Social Contract

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 896
  • Pages: 2
On 18Mar2009 tv1 discussed the "polemic of social contract", something supposedly made sacred by the founding fathers of Malaysia. In truth, the words "social contract" were never written down or ever used in the formulating of the Malaysian constitution. The words "social contract" were first used by the previous Minister of Information when he got really riled up by the many voices critical of the ruling BN. Such voices included people like the present Opposition Leader who was then seen as a betrayer by UMNO diehard loyalists as he was so taken up with the views of the minority opposition politicians. These views consistently opposed the racist practices that were still being very actively and extensively promulgated and put into operation by the UMNO-led BN. Anyone and any country can proclaim that so-and-so social contract is the glue that holds them or their country together. But there is a big difference if people started to use the words "social contract" as a giant hammer or sword to instill fear and force the citizenry to meekly embrace evil practices and moral corruption. "Race supremacy" is another hot potato issue in Malaysia. There is no such thing as a race being superior or more exalted or more developed intellectually over other races in our world of today. The words were again used to silence those voices who questioned the ways the ruling BN was using to maintain its grip on power by cutting up and dividing the populace along racial lines. Highly emotional slogans were employed by the BN, especially the ones inside the Information Ministry to control the mindset of the people, particularly that of the majority community. The slogans carried all the carefully chosen words praising race and religion and at the same time shamelessly sending the message that the minority communities had to start accepting their unspoken status as second-class citizens. Never make noises or put forward complaints because you are all squatters and you were allowed to squat in this country because we are a supremely generous people. Nobody else can match our generosity and magnanimity. Malaysia today is still very badly burdened by many problems, and the two most pressing ones are racial polarisation and the crime situation now gripping the country. The ways and practices carried out in the process of administrating the land by the BN federal government were peppered with discriminatory policies and the situation was made worse by many overzealous civil service officers on the ground. Adding to the widespread evil discriminatory practices was the newly found solution of increasing the majority community population by the wholesale injections of legal (and illegal) foreign workers into the country. Many of the immigrants were given identity papers by local chieftains to make sure that their political base were increased by multiple factors virtually overnight. Such practices were started during the time of Dr M and were allowed to continue until very recently. All the evil methods employed by the BN to maintain control through racial composition adjustments soon resulted in the explosive rise in the crime rate of the country. Some of the imported labour were rather inclined to participate in criminal activities and also, many local youths were directly crowded out of the employment market, forcing

many to turn to crime to survive. Today, the crime picture is really horrendous. Criminals often do not hesitate to inflict maximum harm on their victims while carrying out their "business". Note the killings that were seen during the many goldsmith heists and the severe injuries suffered by families during domestic break-ins by sword-wielding and gun-toting robbers. Also, we now frequently have the opportunity to read about dead bodies turning up here and there, some with so very grisly wounds and mutilations and some were found burned completely to ashes and bones. Does the civilised world still possess the habit of producing social contracts in which society at large could live in a state of continuous discrimination and in an atmosphere of fear and insecurity ? Does the BN or the Malaysian government want to go against common sense and universal justice by oppressing its minorities and suppressing the legitimate dissent in the country ? Does the federal ruling class want the country to be like Mexico or Gaza ? Or Darfur or Rwanda ? If the answer is "no", then stop flogging all the falsehoods now. In then end only one truth stands out: Total failure in managing the affairs of our society and country by the ruling class. Malaysia has a lot going for it; vast natural resources, stable political climate, a hardworking and industrious people, a subservient minorty, component parties made up largely of head nodders, multilingual workers, etc..etc ..etc, but at the end of the day, the ruling class succeeded in making a mess of it. And then they had to come out with all the unneeded and unwanted polemics. Then laying the blame on the innocent of society. Just compare our politicians with those of Korea and Japan. There, if a politician ever made a mistake or committed an indiscretion, he had to resign. Over here, the politicians not only retain their jobs, but could even hold media conferences and strut about like some Bollywood film star. Little wonder we have so much corruption & the bad bribery culture. The evil BN is ultimately the destroyer of our society.

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