Snef Faq On Maternity Leave And Benefits 31 Oct 08

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Download & View Snef Faq On Maternity Leave And Benefits 31 Oct 08 as PDF for free.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) FAQs for the Extended Maternity Leave ------------------------------------------- 1 Section A: Policy Rationale Section B: Eligibility & Criteria Section C: General Procedures Section D: Disputes FAQs for the Enhanced Childcare Leave ------------------------------------------ 8 Section A: Policy Rationale Section B: Eligibility & Criteria Section C: General Procedures Section D: Disputes FAQs on the New Infant Care Leave ------------------------------------------------ 14 Section A: Policy Rationale Section B: Eligibility & Criteria Section C: General Procedures

FAQ - Extended Maternity Leave To enable working mothers to strengthen bonding with their newborns and provide more time to recuperate from childbirth, paid maternity leave will be extended from 12 weeks to 16 weeks for mothers with Singapore Citizen births. This would be regardless of the birth order of the child. For the first two confinements, the first eight weeks of maternity leave will continue to be employer-paid. The last eight weeks will be funded by the Government (capped at $20,000 per confinement including CPF). For the third and subsequent confinements, the full 16 weeks will be funded by the Government (capped at $40,000 per confinement including CPF). The last 8 weeks of maternity leave (i.e. 9th to 16th week) can be taken flexibly over a period of 12 months from the date of confinement if there is mutual agreement between the employer and employee. In addition, a female employee will be eligible for maternity leave benefits if she has worked for the employer for at least 90 days before the birth of the child. This qualifying period has been reduced from 180 days. An employer would also be required to pay a female employee's maternity benefits if she is (i) retrenched within the last 3 months of pregnancy; or (ii) dismissed without sufficient cause within 6 months before the birth of her child. ™ ™ ™ ™

Section A: Policy Rationale Section B: Eligibility & Criteria Section C: General Procedures Section D: Disputes


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

Section A: Policy Rationale What are the changes that have been made to maternity leave? With effect from 31 October 2008: a)

Paid maternity leave will be for up to 16 weeks (previously 12 weeks). For the first two confinements, the first eight weeks of maternity leave will continue to be employer-paid. The last eight weeks will be funded by the Government (capped at $10,000 per 4 weeks i.e. $20,000 per confinement including CPF contributions). For the third and subsequent confinements, the full 16 weeks will be funded by the Government (capped at $10,000 per 4 weeks i.e. $40,000 per confinement including CPF contributions). The last 8 weeks may be taken flexibly within a 12month period from the birth of the child.


To qualify for maternity leave benefits, the mother must have worked for at least 90 days with the employer (previously 180 days).


Maternity leave benefits will be payable even if the pregnant employee is retrenched within the last 3 months of pregnancy.


Maternity leave benefits will be payable even if the pregnant employee is dismissed without sufficient cause within the last 6 months of pregnancy*.


Mothers will be able to claim maternity leave payment from all their employers if they work for more than one employer at the same time.

*Includes termination of employment with or without notice. Employers will be required to grant the additional maternity leave to their employees after 31 Oct 2008 when the legislative amendments take effect. In the transitional period, they are encouraged to grant such leave from 17 August 2008. Why is the Government extending paid maternity leave? This is part of the overall package of measures to support parenthood and make Singapore a more conducive place for families. A longer period of maternity leave will allow working mothers more time to bond with their newborns and recuperate from childbirth. It also gives mothers additional time to ensure that childcare arrangements are satisfactory, before they return to work. Are mothers allowed to claim for maternity leave payment from more than one employer? Currently, mothers are eligible for paid maternity leave with only one employer. We recognise that in a changing economy, women may hold more than one job concurrently. To ensure that these women can continue to enjoy the same level of income when they have a child, they will be allowed to claim maternity leave payment from all their employers if their child is born on or after 31 October 2008. The Government will reimburse the employers accordingly. 2

Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

Section B: Eligibility & Criteria Who is eligible for the extended Government-Paid Maternity leave? You will qualify for 16 weeks of paid maternity leave if: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Your child is born on or after 31 October 2008; and Your child is a Singapore Citizen; and The child's parents are lawfully married; and You have worked for the employer for a continuous duration of at least 90 days before the birth of the child.

Employers are encouraged to allow their eligible staff to claim the additional maternity, infant care and childcare leave provisions and extend the enhanced protection to pregnant employees from 17 Aug 2008; if they do so, the Government will pay for its share of the additional leave taken. For self-employed mothers, in addition to criteria (i) to (iii), you must have been engaged in a particular business or profession for a continuous period of at least 90 days before the child is born, and have lost income as a result of not engaging in the business or profession during the maternity leave period. I am a single/unmarried mother of a Singapore Citizen child. Apart from this, I meet all the other eligibility criteria for maternity leave. Am I eligible for the extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave? If you marry the child's father within 12 months from the birth of the child, you will be eligible for any remaining extended maternity leave in that year. Example: Ms A, who is single and unmarried, has her 1st child on 31 October 2008. As Ms A is not married, she is only eligible for the 12 weeks of maternity leave. She is not eligible for the extended 4 weeks of maternity leave. However, Ms A subsequently marries the child's father on 1 June 2009. She now qualifies for the extended 4 weeks of maternity leave which she can consume from 1 June 2009 to 31 October 2009. I am the mother of a non-Singapore Citizen child. How do I qualify for extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave? or I am a Singapore citizen, but my child is not. Do I qualify for extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave? If your child becomes a Singapore Citizen within 12 months from his/her birth, you will be eligible for any remaining extended maternity leave in that year. You will also have to meet the other qualifying criteria including having worked for your employer for a continuous duration of at least 90 days. I am a foreigner/PR working in Singapore. Am I eligible for the extended maternity leave?


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

You will be eligible for the extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave so long as your child is a Singapore Citizen and you meet the other eligibility criteria. You are not required to be a Singapore Citizen yourself. I meet all the qualifying conditions. However, I am a fixed-term contract/temporary/part-time employee. Will I qualify for the extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave from the 13th to 16th week? Yes, you will be eligible. You will be paid at the gross rate for each day that you would normally have been required to work under your contract of service. Any unconsumed maternity benefits at the end of your contract would lapse. Am I eligible for the extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave if I am still on my probation at work? Yes, your probationary status will not affect your entitlement to extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave. Am I eligible for the extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave if I adopt an infant? No, you are not entitled to maternity leave. However, if your employer voluntarily provides you with Adoption Leave, your employer can seek Government reimbursement for up to 4 weeks of Adoption Leave (capped at $10,000, including CPF contributions) if all the criteria below are met : a) b)

the adopted child is a Singapore Citizen or becomes one within 6 months of the adoption order being granted; you are lawfully married* at the point of application of Adoption Leave.

In addition to satisfying the above criteria, a self-employed mother must show that she has lost income as a result of not engaging in her trade, business, profession or vocation during the adoption leave period. The Adoption Leave must be consumed within 6 months from the date of birth of the adopted child. * Widows and divorcees are also eligible. Is a self employed entitled to the extended 16 weeks maternity leave? The self employed is entitled to 56 days (current 28 plus 28 ie. our 8 weeks) government paid maternity leave for the first 2 confinements if she satisfies the qualifying conditions. She is entitled to (112 days ie. our 16 weeks) Government Paid Maternity Leave for subsequent confinements. If I was legally married to the child's father when the child was conceived but divorced before the birth of the child, will I be entitled to Governmentpaid Maternity leave? 4

Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

Yes, you will be entitled to the extended government-paid maternity leave so long as you were legally married to the child's natural father at the point of conception and satisfy the rest of the qualifying conditions.

Section C: General Procedures How do I apply for Government-Paid Maternity Leave? You should inform your employer as early as possible, at least one week before you start your maternity leave. You should also reach an agreement with your employer on how and when you intend to take the leave. How do I take the 16 weeks of paid maternity leave? You may take the 16 weeks of maternity leave from work continuously, starting from 4 weeks before delivery. Where there is mutual agreement with the employer, the last 8 weeks (9th to 16th week) of maternity leave can be taken flexibly, within 12 months from the birth of the child. You and your employer should discuss and come to an agreement on the arrangement that will best suit the needs of both parties before the employee goes on maternity leave. You and your employer should also anticipate and agree on an approach to deal with possible situations that may arise from taking the leave flexibly – for example, how your work performance will be assessed when you are on flexible leave. Can I take the 16 weeks of maternity leave flexibly? Yes, where there is a mutual agreement with the employer, the last 8 weeks (9th to 16th week) of maternity leave can be taken flexibly within 12 months of the delivery of your child (refer to example below). You should discuss with your employer and come to an agreement on the arrangement that will best suit the needs of both parties when you go on flexible maternity leave. Example: Number of Days that can be taken flexibly If Mrs Tan is on a 5-day work week, the number of days of maternity leave that could be taken flexibly is computed as follows: Number of working days per week 5

x x

8 weeks 8 =

40 days

Thus, she could, after 8 weeks of maternity leave, i. return to work on a half-day scheme; or ii. be on a shortened work-week e.g. 2 or 3 days until the flexible leave of 40 days is exhausted. Whichever form it takes, both the employer and employee must agree to the arrangement.


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

As an employer, when should I pay my employee her salary during her maternity leave? What about parts of the maternity leave which will be Government-funded? An employee who meets the qualifying conditions for paid maternity leave should continue to receive salary from her employer throughout her maternity leave as if she had been working without a break. For the first and second child, the Government will pay up to $20,000 (including CPF contributions) per confinement for the last 8 weeks. For the third and subsequent child, the Government will pay up to $40,000 (including CPF contributions) per confinement for the full 16 weeks. The employer may claim reimbursement subsequently from the Government, for the amount of Government-paid maternity leave taken. For the 1st and 2nd confinements, Government reimbursement is applicable only after the employer has paid for 8 weeks of maternity leave. As an employer, how do I pay an employee who takes the extended Government-Paid Maternity Leave flexibly? When is salary payable? You should continue to pay her normal salary for the days that she works on her usual pay day. Payment should be made to her on her usual pay day. For the first and second confinements, the Government will pay up to $20,000 (including CPF contributions) per confinement for the last 8 weeks. For the third and subsequent confinements, the Government will pay up to $40,000 (including CPF contributions) per confinement for the full 16 weeks. The employer may claim reimbursement subsequently from the Government, for the Government-paid maternity leave taken. The employer may claim reimbursement after the full maternity leave entitlement has been claimed by the employee. For the 1st and 2nd confinements, Government reimbursement is applicable only after the employer has paid for 8 weeks of maternity leave. As an employer, how do I claim for reimbursement of the Government-Paid Maternity Leave? The employer should ensure that he has received the employee's Declaration Form (at least one week before the start of maternity leave), and that eligibility criteria are met before making payment to the employee. The form should be kept for 3 years for auditing. The employer should continue to pay the employee during the maternity leave period. For the Government-paid portion of maternity leave, the employer is not required to pay above the reimbursement cap of $10,000 per 4 weeks, although he may voluntarily do so. Once the employee has finished using all her maternity leave, including leave that is taken flexibly, the employer must submit the claim for reimbursement to MCYS within 3 months of the last day of the employee's maternity leave. The claim can be submitted online. Details will be made known shortly.


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

Can any part of the maternity leave be used to offset the notice period for termination of employment? No. The days an employee is away on maternity leave will not be counted as part of the notice period. If I change jobs before I complete my maternity leave, can I carry over the balance of maternity leave to my new company? If you switch companies before you complete your maternity leave, you will not be able to carry over any unused maternity leave to the new company. Can I choose not to take the full maternity leave? Yes, you may choose not to take the full maternity leave. However, you would not be given additional salary in lieu of the maternity benefits. Alternatively, you could consider taking the last 8 weeks of your maternity leave flexibly within a 12-month period. In such a case, you should discuss with your employer and come to an agreement on the arrangement that will best meet the needs of both parties before you go on maternity leave. My employer agreed to let me spread the last 8 weeks of maternity leave over 12 months. However, it turns out that I will be leaving my company before I can use up the flexible leave as agreed. Can I ask my employer to let me use up the maternity leave before I go? What if my employer does not allow it? You should discuss this matter with your employer. If your employer agrees to let you take the outstanding flexible maternity leave before you leave the company, you can do so. If there is no mutual agreement, the unused leave will lapse.

Section D: Disputes As an employer, do I need to provide a retrenched pregnant employee both her retrenchment benefits and maternity leave benefits? Yes. If the employer is providing retrenchment benefits to all other retrenched workers, you will need to provide the retrenchment benefits on top of the employee's maternity leave benefits.


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

FAQ - Enhanced Childcare Leave Parents of Singapore Citizen children, including managerial, executive and confidential staff, will be entitled to 6 days of paid childcare leave per year per parent until the child turns seven, regardless of the birth order of the child. The first three days will be employer-paid and the last three days Governmentpaid (capped at $500 per day, including CPF). Regardless of the number of children, the total childcare leave entitlement for each parent is capped at 6 days per year. Parents may use this leave to spend time with their children. ™ ™ ™ ™

Section A: Policy Rationale Section B: Eligibility & Criteria Section C: General Procedures Section D: Disputes

Section A: Policy Rationale What are the features of the enhanced Childcare Leave policy? Each working parent of Singapore Citizen children will be entitled to 6 days of statutory paid Childcare Leave per year (previously two days per year) if they have at least one child (including adopted and step child) under the age of 7 years. The Government will pay for the 4th – 6th day of childcare leave each year (capped at $500 per day including CPF). Why is the Government extending the paid Childcare Leave? Childcare Leave is part of the overall package of measures to support parenthood and make workplaces more family-friendly.

Section B: Eligibility & Criteria Who is eligible for 6 days of paid Childcare Leave? Working parents are entitled to 6 days of paid Childcare Leave per parent per year if they fulfilled the following conditions: a) Your child is below seven years of age on or after 31 Oct 2008 when the legislative amendments take effect. For the transitional period from 17 Aug 2008, the extended childcare leave voluntarily granted by employers will be funded by the Government; and b) Your child is a Singapore Citizen; and c) The child's parents are lawfully married; AND You have worked for your employer for a continuous duration of at least three calendar months; OR 8

Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

You are self-employed and have been engaged in a particular business / trade / profession for a continuous duration of at least three calendar months; and you have lost income as a result of not engaging in your trade, business, profession or vocation during the childcare leave period. If your child subsequently becomes a Singapore Citizen, and all the other qualifying criteria are met, you will qualify for extended Childcare Leave from that point onwards. Am I eligible for paid Childcare Leave if I am on probation? Yes, your probationary status does not affect your eligibility for paid Childcare Leave. Am I eligible for the paid Childcare Leave if I am a fixed-term contract/temporary/part-time employee? Yes, so long as you meet the qualifying criteria for Childcare Leave. As a single parent, am I eligible for paid Childcare Leave of 6 days? As long as you subsequently become lawfully married to the child's other parent, and meet the other qualifying criteria, you will qualify for extended childcare leave from that point onwards. Is a self employed entitled to the enhanced 6 days childcare leave? Yes, the self employed is eligible for all 6 days if he satisfies the qualifying conditions. However, the procedures for a self employed to submit claims for government reimbursement of the last 3 days of childcare leave are still under review. How many days of paid Childcare Leave am I eligible for if my spouse and I work for the same employer? Each of you is still eligible to 6 days of paid Childcare Leave per year if you meet the qualifying conditions. Will I be eligible for paid Childcare Leave if I have just adopted an infant? Yes, parents of legally adopted children are eligible for paid Childcare Leave so long as they meet the eligibility criteria. Am I eligible to Childcare Leave if I am a foreigner with a non-Singapore Citizen child? If you are covered under the Employment Act, you will be eligible for 2 days of paid Childcare Leave if you meet the other qualifying criteria. You will not be eligible for the extended childcare leave.


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

Section C: General Procedures As an employer, how many days of Childcare Leave are my employees entitled to till end of the year, now that the qualifying date for the enhanced Marriage and Parenthood package has been moved to 17 August 08? Is it compulsory for me to grant the additional Childcare Leave during the transitional period (i.e. 17 August 08 till the law takes effect)? The Childcare Leave entitlement of 6 days per year will be pro-rated for the period 17 August 08 to 31 December 08 for eligible employees, which works out to 3 days. However, if an employee has already taken 2 days of Childcare Leave under the Employment Act prior to 17 August 08, he/she will only be entitled to 1 additional day of Childcare Leave until the end of the year. These 3 days will be employer-paid. Where employers are able to grant up to the full 6 days of Childcare Leave, the Government will pay for the additional days of Childcare Leave taken, up to the maximum of 3 days. Before the legislation takes effect, employers are encouraged to voluntarily grant the additional employer-paid Childcare Leave to their employees. After October 08 when the legislation takes effect until 31 December 08, employers will be required to do so. From 1 January 09 onwards, the Childcare Leave entitlement will be 6 days for eligible employees. Why is the pro-rated Childcare Leave from 17 August 08 to 31 December 08 set at 3 days? It is calculated based on the number of months employers are required to grant the extended Childcare Leave in the first year of implementation. The period between 17 August 08 and 31 December 08 is about 5 months. Therefore the 3 days of pro-rated Childcare Leave is derived using the formula: (5 months/12 months) x the full 6 days of extended Childcare Leave, rounded up to 3 days. My employee is covered under the Employment Act and I have already granted him/her 2 days of statutory paid Childcare Leave prior to 17 August 08. How many more days of Childcare Leave do I need to provide him/her till 31 December 08? If your employee has already taken 2 days of Childcare Leave under the Employment Act prior to 17 August 08, he/she will only be entitled to 1 additional day of Childcare Leave between 17 August 08 to 31 December 08. My employee who is covered under the Employment Act and I have previously worked out for Childcare Leave to be taken during the anniversary year of the child's birthday (i.e. birthday to birthday) prior to 17 August 08, how do I take this into consideration when calculating how many days of Childcare Leave my employee is entitled to between 17 August 08 and 31 December 08?


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

Irrespective of the relevant period arrangement worked out between the employer and employee prior to 17 August 08, employees will receive 3 days of pro-rated employer-paid Childcare Leave from 17 August 08 to 31 December 08, which is inclusive of the 2-day Childcare Leave that he/she is entitled to under the Employment Act. From 1 January 2009, the full 6 days of enhanced Childcare Leave, in any relevant period agreed between the employer and employee, could recommence. In any case, the total number of Childcare Leave that can be taken over 7 years in respect of any child should not exceed 42 days. Example: Ms Tan's son's birthday is on 8 April 07. Prior to 17 August 08, Ms Tan and her employer worked out an arrangement for Ms Tan to take 2 days of childcare leave on an anniversary year period (e.g. 8 April 08 to 7 April 09). Ms Tan has not consumed her 2 days of leave for the relevant period from 8 Apr 08 to 16 August 08. In view of the extended childcare leave, Ms Tan will be entitled to take 3 days employer-paid childcare leave from 17 August 08 to 31 December 08. From 1 January 09, upon mutual agreement with her employer, Ms Tan could take childcare leave according to the calendar year period, i.e. full 6 days of paid childcare leave from 1 January 09 to 31 December 09. If my employee joined my company in 1 July 08, will he/she be entitled to the new Childcare Leave? An employee who joined your company on 1 July 08 will qualify for 2 days of Childcare Leave which can be taken by 31 December 08. This is calculated based on the service period (subject to a minimum of 2 days), i.e. 6mths/12mths x 3 days (pro-rated base entitlement in the first year of implementation) = 1.5, which is rounded up to 2 days. If my employee's employment ends on 30 September 08, how many days of the childcare leave will he/she be entitled to from 17 August 08 to 30 September 08? An employee whose employment ends on 30 September 08 will qualify for 2 days of childcare leave. This is calculated based on the service period (subject to a minimum of 2 days), i.e. 9 mths/12mths x 3 days (pro-rated base entitlement in the first year of implementation) = 2.25, which is rounded down to 2 days. How can I take paid Childcare Leave? Do I need to produce a child medical certificate? No, a medical certificate is not required. You have flexibility to take paid Childcare Leave to spend time with your child, as long as your child is below seven years old. For example, you may use it to accompany your child on the first day of school, or to care for your child personally when the usual childcare arrangement is not available. 11

Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

How do I apply for paid Childcare Leave? You should give your employer notice of your intention to take the paid Childcare Leave and obtain his/her approval before going on leave. Is the Childcare Leave year based on calendar or anniversary year? It can be for any 12-month period as agreed by both employer and employee. If there is no agreement, the leave year will be the calendar year, by default. Is the Childcare Leave pro-rated for part-time employees? As an employer, can I reject my employee's application for paid Childcare Leave if there is urgent work to be completed during those days? Yes. As in all other forms of paid leave, you should discuss with your employee and mutually agree on a suitable time to take the childcare leave so that the employee's entitlement of 6 days of paid childcare leave is not affected. If the employee needs the leave to attend to matters that cannot be postponed (e.g. child immunization, school registration), the employer is strongly encouraged to grant the leave. The Childcare Leave entitlement should be adjusted for part-time employees based on the number of working hours, so that their entitlement is equivalent to those of full-time employees and subject to a minimum of two days. Illustration A existing part-time employee is required to work an average of 4 hours a week, and a similar existing full-time employee is required to an average of 8 hours a day and 44 hours a week, the entitlement of the part-time employee to paid childcare leave is: 4 x 6 x 8 = 4.4 hours (Subject to a minimum of 2 days) 44 The part time employee will be entitled to two days of childcare leave, equivalent to 4 hours each day. If my company already provides some form of family or childcare leave to staff, does the employer still need to provide the enhanced 6 days of paid childcare leave on top of this? If your company already provides at least 6 days of paid leave per year for eligible employees to spend time with their children without any pre-conditions such as producing a medical certificate for the child, the company need not provide additional childcare leave. Can I encash or carry over to the next year any unused paid Childcare Leave? No, unused Childcare Leave at the end of the yearly entitlement period will lapse, and cannot be encashed or carried over the next year. Is the Childcare Leave transferable between spouses? 12

Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

No, Childcare Leave is not transferable between spouses. Unused childcare leave by any one party will lapse at the end of each agreed year. Can I use paid Childcare Leave to offset my notice period for termination of employment? No, the leave will not be calculated as part of the notice period. As an employer, how do I claim for reimbursement of the Government-Paid Childcare Leave? You should ensure that you have received the employee's Declaration Form and verify that all the eligibility criteria are met before making payment to the employee. The form should be kept for 3 years for auditing. Once you have ascertained that your employee meets all the qualifying criteria, you may allow him/her to use the 6 days of childcare leave. The claim for reimbursement can be submitted within 3 months after your employee has fully consumed the 6 days of childcare leave. More information on claims for reimbursement for employers and self-employed persons will be available online from October 2008. If I take 4 days of childcare leave in a year, how many days will be paid by the Government? The employer will pay for the first 3 days, and the Government will pay for the 4th day onwards.

Section D: Disputes What can I do if my employer refuses to grant me the enhanced Childcare Leave? Employees who have been denied their statutory right may seek legal redress, or approach the Ministry of Manpower for assistance. Please contact our staff at [email protected] or (65) 6438 5122 to provide details of your case so that the Ministry can look into the matter. The Government, with the support of employers and unions, is working together to build a more supportive work environment for all working parents. The Ministry strongly urges all employers to implement childcare leave at their workplaces.


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

FAQ - New Infant Care Leave Parents of Singapore Citizen Children, including managerial, executive and confidential staff, will be entitled to 6 days of unpaid infant care leave per year per parent until the child turns two, regardless of the birth order of the child. Parents with children under the age of two can apply for paid childcare leave in addition to the unpaid infant care leave. ™ Section A: Policy Rationale ™ Section B: Eligibility & Criteria ™ Section C: General Procedures

Section A: Policy Rationale Why did the Government introduce unpaid Infant Care Leave? Unpaid Infant Care Leave is introduced as part of the overall package of measures to support parenthood and make Singapore a great place for families. This additional leave gives parents more time to spend with their newborn and to ensure care arrangements are satisfactory. Why is the Infant Care Leave unpaid? It has to be seen in the context of the overall package of enhanced measures to promote marriage and parenthood. Infant care leave is unpaid to ensure that its introduction does not significantly increase business costs and affect the employability of workers, especially working mothers.

Section B: Eligibility & Criteria Who is eligible for the 6 days of unpaid Infant Care Leave? Working parents who fulfill the following conditions are entitled to infant care leave: a)

Your child is below two years of age on or after 31 Oct 2008 when the legislative amendments take effect; and b) Your child is a Singapore Citizen; and c ) The child's parents are lawfully married; AND d) You have worked for your employer for a continuous duration of at least three calendar months. Both fathers and mothers with children under the age of two can apply for paid childcare leave in addition to the unpaid infant care leave. Am I eligible for Infant Care Leave if I am a foreigner/PR working in Singapore?


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

Yes, if you have a Singapore Citizen child, you will be eligible for the unpaid infant care leave if you meet the other qualifying criteria. If your child is not a Singapore Citizen, you will not be eligible for infant care leave. If your child becomes a Singapore Citizen subsequently, and all the other qualifying criteria are met, you will qualify for infant care leave from that point onwards. Am I eligible for unpaid Infant Care Leave if I am on probation at work? Yes, your probationary status does not affect your eligibility for unpaid Infant Care Leave. Am I eligible for unpaid Infant Care Leave if I am a part-time / fixed-term contract / temporary employee? Yes, so long as you meet the qualifying criteria for Infant Care Leave. The infant care leave entitlement should be adjusted for part-time employees based on the number of working hours, so that their entitlement is equivalent to those of fulltime employees. Illustration A existing part-time employee is required to work an average of 4 hours a week, and a similar existing full-time employee is required to an average of 8 hours a day and 44 hours a week, the entitlement of the part-time employee to unpaid infant care leave is: 4 x6 44

x 8 = 4.4 hours

The part time employee will be entitled to 1.1 day of infant care leave, equivalent to 4.4 hours Will I be eligible for unpaid Infant Care Leave if I have just adopted an infant? Yes, so long as you meet the eligibility criteria for Infant Care Leave. Am I eligible for unpaid Infant Care Leave if I am self-employed? As Infant Care Leave is unpaid, you will be able to take the unpaid leave on your own accord. If I have a child below the age of 2, can I take both the 6-day paid childcare leave and 6-day unpaid Infant Care Leave? Yes, you can take both types of leave until the child turns 2, as long as you meet the qualifying criteria. As a single parent, am I eligible for unpaid Infant Care Leave? If you become lawfully married to the child's other parent, and all the other qualifying criteria are met, you will qualify for infant care leave from that point onwards. 15

Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

Section C: General Procedures How do I take the unpaid Infant Care Leave? You can take the 6 days of unpaid Infant Care Leave within a 12-month period before the child turns 2 years of age subject to agreement between you and your employer. In the event that no such agreement has been made, a calendar year would be used by default. How do I apply for unpaid Infant Care Leave? You should give your employer notice of your intention to take the leave and obtain his/her approval before going on leave. You can take 6 days of unpaid Infant Care Leave within any 12-month period as agreed by you and your employer before the child turns 2 years of age. If there is no agreement, the leave year will be the calendar year, by default. Will I be paid when I take Infant Care Leave? No, Infant Care Leave is unpaid leave. Under the law, your employer is not obliged to pay your salary for the days when you are on infant care leave Can an employee's application for unpaid Infant Care Leave be rejected if there is urgent work to be completed during those days? Yes. As in all other forms of paid leave, the employer should discuss with his/her employee and mutually agree on a suitable time to take the Infant Care Leave so that the employee's entitlement of 6 days of infant care leave is not affected. If the employee needs the leave to attend to matters that cannot be postponed (e.g. child immunisation, medical appointments), the employer is strongly encouraged to grant the leave. As an employer, can I pro-rate the Infant Care Leave by the duration that an employee has worked for me during the yearly entitlement period? No. As the leave is unpaid, it is unlikely that employees will take the leave unnecessarily.


Last updated on 31 Oct 2008

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