Smp - Bahasa Inggris 1994

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  • Pages: 6
Evaluasi Belajar Tahap Akhir Tahun 1994

Bahasa Inggris

Read the text carefully! WALKING IS A SPORT Sport helps us to become strong and healthy. There are many kinds of sport : walking, running, hunting, cycling, swimming, and so on. It is- not important what kinds of sport we are going to do as long as we are strong enough to do it. Healthy people should exercise regularly, no matter how old they are. The simplest and the best sport is walking. It is also the cheapest one, because we do not need money to do it. A long walk in the evening may help us sleep more than any medicine. But people today do not like walking. They prefer to drive a car, though they are not in hurry or travelling a long distance. This kind of "disease" comes from our laziness. EBTANAS-SMP-94-01 What is the cheapest and, the simplest sport? A. Running B. Walking C. Swimming D. Hunting EBTANAS-SMP-94-02 "They prefer to drive a car", (look at line 12). The word they refers to ... A. money B. people C. Sport D. medicine EBTANAS-SMP-94-03 This kind of "disease" comes from our laziness, (see the last paragraph) A. illness B. sadness C. careless D. laziness Read the text carefully! OUR PARENTS What does the word "parents" mean? It means our father and our mather. How long have our parents been taking care of us? This question is easy to answer. As we all know, our parents have been taking care of us for as long as we have lived. We hardly imagine just how good and kind our parents are. They also love us very much. No parent hates a son or daughter. When we are sick or ill, they look after us very carefully. They sometimes even lose sleep at night| because of us. And they spend lot money on our education.

Do you love your parents? Of course you do. What should we do to show our gratitude to our parents? To show our gratitude to them we should: 1. always do what they tell us to do. 2. never disobey or annoy them. 3. be a good student and always do our best. 4. make ourselves useful both to our parent and to our country. EBTANAS-SMP-94-04 Our parents love us very much. They ... on our education. A. get some money B. pay a little of money C. receive all of money D. spend a lot of money EBTANAS-SMP-94-05 How to show our gratitude to our parents? A. we disobey and annoy them. B. we always do what they tell us to do. C. we sometimes even lose sleep at night. D. we never take care them as long as their life. EBTANAS-SMP-94-06 No parents hate care their children. The word "hate" means ... A. kind B. ignore C. dislike D. disobey EBTANAS-SMP-94-07 Our parents have been looking after us since ... A. we were born B. we have been alive C. we haven't been born D. we and our parents have lived Read the text carefully! OUR FORESTS Indonesia has some of the richest forest in the world. The total area of forested land is approximately 120 million hectares. These forests have existed for million of years and they have munch to offer us. They are important! for their products, such as timber, rattan (= rotan), resin (=damar), etc. They are also important for keeping the soil fertile. The leaves of the forest trees fall to the ground and become humus is fertilizer for the soil. The roots of the trees prevent the soil from being washed away by the rain. Some year a go the forest in Indonesia looked from the air like unbroken carpet of green. Today there are a lot of bare patches (= bidang-bidang tanah) where

trees have been cut down and cleared for farms, mines and settlements. In some areas the destruction is continuing at a very rapid rate. If we do not stop this, our forests will be gone by the end of this century. Our government realizes this and has taken some steps to prevent the destruction. Some regulations have been issued (= dikeluarkan) to protect the forests. In addition, reforestation projects are being carried out. These projects are as important as other big development Rejects. It is our duty as good citizens to help the government carry out these programmes successfully. EBTANAS-SMP-94-08 What steps has government taken to prevent the destruction? A. Prevented soil erosion arid floods. B. Cut down and cleared away the forests. C. Issued some regulations and reforestation. D. Continued ,the destruction and programmes. EBTANAS-SMP-94-09 "Our government realizes this and has taken some steps to prevent the destruction" The word "tto prevent" means ... A. to stop B. to offer C. to realize D. to carry out EBTANAS-SMP-94-10 The word they in paragraph 2 refers to ... A. the leaves B. the products C. the roots D. the forests EBTANAS-SMP-94-11 What will happen if we don't stop cutting trees? A. The leaves will make the soil fertile B. The forests will be gone C. The rain will fall continuously D. The farmers can't make their farms EBTANAS-SMP-94-12 The main idea of paragraph 3 is ... A. the existence of the forests B. the importance of the forests C. the destruction of the forests D. the forestation projects

Read the text carefully! CAMPING Camping is a good way of spending a holiday away from home. It is cheap, and it is a lot of fun. You are free to go anywhere you please, and it is a great pleasure to be able to sleep under the stars.

Next week is a holiday. The students of III A plan 'to go camping in Cibubur. Now they are discussing their plan. "Where can we get the tents? " Fitri asked. "Everyone should his own bedding, a change of clothing and a set of eating utensils. The bedding should be light and warm and give you enough protection against the damp ground," Allan explained. "Besides a change of clothing. 1-believe you also need a sweater or a jacket. It may be cold at night," Tuti said. "How a bout food?" Fadli asked "It's fun to cook our own food. Why don't you bring the cooking utensils, girls? I think you should try to prepare simple dishes in one pan. Then we will only need to carry a few utensils." "All right." Tuti said. "We'll be responsible for the food. Will you take care of the tents, boys?" "O.k.,” the boys said. They all look forward to the holiday. EBTANAS-SMP-94-13 Who has had a lot of experience in camping? A. Andi has B. Allan has C. Fadli has D. Tutu has EBTANAS-SMP-94-14 The bedding should be light and warm and give you enough protection against the damp ground. The word 'ground' means ... A. soil B. weather C. farming D. polluted EBTANAS-SMP-94-15 Why can Allan answer most of the questions? Because he ... A. knows where to rent the tents B. will take care of the tents C. has got a lot of experience in camping D. will be responsible for the cook utensils

EBTANAS-SMP-94-16 Now they are discussing their plant'. (Line 6) The underlined word 'they' refers to ... A. the students of III A B. Andi, Allan, Tuty and Fitri C. All of the boys D. all of the girls Read the text carefully! The word communication comes from the verb communicate, which means to give or exchange information, news, ideas or opinions by speech or writing. In other words, communication is the sending of information or news from one person to another, or the exchange of such information or news between people. Through communication people learn from one another the things they want to know. Imagine if human beings should not communicate with one another. If a person cannot communicate, he will not talk to other people, and no other people will talk to him or teach him any thing. So it would be impossible for him to learn anything. Can he learn anything by himself? How could a child learn to do anything at all if he did not have the chance to communicate with other people, especially with his parents, brother and sisters? He would not learn to talk and would not learn to do any other things either. Someone must teach the child. In other words, someone must communicate knowledge and skills to the child. The main way people communicate with one another is by speaking. Two people can communicate in this way when they are near to each other. Nowadays, however, we can use electronic instruments like the telephone, radio and telegraph as a means of communication by writing letters. Writing began when men used pictures, to explain their thoughts for others. Now writing has become a very important means to communicate. Newspaper, magazines, book and other printed materials use writing. Since communication is important for gaining knowledge you must communicate actively with other people, especially with your teacher and friends at school. EBTANAS-SMP-94-17 If we don't have a telephone or as radio, we can communicate by ... A. reading newspaper B. printed material C. reading magazines D. writing letters EBTANAS-SMP-94-18 What's the main idea of paragraph five? A. The human being In modern live. B. The television broad casting programme. C. The kinds of communication D. The existence communication apparatus

EBTANAS-SMP-94-19 Why is communication the most important things in daily life? A. we can express our mind to other people B. people can't communicate without sound C. it is impossible for gaining something D. someone can use means of communication EBTANAS-SMP-94-20 The most suitable title of the passage is ... A. information B. communication C. knowledge D. electricity EBTANAS-SMP-94-21 Mr. Eries is my uncle. He has a daughter. Her name is Ratna. Ratna is my ... A. aunt B. sister C. daughter D. cousin EBTANAS-SMP-94-22 Look at the map! Where do you go if you want to buy an aspirin? A. On jalan A. Yani B. On jalan Gatot Subroto C. On jalan Malabar D. On jalan Asia Afrika a. Police station b. Bank c. Kumala Hotel d. Supermarket e. Cinema f. Book store g. Furniture store h. Post office i. Papandayan hotel j. Drugstore EBTANAS-SMP-94-23 Look at the picture! I and all of my sisters like to eat ... A. jackfruit B. pineapple C. cucumber D. watermelon

EBTANAS-SMP-94-24 Anton : What do you know about an elephant, Andi? Andi : Oh, it's a ... animal. A. small B. short C. big D. thin

EBTANAS-SMP-94-25 Father got a very bad headache. He asked me to buy ... A. an aspirin B. a cigarette C. a bottle of Coke D. an orange EBTANAS-SMP-94-26 The students are practicing biology in the laboratory. They are using ... to see a very small abject. A. a microscope B. a telescope C. a microphone D. a conical flask EBTANAS-SMP-94-27 Ki Hadjar Dewantara was the first ... of Education and Culture of Indonesia. A. Mr. B. Master C. Minister D. Manager EBTANAS-SMP-94-28 The teacher puts the news on the ... board A. announce B. announced C. announcing D. announcement EBTANAS-SMP-94-29 The ... bring us news in the form of electronic instruments A. speech B. library C. newspaper D. television EBTANAS-SMP-94-30 When the candles were blown out, I can't read in the ... A. dullness B. lightness C. darkness D. brightness EBTANAS-SMP-94-31 X: "Do you know those two ...? Y: "Yes, they are Dedy Mizwar and Didi Petet." A. writers B. actors C. poets D. singers EBTANAS-SMP-94-32 Santi : Where is the dirty cat, Mira? Mira : It's in the living room Santi : In the living room? I don't ... it here A. love B. want C. have D. need

EBTANAS-SMP-94-33 Tono : Hi John. Is that Tim*s bicycle? John : Yes, it is ... A. theirs B. ours C. hers D. his EBTANAS-SMP-94-34 Susan : Do you have any ideas where Mr. Anto is now? Jack : I don't know exactly. But I think he is ... in Europe now A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere EBTANAS-SMP-94-35 When Sanusi was in Singapore, he ... although he was only 20 A. felt rich B. seemed young C. looked old D. felt thirsty EBTANAS-SMP-94-36 Tini hasn't finished her exercise yet She .. it since at 7 o'clock A. is doing B. has done C. was doing D. has been doing EBTANAS-SMP-94-37 Mr. Rukma : Kurnia, you should go there Kurnia : "What time should I go there Mr. Rukma : At eight o'clock. Go there on time Please ... A. don't be late B. don't be noisy C. don't talk D. don't go EBTANAS-SMP-94-38 Riris, Yanto and Leo got back their English test paper. Riris got eight, Yanto got nine and Leo got seven Yanto got the ... mark of them A. best B. least C. worst D. lowest EBTANAS-SMP-94-39 Marto : Do you know the boy, ...? Celestina : Yes, I do He is my classmate. A. who I met last night B. which car had broken down C. where you saw yesterday D. who helped me last week

EBTANAS-SMP-94-40 Maria Mercedes is a very friendly and helpful girl. All of her friends like her very much. She is now suffering from illness. All her friends are very ... she is unwell. A. surprised B. sure. C. glad D. ashamed EBTANAS-SMP-94-41 Roy : Where is my wallet, Rita? Rita : Oh, I don't know Roy : Would you like to help me to look for Rita : ...lam very busy A. yes, certainly B. I am sorry C. Of course D. yes, please EBTANAS-SMP-94-42 Sri : What do you want to drink, Am? Milk or tea? Siska : Well, I’d like some tea, please Sri : (after a few minutes) here you are Siska : Thank you The underlined expression is about ... A. inviting people B. thinking people C. offering something D. introducing people EBTANAS-SMP-94-43 Indra : Father, this is my teacher, Mr. Abas Mr. Amin : How do you do, Mr. Abas? Mr. Abas : …, Mr. Amir? Mr. Amir : Thanks for you coming at my son's birthday Mr. Abas : You're welcome A. very well tanks B. how do you do C. It's good to see you D. How nice to see you again EBTANAS-SMP-94-44 Ramli : What do you think Indonesia, Bob? Bob : It1 s a beautiful country I like it very much The underlined utterance expresses ... A. surprised B. invitation C. pleasure D. agreement EBTANAS-SMP-94-45 John : Have you got your report Dwi? Dwi : Yes, I have John : May I see it? Dwi : Yes, you may John : Oh very good A. congratulation B. sure for you C. certainly D. pleasure

EBTANAS-SMP-94-46 Arrange each of the following words into a good sentence A. is - the class - Mr. Abas - to - the new lesson explaining B. the house -are - behind - the children - not playmg EBTANAS-SMP-94-47 Make one sentence for every picture below into Simple Present Tense? A. C.



EBTANAS-SMP-94-48 Complete these following sentences by using "modals" based on the pictures given A. you ... enter this street

B. you ...limit your speed at 30 km an hour

C. you stop when the train passes you ... turn here

C. you .. turn here

EBTANAS-SMP-94-49 Combine these two sentences using "Too" Mr. Tony is a pilot. His brother is a pilot

EBTANAS-SMP-94-50 Arrange the sentences below into a good dialogue between Nita and Ika! - I'm fine, too. Thanks glad to see you here - Hi, I'm fine, thanks; and you? - Hello, Ika. How are you? - Glad to see you, too, Nita. Let's go to the canteen.

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