020
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POWERFUL SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON PLAN OUTLINE JMU Elementary Education Program: ELED 434 ALL SECTIONS The following information should be included in the header of the lesson plan:  Alexis Padgett  Mr. Guengrich at Plains Elementary School  Fifth Grade  November 14th at 2 pm  November 7th (Plan must be initialed and dated by the teacher when it is reviewed—at least one week in advance.) A. TITLE OF LESSON: Be creative! The Civil War, Who’s Who

B. CONTEXT OF LESSON The students in my practicum classroom are in fifth grade. At this point in their education of social studies, they are learning Virginia history. A huge part of their curriculum is the civil war and how the war developed. I will be teaching the events leading up to the civil war based on notable people including Nat Turner, Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, and John Brown. This lesson is coming after the students have become familiar with these figures in history, specifically the events leading to the Civil War. Because of this, the students will be prepared for the lesson. They have had the ability to learn the material through their Social Studies interactive notebook. When it comes to the events leading to the Civil War, the students are familiar with the differences between the north and south, but some confuse the economy they had, such as the south being agricultural and the north being industrial. I was able to form this preassessment by observing the students while they were filling out their interactive notebooks and the information they shared with the class as a group. Many of the students were forthcoming with the information they were giving while others were quiet. One of the biggest misconceptions I was able to see had to deal with Harriet Tubman. When asked if they knew who formed the underground railroad two students raised their hands. Although this is true none of the students knew that there was no actual railroad for a train. When I teach this lesson, I will have been with the students for over two months and because of this I have come to realize the methods they prefer when learning. The students really like to create and be hands-on with the material that they are learning this is why I believe my lesson will be very beneficial for all of the students. At their age the students are able to accurately work independently on their work after instructions have been given. With the use of electronics, the students will become eager to create something on their own. Based on philosopher, John Dewey, whose theory “describes a constructionist and interactionist view of development.” (Mai 9) Through this lesson, the students will construct a

voice recording about historical figures while interacting with other students and various resources. The students will have the ability to be as creative as they feel comfortable with all while learning about historical figures. Mai, Robert P. (2014) John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and the theoretical foundations of open education. University of Massachusetts Amherst. Web. Retrieved 13 November 2018. C. RATIONALE:

This lesson gives the students the opportunity to examine the lives of notable figures in our history. This will give the students the concept of a person in history including their culture, background, how they impacted the Civil War, and their stance on the events that were occurring in the United States at that time in history. The students who will be performing this lesson are in 5th and will be able to work independently finding the material that is asked of them. During this lesson the students will be assuming the role of the historical figure that they are given, stating their life’s events in first person. Through this, many of the students will be able to form a deeper understanding of their assigned historical figure in the events leading to the Civil War. The notable figures that they will have the opportunity to research include, Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, John Brown, or Abraham Lincoln. Students are able to relate to the information they will be finding because it is the history that led them to be where they are today and the reason the United States works the way it does today. This is a piece of history that affects their everyday lives. Because of this, the students are at the point when they are ready to learn individual people and how they contributed to the beginning of the Civil War and why they are so notable in our history. The people they will be researching, were everyday people like themselves. The everyday lives of the students in the classroom differ greatly and because of this they will be able to learn more about how different their lives are compared to others. Throughout this lesson, students will learn to accept the views of others and carefully digest information of other people and their

lives. In doing so, they are able to make connections to their own lives. They are becoming aware of the differences that they have from one another and this lesson will further the development of this from history and their everyday lives through the various communities they are a part of in their everyday life.


 

VS.7 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the issues that divided our nation and led to the Civil War by a) explaining the major events and the differences between northern and southern states that divided Virginians and led to secession, war, and the creation of West Virginia b) describing the roles of American Indians, whites, enslaved African Americans, and free African Americans. D2.Civ.6.3-5 Describe ways in which people benefit from and are challenged by working together, including through government, workplaces, voluntary organizations, and families D2.Civ.4.3-5 Explain how groups of people make rules to create responsibilities and protect freedoms.

E. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand – what are the broad generalizations the students should begin to develop? (These can be difficult to assess in one lesson.)

Know – what are the facts, rules, specific data the students will gain through this lesson? (These “knows” must be assessed in your lesson.)

Do – what are the specific thinking behaviors students will be able to do or practice as a result of this lesson? (These will also be assessed in your lesson.)

I understand that there were several events that led to the start of the Civil War to connect the history to my own part in society.

I know the events leading up to the Civil War involving John Brown.

I can demonstrate my knowledge of notable people of the Civil War Era and their contributions within society.

I know the events leading up to the Civil War involving Harriet Tubman.

I can explain events that occurred leading up to the Civil War.

I know the events leading up to the Civil War involving Abraham Lincoln. I know the events leading up to the Civil War involving Nat Turner.


Task: 

Diagnostic features: The students are to complete the “I AM…” script with relevant information on their assigned historical figure; Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, John Brown, or Abraham Lincoln. They will do so using resources such as notes and one other online source of their choosing. I will be assessing their learning based on the final product they will post to seesaw. Being that they are doing their own on one of the notable figures, after they turn in their Chatterpix, they will be able to watch other students work. After, I will ask questions on all the figure to wrap up and gage the knowledge all of the

Based on their task I will be looking for accuracy in the information they are provide based on their provided historical figure. I will look to see that the students include the major events that each historical figure was a part of such as Harpers Farey, underground railroad, presidency, and rebellions.

Support: 

I will be sure that all students receive support during this lesson. When the students are working on their scripts, I will be walking around and communicating with all of the students gaging where they are in the learning process. I will give all the students the one on one attention, so they are able to communicate with me their knowledge and hesitations on the information they are finding. A way, if students need an adaption on the script, would be to provide sentence starters and have a script where the students have to fill in one word rather than a whole sentence.

students acquired on all the notable figures.

G. MATERIALS NEEDED iPad – ChatterPix app – School Chrome Books – Students I AM… worksheet – Me Photographs – Me Notes from previous lesson – students Document camera - Classroom


Introduction – Lesson lasting from 1:30 – 2:15

I will introduce to topic of the lesson being the notable historical figures in the events leading to the Civil War.

Event 1 (7 Min)

I will be reviewing the information the students have already learned including the historical figures, definitions, events that occurred, and the differences between the north and the south through questions. The answers to the questions will be recorded. Questions:

Students will be listening.

Students will raise their hands answering the questions that will be asked. Answers:  Northern States, Southern states, and Western Territories.  The Northern States. Ex. MN,WI, IA, IL, IN, OH, PA, NY, VT, NH, ME, MA KS, CA, OR, etc.

I will be sure be sure all of the students are familiar with the names that will be the focus of the lesson. Students will be able to use their notes when trying to find the answers if that is needed. I will also be writing the information down to allow the children to listen and then read the answer. Some students

         

Transition (5 min)

Event 2 (15 min)

What were the three different groups the United States were divided into? What states were considered to be free states, and could you give some examples? What states were considered to be slave states, and could you give some examples? Why were some states considered territories? What was the main difference between the north and the south. Which economy was in the north and what was their main focus? What was the main economy in the south and what was their main focus? What were their different stances on slavery? What does it mean to be an abolitionist? What does it mean to secede?

I will introduce the historical figures that will be the focus of the lesson, Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, John Brown, or Abraham Lincoln. At this point, I will introduce the historical figures; Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, John Brown, and Abraham Lincoln. Without giving information that they will need to find on their

  

 

learn better with having both representations of information.

The Southern States. Ex. MO, TN, KY, VA, NC, SC, GA, AL, AR, LA, FL, and TX. They were the sections of land in the western area of the United states that had not been carved out as individual states yet. Their economies. Industrial. They turned raw material into products in factories. Agricultural. They made money through farming, mainly on plantations where slaves did a lot of the work. Northern states believed slavery should be abolished and every new state should be a free state while the southern states wanted all new states to be slave states. This is a person who wanted to put an end to slavery and believed that slavery was immoral. This means to formally withdraw or break away from a union or group.

Students will be giving me their full attention.

I will show the pictures of the figure as I say their names.

Students will share their knowledge of the historical figures from past lessons within the unit. The students will also be giving me their full attention. The students will then be

This will appeal to all of the students and their interests because of their ability to find the information in the

own, I will explain that they are important because of their involvement in slavery. I will then explain what I will be expecting of them during this lesson. I will first show the student a blank copy of the “I AM…” worksheet. I will then explain that they will be assign one of the historical figures. Based on the figure they are given, they will need to find relevant information. I will then explain what they will need to do using the script after the students have completed the sheet. Resources –  Abraham Lincoln s-presidents/abraham-lincoln graphies/abraham-lincoln Nat Turner -history/nat-turner at-turner-9512211 Harriet Tubman -history/harriet-tubman graphies/harriet-tubman John Brown – tionist-movement/john-brown

given time to work on the script individually in the manner of their choosing.

manner that works best for them. I will also be coming around to all of the student to see their progress and help answer any questions they may have. graphies/john-brown All – vil_war.php Transition (5 min)

Event 3 (10 min)

Transition (2 min)

Event 4 (6 min)

I will be coming around with bag with  the names of the possible historical figures the students will be finding information on. After the students have had the ability  to research their assign historical figure, I will introduce the app ChatterPix. I will explain that they will need to take a picture of their assigned historical figure. Once they have taken a picture, they will then need to draw a mouth which will be the part that move while they are voice recording their script. To help them understand what I am asking of them, I will do one in front of them, using my phone, so they will know all the steps they will need to follow to complete their own.

The student will pick a name out of a bag when it is their turn.

Students will be working on their own making their Chatterpix. In doing so they will be putting themselves in the shoes of the historical figures, speaking in first person. They will be using the script to follow what they are supposed to say and mention when they are doing their voice recording. They will be able to add their own flare to the recoding such as decorating the picture.

The students will be asked to submit their creations to seesaw.

Once all of the students have posted their creations to seesaw, they will have the opportunity to share

Students will submit their Chatterpix of their assigned historical figure to the class seesaw. Students will have the opportunity to share what they created and the

All students will have the same likeliness to get an individual historical figure. The children will be able to see how they are to perform the tasks on Chatterpix through the displaying step by step using the document camera. The children will also be able to move around and find the spot they feel comfortable when doing work. I will be coming around talking to all of the students to see their progress and answer any questions that All of the students will have to opportunity to post their creations. Students will be able to see various ways the students interpreted

Conclusion: (5 min)


information they found about their historical figure. I will be looking for students to share that all have different people, so all of the students are able to hear information about all of the assigned historical figures. I will ask the students what they learned during to process of the lesson.

information they were able to find on their historical figure.

The students will give their feedback on the lesson and what they learned during the time of the lesson.

the project and different ways to display the information of the historical figures.

Several different perspectives will be given.

DIFFERENTIATION: i. Student will have the opportunity to use notes and other recourses they are comfortable with. 1. This will help the students locate the information easier, all in one location. Being that all of the information is in a similar location. 2. The other resources can provide students with different forms of information that they may better understand. ii. Students will receive extra attention with the aid being in the classroom. 1. The aid stays in class with two students during science and social studies. She is around to help the students with various assignments and to make sure they stay on task and answer any questions they may have. iii. If it is needed the students could receive extra time to complete their voice recording if the 30 secs timeframe doesn’t allow them to complete the reading. 1. Allowing the students to make an additional recording, so they can include all of the information they believe to be important. This allows the students to realize that this is a project based on what they believe is important and worth adding to their project. iv. Students will have the ability to extend their learning by including their own part to the script. 1. This will extend the students learning because they are including what they believe to be important to the learner. This also allows the students to learn new information they may not have otherwise found out by just following the script. v. Students that finished the video early and submitted it to seesaw, will be able to help other students. 1. This will allow the students to communicate with each other and collaborate. When students work together and use vocabulary that is easily understood, some students will better be able to understand the information.


vi. Student will not be able to use the iPads that have the app on them. 1. If this happens, I will have the student work with extended construction paper and art materials. Using this poster, they will use the information they found about their historical figure using the “I AM…” worksheet writing the information in first person. They will then be able to share the information they were able to find to the class by bringing the poster to the front of the class and even using the document camera. vii. The students are unsure where they can find information. 1. The students will have access to their social studies binders to find the information they previously recorded. viii. Students will not be able to submit their project to seesaw. 1. They will be able to bring their iPad to the front of the class and it can be placed under the document camera. ix. Students will be too noisy when working right next to each other. 1. I will give them the opportunity to spread out around the classroom and form their own personal space to work.

I AM…. Instructions: Fill in the script with information about the person you have been assigned. Your person can either be Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, John Brown, or Abraham Lincoln. Please fill out the information correctly and accurately. You are able to use your notes along with other resources. My name is __________________________. Leading up to the Civil War I was a/an (Slave or Abolitionist) ____________________________ in (general location) ______________________. I am taught in schools today because of my involvement in the events of the Civil War. I am known for _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________. As a result, ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. Some fun facts about me include, ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________. For these reasons, I am a big part of history. (This worksheet will be in portrait format)

Nat Turner

Abraham Lincoln

Harriet Tubman

John Brown

Lesson Implementation Reflection I. How did your actual teaching of the lesson differ from your plans? Describe the changes and explain why you made them. One thing that changed was the introduction of the lesson. My CT decided to teach some social studies earlier in the day and went over the questions that I was going to ask in my introduction. Being so, I was able to mover past that part of the introduction to give them more time to work on their own individual projects. Although I didn’t ask those specific questions, I asked the student what they knew about the historical figures. With this I was able to see their knowledge before and after the project. Another element of the lesson that changed was the research aspect of the lesson. Here, the students were able to use the websites that were provided to find the fun fact about their historical figure. This part of the lesson distracted many of the student from completing the script in a timely manner. They were getting off topic and some of the students didn’t want to read to find the information. This resulted in some students not completing the script in the time they were given. When I realized that using the computers were a distraction, I then told the students that they had 5 more minutes with the computers, after they will just use their notes to find the information. I based my script on the notes, so I knew they would be able to find all of the information they would need minus the fun fact. In the time that the students did get to use the computers, most were able to find a fun fact but if they didn’t, it was a piece they were able to leave out. Overall, for the most part, the lesson stayed the same minus a few details. II. Based on the assessment you created, what can you conclude about your impact on student learning? Did they learn? Who learned? What did they learn? What evidence can you offer that your conclusions are valid? The assessment I created was through their final product of their project. I believe out of all of the historical figures; the students were able to learn the most about their own figures than all of them. This I believe is due to running out of time and not being able to show all of the videos. I was able to see that all of the students learned about their figures because of the final product of their individual projects. While doing their project they were able to learn multiple aspects of their historical figure such as, who they were during the events leading up to the civil war, what their goal was, what major event were they apart of, and the effects of that event. They were able to show their information on the script they were provided and through the video that they made. I believe, that to some extent the noise level did take away from some of the individual learning however they are all able to complete a final product. III. Describe at least one way you could incorporate developmentally appropriate practice in a better or more thorough way if you were to teach this lesson again. If I was to teach this lesson again, I would be sure to do so once the students have learned to research. I believe this was a difficult part of the lesson because to students didn’t really know where to search to find information because it wasn’t laid all out for them. A way that I could also make this easier for them to find information would be through printing off different passages of the website to help to students concentrate on the specific elements of the website rather than giving them the whole website to work with which can be overwhelming.

IV. Based on the assessment data you collected, what would you do/teach next if you were the classroom teacher? If I was to continue on this topic then I would like to move to another group of historical figures during the war. I believe that if the students know the historical figures, they will learn about the different elements of history those figures were apart of. The first thing I would like to do if I was to continue this lesson would be the watch other final projects that were posted to seesaw. This will help the students learn about the other figures better. V. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about young children as learners? With young learner it is important to find engaging lessons. Being so, it is important to know the class you are teaching and make sure the lesson is something the children are able to do. It is also important to keep the students on task. It some cases, it is harder than other, but it is important to keep them on task. Overall, I think that giving the student to find their own information and complete a project, could give them more of an appreciation for the content and therefore learn. VI. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about teaching? The most important thing I learned was the importance of keeping the students on task. It is so easy for students start talking about other thing when working on a project where they are able to work on their own time. There are many different ways that you can do this in a classroom. This can be through call and responses, the flexibility of allowing the students to find their own area to complete their work, and separating students that are doing their work. I never had to separate students but that is always an option if it comes to it. As the teacher, it is your responsibility to engage the students and create their willingness and want, to do the project. VII. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about yourself? As a result of this lesson, I have learned that no matter how one believes the lesson is going, it could turn out better than expected. Throughout the lesson, based on the noise level, I was unsure of the students were actually learning. It wasn’t until I was walking around and seeing the children’s progress, I realized that there were several students that were excited about the project and wanted to learn. I really liked the end product and the information that the students found. This lesson reinforced that this is something I really enjoy implementing ways to help students learn and seeing the final product showing what they have learned.

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