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Frequently Asked Questions
What is smallpox?
How is it diagnosed?
Smallpox is a serious illness caused by the variola virus. Smallpox gets its name from the puss filled blisters that form during the illness. Although the names may sound alike smallpox is not related to chickenpox. How is smallpox spread?
Doctors from all over the world can recognize smallpox because it forms a special type of rash. Symptoms are: fever, headache, backache and the feeling of being tired.
Smallpox can be spread by sharing saliva or even breathing it. Smallpox is airborne and also very easily spread.
What is the smallpox vaccine? The smallpox vaccine is a type of shot that can prevent the virus that causes smallpox from entering the body. The vaccine can also probably prevent getting the virus at any given time due to the fact that the injections are powerful.