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Connection President Frank V. Zerunyan, Rolling Hills Estates, California  [email protected]

8119 Somerset Blvd.  Paramount, CA 90723  562.633.5533  Fax 562.633.9555 www.contractcities.org  email [email protected]

October 2008

California Contract Cities Association


President’s Message By Frank V. Zerunyan Colder weather h a s approached, the time has changed and Thanksgiving is around the corner. These things all point to a new year coming as well as being evidence that our Annual Fall Seminar has just passed. The California Contract Cities Association exists to keep our member cities informed and up-to-date on the latest topics facing our member cities. We succeeded in doing this once again at our Annual Fall Seminar which was held in the beautiful city of San Luis Obispo. We tackled topics such as Water Quality and Conservation, The Orange Line Mag/Lev Transportation P r o j e c t , A i r Q u a l i t y, Alternative Fuels, and Personal Alternative Transportation. It was also an honor to hear from Steve Cooley District Attorney, County of Los Angeles at our Sunday morning breakfast session. I want to thank all those who presented and share my gratitude for their knowledgeable, informative sessions. I would like to extend my special thanks to the hosts and sponsors who provided so much for this

event. These educational and informative seminars would not take place without these partners. And one last thank you to our Special Events Committee Chair Randy Bomgaars and our G o l f To u r n a m e n t C h a i r Diane Martinez for their hard work and diligent planning of this great event. You both made this an educational and memorable Annual Fall Seminar. The upcoming Annual Sacramento Legislative Orientation Tour (SLOT) is quickly approaching and those of you who have attended in the past can testify to this events weight and importance in our history. Through the years SLOT has been the grounds for establishing great relationships with Legislators and Constitutional Officers as well as learning about the new year’s upcoming issues and agendas for our great state. Our New Membership Committee Chair John Noguez and his team have been working hard in partnership with the City of Pico Rivera to produce a “New Membership” marketing video to highlight the great benefits and educational programs our member cities enjoy. This 1

video along with other materials will be used as a tool to provide information in an attractive format to new prospective member cities. Stay tuned for updates on the status of this marketing package and other new exciting ways we can reach out to cities that could benefit from membership with our fine organization. Be sure to check our w e b s i t e w w w. c o n t r a c t c i t i e s . o r g regularly for updates on all these events and for current news items and information. We also will be launching our new website at the end of December in hopes to better serve our cities and membership with a new look and innovative communication ideas. In closing I want to encourage you all to push forward to finish well with me as we approach the close of this year and look toward the appearing horizon of a new marketing campaign, innovative educational programs, a successful Sacramento Tour and an amazing 51st year of this fine California Contract Cities Association.


Board of Directors

The Los Angeles County Fire Department hosted our September Board of Directors Meeting at the Fire Museum in the City of Bellflower. While the meeting’s agenda is always priority number one, we also had the pleasure of hearing from Los Angeles County Fire Chief P. Michael Freeman. Chief Freeman announced plans for a new location of the Fire Museum in the City of Bellflower. The new location will include a restaurant on the premises and a larger facility to house all the amazing historical vehicles used to keep our cities safe in the event of a fire through the years. He thanked CCCA for their partnership and

support, and made special mention to all County of L.A. Sheriff personnel for their teamwork and cooperation. Before the Executive Board conducted their business all attendees were privileged enough to enjoy the Jazz stylings of “Brian Shepherd’s Jazz Combo” and as the meeting began we all enjoyed a wonderful meal provided by ......We hope you didn’t miss this event and its amazing venue. Look for pictures from the meeting on the following pages.

Los Angeles County Fire Chief P. Michael Freeman shares at our September BOD Meeting 2


Young meeting attendee thinks of a future career with the County Fire Department (top left). Steam powered fire vehicle (top right). One of t he hist or ic vehicles par ked throughout the museum (middle left). Meeting attendees mingle outdoors (middle right). Dinner awaits (bottom left). CCCA Secretary/Treasurer Ron Beilke, City of Pico Rivera presents August meeting minutes(bottom right). 3

Los Angeles County Fire Department Honor Guard presents the colors (top left). Historic vehicle on diplay (top right). P. Michael Freeman welcomes guests (center right). CCCA President Frank V. Zerunyan, City of Rolling Hills Estates addresses the meeting on his birthday (bottom left). CCCA Vice President Lois Gaston, City of Duarte waves for a photo opportunity(bottom right).


Fall Seminar-recap

Seminar Success By Randy Bomgaars The CCCA 28th Annual Fall Seminar held at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo October 17-19, 2008 was extremely informative regarding the theme: "Facing The Challenges, Shaping The Future." The sessions were educational and interesting, thus providing an excellent forum for networking among the participants on issues about California's water quality, conservation, NPDES and the Coalition for Practical Regulation, personal alternative transportation, air quality and alternative fuels, and the mag-lev theory related to the Orange Line and its up-dated status. The presenters provided an awareness of issues of current interest that participants could take back to their own cities to help them set policy and direction to keep their communities stable, growing, and safe. We want to extend special thanks to District Attorney Steve Cooley of Los Angeles County for his determination and willingness to "locate" our group, address us and field questions related to his jurisdiction and duties. The 18th Annual Jack Parks Memorial Golf Classic held at the Morro Bay Golf Course was interactive, entertaining, and successful. Thank You Diane Martinez for your efforts in putting this event together. $500 was added to the CCC PAC Fund through an activity coordinated by Lois Gaston. Mayor Dave Romero of San Luis Obispo addressed the organization; and the

educational/social gathering and dinner at the Eberle Winery in Paso Robles was interesting and again provided a venue for the important aspect of networking with our colleagues from various communities within the State. Finally, a heartfelt thanks to our seminar sponsors and contributors who assisted in making the Fall Seminar a success! Best Best and Krieger LLP CalMet Services Inc Central Basin Municipal Water District City of Cerritos Clean Energy Interwest Consulting Group Schaefer Ambulance Stone & Youngberg LLC Suburban Medical Center TNT Fireworks Valley Vista Services Westmed/McCormick Ambulance Waste Management Inc Willdan Inc Special thank you to council member Ed Wilson (pictured below), City of Signal Hill for providing many of the photos on the following pages.


View of the historic Madonna inn (top left). Jim Anderson 1st place “Jack Parks Memorial Classic” (top right). Gracie Gallegos and Diane Martinez “Jack Parks Memorial Classic” (middle left). Elected Officials Flight winners Steve Wolowicz-2nd, Larry Clark-1st and Douglas Stern-3rd accept plaques from President Zerunyan (middle right). Bob Dickey 2nd place “Jack Parks Memorial Classic” (bottom right-inset). Mike Flores and Bill Kalpakoff share 3rd place in the “Jack Parks Memorial Classic” (bottom right).


Lois Gaston eliminates another name in “Last Man Standing” PAC fund raiser (top left). Cathe Wilson is the “Last Person Standing” and takes home $500 cash (top middle right). Antonio “Tony” Cruz shares about his vision for a cleaner commuting Long Beach (top right). Kirk Cartozian talks about Orangeline Development (top right-lower). Steve Cooley accepts California Bear from Special Events Committee chair Randy Bomgaars (middle right).

Sean Wine from Clean Energy shares about alternative energy (bottom left). Mayor of San Luis Obispo with CCCA President Frank Zerunyan (bottom right).


Vineyards at the Eberle Winery in Paso Robles (top right). Pat West introduces Tony Cruz (bottom left). Larry Forrester imparts his water wisdom to the group (bottom middle) Timothy Brick, Chairman Metropolitan Water District answers questions from the group (bottom right)

Kelly Salt addresses group during session (far left) LA County D.A Steve Cooley fields questions from the group (bottom left middle)

Visit us on the web and learn more about California Contract Cities Association. Do you have an idea for this publication or our website? Contact Tony Olivito at the CCCA offices with your suggestions.

www.contractcities.org 8

Upcoming Events

October Birthdays The following CCCA member cities are celebrating their anniversaries of incorporation in the month of October. We extend to them a

Happy Birthday!

Calendar of Upcoming Events November 4, 2008 - General Elections November 19, 2008 - Board of Directors

City of Claremont.............. 10/03/1907 City of Camarillo............... 10/22/1964

Meeting-Host City of Cerritos, Cerritos Performing Arts Center. December 17, 2008 - Board of Directors

California Contract Cities

Meeting-Host TBA.

Association to launch New

January 12-14, 2009 - Annual Sacramento

Website in December

Legislative Orientation Tour at Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, CA. February 18, 2009 - Board of Directors Meeting-Host City of Paramount

Another Upgrade to a Member Service The California Contract Cities Staff have been working hard to create the new website. “Our desire is to provide our CCCA member cities with the most up-to-date services available on the web” said Executive Director, Sam Olivito. The new site is currently under development for release at the end of December. Some of the improved services you can look forward to enjoying are: • User Friendly Interface • Up To Date News and Articles • Syndicate Feed • Member Login • Rich Multimedia Content • “Contribute”-A Member Area For Article Submission We are working on these and many other exciting features designed to help you get informed and stay informed, as well as provide to have an attractive environment for prospective cities to navigate through as they see what our association has to offer them. More updates to come!

T 8

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