Small Bites Issue 6

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Issue 6, August 2007

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The Protein Puzzle

Deconstructing America’s golden nutrient. WHAT IS PROTEIN?

nine, phenylalanine, threonine, and tryptophan) are essential (meaning our bodies can not produce them, so we must obtain them from our diet). When we eat protein, it is metabolized and broken down into its different amino acids, which are absorbed and consequently used to make new proteins in the body. WHY DO YOU NEED PROTEIN? Protein is crucial for muscle growth and repair. It is also necessary to keep our immune system healthy and skin and bones structurally supported. Collagen, for example, is a protein found in connective tissue (and injected into your lips if you want them to look like Angelina Jolie’s).

Protein – like fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water – is a nutrient. And, just like carbohydrates, it contributes 4 calories per gram to our diets. Unlike the other nutrients, though, protein is composed of smaller units called amino acids, which are compounds containing oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and, in some occasions, sulphur.

Many hormones and antibodies are composed of protein. For instance, insulin (the hormone our pancreas secrete to help lower blood glucose levels after eating, as discussed in issue two of Small Bites) is made of amino acids.

There are a total of 20 amino acids, but nine (cyaline, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methio-

Although carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for the human body, protein can be used if 1


[email protected]

Issue 6, August 2007


excessive amounts are consumed or the body has very low amounts of carbohydrates and fats.

My bet? Much more than you need.

Making protein the go-to nutrient for energy is not recommended, though, as it distracts protein away from its main focus -- repair and growth.

Many people mistakenly believe that protein is found only in meats and dairy. Think again! Take a look at the following chart:

Also, keep in mind that excess calories in the form of protein are stored as fat, not muscle or “strength”. If you consume more calories than you need, you will gain weight, even if these calories come from protein.




Broccoli, steamed

1 cup



Peanut butter

1 tablespoon


In the United States, protein is often touted as a nutrient we can’t get enough of. You would think we are thisclose to developing a life-threatening deficiency, based on the non-stop push to eat more of it.

Whole wheat bread

1 slice


Brown rice

1 cup



1 ounce (23 pieces)



1 ounce/slice



1 cup


Spinach, steamed

1 cup





Whatever number you get is your necessary protein requirement. However, you can take in up to 175 percent of this figure and still be within a healthy protein intake range.

Whole wheat pasta

1 cup



1 cup


After these calculations, a 150 pound individual would get a suggested daily protein consumption of 54 grams.

Black beans

1 cup



3 ounces


As long as this person stays within the 175% range (94.5 grams), they are okay.


3 ounces



3 ounces


Sirloin steak

3 ounces


Chicken breast

3 ounces


In reality, insufficient protein levels are only a problem in the poorest of nations. The only people in developed countries who should be concerned with not getting enough protein are those on extremely strict diets (i.e.: fruitarians). So just how much protein do YOU need? Take out a calculator and crunch the following numbers: 1) Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 2) Multiply that figure by 0.8

If your intake is above 175%, you are consuming much more protein than your body needs and can handle. We’ll talk about possible complications from this a little later.



[email protected]

Issue 6, August 2007

The only food group with negligible amounts of protein is fruit.

containing all the essential ones is considered complete.

Someone eating a peanut butter sandwich for lunch consisting of two tablespoons of peanut butter and two slices of whole wheat bread is consuming 16 grams of protein in one sitting.

All meat and dairy products are complete proteins.

If they had two eggs and a cup of oatmeal for breakfast, they’ve had 35 grams of protein by that afternoon, all without a bite of meat or dairy.

While it is true that plant sources of protein are incomplete (since they might have six or seven essential amino acids, except for soy, which is a complete protein), nature is no dummy.

Does this mean vegetarians are getting the short end of the stick? Not necessarily.

Keep in mind, too, that although three ounces of meat are considered one serving (and, as mentioned in the last issue of Small Bites, is equivalent in size to a deck of cards) – people eat much more than that in one sitting.

Grains, for example, are low in the amino acid lysine. But, guess what? Legumes contain plenty of it (and the amino acid THEY are low in is found in necessary amounts in grains)! So, a vegetarian balanced diet provides all the essential amino acids.

The average steak at a steakhouse clocks in at nine ounces. That adds up to 78 grams of protein – a whole day’s worth for the vast majority of adults!

This sesame-crusted tofu dish accompanied by rice and broccolini provides all nine essential amino acids.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers need more protein than other women, but this extra amount is taken care of by the required extra calories.

It was previously thought that vegetarians needed to combine their proteins by having them at the same time (i.e.: grains and legumes in the same meal).

COMPLETE VS. INCOMPLETE PROTEINS The literature on protein often makes references to complete and incomplete proteins.

We now know the body stores amino acids for a few hours, so if someone has only oatmeal for breakfast, they’ll be getting all the essential amino

Remember the amino acids I mentioned at the beginning of the newsletter? Well, a protein source 3


[email protected]

acids by munching on a handful of almonds two hours later.

Issue 6, August 2007

If that same person eats 1,800 calories, he will not gain mass, no matter how much protein he is downing.

By the way, the American Dietetic Association fully supports vegetarian diets.

What a lot of people don’t know is that there is a limit as to how much protein our bodies can synthesize.

Their official statement: “It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Plant protein can meet requirements when a variety of plant foods is consumed and energy needs are met. Research indicates that an assortment of plant foods eaten over the course of a day can provide all essential amino acids.”

Think of our body as a one liter bottle. You wouldn’t attempt to pour a gallon of water into it all at once; the excess would flow out and go to waste. I know a lot of men who start hitting the gym, immediately give up carbs, go on high protein, low-fat diets and then wonder why they aren’t seeing results. Guess what? Their new high-protein diets simply don’t provide sufficient calories!


Before I studied nutrition, I myself fell for this protein myth in an attempt to gain muscle mass. I later discovered that my protein-heavy meals contained less calories than my regular balanced ones, so I was counteracting all my efforts at the gym.

Ask most personal trainers how to bulk up and they’ll recommend protein powders (like Muscle Milk, shown above) and lots of tuna and chicken.

Eating high-protein, low-carbohydrate snacks like Atkins’ Crunchers will not help you gain muscle mass. You’re better off having a glass of low or non-fat milk instead, which provides your body with the protein AND carbohydrates it needs to help build muscle.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Reading a few issues of Men’s Fitness does not make one qualified to dispense nutrition advice. The key to bigger muscles is simply more calories. Someone weight training who normally eats 2,000 calories a day needs to eat approximately 2,500 calories a day to bulk up. 4


[email protected]

Consider this example.

Issue 6, August 2007

It is common knowledge among sports nutritionists that a shake containing protein as well as approximately 35 grams of carbohydrates helps increase protein intake by the muscles much more than a high-protein, low-carb shake.

Six ounces of tuna add up to 200 calories and 44 grams of protein. Three ounces of tuna sandwiched between two slices of whole wheat bread clock in at 320 calories and 30 grams of protein.

Remember, protein does not provide strength or bulk by itself. It is the combination of weightbearing exercises and additional calories that result in muscle growth. These additional calories will contain the slightly extra protein someone performing very high amounts of weightlifting needs.

A person trying to add mass would be better off having the tuna sandwich rather than six ounces of tuna over a bed of lettuce, since it provides the necessary extra calories. Do protein shakes have their place? Yes. Since these shakes are an easy opportunity to get a few extra hundred calories in one meal, I think they are helpful for people like myself, who have a hard time consuming too much food at once. The reason for having these shakes, though, should be extra calories, not more protein. By the time you add milk, whey protein, and peanut butter, some of these shakes contain 70 grams of protein! A healthy shake should have no more than 20 grams of protein. Be sure to include fresh fruit and healthy fats (ie: ground flaxseed) and even grains like uncooked oatmeal to make your shake wellbalanced in its nutrient content and generous in the vitamins and mineral category.

It is absolutely possible to gain muscle by eating from all food groups and not supplementing extra protein in the diet. Dr. Peter Lemon of the University of Western Ontario in Canada -- an expert protein researcher -has concluded that, at most, competitive bodybuilders need 1.4 or 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight (or approximately 175% of their required protein needs, the figure mentioned at the beginning of this issue). When men who are just lifting weights for 40 minutes three times a week tell me they are consuming 300 grams of protein a day, I can’t help but think how unnecessary it is!

In my opinion, too many people overlook the important role carbohydrates play in muscle building.



[email protected]

Issue 6, August 2007

I can’t stress this enough. Bulking up and building muscle mass is all about total calories. If you and a friend are doing the exact same weight lifting routine and eating the same amount of calories, the person eating the most protein will not have an advantage.

with a liver disorder or enzyme deficiency will run into problems when consuming too much protein.

There is one thing scientists across the board agree on – the importance of genetics. Some people are just able to put on muscle more quickly than others, and have the genetic propensity to add it in higher amounts.

Having extra ammonium in the body, rather than excreted, can cause serious problems.

The worst part is – you wouldn’t know you had this enzyme deficiency until you overrun your body with protein and your liver isn’t able to take care of all the ammonium.

Excess ammonium first targets the brain, and can lead to a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy, which can result in attention deficit disorder, general drowsiness, and mood disorders.

THE PROBLEM OF MUCH TOO MUCH What’s so bad about getting 300% of my protein requirement every day?” some of you might wonder.

SOY PROTEIN -- HEALTHY OR HYPED UP? Soy has long been considered a healthy source of protein – so much so that products containing it will boast about its presence on their packaging.

The most serious complication that can arise from eating very high amounts of protein over a long period of time (this does not apply to someone “going on Atkins” for two weeks) is excessive stress on one’s kidneys.

The FDA even allows the following statement to be included on foods that contain soy protein: “soy protein in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol to reduce the risk of heart disease."

Eating too much protein results in large amounts of nitrogen (a byproduct of protein metabolism) being excreted in the urine in the form of urea. Excess nitrogen has been linked to a higher risk of developing kidney stones as well as reduced kidney function in old age. In fact, people with renal disease must go on lowprotein diets (we are talking 25 or 30 grams a day, which is VERY hard to do) in order to prevent their kidneys from over exerting themselves. Remember, our bodies are smart and know how much protein they need. If your body requires 90 grams of protein a day and you feed it 240, the excess will simply be removed. Protein is NOT stored in muscle tissue. Instead, the excess nitrogen left over from protein metabolism is converted to ammonium. Our liver then turns ammonium into urea, which we urinate out.

While it is true that soy protein contains isoflavones (secondary vegetable substances which, once digested, are believed to provide our bodies with protective properties), I believe the true advantage to

Our liver is not an unlimited ammonium converter, though. It has limited capacity. So, anyone 6


[email protected]

Issue 6, August 2007

plant proteins has to do with what they are lacking.

veloping breast cancer, while others blame it for INCREASING one’s risk of developing breast cancer!

Consider this. A three ounce beef patty delivers 234 calories, 15 grams of fat, and 6 grams of saturated ft (30% of our maximum daily limit).

Allow me to clarify the matter. What is known is that, among many other factors, high estrogen levels are linked to an increase in a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.

A three ounce soy patty, though, delivers 120 calories, 3 grams of fat, and less than 1 gram of saturated fat.

We also know that phytoestrogens are not as powerful as human estrogen. And, recent research suggests they lower the impact of circulating estrogen. In fact, one particular phytoestrogen known as lignan -- found in sizable amounts in flax, sunflower, and sesame seeds -- has been shown to lower the production of estrogen! A high phytoestrogen intake in one’s diet is not equal to having high estrogen levels, so I don’t believe the moderate incorporation of soy-based foods into a woman’s diet are responsible for increasing a her risk of developing breast cancer. Many of the studies ringing the “don’t eat soy if you’re a woman” alarm are rather limited. A lot of the subjects have very different diets, with soy being the only thing in common.

Diets high in animal proteins are usually high in saturated fats, which, as explained in Issue 4 of Small Bites, are linked to higher risks of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Additionally, a lot of studies are done with Asian women, who eat soy throughout their entire life. This is very different to the American diet, where soy protein and soy products only became mainstream in the past 15 years. It’s also worth pointing out that many of these studies – particularly the ones concluding that soy protein stimulates the growth of breast cancer cells -- isolated soy and gave subjects phytoestrogen supplements, rather than food containing phytoestrogens.

I side with the American Heart Association’s take on soy protein. They do not tout it as singlehandedly being able to lower one’s risk of heart disease, but note that soy protein usually replaces less healthful selections like beef and fatty cheeses, while delivering fiber, vitamins, and minerals. SOY PROTEIN, BREAST CANCER, AND MENOPAUSE Soy protein contains phytoestrogens (a plant compound that mimics human estrogen). Interestingly enough, some camps laud phytoestrogens as being helpful in lowering one’s risk of de7


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This resulted in extremely high doses of phytoestrogens – much more than most people get in their diets.

Issue 6, August 2007

approximately 30 seconds), fold, and eat. NUTRITION PROFILE

I personally think it is best to not be overly concerned with soy and breast cancer either way.

410 calories 18 grams heart-healthy fats 3 grams saturated fat 19 grams (!) fiber 25 g protein (15 g soy protein)

It is foolish to consider oneself immune due to soy consumption in the same way it would be silly to fear that snacking on a bowl of edamame every other day is the equivalent of smoking a cigarette.

It might not sound like a filling meal, but the combination of protein, high fiber and hearthealthy fats is guaranteed to keep you full for hours. Even my most carnivorous friends have been surprised at how great this wrap is and how full they feel afterwards.

Organic compounds in soy known as isoflavones compete with estrogen for receptors (structures in cells that pick up and hold on to certain enzymes and hormones). Thus, it is believed that during menopause, when the body’s estrogen levels naturally drop, these isoflavones can fool the body into thinking there is more estrogen available, thereby helping reduce some symptoms of menopause.

As an added bonus, the medley of vegetables provides a plethora of vitamins (including A, C, and E), minerals (such as potassium and magnesium), and antioxidants, while the tempeh contains Omega-3 fats.



TEMPEH AND VEGGIE WRAP One of my favorite quick lunch dishes! 1 whole wheat wrap 2 tablespoons hummus 1/4 cup avocado 1/4 cup peppers (red or green) 1/8 cup red onion, chopped 1/4 cup mesclun mix 1/8 cup carrots, shredded 3 ounces broiled tempeh, seasoned with salt and pepper to taste

PROTEIN POWER The first issue of Small Bites covered fiber and analyzed the Atkins Diet. Here we are six months later and I’m covering a very similar diet – Protein Power. The philosophy behind it is the same as Atkins. Strictly restrict your carbohydrate intake and simultaneously increase your protein consumption. People needing to lose 20 percent or more of their weight are asked to eat no more than 30 grams of carbohydrates a day.

Place ingredients in center of wrap (for an extra touch, heat up the wrap in the microwave first for 8


[email protected]

Issue 6, August 2007

That equals 1 banana OR half a cup of brown rice OR a cup of oatmeal.

Of course, once eating resumes, these layers resume replication and “grow” back.

In other words, a bowl of oatmeal with a sliced banana on top – with its fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients -- is a “no no”, while four strips of bacon and a Swiss cheese and ham omelette get the green light, despite the complete lack of fiber and very high amount of saturated fat.

When it comes to nutrition, there is no reason to believe that a diet following the recommended intake of 60% carbohydrates, 20% fats, and 20% protein (give or take 5 or 10 percent of each of those nutrients) is unhealthy.

Protein Power can also be very low in calories. Some people – particularly those who are physically inactive -- are advised to take in as little as 1,000 calories a day.

This is how humans ate before all these diets came about, trying to tinker with our consumption and telling us to lower fat or lower carbohydrates. And now, here we are, in a country where two thirds of the adult population is overweight (and a quarter is clinically obese).

One crucial issue with low-calorie, low-carb, highprotein diets is that when the body’s preferred source of energy – glycogen, courtesy of carbohydrates – becomes scarce, the body burns some fat but also starts converting amino acids into glucose via a rather taxing cycle.

I know it doesn’t sound exciting or groundbreaking, but you can’t beat the truth. Forget chalky mealreplacement shakes or putting fruit salad in your “food that makes me fat” list. A diet low in processed foods, high in fruits and vegetables, and consisting of regular-sized portions is the key to good health, especially when complemented with physical activity and enough sleep.

This result in the loss of muscle mass – and guess which is one muscle the body goes to for borrowed energy? The heart! In the long run, this can be particularly harmful to its structure. Remember: a lot of the rapid weight loss seen with these extremely low-calorie diets can be attributed to two things -- water weight and “selfdigestion”.

Small Bites is a monthly newsletter delivering nutrition information without sponsors to please, advertisers to promote, or hidden agendas.

Foods rich in protein have very little sodium; a mineral which, as explained in issue 3 of Small Bites, retains water.

Please share your thoughts, opinions, and questions with me at:

Eliminate most of the sodium in your diet (which is necessary, and thus found even in healthy foods like whole grains and low/non-fat dairy) and the water in your body will be flushed out.

Also, stop by the Small Bites blog:

[email protected] Thank you, and see you next month! -Andy-

Additionally, within the first 48 hours of going on a very low-calorie diet (and especially when fasting), our body digests the protein layers of the digestive system, which thereby stop replicating. 9

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