Slosea For Eval

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  • Words: 1,868
  • Pages: 41
Courtesy of MBNEP

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA SLOSEA Advisory Advisory Committee Committee Meeting MorroBay, Bay,Morro Morro Bay InnInn at at Morro BayCalifornia California th th June55 ,, 2008 2008 June

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

SLOSEA’s vision is a healthy, resilient coastal ecosystem that provides for thriving and interacting populations of plant, animal and human communities.

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Scope: Morro Bay Estuary and the nearshore coast and watersheds from Cape San Martin to Point Conception

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences


SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

Estuarine Systems

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences Courtesy of MBNEP

Shoreline Habitats

SLOSEA Courtesy of Don Maruska San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

Nearshore Subtidal

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Species Targets Iconic Species

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

Marine Inverts

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Fin Fish

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Working Bay/Port Systems


San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance Courtesy of Don Maruska

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Conservation & resource management targets

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Human-influenced actions directly impacting the targets

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Human Factor Rating • Scope (Area). Geographic area of impact on the target (where the target naturally occurs) that can reasonably be expected within 10 years under current circumstances – Occurs everywhere -> very limited within the project area • Severity. The level of damage to the conservation target that can reasonably be expected within ten years under current circumstances – Will likely eliminate the conservations target -> limited impairment • Irreversibility. Degree to which the effects of a threat can be undone – Not functionally reversible -> easy to reverse

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences


Human Factors

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences


Human Factors

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Priority Threats Which SLOSEA Will Consider Summary

Human Factors

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Human-influenced actions directly impacting the targets

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Coastal growth

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Inadequate understanding of & regulations for pollutants

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Inadequate information & regulations leading to irrigated agriculture & grazing/livestock

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Consumer awareness and market pressures

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences


SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Inadequate data & policies

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Consumer demand

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Decline of marine economy

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Intentional & accidental introduction of invasives

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Limited scientific knowledge & inadequate regulations

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences


Public education & awareness

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

SLOSEA Conceptual Model

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Strategies A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.

Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks (Water Quality, Bio Indicators) Implement Weather Stations (New) Expand Research on Tourism Impacts (Human Access) Develop Early Detection of Plant Invasives (New) Research on Marine Invasives & Actions (New) “Scrub Your Bottom” Campaign (New) State/National Legislation on Scrubbing (New) Develop Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt (Collaborative Fisheries) “Eat Local Fish” Awareness Campaign (New) Improve Harbor Dredging (New) Enhancing Non-Fishing Marine Economy (Economic Indicators)

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H. All Fishing Strategies I. “Eat Local Fish” awareness campaign

H2. Support local fishing fleet Sustainable fishing (ecol & econ)

H. Demo of regional fishing managemen t

Healthy marine economy

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H. Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt

Sustainable fishing (ecol & econ)

H. Demo of regional fishing managemen t

Healthy marine economy

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H. Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt

Policy & funding & support provided MOUs for long term research plan

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H. Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt

Objective for the Result: By 2012 DFG has moved SLOSEA area into "data moderate" level for nearshore rockfish. – good regional fisheries stock

Research funded Fisheries stock assessment, ecologically sustainable fishing defined & quotas set

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H. Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H2. Support Local Fishing Fleet

H2. Support local fishing fleet

Sustainable fishing (ecol & econ)

Healthy marine economy

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H2. Support Local Fishing Fleet

Support for fishermen continues Remaining fleet maintained

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H2. Support Local Fishing Fleet

Limits to IFQ transfers Sustainable local fishing fleet exists

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H. All Fishing Strategies

H2. Support local fishing fleet

Sustainable fishing (ecol & econ)

Healthy marine economy

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

I. “Eat Local Fish” Campaign

Consumers aware & willing to buy local fish

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

I. “Eat Local Fish” Campaign

Businesses aware & local fish available

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

H - I. All Fishing Strategies

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Strategies A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.

Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks (Water Quality, Bio Indicators) Implement Weather Stations (New) Expand Research on Tourism Impacts (Human Access) Develop Early Detection of Plant Invasives (New) Research on Marine Invasives & Actions (New) “Scrub Your Bottom” Campaign (New) State/National Legislation on Scrubbing (New) Develop Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt (Collaborative Fisheries) “Eat Local Fish” Awareness Campaign (New) Improve Harbor Dredging (New) Enhancing Non-Fishing Marine Economy (Economic Indicators)

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

Strategies SLOSEA Draft Strategy Ranking - June 5, 2008 Strategy Feasibility Import A. Monitor Pollutants, Sources & Sinks 10 10.5 H. Develop Demo of Regional Fishing Mngmt 6 10.5 C. Expand Research on Tourism Impacts 7 8 E. Research on Marine Invasives & Actions 4.5 8 I. “Eat Local Fish” Awareness Campaign 11 4.5 B. Implement Weather Stations 9 1 D. Develop Early Detection of Plant Invasives 2 8 J. Improve Harbor Dredging 8 4.5 K. Enhancing Non-Fishing Marine Economy 3 3 F. “Scrub Your Bottom” Campaign 4.5 2 G. State/National Legislation on Scrubbing 1 6 66 66

SLOSEA San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance

SLOSEA Advisory Committee Meeting Inn at Morro Bay, Morro Bay California June 5th, 2008

Fit 10.5 10.5 9 8 3 7 6 1 5 4 2 66

Total Average 31 10.3 27 9.0 24 8.0 20.5 6.8 18.5 6.2 17 5.7 16 5.3 13.5 4.5 11 3.7 10.5 3.5 9 3.0 198

Center for Coastal Marine Sciences

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