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By : Lusi Lamria Samosir Reg.Number 4153332016 Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program

SKRIPSI Submitted in Partial Fulfillment the Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Title of Thesis


ID Number

: 4153332016

Study Program

: Bilingual Chemistry Education


: Chemistry

Approved By : Thesis Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.S NIP. 19600618 198703 1 002

Acknowledge by : Head of Chemistry Education Head,

Coordinator of Bilingual Program,

Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si NIP. 19680730 199203 2 001

Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si NIP. 19651015 199203 2 005

Head of Chemistry Department,

Agus Kembaren, S.Si, M.Si NIP. 19680814 199403 1 004


LIST OF CONTENT Legalization Sheet ....................................................................................... i List of Content ........................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background .......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Identification .......................................................................... 6 1.3 Problem Limitation ............................................................................ ..6 1.4 Problem Formulation ........................................................................... 6 1.5 Research Objectives ............................................................................. 7 1.6 Research Benefit .................................................................................. 7 1.7 Operational Definition ......................................................................... 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE STUDY 2.1 Principle of Teaching ........................................................................... 9 2.2 Student Worksheet ............................................................................... 10 2.2.1 Understanding Student Worksheet .......................................... 10 2.2.2 The Objectives os Student Worksheet ..................................... 11 2.2.3 Benefit of Student Worksheet .................................................. 11 2.2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Student Worksheet ........... 12 2.2.5 Preparation Steps of Student Worksheet ................................. 12 2.3 Self-Learning ........................................................................................ 13 2.4 Research Development ......................................................................... 14 2.5 Mobile Learning (m-Learning) ............................................................ 15 2.6 Android System .................................................................................... 16 2.7 Salt Hydrolysis ..................................................................................... 16 2.7.1 Defenition of Salt Hydrorylisis ................................................ 18 2.8 Conceptual Framwork .......................................................................... 24 2.9 Research Hypothesis ............................................................................ 24


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Time and Location of Research ........................................................... 26 3.2 Population and Sample of Research ..................................................... 26 3.3 Developmwnt Model ............................................................................ 26 3.4 Development Procedure ....................................................................... 27 3.4.1 Analysis Stage ......................................................................... 27 3.4.2 Design Stage ............................................................................ 27 3.4.3 Development Stage .................................................................. 28 3.5 Data Types ........................................................................................... 30 3.6 Data Collection Instruments ................................................................. 30 3.7 Data Analysis Technique ..................................................................... 31




1.1 Background Chemistry is one of the natural science that plays an important role and a significant influence on the development and technological progress. But on the other side of chemistry can also be categorized into a science that is rich in abstract concepts, the nature of this abstraction is the cause of student difficulties in enjoying to further understand the chemistry lesson (Muchtar, 2004). The objective of chemical subjects based on the standard content of chemistry subjects SMA / MA (Permendiknas RI Nomor 22, 2006) is that students have the ability to understand the concepts, principles, laws, and theories of chemistry as well as interconnection and its application to solve problems in daily life and technology. In fact, students often have difficulty in studying chemistry. The difficulties faced by students in studying chemistry are due to abstract concepts in chemistry. Bunce (2009) states that to be successful in chemistry requires a good understanding not by memorizing. To facilitate the study of chemistry that contains abstract and microscopic concepts, it can be utilized an ICT based learning media. The use of learning media is one way to support the achievement of learning purposes. The use of appropriate media and variations in the learning process can increase the motivation to learn and can reduce the passivity of students. Learning media should be packaged interesting so that students can linger learn a learning material. Learning media are often used in schools such as power point, video learning, text modules. But the learning media cannot be used at any time by students. Less varied media is distributed not solely teacher error, but because of less optimize technological developments.


As the times progressed, all the fields in all aspects of life came to flourish, including the field of education. Progress in education, especially in science and technology, has an impact on the learning process in schools. The learning process initially takes place in one direction and is centered on the teacher (teacher centered), such as the behavioristic concept, where the educator (learning resource) provides and pours as much information to the learners. Learning process that takes place like that causes learners cannot develop their creativity and thinking patterns. Therefore, the concept of learning is approached by using a constructivism paradigm, in which learning is the result of its own construction (learners) as a result of its interaction with the learning environment (Daryanto, 2010: 3-4). The current 2013 curriculum is the same as the constructivism paradigm, where learners are required to find information independently of their interaction with the environment inside and outside the school. According to Daryanto (2010: 5), the concept of environment includes learning places, methods, media, assessment system, as well as facilities and infrastructure needed to package learning and organize learning guidance, making it easier for learners to learn. The role of teachers in the learning process based on constructivism paradigm is only as facilitator, mediator and mentor. The use of Student Worksheet in the learning process is one of the efforts to create a more qualified learning. However, from various kinds of Student Worksheet that are often used and provided by the school for the learning process, especially chemistry is the Student Worksheet in the form of print media. Based on observations in SMA NEGERI 1 PERBAUNGAN, many students who use android smartphone but the utilization of smartphones as a media of learning is not optimal because only a few students who know the existence of learning media or Student Worksheet using android smartphone. In addition, teachers are still using conventional methods in teaching so that learners feel bored and less interested in learning activities. Mobile devices that are majority owned and used in everyday learners are communication tools in the form of android mobile phones. Android is a mobile operating system that adopts Linux operating system, but has been modified.

According Sambodo (2014) android can be a complete learning media in the delivery of a learning material. Many research companies naming android as smartphones, because android formed on open source software (Linux), which means developers can create an application in accordance with the creativity of each individual, with so android can be used anywhere. The research conducted by Sambodo entitled “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Mobile Learning berbasis Android untuk Siswa Kelas X SMA/MA” with development model 3D (Define, Design, Develop). The results of development research have excellent quality. In 2013, an estimated 24 percent of mobile phone users in Indonesia owned a smartphone and this figure is projected to more than double to 53 percent by 2017. The number of mobile phone users in the country stood at around 173 million in 2013 and will rise to over 195 million people by 2017. This means that a projected 103.5 million people in Indonesia will own a smartphone in 2017, equivalent to 37.5 percent of the entire population. In 2013, mobile phone internet user penetration in the country was at 22.8 percent and this is expected to almost double to 45.3 percent by 2018. Some of the most popular online services amongst mobile internet users in Indonesia were Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) (Statista,2018). Based on research aims to the develop the English for Disability (EFORD) application, on Android-based learning english media for Visually Impaired students and determine its based this on assessment of matter expert, media expert, special needs teacher and students. The research method adopted in this research is Research and Development (R&D). The development of this application through five phases: (1) Analysis of problem, through observation and interviews. (2) Collecting information as product planning/ analysis of the needs of the media as required of blind children. (3) The design phase of products such as the manufacture of flow and storyboard navigation map. (4) Design validation phase form of an expert assessment of the media are development. (5) Testing products phase, such as assessment of the application by blind students. The adoption and used ICTs in education have a positive impact on teaching, learning, and research. ICT can affect the delivery of education and enable wider access to the same. In addition, it will increase flexibility so that learners can access the

education regardeless of time and geographical barriers. It can influence the way students are taught and how they learn. It would provide the rich environment and motivation for teaching learning process which seems to have a profound impact on the process of learning in education by offering new possibilities for learners and teachers. These possibilities can have an impact on student performance and achievement. Similarly wider availability of best practices and best cource material in education, which can be shared by mean of ICT, can foster better teaching and improved academic achievement of student (Richardson,2009). Today, as we all know that the development of hardware for mobile device is getting better and the performance index is veryhigh than the actual requirements ofthe software configuration. Phone's features are now more dependent on software or application. Android is an open source Operating System for Mobile devices, It is initially developed by Android, Inc., which was bought by Google in 2005, Android was revealed in 2007, along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance – a consortium of software,hardware and telecommunication companies dedicated to advancing open standards for mobile devices. According to the Wikipedia in July 2013, there were over one million Android application were published on the Google Play store, and over 50 billion applications downloaded. According tothe Wikipedia in April–May 2013 survey of mobile application developers found that more than 71% of developers created applications for Android. History of Android with the release of the Android beta version in November 2007. Android 1.0 (First version),the first commercial version was released in September 2008. As we all know that Android is introduce byGoogleand theOpen Handset Alliance(OHA), and since its initial release, we have seen a number ofupdatesto its base operating system. • Alpha (1.0) • Beta (1.1) • Cupcake (1.5) • Donut (1.6) • Éclair (2.0–2.1) • Froyo (2.2–2.2.3) • Gingerbread (2.3– 2.3.7)

• Honeycomb (3.0–3.2.6)

Bean(4.1–4.3.1) (6.0).(Singh,2016).

• Ice Cream Sandwich(4.0–4.0.4)

• KitKat (4.4–4.4.4)

• Lollipop(5.0)

• Jelly

• Marshmallow

Google play store has lots and lots of apps that are being developed and updated day today. Apps that run in mobile phones are mostly developed using Android Studio or eclipse. Android Studio is Android’s official Integrated Development Environment built on Jetbrains’ intellj IDEA software. Android studio helps in building apps with highest quality. Android studio offers tools such as rich code editing, profiling tool, debugging and testing. The app developed can run either in virtual device such as emulator or any connected mobile phone while testing.(Nandhini,2018) Mobile Application Development refers to the process of making application software for handheld devices such as mobile phones and Personal Digital Assistants. Through the usage of mobile apps, the user is provided with various features that will enable him to fulfill all his needs and much more. Apps should be interactive to the users. Apps can be downloaded from various platforms such as Google Play Store and iOS App Store. There are free apps as well as paid apps. Some apps can be used for free for a specific amount of time before subscribing for premium membership. For apps with a price, about 20%-30% goes to the distribution provider(Example-iTunes) and the rest to the producer of the app. (Bakhta,2017). Development of Student Worksheet is required to be able to overcome the problems in the learning process, one form of the development of Student Worksheet is the use of information and communication technology in the field of education. The form of the utilization of information and communication technology is mobile learning (m-learning), one part of electronic learning (elearning). M-learning is a media of learning by using mobile devices such as mobile phones, PDAs, laptops, and tablet PC (Astra, 2012: 175-176). The Student Worksheet based on android that developed contains material and exercise questions that learners can use as self-learning media. The material contained in this Worksheet developed is compiled from various learning sources,

so as to provide students with a wider insight into the material. Insights held by learners is what affects the liveliness in the learning process. Based on description above, the researcher are interested to develop of student worksheet using android mobile. So the title of this rsearch is : The Development of Student Worksheet Based Android Mobile on Salt Hydrolysis Topic. 1.2 Problem Identification Based on the background explained above, the problem identification in this research includes: 1. Why most students spend their time in social media that make achievement become decreasing ? 2. Why android mobile are not fully utilized learning media ? 3. How android mobile based learning could be used as references for improving the learning process ?

1.3 Problem Limitation To make this research well directed the problem needs to limited to applying of student worksheet base it (android mobile) on salt hydrolysis topic increasing student’s motivation to study. 1.4 Problem Formulation The problem formulation of this research are: 1. How much effectiveness of student worksheet based android mobile on salt hydrolysis topic ? 2. Does student worksheet based android mobile on salt hydrolysis topic give higher significant difference compared to direct instruction worksheet model to student’s learning motivation on salt hydrolysis topic? 3. How much effectiveness student worksheet based android mobile on salt hydrolysis topic to improve student’s achievement on salt hydrolysis topic? 1.5 Research Objective

The objectives of this research was used: 1. To know the effectiveness of student worksheet based android mobile on salt hydrolysis topic. 2. To know the effectiveness of implementation on student worksheet based android mobile on salt hydrolysis topic for student’s learning outcome. 3. To know the effectiveness of implementation the on t student worksheet based android mobile on salt hydrolysis topic for student’s achievement and motivation in senior high school.

1.6 Research Benefit 1. The result of this study are expected to provide information to teachers the chemistry of learning difficulties experienced by student’s especially in salt hydrolysis topic. 2. This research help the students finding the problem of chemistry, especially salt hydrolysis topic. 3. This research can be used as references for the future research.

1.7 Operational Defenition 1. Android Mobile is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. It is considered to be a subset of information and communication technology (ICT). 2. Learning difficulties referred to in this study are factors that affect student’s learning. The usual difficulty comes from the students, parents, chemistry teachers, school, and the difficulty is understanding the topic of chemistry lesson. 3. Student outcomes are statement that specify what students will know, be able to do or be able to demonstrate when they have completed or participated in a course or program.

4. Salt hydrolysis is a reaction in which the cation or anion or both of a salt react with water to produce acidity or alkalinity.


2.1 Principle of Teaching Teaching is a complex, multifaceted activity, often requiring us as instructors to juggle multiple tasks and goals simultaneously and flexibly. The following small but powerful set of principles can make teaching both more effective and more efficient, by helping us create the conditions that support student learning and minimize the need for revising materials, content, and policies. While implementing these principles requires a commitment in time and effort, it often saves time and energy later on. 1. Effective teaching involves acquiring relevant knowledge about students and using that knowledge to inform our course design and classroom teaching. 2. Effective teaching involves aligning the three major components of instruction: learning objectives, assessments, and instructional activities. 3. Effective teaching involves articulating explicit expectations regarding learning objectives and policies. 4. Effective teaching involves prioritizing the knowledge and skills we choose to focus on. 5. Effective teaching involves recognizing and overcoming our expert blind spots. 6. Effective teaching involves adopting appropriate teaching roles to support our learning goals. 7. Effective teaching involves progressively refining our courses based on reflection and feedback. Teaching requires adapting. We need to continually reflect on our teaching and be ready to make changes when appropriate (e.g., something is not working, we want to try something new, the student population has changed, or there are emerging issues in our fields). Knowing what and how to change requires us to examine relevant information on our own teaching effectiveness. Much of this information already exists (e.g., student work, previous semesters’ course

evaluations, dynamics of class participation), or we may need to seek additional feedback with help from the university teaching center (e.g., interpreting early course evaluations, conducting focus groups, designing pre- and posttests). Based on such data, we might modify the learning objectives, content, structure, or format of a course, or otherwise adjust our teaching. Small, purposeful changes driven by feedback and our priorities are most likely to be manageable and effective. 2.2 Student Worksheet 2.2.1 Understanding Student Worksheet Student is a worksheet that provides learning instructions on selected topics or subject matter and is accompanied by questions or exercises, otherwise the correct answer is also usually attached. Student Worksheet should be structured with clear objectives and principles. According to Trianto (2009) Student Worksheet is a student manual used to conduct investigation or problem solving activities. Student Worksheet can be a guide to cognitive aspect development exercises as well as guidelines for the development of all aspects of learning in the form of experimental or demonstration guides. According to Winarty (2015) Student Worksheet component consists of: 1. Preface 2. Table of Contents 3. Introduction (contains an analysis / list of learning objectives and achievement indicators based on GBPP analysis results). 4. Chapter I contains a summary of material / emphasis material from the various subjects. 5. Worksheets: contains various problems or assignments that will be done by students. 6. Chapter 2 contains a summary of material / material emphasis from the subject.

7. Worksheets, etc. 8. References 2.2.2

The Objectives of Student Worksheet The objectives of the Student Worksheet include: (1) Providing knowledge

and attitudes and skills that students need to have, (2) Checking the level of students' understanding of the material that has been presented, (3) Developing and applying the lesson material that is difficult to learn. The principles include: (1) Not evaluated as the basis of the report card, but only given the reinforcement for the successful completion of their tasks and given guidance for students who have difficulty, (2) Contains problems, (3) As a learning tool, (4) understanding, development and implementation, (5) All problems have been answered correctly after completion of learning (Trianto, 2009). 2.2.3

Benefits of Student Worksheet According to Prianto and Harnoko (Subainar, 2014), the benefits of Student

Worksheet include: 1. Enabling students in the learning process. 2. Assist students in developing concepts. 3. Train students to find and develop teaching and learning process. 4. Assist teachers in developing lessons. 5. As a guideline for teachers and students in implementing the learning process. 6. Help students get a record of the material learned through learning activities. 7. Help students to add information about the concepts learned through learning activities in a systematic way. 2.2.4

Advantages and Disadvantages of Student Worksheet The advantages of Student Worksheet include: (1) students are more

actively learning; (2) stimulate student creativity; (3) provide opportunities for

students to learn according to their abilities; (4) teachers can act as mentors, not just as teachers; (5) cultivate student curiosity; (6) create healthy competition among students; and (7) lighten the burden of teachers (Amalia, 2011). While the shortage of Student Worksheet, among others, often leads to misconception in students because the material presented brief. 2.2.5

Preparation Steps of Student Worksheet The steps of Student Worksheet preparation are as follows: 1. Conducting






competencies, indicators, and learning materials, as well as time allocation. 2. Analyze the syllabus and select the learning activity alternatives that best match the results of Standard Competence, Basic Competence, and indicator analysis. 3. Analyze the lesson plan and determine the steps of learning activities (Opening, Core: exploration, elaboration, confirmation, and Closing). 4. Develop Student Worksheet in accordance with exploration activities in Lesson Plan. The prepared of Student Worksheet must meet certain conditions in order to become a good quality Student Worksheet. Didactic, construction and technical requirements to be met include: (1) Didactic conditions governing the use of a universal Student Worksheet can be used well for slow or clever students. Student Worksheet emphasizes on the process of finding concepts, and most importantly in the Student Worksheet there is variation of stimulus through various media and student activities. Student Worksheet is expected to focus on developing social, emotional, moral, and aesthetic communication skills. Student learning experience is determined by the personal development goals of the students; (2) Terms of construction related to the use of language, sentence structure, vocabulary, difficulty level, and clarity in Student Worksheet; and (3) Technical requirements

emphasize on writing, drawing, appearance in Student Worksheet ( Darmodjo & Kaligis, 1992 in Sugianto, 2013). In this research, the feasibility of Student Worksheet is tested using the same standard with the teaching materials from BNSP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) but has been modified as needed. Based on the feasibility standards of teaching materials according to BSNP (2006), the feasibility of teaching materials is divided into several components, such as content feasibility, feasibility of presentation, language feasibility and feasibility of graduation. 2.3 Self-Learning According to Haris (2007), self-learning is an active learning activity, driven by the intention or motive to master something of competence to overcome a problem, and built with the knowledge or competence possessed. Determination of competence as a learning goal and how to achieve, whether the determination of study time, place of learning, learning rhythm, learning tempo, how to learn, learning resources, and evaluation of learning outcomes done by the students themselves. Intention or motive in self-study is the most important thing in learning than the physical appearance of learning activities. In simple terms the concept of self-learning consists of (Haris, 2007: 9-14): a. Ownership of specific competencies as learning objectives The goal of independent learning is to seek new competencies, either in the form of knowledge or skills to solve a problem. Learners actively seek information from various sources and process them based on the knowledge they have to gain the new competencies. b. Active learning as a strategy to achieve goals One of the learning strategies used to achieve self-learning goals is an active learning strategy. Active learning is a form of natural learning activity that can lead to excitement, forming a learning atmosphere without stress,

and enabling the achievement of defined learning objectives. Active learning activity is basically a learning activity that characterized the learner's activities to get something appropriate or a series of competencies that are accumulatively into a greater competence to be achieved through self-learning activities. c. The existence of motivation as a prerequisite of learning activities Learning motivation is a prerequisite that must be developed first to do active learning. Active learning strategies are impossible to run without learning motivation strong enough to master a competency. On the contrary, the success of active learning is expected to foster motivation to learn. d. Paradigm / theory learn constructivism as the foundation of concept The use of existing knowledge to acquire new skills or knowledge is the principle of learning according to constructivism theory. The theory of constructivism learning is the foundation underlying self-study. This is because the smoothness of self-learning activities is largely determined by the extent to which learners already possess relevant knowledge as initial capital to create new knowledge of stimuli from new information obtained from teachers, others or from other sources or learning media. 2.4 Research Development Research development is a research directed to produce products, designs, and processes. Research development focuses its study on the field of design or design, in the form of design and design of teaching materials and products such as media and learning processes in the world of education, especially learning. Research development is often known as Research and Development (R & D) or with the term research-based development. Research development is a relatively new type of research in education (Setyosari, 2012: 214 - 215). According to Setyosari (2012: 221 - 223), several models often used in development research include:

a. Conceptual model The conceptual model is an analytical model that explains the components of the product to be developed and relate between its components. This model shows the relationship between concepts and does not show the sequence gradually. The order can start from anywhere. b. Procedural model A procedural model is a descriptive model that describes the flow or procedural steps that must be followed to produce a particular product. The procedural models are commonly found in instructional design models such as Dick &Carey, Borg & Gall models, and ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) models. 2.5 Mobile Learning (m-learning) Mobile learning (m-learning) is a learning that utilizes technology and mobile devices. These devices can be PDAs, cell phones, laptops, tablet PCs, and so on. Users can access learning content anywhere and anytime, without having to visit a certain place at any given time with mobile learning. The purpose of mobile learning development itself is the process of learning over time (long life learning) (Majid, 2012). Mobile learning has three functions in classroom instruction, as supplement (optional), complement, or substitution (Majid, 2012). Mobile learning as a supplement, has the understanding that there is freedom to learners to choose and use mobile learning as a learning medium, so there is no compulsion or obligation to access the subject matter through mobile learning. Mobile learning can be a complement to the classroom material. Mobile learning as a complement, can serve as a reinforcement or remedial and enrichment. Mobile learning as a substitute (substitution), meaning learners are given the freedom to choose using the learning model they want (Astra, 2012: 176). Learners have three choices of learning models to choose from, that is: a. fully using conventional learning model, b. some use conventional learning and some use technology, and c. fully using technology.

2.6 Android System 2.6.1

Understanding and Development of Android

Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of Linux (Andi, 2013: 2). Android operating system was first developed by the company Android Inc, which in the end the company name is used as the project name of the mobile operating system. Android is a new generation of mobile platforms, platforms that provide developers to do the development as expected (Nazruddin, 2012: 5). According Nazrudidin (2012: 6), the developer has several options when creating applications based on android. Most developers use Eclipse freely available to design and develop android apps. Eclipse is the most popular IDE for android developers, as it has android plug-ins available to facilitate android developers. In addition, Eclipse also gets direct support from google to become an android application developer IDE, creating an android project where the source software directly from its official Google site. 1) Android applications can be developed on the following operating systems: 2) Windows XP Vista / Seven, 3) Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later), 4) Linux. 5) Eclipse Studio. 6) Android Studio. In general, for making android application is used eclipse studioa and android studio. Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE). It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Written mostly in Java, Eclipse can be used to develop applications in Java. The initial codebase originated from IBM. The Eclipse software development kit (SDK), which includes the Java development tools, is meant for Java developers. Users can extend its abilities by installing plug-ins written for the

Eclipse Platform, such as development toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute their own plug-in modules. (Garima,2014). Android studio is the officially integrated development environment for development of the Android platform. It was announced on 2013 at the Google I/O conference. Android Studio is available under the License 2.0. Android Studio was in early access preview from version 0.1 in May 2013, and then entered beta stage from version 0.8 which was out in 2014. The first stable build was out in December 2014. Starting from version 1.0. Based on JetBrains’intelliJ IDEA Software, Android Studio is implemented Specifically for Android development. It is available on windows, Mac OS X and Linux, and replaced with Eclipse Android development Tool (ADT) as Google’s primary IDE for the native Android application development. In computer programming, Eclipse is an integrated development Environment (IDE). It contains a basic workspace and an inextensible system for customising the atmosphere. Eclipse is written mostly in JAVA and its primary use is use for developing java application, but it may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages through the use of plugins, including: ABAP, Ada, JavaScript, C, C++, Lasso , Fortran, COBOL, Haskell, Jullia, , Lua, PHP, NATURAL, perl, python , Prolog, R, Ruby. It can also be used to develop packages for the software Mathematica. Development environment include the Eclipse Java development environment include the (JDT) Eclipse java development tools for Java and Scala, Eclipse CDT for C/C++ and Eclipse PDT for PHP, among others. The initial codebase derived from IBM Visual Age. The Eclipse software development kit (SDK), which includes the java development tools, is means for Java development. Users can extend its abilities by installing plug-ins written for the Eclipse Platform, such as development Toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute their own plug-in modules. (Rojatkar,2016). 2.6.2

Effectiveness Using Android System to Support Teaching and Learning

The results of Ghavifekr (2015) research indicate that Android System integration has a great effectiveness for both teachers and the students. Findings indicate that teachers’ well-equipped preparationwith Android System tools and facilities is one the main factors in success of technology-based teaching and learning. It was also found that professional development training programsfor teachers also played a key role in enhancing students’ quality learning. For the future studies, there is a need for consideration of other aspects of Android System integration especially from management point of view in regard to strategic planning and policy making. 2.6.3 Advantages and Disadvantage using Android System for Chemistry Learning According to Pillai (2012) the Advantages of using Android System is exams and results can be published in same day (Eg:- entrance tests, online tests). Android System also promote “Just in time” learning. The learners can choose “what to learn” and “when to learn”. Android System supported learning enhances learners the opportunity to work with people from different cultures imparts teaming and communication skills as well as global awareness. Besides it, using Android System have adverse impact that is economically costly and not feasible for all institutions.

2.7 Salt Hydrolysis 2.7.1 Defenition of Salt Hydrolysis Pure water is a weak electrolyte. Weak because it does not completely disassociates into hydrogen and hydroxide but exist in equilibrium with these two ions. It is neutral in nature, i.e., H+ ion concentration is exactly equal to OH- ion concentration. When this condition is disturbed by decreasing the concentration of either of the two ions, the neutral nature changes into acidic or basic. When [H+] > [OH-

], the water becomes acidic and when [H+] < [OH-], the water acquires basic nature. This is exactly the change which occurs during the phenomenon known as salt hydrolysis. It is defined as a reaction in which the cation or anion or both of a salt react with water to produce acidity or alkalinity. Salts are strong electrolytes. When dissolved in water, they dissociate almost completely into ions. In some salts, cations are more reactive in comparison to anions and these react with water to produce H+ ions. Thus, the solution acquires M+ + H2O

acidic nature.

MOH + H+ Salt of a Strong Acid and a Weak Base The solution of such a salt is acidic in nature. The cation of the salt which has come from weak base is reactive. It reacts with water to form a weak base and H+ ions. B+ + H2O

BOH + H+

Weak base Consider, for example, NH4Cl. It ionises in water completely into NH4 and CF ions. ions react with water to form a weak base (NH4OH) and H+ ions. NH+4 + H2O C(1-x)

NH4OH + H+ Cx


Thus, hydrogen ion concentration increases and the solution becomes acidic. Applying law of mass action,

...... (i) where C is the concentration of salt and x the degree of hydrolysis.Other equilibria which exist in solution are NH4OH

NH+4 + OH-,

.... (ii)


H+ + OH-, Kb = [H+][H-]

..... (iii)

From eqs. (ii) and (iii) Kw/Kb =[H+ ][NH4 OH]/[NH4+ ] = Kh

.... (iv)

[H+] = [H+ ][NH4+]/[NH4OH] = Kw/Kb ×[NH4+ ]/[NH4 OH] log [H+] = log Kw - log Kb + log[salt]/[base] -pH = -pKw + pKb + log[salt]/[base] pKw - pH = pKb + log[salt]/[base] Salt of a Weak Acid and a Strong Base The solution of such a salt is basic in nature. The anion of the salt is reactive. It reacts with water to form a weak acid and OH- ions. A- + H2O; HA + OHWeak acid Consider, for example, the salt CH3COONa. It ionises in water completely to give CH3COO- and Na+ ions. CH3COO- ions react with water to form a weak acid, CH3COOH and OH- ions. CH3COO- + H2O C(1-x)



Thus, OH- ion concentration increases, the solution becomes alkaline. Applying law of mass action, Kh = [CH3COOH][OH-]/[CH3CO-] = (Cx×Cx)/C(1-x) = (Cx2)/(1-x) ) ...... (i) Other equations present in the solution are: CH3COOH

CH3COO- + H+,

Ka = [CH3COO-][H+]/[CH3COOH]

...... (ii)


H+ + OH-,

Kw = [H+][OH-]

....... (iii)

From eqs. (ii) and (iii), log [OH-] = log Kw - log Ka + log[salt]/[acid] -pOH = -pKw + pKa + log[salt]/[acid] pKw - pOH = pKa + log[salt]/[acid]

Considering eq. (i) again, Kh = cx2/(1-x)

or Kh = Ch2/(1-h)

When h is very small, (1-h) → 1 or [OH-] = h × C = √(CKh) = √(C

h2 = Kh/C or

h = √Kh/C


[H+] = Kw/[OH-] = Kw/√(C*Kw/Ka) = √(Ka


-log [H+] = -1/2log Kw - 1/2log Ka + 1/2log C pH = 1/2pKw + 1/2pKa + 1/2log C = 7 + 1/2pKa + 1/2log C. Salt of a Weak Acid and a Weak Base Maximum hydrolysis occurs in the case of such a salt as both the cation and anion are reactive and react with water to produce H+ and OFT ions. The solution is generally neutral but it can be either slightly acidic or slightly alkaline if both the reactions take place with slightly different rates. Consider, for example, the salt CH3COONH4. It gives CH3COO- and ions in solution.

Other equilibria which exist in solution are: CH3COO- + H+,


Ka = [CH3COO-][H+]/[CH3COOH] NH+4 + OH-,


Kb = [NH+4] [OH-]/[NH4OH] H2 O

..... (i)

..... (ii)

H+ + OH-

Kw = [H+][OH-]

..... (iii)

From Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), Kh = Kw/Ka.Kb = [CH3COOH][NH4OH]/[CH3COO-][NH+4] Let C be the concentration and h be the degree of hydrolysis Kh = h2/(1-h)2 When h is small, (1-h) → 1. Kh = h2 h = √Kh = √Kw/Ka*Kb [H+] Ka × h = Ka × √Kw/Ka*Kb = √Kw


.... (iv)

-log [H+] = -1/2log Ka - 1/2log Kw + 1/2log K pH = 1/2pKa + 1/2pKw - 1/2pKb = 7 + 1/2pKa - 1/2pKb

When pKa = pKb, pH = 7, i.e., solution will be neutral in nature. When pKa > pKb. The solution will be alkaline as the acid will be slightly weaker than base and pH value will be more than 7. In case pKa < pKb, the solution will be acidic as the acid is relatively stronger than base and pH will be less than 7. Salt of a Strong Acid and a Strong Base Such a salt, say NaCl, does not undergo hydrolysis as both the ions are not reactive. The solution is thus, neutral in nature. 2.8 Conseptual Framework Chemistry is a science gained and developed based on experiments that seek answers to the question of what, why and how natural phenomena relate to the composition, structure and properties, transformation, dynamics and energy of matter. Therefore, the subjects of chemistry have considerable coverage and complex and also learned subject matter also require more understanding, such as acid-base material. People can understand something from reading activities that are not only done once, but can be done repeatedly. This activity for some people including boring activities, especially for learners. Reading activities are increasingly unattractive when learners should read books, references or other print media in a thick period of time. Of course it causes uncomfortable learners, so they cannot understand the material being read, especially the Salt Hydrolysis material. Therefore, we need a media that can be used by learners to conduct reading activities according to their needs without any time limit to use this media, which is moveable, making it more practical and interest compared to other media. Along

with the rampant use of mobile phones, especially mobile android in the learning process by learners, then developed a chemical learning media with a more attractive appearance that is moveable, can be used anywhere, and practical in the form of Student Worksheet based on android. This Student Worksheet can facilitate high school class XI students to study the Salt Hydrolysis material not only when they are in school only (related to limited hours defined by the school), but can be used anytime and where also according to his needs. The Android based student worksheet is developed based on certain criteria and contains materials and exercises about Salt Hydrolysis, so that with the Student Worksheet is expected learners can use it as a self-learning media for the material. Student Worksheet based on android developed in the form of application file. apk format that can be operated using android phone, where programming language used is Android Studio. The results of the product will be assessed by the high school student, who will be analyzed to determine the feasibility of the product, but has previously been reviewed by media experts, material expert, and three high school chemistry teachers. 2.9 Research Hypothesis Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the questions that are in the formulation of the problem. Based on the formulation of the problems and theoretical foundations above, it can be arranged several hypotheses that have something to do with the objectives and research problems, then the hypothesis in this study formulated as follows: Hypothesis proposed in this research, among others: 1. The quality of the android-based student worksheets that have been compiled feasible for use 2. The quality of the android-based student worksheets that have been compiled are not feasible for use 3. Student worksheets based android can increase the interest / motivation and self-learning of students 4. Student worksheets based android cannot increase the interest / motivation and self-learning of students.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Time and Location of Research

This research conducted at SMA N 1 Perbaungan which is located at Jalan Mayjend H. Rizal Nurdin, Batang Terap, Serdang Bedagai. The research time will be done in April-May 2018/2019 academic year. 3.2 Population and Sample of Research The population in this study is all students of grade XI IPA in SMA N 1 Perbaungan academic year 2018/2019 consisting of 4 science classes and each class consist of 30-36 students. The sample in this study was taken by purposive sampling technique. Samples obtained are the students of grade XI IPA 1 in SMA N 1 Perbaungan. 3.3 Development Model The development of Student Worksheet Based Android using research and development methods. According sugiyono (2011:297) research and development is a research method with the aim to produce the productcertain, and test the effectiveness of theproduct. Another opinion was expressed by Endang Mulyatiningsh (2011:161) namely “research and development aims to producethrough the development process”. In general, reserach and development is aresearch aims to produce new products and test theeffectiveness of the product.

3.4 Development Procedure This research produce adapts the ADDIE model, anemlya development model consisting of five stages consisting of Analysis Design,

Development, Implementation and Evaluation. But in side this research is only up to implementation stage only. 3.4.1

Analysis Stage a. Analysis of student needs which include needs and characteristics students who will be targeted byuserof Android-based Student Worksheet, hardware and software. b. Competency and instructional analysis which includes analysis of Competency Standards (SK) and Basic Competencies (KD) that will published in this Student Worksheet.


Design Stage Based on the result of the analysis, the next stage is done phase productdesign wich includes the following stages: a. Making Media Design (storyboard) Storyboard is an overview odf instructional media all of which will be loaded inside the app. Storyboard work as guide like map to ease the manufacturing process media. b. Set Material At this stage the basic elective subjects are proposed chemistry about Salt Hydrolysis a it is in accordance with the author’s competences. Other than that, there are difficulties in the lack of media usage learning and many teachers are still usingtye method conventional or lecturerin chemistry teaching. c. Preparation of Question and Answers

Estions and discussion of answer to be

included in the

Students Worksheet this is a material about salt hydrolysis. The preparation of materials, questions, and discussions in this Student Worksheet is made from various references. 3.4.3

Development Stage a. Making Student Worksheet Products Based on Android At this stage learning media products are made accordingly with a predetermined format that is using Android Studio software.

b. Validation by Material Expert, Media Expert, and Chemistry Teacher. The validation process was carried out by media experts, material experts, and three chemistry teachers. The results are product quality, suggestions, and comments that can be used as a basis for analyzing and revising the media developed and as a basis for product testing on student.

3.4.4 Implementation Stage This implementation phase of the product will be tested to 30 students from SMAN 1 Perbaungan. At this stage also shared questionnaire to measure and find out the motivation and selflearning of participants students on Android Student Work Sheets. If necessary then will be revised based on suggestion from students. However, in this revision will be considered input and suggestions from the validator before so as not to conflict with the improvements previous

Determining the chemical material that will be made in the android app Stage I

Collect material references

Designing student worksheet based android

Initial Product

Stage II

Media Expert and Material Expert

Three Chemistry Teachers

Quality: The Student Worksheet Based Android on Salt Hydrilysis The Revised of Student Worksheet Based Android

High School Students

Stage III

Motivation Data Data Analysis

The End Product: The Student Worksheet Based Android on Acid-Base Materials Figure 3.1. Research Procedures


Data Type The data obtained in this development research is descriptive data in the form of:

a. Data on the quality of product feasibility of validator assessment results, media expert, material expert, and three chemistry teachers. Initial qualitative data with very good category (VG), good (G), enough (E), less (L), very less (VL). The data is then converted into discrete quantitative data, is the nominal data obtained by calculating the average score of each criterion calculated based on the validator. Furthermore this score is compared with the ideal score to know the quality of Student Worksheet generated. The data collected in this study is intended to know the quality of Student Worksheet based android on Acid-Base material. b. Data on the student motivation of trial results assessment, in high school students. Initial qualitative data with very agree (VA), agree (A), doubtful (D), disagree (DA), very disagree (VDA). The data is then converted into discrete quantitative data, the nominal data obtained by calculating the average score of each criterion. Furthermore this score is compared with the ideal score to know the student motivation of Student Worksheet. The data collected in this study is intended to know the student motivation to Student Worksheet based android on Acid-Base material based on assessment of trial result to high school students.


Data Collection Instruments The quality and motivation rating data "Student Worksheet Based on Android in Salt Hydrolysis Material" is obtained from the assessment instrument, is a questionnaire in the form of checklist (√) for media expert, material expert, three chemistry teachers, and high school student. Questionnaire assessment is used to determine the quality product and student motivation of the product covering aspects of the criteria that have been determined. Aspects assessed in this development study are as follows: a. Aspects of truth of concept b. Aspects of breadth and depth of concept

c. Aspects of material and matter d. Aspects of language structure e. Aspect of student worksheet display f. Aspect of software engineering g. Aspects of implementation 3.7

Data Analysis Technique

3.7.1 Data of Product Development Process Data process of product development is descriptive data. The product development process data is obtained from material experts, media experts, and three chemistry teachers in the form of corrections and suggestions. Such corrections and suggestions are used as reference for product revisions. 3.7.2

Data of Product Quality and Data of Student Motivation Data of product quality is obtained from the analysis of assessment instruments filled by media expert, material expert, and chemistry teacher. Data of student motivation is obtained from the analysis of assessment instrument filled by high school student. The type of data collected in the form of qualitative data is converted into quantitative with the steps as follows.

1. Convert the qualitative value obtained from the high school students into a quantitative value with a Likert scale. Table 3.1. Rating by Likert Scale (Donald, 2004: 278). Value Scale



VL (Very less)


L (Less)


E (Enough)


G (Good)


VG (Very Good)

2. Calculate the average score of each criteria aspect indicator for the Student Worksheet based android by using the formula:

X 

X n

Explanation: X = average score of each indicator  X = sum score of each indicator

n= sum of reviewer 3. Calculate the average score of each criteria aspect for the Student Worksheet based android by using the formula:

X 

X n

Explanation: X = average score of each aspect  X = sum score of each aspect

n= sum of reviewer 4. Change the average score of each indicator and criteria aspect in the form of quantitative data into qualitative categories. How to change the average score into a qualitative category, which compares the average score with the criteria of the assessment of each ideal indicator and criteria aspects with the provisions described in the table. (Widoyoko, 2012)

Table 3.2. Score Range Num.

Score Range (i)



X > Xi + 1,8 SBi

VG (Very Good)


Xi + 0,6 SBi < X ≤ Xi + 1,8 SBi

G (Good)


Xi - 0,6 SBi < X ≤ Xi + 0.6 SBi

E (Enough)


Xi – 1,8 SBi < X ≤ Xi - 0,6 SBi

L (Less)


X ≤ Xi - 1,8 SBi

VL (Very Less)

Explanation: X : Average final score

Xi : The ideal rate, calculated using the formula:

Xi 

1 x (The highest score + lowest score) 2

SBi: Ideal Standard deviation, calculated using the formula:

SBi 

1 x (The highest score - lowest score) 6

Where: Highest score = Σ item criteria x 5 Lowest score = Σ item criteria x 1 5. Determine the percentage idealization of the Student Worksheet Based Android for each indicator and criteria aspect with the following formula: 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟

% each indicator= ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑐𝑎ℎ 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑥 100% 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑎𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡

% each aspect= ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑎𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑥 100%

Explanation: % of each indicator

: The percentage of each indicator

% of each aspect

: The percentage of each aspect

6. Determine the overall average score of the Student Worksheet based android by calculating the average score of all assessment indicators, then converted to qualitative categories. How to change the overall average score into a qualitative category, which compares the score with the ideal scoring criteria, so as to obtain the quality of Student Worksheet Based Android that has been developed. 7. Determine the percentage idealization of the Student Worksheet based android with the following formula. 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

Percentage of ideality = 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑥100

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