Social November 27th

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  • Words: 730
  • Pages: 4
Lesson Title

Blackfoot People- Intro


November 26

Subject Area



Grade Two


First Peoples


30-40 mins

Objectives GLOs

Communities of the past: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how a community emerged, and of how the various interactions and cooperation among peoples ensure the continued growth and vitality of their community.


2.2.1 appreciate how stories of the past connect individuals and communities to the present 2.2.2 appreciate how Aboriginal and Francophone peoples have influenced the development of the student’s community

Essential Question

How is the Blackfoot People’s community different from yours today?

Materials/Setup: Put out journal sheets before lesson

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Powerpoint with pictures of Blackfoot peoples and their territory Big pieces of paper with squares (comic books) Berries Beef Jerky Pictures of artifacts Pieces of Brown Felt Skewers or wooden dowels Pipe Cleaners Small Rock ​


So yesterday we didn’t really get to finish the Blackfoot Creation Story, so I thought that we should revisit that today. ● ●


On your tables you will see one big paper With your table partner, we are going to draw out the creation story.

Discuss, based on this story, what things do we think are important to the Blackfoot Community Also discuss how we know that it was not Napi that created these things, but rather it was God that created all of these things in order for the Blackfoot people to survive.

10-15 mins

Formative Assessment: Comic sheet of creation story Differentiation Notes:

Body Materials:


The Blackfoot people were known as Nomadic People ◆ Can anyone tell me what this means? ● Yes! So where there were resources available, the Blackfoot people would follow

Today we are going to go on a journey to see how the Blackfoot people lived- ask what the four seasons are. Explain that the Blackfoot people moved with the seasons Go outside if weather allows, if not, stay inside and go through different areas of the school. ➔ Beginning of Summer ◆ The berries are ripe in this area and the buffalo have moved! Our ancestors have told us where the good places to camp are, and we know our territory very well ◆ Berries were crushed and mixed with dried meat fat to make pemmican - This would be saved for the winter months where there wasnt much food. ● Eat berries ◆ Women would make pemmican and clothes and pick lots of berries ◆ Men would go hunt, pick berries, and would keep out intruders ➔ Near the End of summer- the clans would get together for akoka’tsinni or the meeting place ◆ Explain that everything would be packed up. ◆ Before horses dogs were used ◆ Travois- If time: make a travois with pipe cleaners or just show the students an example ◆ Women were in charge of taking down the campsite ◆ Tipis were made to travel well- show example of tipi set up and tear down ➔ MOVE: ​Akoka’tsinni ◆ This was a time of sacred ceremonies ◆ All tipis set up with entrance facing east ◆ They would play hand games - IF TIME: Button you must wander ◆ All of this was to connect with nature

20 mins

MOVE: ​Early Fall ◆ Review tipi and travois ◆ Review nomadic ◆ Ask why they are nomadic- resources ◆ Now they are moving to where there is an abundance of Elk and Chokecherries- Elk hide makes the best clothing and Chokecherries are great in pemmican ◆ Dry meat ◆ Relaxing in shade of summer under the travois ◆ Also hunted Buffalo to make coats for winter ◆ Uh oh, cold winds are starting to blow MOVE:​ To Riverbed- remind them of our coulee ◆ To stay away from the harsh winds, the Blackfoot people would camp at the river beds ◆ Would keep warm ◆ Tell Stories ◆ Sometimes men would go out and hunt ◆ They would eat pemmican from their parfleche and eat dried berries which were stored in the buffalo bladders.

Notes: Conclusion Come back to classroom: So what did we learn? ● Nomadic Tribe ● Travois ● Tipi ● The Blackfoot people lived off the land and moved where there were resources Who provided these resources for the Blackfoot people? Reflection

3 mins

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