Siti Aishah Binti Abdul Latiff

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 289
  • Pages: 1
Siti Aishah binti Abdul Latiff

D 20081032348

QUESTION : Justify which monocot or dicot is more advance? Flowering plants can be divided into two major groups. One of these differences concerns the cotyledons, the embryonic leaves present in seeds. Some embryos have one cotyledon which known as monocot plants while some have two cotyledons that known as dicot plants. Dicots are more advanced plants compare to the monocots. This is because in the dicot plants, secondary growth often present where most seed plants increase their diameter, producing wood and bark. In the other hand, the monocots have lost the ability to undergo secondary growth, so that, no wood or bark are produced. Besides that, lower epidermis of dicot plant leaves contain stomata but both surface of monocot plant leaves contain stomata. Furthermore, dicot plants is more advanced than the monocot plants because the stem vascular bundles are scattered with more of the bundles located toward the stem periphery than in the center while in monocot plants, those are arranged in a ring. Besides, major leaf veins of monocot is parallel but for dicot, the leaf veins is reticulated. Flower parts of dicots are in multiples of four or five while flower parts of monocots are in multiples of three. In most dicots such as oaks trees, the root developsfrom the lower end of the embryo that is known as radicle. The radical gives rise to an apical meristem which continues to produce root tissue for much of the plant’s life. By contrast, the radicle aborts in monocots, and new roots arise adventitiously from nodes in the stem. So that, from the characteristics of the dicot plants, we can say that the dicot plants are more advanced than monocot plants.

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