Soalan Spot Trial 2009

  • June 2020
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SEJARAH F4-Tamadun indus, pngruh agama hindu n buddha,k.bani umaiyah, penjljhan dan pnrokaan kusa barat(bab 1,3,6,7,9) F5-nasionalisme A.T, pngkuhan ngara dn bgsa m'sia, sistem pmrintahan&pntdbiran ngara, m'sia dlm krjsama antrabgsa(bab 1,6,7,9) BM Paper 1 (a)faedah kitar semula (b)-->penyakit berbahaya-wawancara -->kejadian ragut-pendapat -->jenayah junevil-rencana -->bencana alam-komen -->aspek yg dperlukn untuk hsilkn karya kreatif-perbncangan FIZIK -force in equilibrium -resultant & resolution -force & pressure -archimedes principal

Paper2 -drama kerusi -pertarungan jebat&tuah -gurindam mmlihara anggota -ayat pasif-->aktif -kemukakan peribahasa -teknik plot & latar masyarakat

-Bab 3,4,5 -->mirror n lens, series n parallel circuit, electromagnetism

BIOLOGY Paper3 -B.O.D -aerobres(lipas), lipase or anaerobic in yeast

Paper2 -reproduction, growth, inheritance(monohybrid/denyhybrid), blood group, variation, nutrition, insect respiration

PAI Ibadat: - haji, wajib haji, lrngan ihram, dam, sembelihan, syrkt, sewa, insurans, nusyuz, fasakh, khuluk, lian, akta kluarga, ank agkt Akidah - mkn hrta ank yatim, nifak, sihir, lari dr medan perang,mcuri, liwat n musahaqah, akidah ahli sunnah waljamaah, ajran sesat(qadyani, bhai, taslim) Adab – berfikir, berhias diri, tmpt rekreasi, mnzirah jnzh, musafir, dgn pmimpin, mmberi n menerima sedekah/hdiah, jual beli Tokoh - imam malik, ghazali, syeikh tahir jalaludin, HAMKA Tamadun – khulafak ar-rasyidin, krjaan bani umaiyah, abbasiah Tilawah – surah al an'am, al mukminum, luqman, at-taubah, al-hasyr Hadis – mkanan yg baik, hidup di dunia ibarat seorg perantau, org briman kkasih allah Tajwid – nun sakinah, mim sakinah & mad BI Directed writing – formal letter/ report Poem -monsun story -sonnet 18 -death in opposite house

Short story -necklace,looking 4 rain God, sound machine Novel -character + moral value/ lesson/ theme/ character jhat

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