Smp - Bahasa Inggris 1997

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Evaluasi Belajar Tahap Akhir Nasional Tahun 1997

Bahasa Inggris

BACAAN I Pertanyaan nomor 1 sampai dengan 4 Read the whole dialogue and choose the best word to complete the dialogue. Adi Tono Adi Tono

: Where is your father, Tono? : He is a t... (1) : Is he a teacher? : Yes, he is. He ... (2) English What's your father, Adi? Adi : He's the ... (3) of PT. Surya Company. He runs the company very well. Tono : I see. Does he have a ... (4)? Adi : Sure. Her name is Andini. She types well and is trustworthy. EBTANAS-SMP-97-01 A. the office B. the bank C. work D. school EBTANAS-SMP-97-02 A. learns B. explains C. teaches D. studies EBTANAS-SMP-97-03 A. director B. specialist. C. typist D. telephone operator EBTANAS-SMP-97-04 A. clerk B. cashier C. secretary manager D. husband is a driver EBTANAS-SMP-97-05 Tuti works, at a factory, and … husband is a driver. They have got married. A. her B. my C. your D. mine EBTANAS-SMP-97-06 Soni : ... Tono : Yes, of course. Don't forget to return it soon. A. Do you need a typewriter? B. Is the typewriter expensive? C. Do you have a typewriter? D. May I borrow your typewriter?

EBTANAS-SMP-97-07 Mahdi started working in the post office in 1980. He ... in the post office for 14 years. A. .works B. is working C. worked D. has worked EBTANAS-SMP-97-08 Manager : Have you seen Tuti? Secretary : Yes, sir. She ... a letter in her room now A. was typing B. is typing C. has typed D. typed THE GRAND BALI BE ACHHOTEL Bali Beach Hotel was only a remembrance. It was burnt and only one room left. The room number 327. Today this'' room is considered a holy place. (They put a "sesaji" in that room there times a day and this room is not for sale) They only needed seven months to rebuild the hotel. Nowadays it is a really wonderful hotel. They named hotel "Grand Bali Beach Hotel". This hotel consist of there buildings. The first building has ten floors, the second building has two floors and the last one a cottage. In the cottage we can find room '2041' which is not for sale. Someone who has a supernatural power says that he hears a strange voice from 'Kanjeng Ratu Kidul'. She said that she wants the room for herself. That's why: this room is completed with the furniture and most of them -are green. They think this room is a holy one, so a girl who gets her period is not allowed to enter this room. An interesting thing in this hotel is that we can get to get to-the sea around 10 minutes and in the morning we can see the sunrise clearly. We would feel that we have seen the best sense of art if we stay in this hotel. EBTANAS-SMP-97-09 Room 327 is holy because it was ... from fire. A. safe B. only one C. attacked D. burnt EBTANAS-SMP-97-1 "The hotel is very interesting to stay in". The sentence above is the main idea of paragraph ... A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

EBTANAS-SMP-97-11 Why is room 2041 not for sale? Because it is ... A. a supernatural power B. Kanjeng Ratu Kidul C. green decorated D. someone's room EBTANAS-SMP-97-12 Room 327 is a holy place. The synonym of the underlined word is ... A. antique B. sacred C. expensive D. pure EBTANAS-SMP-97-13 The three building which the hotel has now consist of ... A. different types B. the same type C. similar type D. one type EBTANAS-SMP-97-14 Tourist : I need a room for two nights Receptionist: All right, Sir, Could you show me your identification card, please. Tourist : ... A. It doesn't matter B. Yes, of course C. Not too bad D. thanks a lot BACAAN 3 Pertanyaan nomor 15 sampai dengan 19 ST. MARY'S SCHOOL 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT Cikini School Auditorium (08.00) Opening Song and Dance by St. Mary's Choir "We're Doing A Show (08.10) Culture Ad venture A collection of dances from all over the world. Peach Blossom Dance (Japan) Square Dance (America) Tarian Buluh (Indonesia) Scottish Folk Dance (Britain) (08.40) Solo Item by Maria Harjono "Somewhere Out There" Piano accompaniment by Rudi Mulyono (08.45) Junior theatre present Toy Box A musical mine (89.15 St. Mary's Choir Medley "My Favourite Things*' **On the street where you live" "Camelot" Led by:Rinto H. Pianist: Chandra Master of ceremonies: Heidy D. & Yanti Sumarno All guests should be seated by 7.45 p.m.

EBTANAS-SMP-97-15 How long does the event last? A. Fifteen minute B. Forty-five minutes C. One and fifteen minute D. One hour forty-five minutes. EBTANAS-SMP-97-16 Which of the following is not a country where the dances in Culture Adventure come from? A. The United States B. Indonesia C. Scotland D. Britain EBTANAS-SMP-97-17 How many people are performing at 08,40 p.m.? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four EBTANAS-SMP-97-1 What does Rinto H. do during the Choir Medley? A. He sings B. He dances C. He conducts the choir D. He play the piano EBTANAS-SMP-97-19 What does Heidy D. do during the event? A. He introduces the items B. He directs the musical C. He conducts the choir D. He plays the piano EBTANAS-SMP-97-20 All audiences clapped their hands because ... A. the show was really interesting B. the show was really boring C. they were bored D. they felt tired EBTANAS-SMP-97-12 Rendra : "I've to say that I lost wallet in the Taman Safari." Marno : "I'm ... to hear that. A. very sorry B. very glad C. disappointed D. surprised Computer A computer I a machine which is designed to help us in all aspects of life. This machine looks very clever because it ca work very fast and finish a great amount of work in a relativity short time. The first computer was made in Bletchlly, Hertfordshire, England. It was called Kolostus. It was the biggest computer ever made by men. The complete set of this machine filled a large room. The function of this machine was to work with numbers. The numbers

were used in code during the war between England and Germany in 1942. Within 40 years its size has become smaller and smaller. A modern computer does not use any electronic tube but uses microchips. The invention of microchips in 1970 did not only make computer become very small but very cheap as well. A pocket calculator is kind of simple computer. A computer consist of the hardware is the machine and all its equipment. The software is all the system of the computer. If you attend a computer course you will learn the computer's software. The whole work of a computer is done by the keyboard and the input unit, the central processing unit and the output unit which is represented bye the monitor or the screen and the printer. You type some data on the keyboard. Your data will be sent to and kept by the memory. If you need the data to be processed you must push the relevant keyboard and the result or the output can be seen on the monitor. This output can also be printed out. Nowadays we can find computers everywhere. They are loyal servants of men. It is men's brain which designs their exciting work. Without men computer is just as helpless as the other machine. EBTANAS-SMP-97-22 What is the name of the country where the first computer was made? A. England B. Germany C. Bletchlly D. Hertfordshire EBTANAS-SMP-97-23 On what part of computer do we type data? A. In the printer B. On the monitor C. On the Keyboard D. In the central processing unit EBTANAS-SMP-97-24 Paragraph 4 tell us about ... A. Part of computer B. All equipment of computer C. All the system of the computer D. The advantages of learning computer EBTANAS-SMP-97-25 The word "nowadays" (the first sentence, last paragraph) means ... A. on time B. in time C. sometime D. at present time EBTANAS-SMP-97-26 What do you think about computer? A. Computer can work by itself B. Computer, is not sophisticated machine C. Computer is the machine which is very helpful D. Now computers are as big as they were many years ago.

EBTANAS-SMP-97-27 Reni : "Would you like to come to Nia's birthday party?" Dita : "I am not sure yet, but I will come if ... me." A. she invited B. she invites C. she has invited D. she's going to invite EBTANAS-SMP-97-28 X : Can you use a computer ? Y : Sorry, I can't use it, and you ? X : ... can I. A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Too EBTANAS-SMP-97-29 Ani needs an English book, but she doesn’t have ... money to buy it. A. a lot of B. some C. any D. no BACAAN 5 Transportation In big cities we see many kinds of transportation. Several kinds use engines, the rest use human energy. Buses, mini-buses, taxis, trains, bajajs and helicaks need engine to move, but becaks do not. The number of transportation increase every year. Do you know why ? More an more people move from small towns or villages to big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Ujungpandang and Medan to get jobs. Those cities get more population every year. These people need to move there. That's why, the government has to provide more transportation. Besides, business and communication also improve every year. People carry new products from part of the country to another by using long-distance transportation, for example ships, planes and truck. In Palembang an in some other part of Kalimantan people carry their crops to the market by sampan. They paddle along the river. It also a common sight to see people from outside Jakarta with baskets full of food crops on their bicycles or on mini-trucks. EBTANAS-SMP-97-30 Becak needs ... to move. A. engine B. human energy C. sun energy D. water energy

EBTANAS-SMP-97-3 people use long distance transportation, for example ships, planes, and truck, except ... A. bus B. bajajs C. cars D. trains EBTANAS-SMP-97-32 In big cities we see many kinds of transportation. Several kinds use engines, the rest use human energy. The italic word mean ... A. any B. most of C. some D. the others EBTANAS-SMP-97-33 The main idea of paragraph 2 is ... A. the kinds of transportation in big cities B. the increasing of population C. how to carry new products D. the part of the country EBTANAS-SMP-97-34 People use ... for long distance transportation. A. bikes B. bicycles C. carts D. trucks EBTANAS-SMP-97-35 A: "Everything now is expensive" B : "I... with you. Even for bus, plane, and ship tickets A. agree B. come C. disagree D. go EBTANAS-SMP-97-36 Mira studies at Patimura University, on a different island from her parent stay. When she has a holiday she goes home by ... A. bus B. raft C. car D. ship EBTANAS-SMP-97-37 People from Sulawesi to Java usually use ... to cross the sea, and start from a harbour: A. an aero plane B. a bus C. a ship D. a train

Television At present, almost every family has television, especially those who live in big cities. Now, television is not: one of luxurious things anymore because it is so common that almost every family has one. Many people - old and young - spend their time watching television, since there are lot of television programs we can enjoy. There are music, film, sport news and many other programs we can choose as we wish. An interesting program makes us keep watching it, so that sometimes we forget that we should do. It can be disturbance for us, but we still love to watch it. Everything in this world leads to two sides; good and bad, and so does television. As one of mass-media, television really bring many results. Of course, there are good results, and bad ones. The good results for us are that we get entertainment. It makes happy, and it also gives information and knowledge. On the other hand, television shows programs that are not suitable for our culture, custom and age. For example, the romantic and action films, that are shown at noon when children stay at home and watch them. However, in some ways television is very useful to us. We can choose the programmes in line our favourite programs. We, however, should consider many aspects. EBTANAS-SMP-97-38 Now; television is not a ... thing. A. cheap B. important C. luxurious D. primary EBTANAS-SMP-97-39 "We, however, should consider many aspects" (the last line). The italic word means ... A. care B. know C. learn D. think EBTANAS-SMP-97-4 Who likes to watch television ? A. All people B. Old people C. Special people D. Young people EBTANAS-SMP-97-41 The main idea of paragraph 2 is ... A. only young people like to watch TV B. sometimes TV programs disturb us C. there are music, film, sport and news on TV D. television programs are interesting

EBTANAS-SMP-97-42 How should we watch the TV programs? A. As much we like B. Choose the bad one C. Choose the good one D. Choose the suitable one

EBTANAS-SMP-97-48 Do this cross word puzzle!

EBTANAS-SMP-97-43 I was sleeping when my father ... the announcement about me on the radio. A. heard B. hears C. was hearing D. will hear EBTANAS-SMP-97-44 I read ah interesting artic about traffic accident yesterday, The underlined word mean ... A. from cover B. deadline C. story D. headline EBTANAS-SMP-97-45 There are many kinds of interesting,.. on the television. A. channels B. announcers C. programs D. pictures

URAIAN EBTANAS-SMP-97-46 Write down 5 misspelling words or the incorrect punctuations, after that rewrite the letter, (Tulislah 5 buah kata-kata yang berejaan salah atau yang bertanda baca kurang tepat, kemudian tulis kembali surat tersebut dengan menggunakan kata-kata atau ejaan yang telah dibenarkan). Dear mom and dad; I've got a new job as a electrician at an automotive factory in Jakarta. I'm proud of joining this company because I can get a lot of experience and a good salary of course. Please wish me a good luck. I always miss you. Yours son, Anto EBTANAS-SMP-97-47 Read the dialogue then answer the question. (Bacalah percakapan berikut ini kemudian jawablah pertanyaannya). Gentlemen : I want to check out. Is there anyone at the front office? Room boy : Yes, Sir. The receptionist is there. Gentlemen : Please ask for the bill of room 703. Room boy : Yes, Sir Where does the dialogue take place?

Fill in the missing words to fill up the cross word puzzle! 1. Mr. Tono works to make programmes of computer. He is a computer ... 2. We save or store computer data in a hard disk or in a ... 3. Mr. Bram and Mr. Edi are computer ... They operate computers of their office. 4. ... is a machine can be used for storing and using the data to help people salve a lot of problems. EBTANAS-SMP-97-49 Complete this dialogue! Situation: Agus and Tono plan to go to Yogyakarta for the coming holiday. Tono :Which do you prefer, going by bus or train. Agus : ... (1) Tono : Why do you prefer train to bus? Agus : ... (2) Tono : But, which one is safer? Agus : ... (3) EBTANAS-SMP-97-50 Here are some pointers written by a commercial TV reporter on the sport. (Inilah catatan pendek yang ditulis oleh wartawan TV komersil di lokasi kejadian). - Bank robbery, Artomoro Bank, lunch time. Sudirman street, Jakarta - Broke the bank safe, carry 50 billions cash, - Escape by motorcycles, police investigate. You are a TV programmer, please write a good paragraph based on the above pointers. (Anda seorang programmer TV, tulislah sebuah paragraph yang padu dan baik berdasarkan catatan pendek di atas.

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