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Troubleshooting Guide

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Troubleshooting Guide SIEMENS make WDG4/WDP4B/WDP4D 4500 HP Locomotives.

Issue Date: Document No: Applicable for: Version:


08.02.2012 ZFI-001-V1.1 WDG4/WDP4B/WDP4D-4500HP 1.1


Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

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Overview of revisions Version


Date published

Revised sections


Revisions New Version for S3 locomotives


F and I

Changed as per Dual Cab.

Document has been checked by Name



Typographical conventions Font type


Courier New

The Courier New font type designates program text, user entries and text that is displayed on the screen. Vertical separating lines represent the command sequence in menu structures. File Open refers to the Open command in the File menu item.





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List of abbreviations Abbreviation



Four quadrant controller (chopper) Analog-digital converter Automatic Guided Train Traction Control Unit Cyclic pulse-synchronous time class 1 Bogie Event message, Ereignismeldung Field Programmable Gate Array Slip and slide control Auxiliary inverter High Speed Serial Connection Hardware Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Multifunction Vehicle Bus Pulse width modulation inverter Siemens Bahn-Automatisierungssystem [Siemens Railway Automation System] Siemens Traction Control Status register Software Central Processing Unit TCU Central Control Unit




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INTRODUCTION General information on this document The objective of this document is to provide service personnel with practical support so that they can quickly restore operational readiness and when troubleshooting and resolving faults. Introduction includes general information and instructions on how to handle the SIBAS diagnostics system. A general description on Safety Measure and information is elaborated in Chapter A. Chapter B, C,D,E,Fand G contains the tools required and procedure for downloading the Fault Archive, and how to read the Archive faults, Chapter H explains the environment of the CPU and Chapter I is the place where one can find the troubleshooting tips. In this the faults are arranged in the increasing order and so is a handy tool for the mainitenance personal to troubleshoot.

Area of validity of this document The contents of this document are based on the general detailed troubleshooting instructions for the SIBAS software in the CPU with Version 1.24 or higher.This document has been adapted for the WDG4/WDP4B/WDP4D 4500 HP Locomotives with Siemens AC-AC traction system. Reference is made to the specific features of this Locomotive with SIBAS as the sole Loco Controller – e.g. the actual hardware components. Subjects that are not applicable have been omitted. This document refers to software version V1.24 or higher, status as on 08.08.2010. The descriptions on the the SIBAS monitor apply to monitor versions >= V3.2.

Information on how to use this document There are many cross-references to additional information or more in-depth information in this document. A jump is automatically made to the corresponding reference location by clicking on these cross-references.



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A. SAFETY MEASURES AND INFORMATION DANGER Strictly observe the usual safety rules when carrying-out work on electrical equipment. Only use tools and equipment that are permitted when working at and in the traction inverter cabinet. This also refers to all cables that are either temporarily or permanently connected to the CPU and SIP. Connecting cables between the CPU,SIP and PC or measuring/test equipment must fulfill special requirements/specifications. This is the reason that only equipment released by Siemens may be used! Safety rules when carrying-out work on electrical equipment: 1. Bring the system into a no-voltage condition! 2. Lock-out the system so that it cannot be powered-up again! 3. Ensure that the system actually is in a no-voltage condition! 4. Ground the system and short-circuit it! 5. Live parts and components must be covered! Further, please carefully consider the following: - Even after a longer period of time powered-down, a traction converter can still be dangerous due to the residual charge and can severely injure people. - The same dangers exist when working on components of the traction equipment and their associated feeder cables associated with the traction converter and all of the connecting cables. - It can take longer than one hour until the capacitors have been discharged. Even after a longer waiting time, carefully ensure that the capacitors have really been discharged and actually are in a no-voltage condition. Capacitors that have not been suitably short-circuited, resume a voltage even when disconnected! This is the reason that when replacing capacitors, their connections must be suitably short-circuited; it goes without saying that this short-circuit must be removed after installation and connecting-up. - Since it is necessary to open the traction converter cabinets to access the service interfaces of the TCU, the same safety rules apply as when carrying-out work on the traction converter cabinet. When “temporarily” connecting interfaces to external equipment, extreme care must be taken when routing cables so that the cables have an adequate protective clearance to the live parts and components. Connectors must be fixed in place corresponding to their design (latched-in or screwed into place). - Carefully observe all of the safety information and instructions provided in this documentation and at the devices and vehicles. - Only use original spare parts from the manufacturers or parts and components recommended by the manufacturer.



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1. Laptop (Windows 2000/XP, serial port or a USB interface with a USB-toserial interface adapter, Monitor Software version or higher) 2. Programming Bridge (required only during loading of software) 3. ASG door key 4. For connecting the PC and Sibas: A standard “null modem” cable (9 / 9 pin connector) can be used to connect from the laptop to Sibas directly. Connect the 9 pin female end to the RS232 port of the laptop and the other end to the X3 port of G027 (CPU) card of sibas32. The requirement of the cable layout is shown. below:


a standard "null modem" cable (RS232 serial communication cable 9 pin connector) is connected witht the 15 pin connector on the diagnostic panel with the following configuration:



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1. Start the monitor. 2. Create a file for storing diagnostic datas on the laptop by inputting the following command Set | String 3. A small window pops up, select /Record



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4. Enter the folder and file name in the monitor buttom line. At most 8 letters or numbers are permitted, followed by a dot and three signs expansion i.e. txt. (E:\S3 Tools\12276PPT.TXT) as shown below.



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5. Start recording by inputting the following command in the editor menu of monitor Set | Record a small window pops up, select Create



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At this moement, all datas from the serial connection are written into the file. The type of file is ASC (text file). 6. Reading out diagnostic memory CPU Events | DStatistics <Enter> Events | DHistory <Enter> Events | AEL_allEvntL <Enter>



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7. Reading out operating data memory CPU Events | PStatistics <Enter> Events | PHistory <Enter>



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8. Reading out SIP-1 diagnostic memory Hardw. | DSP a small window pops up, select 0_PWR0



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After press [Enter] the SIP Monitor window pops up. Events | Statistics Events | History Events | AEL_allEvntL Hardw. | ZR the CPU Monitor pops up.



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9. Reading out SIP-2 diagnostic memory Hardw. | DSP a small window pops up, select 1_PWR1



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After press [Enter] the SIP Monitor window pops up. Events | Statistics Events | History Events | AEL_allEvntL Hardw. | ZR the CPU Monitor pops up. Just as was done for SIP1.



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10. Close the recorded file Important! (Otherwise you will lose datas). Now is the possibility to rename the data file.

Only then can a comprehensive analysis be made. When required, experts from Siemens service can provide support. Data is centrally read-out via the MVB using the service connector (located to the right of the driver’s control desk) or via a serial service interface of one of the control units in SIBAS. The event memory should only be erased once the cause of the fault has been identified! Erasing the memory itself is also saved as an event. The events available at this instant are reentered, however, the original data relating to the environment are overwritten by data that is presently available at that instant in time.



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The event memory in the CPU The diagnostics memory The diagnostics memory is the most important basis when troubleshooting. In the case of a diagnostic event (also called maintenance message), a diagnostics entry is setup in the CPU involved and suitable protective responses are initiated. In addition, an entry is made when the event disappears – i.e. generally if the event conditions no longer exist. Each entry includes an event time (appearing time and disappearing), an event code, the event text, event frequency and the data set number and the data in an extensive event environment. The event environment data represent a process image at the instant that the fault occurred (“snap shot”). This data provides important information about the operating state of the system at the instant that the fault occurred. In the case of group messages, the environment data provide valuable information about the individual fault causes.

The operating data memory In addition to the diagnostics memory there is also the operating data memory. Operational events are saved in this memory - and can then be used to identify the reason for the operational restrictions. The operating events are operational events that are not based on fault events. However, they can lead to operational restrictions as a result of the CPU. In conjunction with diagnostic events, this information can also be of significance for faultfinding.

Additional responses in the vehicle control system In the CPU If a diagnostics entry was saved in any CPU, the existence of an entry is displayed by an event in the CPU.

Displays A diagnostics event that results in an operational restriction and where the locomotive driver must be informed, results in a corresponding message on the driver’s cab display SITET. Only the type of operational restriction is displayed and not the individual fault cause. The message only remains as long as the operational restriction is present.

Other helpful monitor menus Hardware | Info and User | Versions Identification of the hardware and software used Events | Userfunction Language changeover, German – English.

Component test The component test routine is performed when starting up – with a different scope - and automatically after specific diagnostic events. For troubleshooting, it can also be manually started via a menu in the CPU Commissioning | Run Comp. Test. If a fault is found during the component test, then an appropriate diagnostics entry is



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Software Traco Using the Software Traco the characteristics of up to 32 freely selectable software signals can be recorded in the CPU and SIP memory. (Traco = Transient recorder) The record can be triggered using any signals from the software. Two trigger signals can be specified. It is also possible to trigger the record from analog signals - or from the CPU. The record can be triggered from a diagnostics or operational event to be traced by specifying the signal DMxyz.IN as trigger source. “xyz” stands in this case for the event code – whereby for two-digit event code, a leading zero should be added. A trigger delay of between 0 and 100% can be set. Any time slice can be specified as sampling time; a sub-sampling factor can also be specified. The fastest time slice is typically 250us. This means that signal recording times ranging from several milliseconds up to several hours are possible. The record time is calculated and displayed after entering the associated parameters.

Observer The observer is a standard function of the SIBAS monitor and allows up to eight software signals to be continuously monitored online. When monitoring is stopped – either manually or as a result of a trigger signal that can be set – the signal characteristics with respect to time are saved.



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The possible event responses and the resulting operational restrictions are specified in this Chapter. The necessary measures to restore operational readiness are also specified in this chapter. The event responses are those made from the CPU, supplemented by additional event responses by the SIP and CCB including messages on the driver’s cab display.


Restriction Class

Restriction Imposed


Engine Shoutdown

Inverter Pulses are blocked immediately. Excitation is cutt-off (GFD/GFC drop).


Hard Stop Excitation

Inverter Pulses are blocked immediately. Excitation is cutt-off (GFD/GFC drop).


Soft Stop Excitation

Blocker after reaching zero torque.Torque value consider for action is REFERANCE value. Excitation is cutt off (GFC/GFD drop)


Discharge TCC

Stop the excitation.Inverter pulses block immediately.DC link discharge through DB grids


Hard Stop Inverter A/B

Inverter Pulses are blocked immediately.


Soft Stop Inverter A/B

Blocker after reaching zero torque.Torque value consider for action is REFERANCE value.


Event Code Alarm Bell

Bell for crew attention (5/30/120 sec)


SIBAS Lock Out Mode

SIBAS goes to lock mode ,hence no information can be passed to Display


Information Message

Stored in fault archive.No operation affected


Power or Torque Reduction

Only power or torque is reduced,but operation is not effected.



Action taken by KNORR CPU.Refer KNORR manual


No Battery Charge

Battery charging inhibited.



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Comprehensive Study on Diagnostic Messages and Restriction Class


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Instance of the CPU Environment vehicle number ......................... = 012276 tcu number ............................. = 16 software version ....................... = 1.14 last delete time ....................... = 00.00.0000 00:00:00 diagnosis code ......................... = 506 diagnosis freq. ........................ = 1 Dgn.text: Plug loop X11 to X13 is open, torque reduction for Inverter 1 activated incoming (date, time) .................. = 13.04.2010 07:08:56 outgoing (date, time) .................. = 00.00.0000 00:00:00 event number ........................... = 5 Switch-on time LCU ..................... = 25.03 s State circuit breakers ................. = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| MVB input signals 1 .................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| MVB input signals 2 .................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| MVB input signals 3 .................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| MVB input signals 4 .................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| MVB output signals 1 ................... = 0800 H |0000|1000|0000|0000| MVB output signals 2 ................... = 0802 H |0000|1000|0000|0010| MVB output signals 3 ................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Input signals CPU board ................ = 0016 H |0000|0000|0001|0110| Input signals EBIN 1 ................... = 0E01 H |0000|1110|0000|0001| Input signals IO board ................. = 00BC H |0000|0000|1011|1100| Status Word Temperatures ............... = 0800 H |0000|1000|0000|0000| Status Word 1 .......................... = 00FF H |0000|0000|1111|1111| Status word 2 .......................... = 4F04 H |0100|1111|0000|0100| Status word 3 .......................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Status word 4 .......................... = 0C0B H |0000|1100|0000|1011| Status word 5 .......................... = 0064 H |0000|0000|0110|0100| Logic Word 1 Speed Monitoring .......... = 1000 H |0001|0000|0000|0000| Logic Word 2 Speed Monitoring .......... = 0004 H |0000|0000|0000|0100| Logic Word 3 Speed Monitoring .......... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Logic Word Creep Control B/A ........... = 4040 H |0100|0000|0100|0000| Loco type checked and unchecked ........ = 257 Logic word excitation .................. = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Status word from SIP PWR-A ............. = 0182 H |0000|0001|1000|0010| Status word from SIP PWR-B ............. = 0182 H |0000|0001|1000|0010| State time PWR-A ....................... = 25.05 s State time PWR-B ....................... = 25.05 s State time excitation .................. = 25.05 s Load Req. Gov.Req. TH position ........ = F001 H |1111|0000|0000|0001| Reference for DC-Link voltage .......... = 600.00 V DC-Link Ground voltage ................. = -1.75 V DC Link-A voltage ...................... = 0.00 V DC Link-B voltage ...................... = -0.25 V Reference for excitation current ....... = 0.00 A Excitation current ..................... = 0.00 A DC-Link current plus side .............. = 1.47 A DC-Link current minus side ............. = 1.47 A CA voltage ............................. = -0.20 V DC-Link power Inv.A .................... = 0.00 kW DC-Link power Inv.B .................... = 0.00 kW



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Troubleshooting Guide

CA frequency ........................... Engine speed ........................... Turbo speed ............................ Current brake grid A ................... Current brake blower A ................. Current brake grid B ................... Current brake blower B ................. TE reference for bogie 1 ............... Torque ref.CPU to SIP-A ................ Torque feedback SIP-A to CPU ........... TE reference for bogie 2 ............... Torque ref.CPU to SIP-B ................ Torque feedback SIP-B to CPU ........... Rotorspeed TM1 ......................... Rotorspeed TM2 ......................... Rotorspeed TM3 ......................... Rotorspeed TM4 ......................... Rotorspeed TM5 ......................... Rotorspeed TM6 ......................... Track speed ............................ Radar speed checked .................... Engine temp probe1 ..................... Engine temp probe2 ..................... Temp. Ambient .......................... Temp. electronic SIBAS ................. Temp. IGBT junction inv.A .............. Temp. modul A11 ........................ Temp. modul A12 ........................ Temp. modul A13 ........................ Temp. IGBT junction inv.B .............. Temp. modul A21 ........................ Temp. modul A22 ........................ Temp. modul A23 ........................ Temp.laminated core TM1 ................ Temp.winding TM1 ....................... Temp.laminated core TM2 ................ Temp.winding TM2 ....................... Temp.laminated core TM3 ................ Temp.winding TM3 ....................... Temp.laminated core TM4 ................ Temp.winding TM4 ....................... Temp.laminated core TM5 ................ Temp.winding TM5 ....................... Temp.laminated core TM6 ................ Temp.winding TM6 .......................

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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-0.07 Hz 0.00 1/min 0.00 1/min 2.57 A 0.02 A 1.65 A -0.02 A 0.00 kN 0.00 Nm 0.00 Nm 0.00 kN 0.00 Nm 0.00 Nm 0.00 1/s 0.00 1/s 0.00 1/s 0.00 1/s 0.00 1/s 0.00 1/s 0.00 m/s 0.00 km/h 0.00 degC 0.00 degC -50.00 degC 36.65 degC 2.50 degC 93.55 degC 91.58 degC 86.95 degC 2.50 degC 84.65 degC 81.18 degC 82.50 degC 61.78 degC 61.23 degC 62.90 degC 62.90 degC 61.78 degC 61.78 degC 41.60 degC 41.03 degC 34.85 degC 34.85 degC 9.63 degC 11.78 degC

Signal: $82A4D01 Loco number, set via Monitor Menu vehicle number ......................... = 012276 Signal: $82A4D01 Loco number, set via Monitor Menu tcu number ............................. = 16 Signal: by system CPU software version software version ....................... = 1.14



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Signal: by system Fault archive was deleted on this date and time last delete time ....................... = 00.00.0000


Signal: by system Diagnosis code (between 1 and 1023) diagnosis code ......................... = 506 Signal: by system How often has this event occurred diagnosis freq. ........................ =


Signal: by system Text for the diagnosis code Dgn.text: Plug loop X11 to X13 is open Signal: by system Incoming time stamp incoming (date, time) .................. = 08.04.2010


Signal: by system Outgoing time stamp outgoing (date, time) .................. = 00.00.0000


Signal: by system actual number for this event entry. (Equal to "time stamp" below 1s) event number ........................... = 5 if there are more entrees at the same time, then the lower number shows the preview entree. The highest number is the last entree. Signal: $04A1T01 time is starting with power supply on Switch-on time LCU ..................... =



Signal: $02D2010 feedback signals circuit breakers State circuit breakers ................. = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 CB for loco control is on 1 CB Filter blower is on 2 CB TCC1 blower is on 3 CB TCC2 Blower is on


4 5 6 7

CB pneumatic control is on CB turbo lube pump is closed CB CB Aux. Gen. field is closed CB event recorder is closed

8 9 10 11

CB fuel pump is on CB local control is on CB Air brake electronic is on 0

12 13 14 15

0 0 0 0


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Signal: $02D2011 MVB Input Signals part 1 MVB input signals 1 .................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 switch VCD (equal to SIFA) is off 1 brake warning relays is on (1= no dynamic brake) 2 compressor synchronisation relays is on (1=syn. for multiple unit) 3 GFD contactor is on 4 5 6 7

Contactor TCC1 Blow is on Contactor TCC2 Blow is on TCC power supply chopper is on wheel slip light is on

8 9 10 11

radiator fan 1 slow speed contactor is on radiator fan 2 slow speed contactor is on radiator fan 1 fast speed contactor is on radiator fan 2 fast speed contactor is on

12 13 14 15

brake contactor B1 is on brake contactor B2 is on brake contactor B3 is on brake contactor B4 is on

Signal: $02D2012 MVB Input Signals part 2 MVB input signals 2 .................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 air dryer control relays is on 1 start contactor is on 2 alerter reset switch is closed (equal to --> reset SIFA) 3 blended brake enabled


4 5 6 7

dynamic brake enabled engine filter switch is on (1=limit TH) filter vacuum switch is on (0=limit TH) low oil switch (shut down engine)

8 9 10 11

ISOLATION switch in isolate position ISOLATION switch in run position Horn is activated engine water level is ok

12 13 14 15

engine fuel switch is in normal position engine start switch in prime position start engine cranking alarm is on (bell is ringing)


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Signal: $02D2013 MVB Input Signals part 3 MVB input signals 3 .................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 engine run switch, 1=allow throttling 1 wheel slip light is on (TL 10) 2 compressor run relays is on (1=compressor is on) 3 brake warning relays is on (stop dynamic braking) 4 5 6 7

CB fuel pump switch is on loco is in lead position Manual Sanding switch is pressed REVERSER Handle in Forward

8 9 10 11

REVERSER Handle in Reverse Tractive effort limit signal from trailing loco (TL 14) tractive effort limit relays feed back also to trailing locos (TEL FB) automatic emergency brake is selected

12 13 14 15

tractive effort switch (own loco) is on (TEL SW) turbo lube relays is on (TLPR) head light short hood, switch is closed head light long hood, switch is closed

Signal: $02D2014 MVB Input Signals part 4 MVB input signals 4 .................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 fuel pump relays is on (FPRLY) 1 start fuse is ok 2 governor booster pump is running (while cranking) 3 0


4 5 6 7

0 0 0 0

8 9 10 11

0 0 0 0

12 13 14 15

0 0 0 0


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Signal: $30D3010 MVB output signals part 1 MVB output signals 1 ................... = 0800 H |0000|1000|0000|0000| Bit 0 cmd. Valve A on engine stop = 8H; low idle = 9 H 1 cmd. Valve B on idle and notch 1 = 0 H notch 2 = 1 H; notch 3 = 4 H; notch 4 = 5 H; notch 5 = E H 2 cmd. Valve C on notch 6 = F H; notch 7 = 6 H; notch 8 = 7 H 3 cmd. Valve D on 4 5 6 7

0 Contactor Brake Gird 1 on Contactor Brake Gird 2 on 0

8 9 10 11

Compressor Synchronisation on Dryer Control Relay is on (DCR) Dewatering valve is on MV Compressor Control is OFF

12 13 14 15

MVS F sanding forward MVS R sanding reverse MVS F sanding forward MVS R sanding reverse

Signal: $30D3011 MVB output signals part 2 MVB output signals 2 ................... = |0000|1000|0000|0000| Bit 0 0 1 cmd. fuel pump relays on 2 cmd. Flasher relays on 3 cmd. GFC on (excitation box input voltage)


0800 H

4 5 6 7

cmd. GFD on (excitation box output voltage) 0 cmd. RADAR wipe system on (MVRB energizing) cmd. Relay for RADAR test on (RDRTST active)

8 9 10 11

cmd. Relay for Lube pump on cmd. wheel flange lubrication Nozzle forward cmd. wheel flange lubrication Nozzle reverse cmd. TURBO PUMP RELAIY on

12 13 14 15

Wheel slip test (turn on wheel slip relais) Alerter Light ON Alerter alarm ON Sanding active


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Troubleshooting Guide

Signal: $30D3012 MVB output signals part 3 MVB output signals 3 ................... = |0000|1000|0000|0000| Bit 0 0 1 0 2 cmd. FAN1 contactor fast on 3 cmd. FAN2 contactor fast on 4 5 6 7

cmd. FAN1 contactor slow on cmd. FAN2 contactor slow on cmd. START RELAY on cmd. TCC1 blower relay on

8 9 10 11

cmd. TCC2 blower relay on 0 0 0

12 13 14 15

0 0 0 0

Signal: $03A2X03 Input signals CPU board Input signals CPU board ................ = |0000|0000|0001|0110| Bit 0 hard crowbar is fired 1 GFD Relays via SIP not enabled 2 hardware blocking UWSI-A G011 3 hardware blocking ESH C163


4 5 6 7

LCU electronic blower monitoring Status Bit 0 board "power start-up unit" Status Bit 1 board "power start-up unit" Status Bit 1 board "power start-up unit"

8 9 10 11

0 0 0 0

12 13 14 15

0 0 0 0


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0800 H

0016 H

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Signal: $03A2X04 Input signals EBIN 1 Input signals EBIN 1 ................... = |0000|1110|0000|0001| Bit 0 feedback K11 is on 1 feedback Q8 is on 2 feedback Q8 is off 3 feedback Q9 is on

0E01 H

4 5 6 7

feedback Q9 is off reserved for HEP: feedback Q10 is on reserved for HEP: feedback Q10 is off reserved for HEP: feedback Q11 is on

8 9 10 11

reserved for HEP: feedback Q11 is off feedback internal fault excitation box feedback external fault excitation box X21, X22, X23 Plug Loop is open (signals for PWR-B)

12 13 14 15

0 0 0 input d08, signal L_TESTE

Signal: $03A2X02 Input signals IO boards Input signals IO board ................. = |0000|0000|1011|1100| Bit 0 hard crowbar PWR-A is on 1 hard crowbar PWR-B is on 2 soft crowbar PWR-A is on 3 soft crowbar PWR-B is on


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00BC H

4 5 6 7

pulse blocking by hardware hardware protection signal "HTOT_A" active plug monitoring LCU boards -

8 9 10 11

DC-Link current plus side hardware limit reached DC-Link current minus side hardware limit reached Brake Grid current A hardware limit reached Brake Grid current B hardware limit reached

12 13 14 15

DC-Link current minus side hardware limit reached IG1, MGeno Diodes monitoring on plus side active IG2, MGeno Diodes monitoring on minus side active -


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Signal: $83A4X01 Status word temeperatures from SIP-A Status Word Temperatures ............... = 0800 H |0000|1000|0000|0000| Bit 0 PWA: Module temperature Phase L1 ok 1 PWA: Module temperature Phase L2 ok 2 PWA: Module temperature Phase L3 ok 3 Communication Back Ground 1 P11 SIP-A ok 4 5 6 7

PWB: Module temperature Phase L1 ok PWB: Module temperature Phase L2 ok PWB: Module temperature Phase L3 ok Communication Back Ground 1 P12 SIP-B ok

8 9 10 11

measured laminated core temperature TM1 ok measured laminated core temperature TM2 ok measured laminated core temperature TM3 ok A/D Ambient Temperature valid

12 13 14 15

measured laminated core temperature TM4 ok measured laminated core temperature TM5 ok measured laminated core temperature TM6 ok Board temperatures from SIP-A and SIP-B valid

Signal: $84A1X02 Status word 1 Status Word 1 .......................... = 00FF H |0000|0000|1111|1111| Bit 0 speed value TM1 not valid 1 speed value TM2 not valid 2 speed value TM3 not valid 3 direction request checked (1 = F1; 0 = F2) F1=SH; F2=LH


4 5 6 7

speed value TM4 not valid speed value TM5 not valid speed value TM6 not valid RADAR for wheel slip off

8 9 10 11

enable pulses for PWR A PWR-A in power state PWR-A in electrical braking state any speed value of TM1 or TM2 or TM3 is permanently not valid

12 13 14 15

enable pulses for PWR B PWR-B in power state PWR-B in electrical braking state any speed value of TM4 or TM5 or TM6 is permanently not valid


Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Signal: $84A1X03 Status word 2 Status word 2 .......................... = |0100|1111|0000|0100| Bit 0 Propulsion command for TCU 1 Braking command for TCU 2 engine is running 3 Request for operation PWR-A

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4F04 H

4 5 6 7

Request for operation PWR-B SIP A: request for cut out DC-Link A SIP B: request for cut out DC-Link B Crowbar on (maybe)

8 9 10 11

Torque reduction by electrical creep control in Bogie 1 Torque reduction by electrical creep control in Bogie 2 PWR-A module Over Temperature PWR-B module Over Temperature

12 13 14 15

Over Temperature TM1 or TM2 or TM3 in Bogie 1 Over Temperature TM4 or TM5 or TM6 in Bogie 2 hardware blocking by UWSI board 1: 4 Traction Motors 0: 6 Traction Motors

Signal: $84A1X04 Status word 3 Status word 3 .......................... = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 PWR-A warning level junction temperature reached 1 PWR-A junction over temperature 2 PWR-B warning level junction temperature reached 3 PWR-B junction over temperature


4 5 6 7

Contactor for TCC Blower 1 is on Contactor for TCC Blower 2 is on Circuit Breaker for TCC blower 1 is on Circuit Breaker for TCC blower 2 is on

8 9 10 11

Radar speed valid 0 0 0

12 13 14 15

0 0 0 0


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Signal: $21A3X01 Status Word 4 based on FP "ZUST" Status word 4 .......................... = 0C0B H |0000|1100|0000|1011| Bit 0 request for soft stop PWR A 1 request for soft stop PWR B 2 request for enable excitation 3 generator power is disconnected 4 5 6 7

generator power is connected cmd. Reset buffered locks PWR A is in operation PWR B is in operation

8 9 10 11

PWR A ready for operation PWR B ready for operation Request for Soft Crowbar A Request for Soft Crowbar B

12 13 14 15

Request for Brake Grid A Request for Brake Grid B Request to SIP-A for enabling pulses Request to SIP-B for enabling pulses

Signal: $21A3X02 Status Word 5 based on FP "ZUST" Status word 5 .......................... = 0064 H |0000|0000|0110|0100| Bit 0 contactor Q8 is closed 1 contactor Q9 is closed 2 contactor K11 is closed 3 Contactor brake grid 1 is on


4 5 6 7

Contactor brake grid 2 is on DC Link is discharged Engine is running Enable excitation from FP "LOCCTRL"

8 9 10 11

FP "GENO" Load Enable Request for blocking PWR-A and PWR-B bogie cut out operation Direction Forward

12 13 14 15

Direction Reverse Propulsion command for TCU Braking command for TCU Setup dynamic brake


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Signal: $43A2001 monitoring speed values TM1 to TM3 Logic Word 1 Speed Monitoring .......... = 1000 H |0001|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 Speed value TM1 total defective 1 Speed value TM1 difference to other speed values too big 2 SIP-A has set speed value TM1 to not valid 3 Speed value TM1 permanently not valid 4 5 6 7

Speed value TM1 sign is wrong Speed value TM2 total defective Speed value TM2 difference to other speed values too big SIP-A has set speed value TM2 to not valid

8 9 10 11

Speed value TM2 permanently not valid Speed value TM2 sign is wrong Speed value TM3 total defective Speed value TM3 difference to other speed values too big

12 13 14 15

SIP-A has set speed value TM3 to not valid Speed value TM3 permanently not valid Speed value TM3 sign is wrong data from SIP-A to CPU not valid

Signal: $43A2002 monitoring speed values TM4 to TM6 Logic Word 2 Speed Monitoring .......... = 0004 H |0000|0000|0000|0100| Bit 0 Speed value TM4 total defective 1 Speed value TM4 difference to other speed values too big 2 SIP-A has set speed value TM4 to not valid 3 Speed value TM4 permanently not valid


4 5 6 7

Speed value TM4 sign is wrong Speed value TM5 total defective Speed value TM5 difference to other speed values too big SIP-A has set speed value TM5 to not valid

8 9 10 11

Speed value TM5 permanently not valid Speed value TM5 sign is wrong Speed value TM6 total defective Speed value TM6 difference to other speed values too big

12 13 14 15

SIP-A has set speed value TM6 to not valid Speed value TM6 permanently not valid Speed value TM6 sign is wrong data from SIP-B to CPU not valid


Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Signal: $43A7011 monitoring locked wheels Logic Word 3 Speed Monitoring .......... = |0000|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 locked wheel axle 1 for display 1 locked wheel detection for axle 1 is enabled 2 locked wheel axle 2 for display 3 locked wheel detection for axle 2 is enabled 4 5 6 7

locked wheel axle 3 for display locked wheel detection for axle 3 is enabled locked wheel axle 4 for display locked wheel detection for axle 4 is enabled

8 9 10 11

locked wheel axle 5 for display locked wheel detection for axle 5 is enabled locked wheel axle 6 for display locked wheel detection for axle 6 is enabled

12 13 14 15

Radar speed valid Engine speed not valid bogie 1 is rolling back bogie 2 is rolling back

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0000 H

Signal: $83A2W03 logic word for electrical creep control Logic Word Creep Control B/A ........... = 4040 H |0100|0000|0100|0000| Bit 0 heavy reduction because of mech. chattering over torque in bogie 1 1 less reduction because of mechanical chattering over torque in bogie 1 2 heavy reduction because of mech. chattering over wheel slip in bogie 1 3 less reduction because of mechanical chattering over wheel slip in bogie 1


4 5 6 7

heavy reduction because of dn/dt control bogie 1 less reduction because of dn/dt control bogie 1 reduction done by wheel flat protection bogie 1 reserved

8 9 10 11

heavy reduction because of mech. chattering over torque in bogie 2 less reduction because of mechanical chattering over torque in bogie 2 heavy reduction because of mech. chattering over wheel slip in bogie 2 less reduction because of mechanical chattering over wheel slip in bogie 2

12 13 14 15

heavy reduction because of dn/dt control bogie 2 less reduction because of dn/dt control bogie 2 reduction done by wheel flat protection bogie 2 reserved


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Signal: $93A7W16 Loco type Loco type checked and unchecked ........ = 257 Bit 0 Loco type from hardware coding to 0 = S1 MAC Type; 1 = PAC Type; 2 = S2 MAC Type; 3 = S2 PAC Type 7 4 = S3 MAC Type; 5 = S3 PAC Type 8 Loco type checked for using in software to 1 = S1 MAC Type; 2 = PAC Type; 3 = S2 MAC Type; 4 = S2 PAC Type 15 5 = S3 MAC Type; 6 = S3 PAC Type Signal: $14A3X01 Excitation in FP "GENO" Logic word excitation .................. = 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000| Bit 0 feedback failure GFC and/or GFD 1 Feedback Load Enable 2 GENO has no Load 3 feedback Excitation Device has no faults 4 5 6 7

Command GFD ON Command GFC ON Feedback GFD is ON Feedback GFC is ON

8 9 10 11

Feedback Excitation is Ready Feedback Excitation is ON Excitation Failure message Enable Excitation Device

12 13 14 15

ACK Excitation Test Running ACK Self load-Test Running 0 0

Signal: $83A2B03 Status word 1 from SIP-A to CPU Status word from SIP PWR-A ............. = 0182 H |0000|0001|1000|0010| Bit 0 reserved 1 SIP-A can not close DC Link conductors 2 reserved 3 reserved


4 5 6 7

reserved reserved reserved SIP-A is not ready for operation

8 9 10 11

SIP-A is not ready for enabling pulses SIP-A inverter 1 permanent lock SIP-A request for cut out DC Link for PWR-A SIP-A common cut out request


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Troubleshooting Guide

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SIP-A cut out request for testing components SIP-A cut out request for own DC-Link (final) SIP-A cut out request common final SIP-A cut out request indefinite final

Signal: $83A2B07 Status word 1 from SIP-B to CPU Status word from SIP PWR-B ............. = 0182 H |0000|0001|1000|0010| Bit 0 reserved 1 SIP-B can not close DC Link conductors 2 reserved 3 reserved 4 5 6 7

reserved reserved reserved SIP-B is not ready for operation

8 9 10 11

SIP-B is not ready for enabling pulses SIP-B inverter 1 permanent lock SIP-B request for cut out DC Link for PWR-A SIP-B common cut out request

12 13 14 15

SIP-B cut out request for testing components SIP-B cut out request for own DC-Link (final) SIP-B cut out request common final SIP-B cut out request indefinite final

Signal: $TIZ_PA time for actual state PWR-A State time PWR-A ....................... = 25.05 s time will start from zero again if the actual state will change. (Idle, Power, dyn. Braking) Signal: $TIZ_PB time for actual state PWR-B State time PWR-B ....................... = 25.05 s time will start from zero again if the actual state will change. (Idle, Power, dyn. Braking) Signal: $TIZ_EXC time for actual state excitation State time excitation .................. = 25.05 s time will start from zero again if the actual state will change. (disable or enable excitation) Signal: $26A3001 Load request, notch position Load Req. Gov.Req. TH position ........ = |1111|0000|0000|0001| Bit 0 Notch position based on signal $09M3I00 to Recalculated from engine speed 7



F001 H

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Troubleshooting Guide

8 to 15

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Load request based on signal $14E4X04 Used for calculating TE and Torque curves

Signal: $14A2U01 Reference for DC-Link voltage .......... = actual reference for the DC-Link voltage, calculated in FP "GENO"



Signal: $03A2U01 actual measured ground voltage, sensor U33 DC-Link Ground voltage ................. = -5.75


measured Ground voltage, should be in static conditions ½ DC-Link voltage Signal: $UDISTA actual DC-Link voltage, feedback from SIP-A, sensor U31 DC Link-A voltage ...................... = 0.00 V measured DC-Link voltage from sensor U31, measured by SIP-A Signal: $UDISTB actual DC-Link voltage, feedback from SIP-B, sensor U32 DC Link-B voltage ...................... = 0.00 V measured DC-Link voltage from sensor U32, measured by SIP-B Signal: $14A2I01 current reference to Excitation Box Reference for excitation current ....... = output value from FP "GENO" for controlling DC-Link voltage



Signal: $03A2I10 measured excitation current, feedback from Excitation Box Excitation current ..................... = 0.00 A measured excitation current, measured by excitation box Signal: $03A2I01 absolute value DC-Link input current plus side, sensor U1 DC-Link current plus side .............. = 1.47 A measured DC-Link current in plus side. You will see always a absolute value which is generated by hardware on IO board Signal: $03A2I02 absolute value DC-Link input current minus side, sensor U2 DC-Link current minus side ............. = 1.47 A measured DC-Link current in minus side. You will see always a absolute value which is generated by hardware on IO board Signal: $03A2U14 measured CA voltage, feedback from excitation box CA voltage ............................. = -0.20 V measured CA voltage. Measurement is done by excitation box. Feedback will show the CA voltage only if GFD and GFC is closed. Signal: $83A2P07 DC Link power from PWR-A, calculated value DC-Link power Inv.A .................... = 0.00 calculated DC-Link power by SIP-A Signal: $83A2P08 DC Link power from PWR-B, calculated value DC-Link power Inv.B .................... = 0.00





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calculated DC-Link power by SIP-B Signal: $03A2F15 measured CA frequency, feedback from Excitation Box CA frequency ........................... = -0.03 H measured CA frequency. Measurement is done by excitation box. Feedback will show the CA frequency only if GFD and GFC is closed. Signal: $43A2N07 engine speed, can be based on measured value or CA frequency Engine speed ........................... = 0.00 1/min measured and checked engine speed. At this time there is no over switching between measured eng. speed and CA frequency in case of sensor fault, because of switching of GFC in operation. Without GFC we also have no information about CA frequency. Signal: $43A2N08 Turbo speed, based on Engine speed and measured Turbo value Turbo speed ............................ = 0.00 1/min measured and checked Turbo speed. If engine speed lower then TH6 then Turbo speed is engine speed multiplied with 16,7 With engine speeds higher then TH6 the measured Turbo speed value is used. Signal: $03A2I11 measured value Current brake grid A ................... = measured value of current in brake grid A, for DC-Link A (PWR-A)



Signal: $03A2I05 measured value Current brake blower A ................. = 0.00 measured value of current in blower for brake grid A for monitoring airflow


Signal: $03A2I12 measured value Current brake grid B ................... = measured value of current in brake grid B, for DC-Link B (PWR-B)



Signal: $03A2I08 measured value Current brake blower B ................. = 0.00 measured value of current in blower for brake grid B for monitoring airflow


Signal: $21A4K21 Tractive Effort for Bogie 1 (SWK) TE reference for bogie 1 ............... = Reference for Tractive Effort Bogie 1, output FP "SWK"



Signal: $MSA Torque reference to SIP-A Torque ref.CPU to SIP-A ................ = Torque reference for SIP-A



Signal: $MISTA Torque feedback from SIP-A Torque feedback SIP-A to CPU ........... = Torque feedback from SIP-A





Signal: $21A4K22 Tractive Effort for Bogie 2 (SWK) TE reference for bogie 2 ............... =



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Reference for Tractive Effort Bogie 2, output FP "SWK" Signal: $MSB Torque reference to SIP-B Torque ref.CPU to SIP-B ................ = Torque reference for SIP-B



Signal: $MISTB Torque feedback from SIP-B Torque feedback SIP-B to CPU ........... = Torque feedback from SIP-B



Signal: $NIST1 measured speed value TM1 from SIP-A Rotor speed TM1 ......................... = measured rotor speed traction motor 1, measured by SIP-A



Signal: $NIST2 measured speed value TM2 from SIP-A Rotor speed TM2 ......................... = measured rotor speed traction motor 2, measured by SIP-A



Signal: $NIST3 measured speed value TM3 from SIP-A Rotor speed TM3 ......................... = measured rotor speed traction motor 3, measured by SIP-A



Signal: $NIST4 measured speed value TM4 from SIP-B Rotor speed TM4 ......................... = measured rotor speed traction motor 4, measured by SIP-B



Signal: $NIST5 measured speed value TM5 from SIP-B Rotor speed TM5 ......................... = measured rotor speed traction motor 5, measured by SIP-B



Signal: $NIST6 measured speed value TM6 from SIP-B Rotor speed TM6 ......................... = measured rotor speed traction motor 6, measured by SIP-B



Signal: $_VISTGS calculated ground speed Track speed ............................ = calculated ground speed by electrical creep control (FP "GSS")



Signal: $43A2V01 measured and checked radar speed Radar speed checked .................... = 0.00 measured and checked RADAR speed. RADAR is working only above 5,5 km/h


Signal: $15A4C01 measured engine water temperature sensor 1 Engine temp probe1 ..................... = 0.00 measured engine cooling water temperature, probe 1


Signal: $15A4C02 measured engine water temperature sensor 2 Engine temp probe2 ..................... = 0.00 measured engine cooling water temperature, probe 2




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Signal: $02E3C30 measured ambient temperature Temp. Ambient .......................... = -50.00 degC measured ambient temperature. Feedback signal is corrected by software. It shows ~38°C at a measured temperature of ~48°C Signal: $83A4C66 measured electronic temperature, maximum from SIP-A and SIP-B Temp. electronic SIBAS ................. = 36.25 degC Maximum of measured temperature from SIP-A and SIP-B. Sensor fault is included. Signal: $83A4C64 calculated IGBT Junction temperature from SIP-A Temp. IGBT junction inv.A .............. = 2.50 degC Calculated IGBT Junction temperature. Maximum for modules A11 to A13 Signal: $83A4C51 measured temperature phase module A11 Temp. modul A11 ........................ = 93.55


Signal: $83A4C52 measured temperature phase module A12 Temp. modul A12 ........................ = 93.45


Signal: $83A4C53 measured temperature phase module A13 Temp. modul A13 ........................ = 93.47


Signal: $83A4C65 calculated IGBT Junction temperature from SIP-B Temp. IGBT junction inv.B .............. = 2.50 degC Calculated IGBT Junction temperature. Maximum for modules A21 to A23 Signal: $83A4C54 measured temperature phase module A21 Temp. modul A21 ........................ = 93.55


Signal: $83A4C55 measured temperature phase module A22 Temp. modul A22 ........................ = 93.45


Signal: $83A4C56 measured temperature phase module A23 Temp. modul A23 ........................ = 93.47


Signal: $83A4C57 measured value, sensor placed in laminated core Temp.laminated core TM1 ................ = 61.78


Signal: $84A6C01 calculated winding temperature for TM1 Temp.winding TM1 ....................... = 61.23


Signal: $83A4C58 measured value, sensor placed in laminated core Temp.laminated core TM2 ................ = 61.78


Signal: $84A6C02 calculated winding temperature for TM2 Temp.winding TM2 ....................... = 61.23


Signal: $83A4C59


measured value, sensor placed in laminated core


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Troubleshooting Guide

Temp.laminated core TM3 ................ =

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Signal: $84A6C03 calculated winding temperature for TM3 Temp.winding TM3 ....................... = 61.23


Signal: $83A4C60 measured value, sensor placed in laminated core Temp.laminated core TM4 ................ = 61.78


Signal: $84A6C04 calculated winding temperature for TM4 Temp.winding TM4 ....................... = 61.23


Signal: $83A4C61 measured value, sensor placed in laminated core Temp.laminated core TM5 ................ = 61.78


Signal: $84A6C05 calculated winding temperature for TM5 Temp.winding TM5 ....................... = 61.23


Signal: $83A4C62 measured value, sensor placed in laminated core Temp.laminated core TM6 ................ = 61.78


Signal: $84A6C06 calculated winding temperature for TM6 Temp.winding TM6 ....................... = 61.23




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Troubleshooting Guide



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Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code



Fault Class



Fault Text

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

Software time error cycle T 1

1) Software not uploaded properly.

1)If the fault occurs for the first time then reload the software.

2) CPU Card Defective

2) Replace Central Processing Unit (G067) 1)If the fault occurs for the first time then reload the software.

Software time error cycle T 2

1) Software not uploaded properly. 2) CPU Card Defective



Software time error cycle T 3

1) Software not uploaded properly. 2) CPU Card Defective



Software time error cycle T 4

1) Software not uploaded properly. 2) CPU Card Defective



Software time error cycle T 5

1) Software not uploaded properly. 2) CPU Card Defective



Software time error cycle T 6

1) Software not uploaded properly. 2) CPU Card Defective



Software time error cycle T 7

1) Software not uploaded properly. 2) CPU Card Defective










Page 53 of 97

Genaral-protection or Ready-control error occurred

1) CPU Card Defective

CPU card (G067) Self test failed CPU card (G067) Watchdog test failed CPU card (G067)

1) CPU Card Defective

2) TCU Modules

1) CPU Card Defective

1) CPU Card Defective


2) Replace Central Processing Unit (G067) 1)If the fault occurs for the first time then reload the software. 2) Replace Central Processing Unit (G067) 1)If the fault occurs for the first time then reload the software. 2) Replace Central Processing Unit (G067) 1)If the fault occurs for the first time then reload the software. 2) Replace Central Processing Unit (G067) 1)If the fault occurs for the first time then reload the software. 2) Replace Central Processing Unit (G067) 1)If the fault occurs for the first time then reload the software. 2) Replace Central Processing Unit (G067) 1) Replace central processing unit(G067) 2) Check plugging of TCUmodules 1) Replace Central Processing Unit(G067) 1) Replace Central Processing Unit(G067) 1) Replace Central Processing

Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code


Fault Class


Fault Text

Self test failed 5V power supply faulty (card C145)

Possible Causes

1) Card Faulty 2) DC/DC Converter Faulty

Page 54 of 97

Troubleshooting Tips

Unit(G067) 1) Check if both the LEDs on front of the card C145 are glowing 2) Input voltage LED is off then replace power supply card. 3) If output LED is OFF then exchange the power supply board.



+/-15V power supply faulty (card C121)

1) Card Faulty 2) DC/DC Converter Faulty

4) If still the message appears change one by one card by switching off 74V, Switch 74V on again (and so on ...) The last removed electronic board should be the reason for the short circuit of 5V power supply card. 1) Check if the output LED is glowing in front of the card C121. 2) If not Change the power supply card. 3) If the -15V still not working then switch off the 74 V supply for the ASG and try replacing other electronic cards one by one. Switch 74V on again (and so on ...) The last removed electronic card should be the reason for the short circuit of -15V power supply card. 4) At first exchanging the power supply card. Is the +15 V still not working then switch off the 74 V supply for the ASG and remove one more electronic board. Switch 74V on again (and so on



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Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

Possible Causes

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Troubleshooting Tips

...). The last removed electronic board should be the reason for the short circuit +15V. 18


+/-24V power supply faulty (card C049)

1) Card Faulty C049 2) DC/DC Converter Faulty A91

1) Check the output on DC/DC Converter A91 with Multimeter. 2)If the output is below 24 V replace A91. 3)Check the output LED of C049 card if not glowing replace the card.









TCC control supply 74V faulty

Power-start-up unit C163 clock failure Undervoltage lithium back-up battery (fan unit N000) LCU electronic cooling fan failed (fan unit N000)

1) Battery undervoltage. 2) front plug X-01 1)Card faulty C163. Battery in the TCU blower panel is empty 1) Blower panel defective. 2) Central processing unit defective.

1)Check battery voltage. 2)Check Front plug X01 loose contact. 1) Check and replace power start-up unit board 1) Replace the battery in the TCU blower panel

1) Check blower panel. If message disappears the blower panel is defective. Apply 24 V externally to the panel and check which fan is not running.

3) Broken cable. 2) Change CPU Card



Desigh Error Torque Curves CPU

1)Wrong how type



Hardware coding for Loco type undefinded

1) Configuration on X01 not correct. 2)G159 Card Faulty 3)74V power Supply Faulty



3) Check wiring. 1) Check X01 configuration coding for different Locmotive. 2) Check for 74V power supply on X01-7 1) Ensure the following regarding X01 Plug: • For MAC Loco all pins X01-6, X01-7, X01-8, X01-9, X01-10 should be opened. • For PAC Loco with 4 motors pins X01-6 and X01-7 should be

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Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

SIP-A: feedback parameter type fault SIP-B: feedback parameter type fault

1)Parameter file not correct for SIP.

shorted. • For PAC Loco with 6 motors pins X01-7 and X01-8, shpuld be shorted. 2) Check for wiring continuity b/w X01-6 to G159-X1 b2, X01-8 to G159-X1 z4, X01-9 to G159-X1 z6, X01-10 to G159-X1 z18. 3) Change G159 card. 1) Reload the latest SIP software







MVB : Initalisation error

1)Software not loaded correctly.





MVB : Wrong software version on a MVB station MVB : Line A frozen

1) Software version not according to Hardware version. 1)Software version.

1)Parameter file not correct for SIP.

1G159 card to be checked 2) SW version to be checked 3) SIP Faulty 4) X01 plug to be checked. 1)Try loading the MVB sofware, please refer the manual on how to load NSDB file into MVB. 1) Check for latest software according to version on hardware. 1)Software version for the MVB 1 not correct.

2)MVB 1 hardware



MVB : Line B frozen

1)Software version.

2)Check the version on MVB 1 and its software. 1)Software version for the MVB 2 not correct.

2)MVB 2 hardware



MVB : Communication error Display (Sink Time Supervision)

1) Display SITET not in normal mode. 2) When loading the Display software.



MVB : Communication error SKS 1 Sink Time Supervision)

1)Any Klip faulty.

2)Check the version on MVB 2 and its software. 1)Reboot the display. 2)Check for MVB connections from Display to Sibas Klip station. 3)Change the Display. 1) Check for RED LED on SKS1.

2)MVB1 station faulty. 2) Swap MVB1 with a new MVB with s/w loaded. 3)Change the MVB1 station.



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Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code



Fault Class



Page 57 of 97

Fault Text

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

MVB : Communication error Sibas KLIP Station 2 (Sink Time Supervision)

1)Any Klip faulty.

1) Check if any RED LED glowing on Klips of MVB2. If so check for its wiring.

MVB : Communication error Display (Busy Byte Supervision)

2)MVB2 station faulty.

2) If the problem persists, interchange the module with its own kind or change with the new one.

1)MVB Cable loose connection

3)Change the MVB2 station. 1)Check for the loose connection of the cable. 2)Reboot and then check if the fault is still active.



MVB : Sibas KLIP station 1 AS318 failure

1)MVB1 station faulty.

3)Replace and check the MVB. 1) Check if any RED LED glowing MVB1.



MVB : Sibas KLIP station 2 AS318-2 failure

1)MVB2 station faulty.

2)Change the MVB1 station. 1) Check if any RED LED glowing MVB2.



MVB: collective fault Ext.1

1)Bus Module faulty

2)Change the MVB2 station. 1)Check for the red LED on I/O & MVB.

2)NSDB s/w not proper 3)MVB faulty

2)reload the NSDB software and check for the fault. 3)Replace the MVB. 4)Check for loose connection between the bus module



MVB: collective fault Ext.2

1)Bus Module faulty 2)NSDB s/w not proper 3)MVB faulty



5)If data between CPU & MVB not exchanged then bus module faulty. 1)Check for the red LED on MVB. If MVB fault then this LED glows. 2)reload the NSDB software and check for the fault.

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Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

Possible Causes

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Troubleshooting Tips

3)Replace the MVB.



SIBAS Klip: Modul Group Alarm



Parametrization fault for speed measurement IO card





SIP-B permanent not ready for operation

SIP-A permanent not ready for operation

4)Check for Power Supply 24V from PRG 05 (ports 4,8 & ports 6,10), PD4 (ports 1&3), 2&4 and so on upto 30, 31 and finally on each MVB and cards. 1)All Klips on any one 1)Check if any klip working station or both stations properly. If any klip working then faulty. recycle the computer and check 2)Accompanied by fault for the fault again. codes 60,61,62,63,64, 65,66 and so on upto 2)Check for the klip station due 79. to which fault is coming and 3)Power Supply for replace 24V not available. 1)Card Faulty (L135). 1)Check for the Turbo Speed,Radar speed and Engine speed. If all three not coming then card faulty.

1)Truck 2 cut out 2) SIP Card faulty

1)Software not properly loaded. 2) SIP Card faulty




No communication between LCU and Event recorder

1)Circuit Breaker for event Recorder not in On position.


2) If any one coming then recycle TCC and check if the fault appears again. If so replace the card with the new one. 1)Check if truck 2 is cut out 2)Recycle/Navigate the screen to enable the truck. 3) SIP-B PWR (G027) defective, change. 1)Try reloading the SIP software. 2) Recycle/Navigate the screen to enable the truck. 3)SIP-A PWR (G035) defective, change. 1)Check if Circuit Breaker for event Recorder not in On position.

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Fault Class

Fault Text

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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

2)Loco speed occurs only above 2 Kmph and reverser thrown.

2)Check continuity b/w Plug J4A, X05-11 to G103-X3-11 and plug J4 B, X05-12 and G103-4.

3)Loose Connection on Event recorder.



Power startup unit C163 is disabling both output board G127 & G135

4)Plug J4 or X 05 on TCC loose. 1) C163 faulty

1) Check for 5V power supply 2) Check for 15V power supply 3)Check for 24V power supply card





Communication with SIP A faulty (card G019)

Communication with SIP B faulty (card G027)

1) SIP Card faulty

4) If all OK, then replace C163 card. 1) SIP-A PWR (G027) defective

2) CAN Card Faulty

2) ZR board (G075) defective

3) ZR Card Faulty

3) CAN board (G095) defective

4) X-3 Connector 1) SIP Card faulty

4) Check connector X3 on CAN card (G095) 1) SIP-B PWR (G035) defective

2) CAN Card Faulty

2) ZR board (G075) defective

3) ZR Card Faulty

3) CAN board (G095) defective

4) X-3 Connector

4) Check connector X3 on CAN card (G095) 1) Check for other signals on this card.



IO-Card G083 faulty (Clock failure)

1)Card faulty.





electr.creep control initialization fault monitoring electr.creep control



This must not appear in operation. This is only a message which appears when creep control is active. 1) Power Supply PRG 05


Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DI 1


2) Replace the IO-Card G083. This must not appear in operation.

1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG

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Troubleshooting Guide

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Fault Text

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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

2) DI-1 Module

2)Swap with DI-2 & check if the fault code 61 is logged.




Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DI 2 faulty

1) Power Supply PRG 05 2) DI-2 Module



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DI 3 faulty

1) Power Supply PRG 05 2) DI-3 Module



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DI 4 faulty

1) Power Supply PRG 05 2) DI-4 Module



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DI 5 faulty

1) Power Supply PRG 05 2) DI-5 Module



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DO 1 faulty

1) Power Supply PRG 05 2) DO 1 Module



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DO 2 faulty

1) Power Supply PRG 05 2) DO 2 Module



3)Change the DI-1 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 2) Swap with DI & check if the fault code 60 repeats. 3)Change the DI-2 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 2) Swap with DI-2 & check if the fault code 61 repeats. 3) Change the DI-3 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 2) Swap with DI-2 & check if the fault code 61 appears. 3)Change the DI-4 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 2) Swap with DI-2 & check if the fault code 61 appears 3) Change the DI-5 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 2) Swap with DO-2 & check if the fault code 66 appears. 3) Change the DO-1 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 2) Swap with DO-1 & check if the fault code 65 appears.

Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code


Fault Class


Fault Text

Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DO 3 faulty

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

1) Power Supply PRG 05

3) Change the DO-2 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG

2) DO 3 Module



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DO 4 faulty



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DO 5 faulty



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module DO 6 faulty



Sibas KLIP Station 1 module AI 3 faulty



Sibas KLIP Station 2 module DI 6 faulty



Sibas KLIP Station 2 module AI 1 faulty



Sibas KLIP Station 2 module AI 2 faulty



Sibas KLIP Station 2 module AO 1 faulty



Sibas KLIP Station 2 module AO 2


Page 61 of 97

2) Swap with D)-1 & check if the fault code 65 appears

1) Power Supply PRG 05

3)Change the DO-3 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG

2) DO 4 Module 1) Power Supply PRG 05

2) Change the DO-4 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG

2) DO 5 Module 1) Power Supply PRG 05

2) Change the DO-5 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 05

2) DO 6 Module 1) Power Supply PRG 05

2) Change the DO-6 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply to the card

2) AI-3 Module 1) Power Supply PRG 05

2) Change the AI-3 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG

2) DI 6 Module 1) Power Supply PRG 05

2) Change the DI-6 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 05

2) AI 1 Module

2)Swap with AI

1) Power Supply PRG 05

3)Change the AI-1 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 05

2) AI 2 Module 1) Power Supply PRG 05

2) Change the AI-2 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 05

2) AO 1 Module 1) Power Supply PRG 05

2) Change the AO-1 Module 1)Check the 24V Power supply out put from PRG 05


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Fault Class

Fault Text

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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

2) AO 2 Module 1)Card faulty.

2) Change the AO-2 Module 1) Check for other signals on this card(either viz DC link currents, Brake Grid currents, CA voltage, SCR O/P voltage, CA frequency does not appear on Display)

faulty 80


IO-Card G083 ADC faulty



signal TL-24 voltage out of range

1)Control Stand Throttle esistance faulty 2)Wiring problem 3)QPSW sensor faulty


Circuit breaker for Event Recorder not closed

1)Breaker Not closed


SCR: Internal Fault

2)Check for the wiring and loose connection on QPSW sensor. 3)Measure the output of the sensor with multimeter in max position that voltage is approx than 4.8V ad the input is approx 65 V. If input is correct and output wrong then sensor faulty. If not coming then check the control stand side. 1)Check the Breaker Inter lock connections

2) Breaker Defective 3) DI-5 card faulty


2) Replace the IO-Card G083. 1)Check for the Braking reference in the Barake screen by putting the Throttle handle in full brake position that 65V is coming.

4) Feed Back Faulty of CB 1)CB SCR faulty. 2)Wrong Wiring on XC10 of SCR. 3)Wrong wiring on XB10 of SCR.

2) Check LED status on DI- 5 channel No.80 3)Check the feed back wires of CB 1)Check the healtyness of the CB and continuity upto XB10. 2) Check for wiring on XC10 and X03,02 and 04 plugs on TCC. 3)Check the continuity between XC10 and SIBAS cards.

4)Internal circuit faulty



Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code


Fault Class


Fault Text

SCR: External fault

Possible Causes

1)CB SCR faulty. 2)Wrong Wiring on XC10 of SCR. 3)Wrong wiring on XB10 of SCR.

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Troubleshooting Tips

4)Replace the SCR. 1)Check the healtyness of the CB and continuity upto XB10. 2) Check for wiring on XC10 and X03,02 and 04 plugs on TCC. 3)Check the continuity between XC10 and SIBAS cards.

4)Internal circuit faulty 4)Check for the 4-20 mA on the XC10-11 and 12 pins of SCR by switching ON CBs SCR and Computer Control.



M.G. Diode monitoring TA17 right (Sensor IG1)

1)IG1 faulty 2)15V Power Supply faulty.

5)Replace the SCR. 1)Check for 15V Power signal on MG Diode current sensor. 2)Check for wiring from X03 to IG1.

3)IO board faulty L135. 3)If the fault is in plus side only interchange the CT with minus side one and if the fault repeats then replace IG1 CT plus side.



M.G. Diode monitoring TA17 left (Sensor IG2)

1)IG2 faulty 2)15V power supply faulty.

4)If the fault is accompanied by Fault code 087,191,192,190 then IO card L135. 1)If the fault is in minus side only interchange the CT with plus side one and if the fault repeats then replace IG2 CT minus side.

3)IO board faulty L135.



Feedback failure sensor U31 or U32 (DC-Link voltage)

1)Loose Connection on Voltage transducer 2)24V power supply on U31 faulty

2)If the fault is accompanied by Fault code 087,191,192,190 then IO card L135. 1) Read the output of the Transducer on the Display SITET on Diesel Engine Screen for DC link voltages. 2)Check for the wirings and



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Troubleshooting Guide

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Fault Text

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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

3) Voltage Transducers faulty 4)LO95 card faulty.

loose connection. Continuity on X10, X20 and X1 connectors of U31 & U32 3)Swap with U32 and check if the problem repeats and if yes Change voltage transducer.



failure feedback current sensor U1 or U2 Short Text 1: PWR-A blocked

1)Wrong wiring. 2)Outpurt Current Transducer faulty(U1 or U2).

4)Swap LO95 with L111 and check if problem repeats. 1)check wiring b/w U01&LO95 card and U02&LO95 card. 2)Check for +/- 24V on U01 & U02 if not coming, then check the wiring or change the card.

3)LO95 card defective. 3)Swap and Check if the problem exists and if yes change the transducer.



EPU Probe faulty

1)Wiring Defect

4)Swap card with L111 & check if problem repeats 1)check wiring b/w EPU plug and X03 and L135 card.

2)EPU sensor faulty 3)Card L135 faulty


CA voltage not available

1)Wiring defective 2)Card L103 defective 3)Grau assembly defective 4)Companion Alternator defective




No load: GF CB

1) GF circuit breaker


2)Check if TPU is also affected, then change the card and check 3)Change the EPU sensor and check 1)check wiring b/w Grau Assembly X10 connector and 3T3 A and X03 and 403 card. 2)Check if CA rpm also not coming, then Grau assembly or card defective 3)Check voltage or I/P supply of Grau assembly, if not coming then CA defective.

1)Check the GF Circuit Breakers

Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

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Fault Class

Fault Text

Active in both the cabs 152




No Load:BL key Active in both the cabs DC-Link current > hardware limit

Page 65 of 97

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

ON in both the cabs 2) Auxiliary contact of GF CB is shorted. 1) BL Key On in both the cabs.

in both the cabs.

1)DC side overcurrent

1) BL key Switch position in botht the Cabs. 1)Check for DC side wiring for possible short circuit.

2) Power Wiring Shorted. 191




Brake Grid A current > hardware limit

Brake Grid B current > hardware limit



Snap shot



Hot engine throttle 6 limit Short Text 1: throttle 6 limit

1)Overcurrent in Grid A

1)Check for value of grid Current A in Brake Screen of SITET.

2)Overcurrent in Grid B

2) If more check for short circuiting in the circuit. 1)Check for value of grid Current B in Brake Screen of SITET.

1) When trying to take snapshot from Monitor. 1) Overtemperature of the engine more than 100 degree Celsius.

2) If more check for short circuiting in the circuit. 1)Delete from the Monitor the Dstatic memory with the code 199. 1)Check for the signals of the FCF and FCS contactors in the SITET I/O Screen.

2)Radiator Fan not working.

2)Manually check for the operation of the Fans/individual Fan test. 3)Can do self test for Fans in the Self test menu of the Display. 4) If the fans not working check for the opearation of the contactors.




Hot engine Short Text 1:throttle 6 limit

1) Overtemperature of the engine.


5)Check for the wirings or burns or change the contactor if not working. 1)Check for the signals of the FCF and FCS contactors in the SITET I/O Screen.

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Troubleshooting Guide

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Fault Class

Fault Text

extended time

Possible Causes

2)Radiator Fan not working.

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Troubleshooting Tips

2)Manually check for the operation of the Fans. 3)Can do self test for Fans in the Self test menu of the Display. 4) If the fans not working check for the opearation of the contactors.



Engine protection shutdown Short Text 1: low oil pressure

1)LOPS trips open 2)Governor oil low 3)Wiring defect


Engine air filters dirty (FVS tripped)

1)Engine air filters dirty.

5)Check for the wirings or burns or change the contactor if not working. 1) Check for the LOPS switch, if open push the switch and try loading the engine. 2)Check for Governor oil, if low fill the oil. 3)Check wiring b/w TB 83D & 823B, 383D upto DI-2CH15 1) Clean the air filter. 2)Clean the conduit.

2)Coduit between differential pressure switch and Engine dirty. 3)FVS switch defective.




Engine air filters dirty Short Text 1: changeout required (FVS and EFS tripped) Short Text 2: TH6 limit

4)Wiring defect 1)Engine air filters dirty.

3) Check wiring b/w FVS switch and DI-2, channel 14. 4) Replace FVS with a new one and check if the message goes away.

1) Clean the air filter. 2)Clean the conduit.

2) Coduit between differential pressure switch and Engine dirty. 3) EFS switch defective . 4) Wiring defective


3)Check for wiring between EFS and DI-2 channel 13. 4)Replace EFS with a new one.

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Fault Class


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Fault Text

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

FVS/ EFS switch and / or wiring error

1)Engine air filters dirty.

1) Clean the air filter. 2)Clean the conduit.





No start Short Text 1: engine dead with too cold water temperature

2) Coduit between differential pressure switch and Engine dirty. 3) EFS/FVS switch defective 4) DI-2 card defective 1)Water temperature below 2 deg C.

No start starter motor overload Short Text 1: starter motor overload

1)Battery Undervoltage 2)Mechanical Problem 3)Condition for starting has a problem.



Start failed Short Text 1: maximum starting time delay of 20s reached

4)Check after replacing both the switches. 1)Check and replace the temperature sensor ETP1/ETP2 if accompanied by FC 207

2)Faulty Sensor ETP.

Engine dead with 1)Faulty Sensor ETP. failed Engine water temperature probes 2)Check for wiring fault. A

3)Check for other channels on DI-2 card if more than one problem, then change the card.

1)Battery Undervoltage 2) Mechanical Problem

2)Wait for water temperature to rise above 2 deg C. 1)Check and replace the temperature sensor ETP1/ETP2. 2) Check wiring b/w ETP’s and plug 384A, Temp converters ETP1 & ETP2 and AI-2 1) Check the battery voltage. 2)Check for starter motor plungers and other mechanical couplings. 3)Check if start signal coming, isolate signal coming,FP Relay feedback coming ,Engine not running, MU Shutdown not coming, Engine temperature values present,LWS On, Fuse feedback ON, Temperature above 2 deg and below 100 deg. 1) Check the battery voltage. 2)Check for starter motor plungers and other mechanical couplings. 3) Check if start signal coming, isolate signal coming,FP Relay feedback coming ,Engine not running, MU Shutdown not coming, Engine temperature



Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code



Fault Class



Fault Text

Governor speed setting not accurarte Engine protection shutdown Short Text 1: low water level

Possible Causes

1)Governor Speed not according to notch position.( Difference of 50 rpm per notch) 1)Low Water level Switch tripped. 2)Bubble formation in the water

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Troubleshooting Tips

values present,LWS On, Fuse feedback ON, Temperature above 2 deg and below 100 deg. 1)Read the Governor Speed 2)Check for Rack setting. 1)Check for Low Water level Switch. Press the switch and try to again crank the engine. 2)Contact Engine maintainance personal.

3)Wire defective



Warning Short Text 1: turbo cool-down cycle not finished

1)Turbo cooldown cycle not completed for engine have run for on 4th notch and has not completed 60 min.

3)Check for wiring b/w TB83C, plug 823A,833D,& DI-3 channel1. 1)Check for Turbo CB, keep in ON position after engine shutdown. 2)Computer CB in ON position after engine shutdown. 3)Duration b/w 2 start after engine being run on 4th notch is less than 60 min.



Fuel pump relay failure Short Text 1:timeup FPRLY close at prime

1)Fuel pump relay failure.

4)The Driver might ignore the start or leave fo 60 min to reset. 1)Check if fuel pump relay in ON position during engine cranking. Red Flag if ON.

2)Wiring problem 2)Check for wiring b/w coil of FPR and SDR. 3)Check for feedback signal for relay on I/O Screen of Dispaly SITET. 4)Replace the relay after manually checking the relay. 5)Check for output signal or DO-



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Fault Text

Possible Causes

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Troubleshooting Tips

4 channel 4. 219


Turbo lube pump relay failure Short Text 1:timeup TLPRLY close at prime

1)TLPR relay failure. 2)Wiring problem

1)Check if TLPR relay in ON position during engine cranking. Green Flag if ON. 2)Check for wiring. 3)Check for feedback signal for relay on I/O Screen of Dispaly SITET.





Turbo freerun test failed Short Text 1: only low traction power increase possible Short Text 2: throttle 6 limit Very hot Engine Short Text 1: throttle 2 limit Short Text 2: fans maximum cooling

1) Turbo not free running occurs when difference of real turbo speed and engine coupled turbo is more than 500 rpm.

1)Radiator Fan not working.

4)Replace the relay after manually checking the relay. 1)Check the turbo.

1)Check manually if the Radiator fan working/individual Fan test.

2)Wiring Problem. 3)FCF or FCS Contactor failure. 4)FCF/FCS relay failure.

2)Check for wiring on Contactors. 3)Perform Self test for All Cooling Fans. 4)Check for contactors and replace accordingly.



Fuse starter motor failed during start

1)Starting fuse faulty.

5)Check for relay of FCF/FCS and replace accordingly. 1)Check for loose connection of Starter motors.

2)Wiring defect. 226



Governer booster pump relay failure Short Text 1: timeup GBC close at time

2)Wiring Problem.

2)Change the fuse. 1)Check if GBC relay in ON position during engine cranking. RED Flag if ON.

3)Short Ckt on GBC

2)Check for wiring b/w plug 823

1) GBC relay failure.


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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

pump side.

and GBC relay and Governer booster pump CB. 3)Check for feedback signal for relay on I/O Screen of Dispaly SITET. 4)Check for short circuiting on GBC side.



Engine shutdown EFCO pressed

1) EFCO switch pressed 2) EFCO Switch Defective

5)Replace the relay after manually checking the relay. 1) Check weather EFCO switch strucked 2) Check the EFCO switch 3) Check DI-3 channel no 5

3) DI Card Faulty












Turbo over speed ! Power limited to TH6

Engine speed faulty. Check governer plug

Fuel pump relay failure, FPCB dropped during start/run NYAB: Self test failure

1) Ovetempeature 2) Turbo problem.

1) AI Card faulty 2) Engine Temperature probe 1) FPCB not ON

4)Loss of 74V supply on EFCO switch. 1)Check for the speed of turbo in the Power meter Screen. 2)Check for the healthyness of Turbo if working properly. 1) Check AI-2 card and replace if faulty 2) Check the engine temperature probe and replace if faulty 1) Check for wiring b/w Fuel pump relayand FPCB and DI-5.

2) FPCB faulty 3)DI card 6 channel1 1)Air Brake Failure

No communication 1)Circuit Breaker between NYAB and Micro air Brake failure. LCU 2)Communication


1)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED. 2)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1)Check for CB Micro Air Brake 2)Check for fault code on NYAB computer.

Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

Possible Causes

failure between SIBAS and NYAB 302


Failed feedback LCU - MR sensor

1)MR Pressure Transducer failure.

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Troubleshooting Tips

3)Check for communication connection wires. 1)Check for wiring b/w MRPT connector and plug 384A,plug k of PDP1 plug K & SKS2-AI2

2)Wiring defect. 303






Failed feedback CCB - MR sensor

Air Brake Penalty Low MR Pressure

MR Pressure < 6 Bar

1)Air Brake Failure

1)Leakage in Main Resorvoir.

2)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

2)Air Brake failure.

2)Perform Air Brake Self test.

1)Leakage in Main Resorvoir.

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

2)MRPT sensor faulty and failure of signal from Air Brake simultaneously.










Feedback failure Dryer Control Relay DCR Feedback failure Compressor Synchronisation Relay CMPSYN CB MAB off

NYAB: Electronic Air Brake Failure

2)Replace sensor and check. 1)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

1)DCR relay feedback failure. 2)Wiring Defect 1) CMPSYN relay feedback failure. 2) Wiring Defect

3)MRPT sensor loose connection. 3)Perform Air Brake Self test. 4)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1)Recycle the computer. 2)Check for DCR relay wiring & relay opeation. 1)Recycle the computer.

2) Wiring problem

2)Check for CMPSYN relay and associated wiring. 1)Check for wiring b/w between Micro Air Brake CB upto DI6 card

1)Air Brake Failure

2)Replace CB. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test.

1) CB failure.


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Troubleshooting Guide

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Fault Text

Possible Causes

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Troubleshooting Tips

2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.







NYAB: Brake Controller #1 Failure

NYAB: Brake Controller #2 Failure

NYAB: Lead/Trail Module Selection Failure

1)Air Brake Failure

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

1)Air Brake Failure

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

1) : Lead/Trail Module Selection not correct.

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1)Check for the selection on both the control stands. 2)Recycle computer breaker and Air Brake CB. 3) Perform Air Brake Self test. 4)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED. 5)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal.





NYAB: MREQ Pipe/Flow Module Failure

NYAB: Brake Pipe Control Failure

1)Air Brake Failure

1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

1)Air Brake Failure

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.



Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code



Fault Class



Fault Text

NYAB: Independent/BCEQ Pipe Control Failure

NYAB: Brake Cylinder Failure

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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

1)Air Brake Failure

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

1)Air Brake Failure

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.







NYAB: Auxiliary Input/Output Failure

Feedback failure sensor BC pressure

Air Brake: undefined fault

1)Air Brake Failure

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

1)Air Brake Failure

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.

1)Air Brake Failure

3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1) Perform Air Brake Self test. 2)Look for the fault code on Air Brake Computer with RED LED.



DC-Link too low during pre charging



DC-Link too high


3)Inform about the same to Air Brake personal. 1)DC link voltage A/B 1)Check for short circuit for DC below 600 V during first link. notch throw. 2)Swap and check the Voltage 2)Voltage sensor sensors. faulty. 3) Change the Voltage sensors. 1)DC link voltage 1)Check for open circuit for DC


Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

during pre charging

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

much above 600 V during first notch throw.


2)Voltage sensor faulty. 352


Excitation current too low during pre charging



Excitation current too high during pre charging



Current main generator too high during pre charging











Close loop control for DC-Link voltage stuck on maximum limit Close loop control for DC-Link voltage stuck on minimum limit Excitation current permanent lower then reference Excitation current permanent higher then reference GFC contactor does not open

Page 74 of 97

2)Swap and check the Voltage sensors. 3) Change the Voltage sensors. 1)Recycle and prechage.

1)Excitation current crosses the lower value during 2)Perform excitation Test. precharging(30A) 1)Excitation current 1)Recycle and prechage. crosses the higher value during 2)Perform excitation Test. precharging 1)main generator 1)Recycle and prechage. Current on plus or minus side more during 2)Perform Self Test. precharging. 3) Check for wiring faults. 2)Possible Short Circuit on Main Generator Side. 1)Recycle the Computer CB

1)Recycle the Computer CB

1)Recycle the Computer CB

1)Recycle the Computer CB

1)GFC Conactor failure.

1)Check for the resistance of the coil.

2)Wiring Defect

2) Check for the pickup and drop of the GFC & GFD actually by putting IS switch in RUN. 3)Check for the feedback in the I/O screen of the Display for



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Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

Possible Causes

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Troubleshooting Tips

GFC & GFD. 4)Check for wiring b/w GFD & GFC and DO-3, channel4.



GFD contactor does not open

1)GFD Conactor failure.

5)Replace the contactor. 1)Check for the resistance of the coil. 2) Check for the pickup and drop of the Contactor by appling external supply. 3)Check for the feedback in the I/O screen of the Display.



SIP-A card faulty (G019)

1)SIP A Card faulty

4)Replace the contactor. 1) Swap and check if the problem repeats for other truck also. 2) Check for the SIP fault also.



PWR-A modul A11 phase L1 faulty

1) IGBT power supply at the module faulted. 2)SIP Card Faulty

3)Replace the card. 1)Check for the A91 healthyness by checking the LED on this power supply and by manually checking the voltages at the input and output.

3)Module A11 faulty 2) Swap and check if the problem repeats for other truck also.If so replace the SIP card. If the problem is again in the same truck then IGBT module faulty.



PWR-A modul A12 phase L2 faulty

1) IGBT power supply at the module faulted. 2)SIP Card Faulty

3)Check for the possible short circuit close to the inverter output. 1)Check for the A91 healthyness by checking the LED on this power supply and by manually checking the voltages at the input and output.

3)Module A12 faulty 2) Swap and check if the



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problem repeats for other truck also.If so replace the SIP card. If the problem is again in the same truck then IGBT module faulty.



PWR-A modul A13 phase L3 faulty

1) IGBT power supply at the module faulted. 2)SIP Card Faulty

3)Check for the possible short circuit close to the inverter output. 1)Check for the A91 healthyness by checking the LED on this power supply and by manually checking the voltages at the input and output.

3)Module A13 faulty 2) Swap and check if the problem repeats for other truck also.If so replace the SIP card. If the problem is again in the same truck then IGBT module faulty.



Supply voltage for sensors faulty (C049)

1)C049 card faulty. 2)SIP A Faulty.

3)Check for the possible short circuit close to the inverter output. 1)Check for the input and output on C049,converts 72V to +/-24V. ON LED shows the input condition OK.and test points available for output to be checked from multimeter. 2)Check for other faults of CTs like fault codes 377,378 etc. 3)Replace the C049 Card.



IGBT power supply for inverter A faulty (A91)



Feedback signal for 1)Current Transducer inverter A current U11 faulty. Phase L1 faulty (Sensor U11) 2)L095 faulty.


1) IGBT power supply at the module faulted.


4)Replace the SIP A card. 1)Check for the A91 healthyness by checking the LED on this power supply and by manually checking the voltages at the input and output. 1)Swap U11 with U12 and check for the fault if it gets repeated in other motor then replace the CT.

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2)Replace L095. 378


Feedback signal for 1)Current Transducer inverter A current U12 faulty. Phase L2 faulty (Sensor U12) 2)L095 faulty.



Feedback signal for 1)Current Transducer voltage DC-Link-A U31 faulty. faulty (Sensor U31) 2)L095 faulty.



Short circuit in DCLink A detected

1)DC link short circuited. 2)Crowbar Faulty A17.







PWR-A over current Soft crowbar DCLink A fired because of over voltage

DC-Link-A module A17 (hard crowbar) faulty

1)Short circuit in Truck 1. 1) Over Voltage on the Power Circuit side.

1) Crowbar Faulty



DC-Link-A module A17 (soft crowbar) faulty

1) Crowbar Faulty



SIP-B card faulty (G027)

1)SIP B Card faulty

1)Swap U12 with U11 and check for the fault if it gets repeated in other motor then replace the CT. 2)Replace L095. 1)Check for 24 Voltage input to the transducer and the output. 2)Replace the Voltage Transducer U31 3)Replace L095. 1) Check for the wiring for the possible short circuit. 2)Check for the crowbar healthyness. 1) Check for the wiring for the possible short circuit. 1)Perform excitation test.If doesn’t pass check the main generator. 2)Check for the power side wiring. 1)Check for the possible short circuit of the DC link. 2)Replace the Crowbar Module. 1)Check for the possible short circuit of the DC link. 2)Replace the Crowbar Module. 1) Swap and check if the problem repeats for other truck also. 2) Check for the SIP fault also.




PWR-A modul A11 phase L1 faulty

1) IGBT power supply at the module faulted.


3)Replace the card. 1)Check for the A92 healthyness by checking the LED on this power supply and by manually

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2)SIP Card Faulty

checking the voltages at the input and output.

3)Module A11 faulty 2) Swap and check if the problem repeats for other truck also.If so replace the SIP card. If the problem is again in the same truck then IGBT module faulty.



PWR-A modul A11 phase L1 faulty

1) IGBT power supply at the module faulted. 2)SIP Card Faulty

3)Check for the possible short circuit close to the inverter output. 1)Check for the A92 healthyness by checking the LED on this power supply and by manually checking the voltages at the input and output.

3)Module A12 faulty 2) Swap and check if the problem repeats for other truck also.If so replace the SIP card. If the problem is again in the same truck then IGBT module faulty.



PWR-A modul A11 phase L1 faulty

1) IGBT power supply at the module faulted. 2)SIP Card Faulty

3)Check for the possible short circuit close to the inverter output. 1)Check for the A92 healthyness by checking the LED on this power supply and by manually checking the voltages at the input and output.

3)Module A13 faulty 2) Swap and check if the problem repeats for other truck also.If so replace the SIP card. If the problem is again in the same truck then IGBT module faulty.




Supply voltage for sensors faulty (C073)

1)C073 card faulty. 2)SIP B Faulty.


3)Check for the possible short circuit close to the inverter output. 1)Check for the input and output on C073,converts 72V to +/-24V. ON LED shows the input condition OK.and test points available for output to be checked from multimeter.

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2)Check for other faults of CTs like fault codes 377,378 etc. 3)Replace the C073 Card. 4)Replace the SIP B card. 1)Check for the A92 healthyness by checking the LED on this power supply and by manually checking the voltages at the input and output.



IGBT power supply for inverter B faulty (A92)



Feedback signal for 1)Current Transducer inverter B current U21 faulty. Phase L1 faulty (Sensor U21) 2)L111 faulty.

1)Swap U21 with U22 and check for the fault if it gets repeated in other motor then replace the CT.



Feedback signal for 1)Current Transducer inverter B current U22 faulty. Phase L2 faulty (Sensor U22) 2)L111 faulty.

2)Replace L111. 1)Swap U22 with U21 and check for the fault if it gets repeated in other motor then replace the CT.



Feedback signal for 1)Current Transducer voltage DC-Link-B U32 faulty. faulty (Sensor U32) 2)L111 faulty.



Short circuit in DCLink B detected

1) IGBT power supply at the module faulted.

1)DC link short circuited. 2)Crowbar Faulty A27.








PWR-B over current Soft crowbar DCLink B fired because of over voltage DC-Link-B module A27 (hard crowbar)

1)Short circuit in Truck 2. 1)Over voltage

1)Crowbar faulty.


2)Replace L111. 1)Check for 24 Voltage input to the transducer and the output. 2)Replace the Voltage Transducer U32 3)Replace L111. 1) Check for the wiring for the possible short circuit. 2)Check for the crowbar healthyness. 1) Check for the wiring for the possible short circuit. 1)If the message appears again and again check for the Generator side circuitory. 1) Check for the short circuit of the Crowbar with the DC link

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Troubleshooting Guide

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Possible Causes



DC-Link-B module A27 (soft crowbar) faulty

1)Crowbar faulty.



Bogie 1: Torque reduction because of TM over temperature

1) Traction Motors Winding temperature in Bogie 1 Over a specified limit.

Bogie 2: Torque reduction because of TM over temperature

2) Overloading 1) Traction Motors Winding temperature in Bogie 1 Over a specified limit.











Troubleshooting Tips




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Inverter A: Torque reference characteristic curve faulty Inverter B: Torque reference characteristic curve faulty Version monitoring software SIP - A card (G019)

Version monitoring software SIP - B card (G027)

Version monitoring

2)Replace the Crowbar module. 1) Check for the short circuit of the Crowbar with the DC link circuit. 2)Replace the Crowbar module. 1)Check for the proper air flow in the TM bellows. 2)Check for the load attached.

1)Check for the proper air flow in the TM bellows. 2)Check for the load attached.


This must not appear in operation.


This must not appear in operation.

1) Software version of SIP A not correct.

1)Check for the latest software. 2)Reload the SIP A software.

1) Software version of SIP B not correct.

3) Follow the proper method to load the SIP software using 9-9 pin connector from SIP to Laptop and using jumper cables. 1)Check for the latest software. 2)Reload the SIP A software.

1) Software version of


3) Follow the proper method to load the SIP software using 9-9 pin connector from SIP to Laptop and using jumper cables. 1)Check for the latest software.

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CPU software

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CPU not correct. 2)Reload the CPU software.





speed value traction motor 1 faulty

speed value traction motor 2 faulty

1) G011 card Faulty2) Speed sensor faulty3) X-11 Connector loose connection

1) G011 card Faulty

4)Loose connection of TM speed connector


speed value traction motor 3 faulty

1) G035 card Faulty

4)Loose connection of TM speed connector I

speed value traction motor 4 faulty

2) Check speed sensor and replace if faulty 3) Check X-12 connector for loose connections 4)check pin(z6,z8,d6 and b6) loose in the connector 1) Check G011 card and replace if faulty

2) Speed sensor faulty 3) X-13 Connector loose connection


2)Check G011 card and replace if faulty2) Check speed sensor and replace if faulty3) Check X11 connector for loose connections 4)check pin(b4,z4,d4 and d2) loose in the connector 1) Check G011 card and replace if faulty

2) Speed sensor faulty 3) X-12 Connector loose connection


1)Swap the Xplug (X11) with thw normal working TM & check if the fault message appears.

1) G035 card Faulty

2) Check speed sensor and replace if faulty 3) Check X-13 connector for loose connections 4)check pin(b10,z10,d8 and b8) loose in the connector 1) Check G035 card and replace if faulty.

2) Speed sensor faulty 3) X-21 Connector loose connection 4)Loose connection of TM speed connector

2) Check speed sensor and replace if faulty. 3) Check X-4 connector for loose connections 4)check pin(z4,b4,d4 and d2)



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loose in the connector X21



speed value traction motor 5 faulty

1) G035card Faulty 2) Speed sensor faulty 3) X-22 Connector loose connection 4)Loose connection of TM speed connector



speed value traction motor 6 faulty

1) Check G035 card and replace if faulty

1) G035 card Faulty

2) Check speed sensor and replace if faulty 3) Check X-22 connector for loose connections 4)check pin(z8,z6,d6 and b6) loose in the connector 1) Check G035 card and replace if faulty

2) Speed sensor faulty 3) X-23 Connector loose connection

2) Check speed sensor and replace if faulty 3) Check X-23 connector for loose connections



locked wheel detected on axle 1

1)Axle locked from Display through screen navigator 2) Speed Sensor Faulty TM 1 3) SIP-1 Card Faulty 4) X-Plugs

4)check pin(z10,b10,d8 and b8) loose in the connector 1) Check the Speed sensor and replace if faulty 2) Check by swaping the SIP cards whether the fault is shifting if problem is shifted then replace the defective SIP card 3) Check for the tightness of XPlug X11

5) Wiring



locked wheel detected on axle 2

1)Axle locked from Display through screen navigator 2) Speed Sensor Faulty TM 1



4) Check the wiring of the X-Plug of X11 1) Check the Speed sensor and replace if faulty 2) Check by swaping the SIP cards whether the fault is shifting if problem is

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Troubleshooting Tips

3) SIP-1 Card Faulty

shifted then replace the defective SIP card

4) X-Plugs

3) Check for the tightness of XPlug X12

5) Wiring



locked wheel detected on axle 3

1)Axle locked from Display through screen navigator 2) Speed Sensor Faulty TM 1 3) SIP-1 Card Faulty 4) X-Plugs

4) Check the wiring of the X-Plug of X12 1) Check the Speed sensor and replace if faulty 2) Check by swaping the SIP cards whether the fault is shifting if problem is shifted then replace the defective SIP card 3) Check for the tightness of XPlug X13

5) Wiring



locked wheel detected on axle 4

1)Axle locked from Display through screen navigator 2) Speed Sensor Faulty TM 1 3) SIP-1 Card Faulty 4) X-Plugs

4) Check the wiring of the X-Plug of X13 1) Check the Speed sensor and replace if faulty 2) Check by swaping the SIP cards whether the fault is shifting if problem is shifted then replace the defective SIP card 3) Check for the tightness of XPlug X21

5) Wiring



locked wheel detected on axle 5

1)Axle locked from Display through screen navigator 2) Speed Sensor Faulty TM 1

4) Check the wiring of the X-Plug of X22 1) Check the Speed sensor and replace if faulty 2) Check by swaping the SIP cards whether the fault is shifting if problem is shifted then replace the defective SIP card

3) SIP-1 Card Faulty 3) Check for the tightness of X-



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Troubleshooting Tips

4) X-Plugs

Plug X22) Check the wiring of the X-Plug of X22

5) Wiring 423


locked wheel detected on axle 6

1)Axle locked from Display through screen navigator 2) Speed Sensor Faulty TM 1 3) SIP-1 Card Faulty 4) X-Plugs

1) Check the Speed sensor and replace if faulty 2) Check by swaping the SIP cards whether the fault is shifting if problem is shifted then replace the defective SIP card 3) Check for the tightness of XPlug X23

5) Wiring



Bogie 1: All speed feed back values wrong

1) Loose connection in front connector 2) Card G011 faulty

4) Check the wiring of the X-Plug of X24 1) Check X-11 to X13 connector for loose connection 2) Check and replace the faulty card

3) 15 V Power faulty



Bogie 2: All speed feed back values wrong

1) Loose connection in front connector 2) Card G035 faulty

3) Check 15V power supply and cahnge (C121) 1) Check X21 to X23 connector for loose connection 2) Check and replace the faulty card

3) 15 V Power faulty







Bogie 1: Wheel diameter difference exceeded permitted limit Bogie 2: Wheel diameter difference exceeded permitted limit RADAR speed value faulty

1) Wheel mismatch exeeds limits

3) Check 15V power supply and cahnge (C121) 1) Wheel dia of bogie-1 has to be checked

1) Wheel mismatch exeeds limits

1) Wheel dia of bogie-2 has to be checked

1)Radar Faulty

1)check for Raw Radar Speed on the Power Meter Screen.


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2)Self Test for Radar



RADAR Test not passed F

Bogie 1: traction motor over speed

1) Radar Faulty. 2)PRG-04 Faulty 1)TM Speed more than Average bogie 1 speed(not within 90% of bogie speed.)

2)Sensor faulty. 433


Bogie 2: traction motor over speed

1)TM Speed more than Average bogie 2 speed(not within 90% of bogie speed.)

2)Sensor faulty. 434


Ground Fault Detected (common signal)

1)Ground Fault Generator side. 2)Ground Fault Traction Motor side.

3)Replace Radar. 1)Check and replace Radar 2)Check and replace PRG-04 1) Check for the TM Speed sensors loose connection. 2)Check for the X plugs X11 to X13 for loose connection. 3)Check for the sensor in which problem is coming and rep;ace it. 1) Check for the TM Speed sensors loose connection. 2)Check for the X plugs X21 to X23 for loose connection. 3)Check for the sensor in which problem is coming and rep;ace it. 1)When ripple in Ground voltage is between 180 to 140V then generator side fault. In this case megger and high pot the generator side cables.

2)Ground Voltage or average 3)Ground Voltage detection Sensor faulty. ground voltage not between 10 to 90% of Average DC link Voltage then Grounding on TM side. Do the meggering and high pot for motor side cabling.




Contactor brake grid A does not close

1)When there is request to close the Grid contactor but error in closing it.(B1 and


3) If the problem is during DB then the grid has to meggered to check the fault. 1)Check for the closing and opening of the Grid contactor. 2)Recycle the computer CB if the

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Fault Text

DC-Link-A voltage exist without IGBT power supply

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

B2) 1)DC link voltage more than 70 V but IGBT power supply not present.

fault is active. 1) Check for the healthyness of IGBT power supply A91 by checking the LED on the power supply and manually measuring the input and output voltage values.

2)IGBT power supply A91 faulty. 448


DC-Link-B voltage exist without IGBT power supply



DC link undervoltage

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2)Replace the Power supply. 1)DC link voltage more 1) Check for the healthyness of than 70 V but IGBT IGBT power supply A91 by power supply not checking the LED on the power present. supply and manually measuring the input and output voltage 2)IGBT power supply values. A91 faulty. 2)Replace the Power supply. 1) Voltage Transducer 1)Check thoroughly if there is faulty external undervoltage (may be due to low engine rpm, voltage 2) Card Faulty transduce) 2)Check TCC1 voltage transducer U31 power supply +/24V (X1 connector between pins 1 & 4 it should be 48V).Swap U31 & U32, check if the fault shifts.



Contactor brake grid B does not close



Ground fault detection lock out



switch gear Q8 failed to pick up

1)When there is request to close the Grid contactor but error in closing it.(B3 and B4) 1)Ground Fault not reseted for three cosecutive occurence of fault from the Display in the Coutouts Screen 1)Contactor Q8 faulty

3)Check L103 card & front connector on it. 1)Check for the closing and opening of the Grid contactor. 2)Recycle the computer CB if the fault is active. 1) Reset the Ground Fault from the Display in the Coutouts Screen.

1)Check for the traction cutouts if possible.

2)Switch Gear Faulty.



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2)Check for manual operation of switch gears during this operation and for the contactors position. 3)Replace the contactor and if contactor picks up but no movement of switch gear then replace the switch gear. 485


switch gear Q8 failed to drop out

1)Contactor Q8 faulty

1)Check for the traction cutouts if possible.

2)Switch Gear Faulty. 2)Check for manual operation of switch gears during this operation and for the contactors position. 3)Replace the contactor and if contactor picks up but no movement of switch gear then replace the switch gear. 486




switch gear Q9 failed tp pick up

switch gear Q9 failed to drop out

1) G151 card faulty

1) Check the card and replace

2) Feed back wire problem

2) Check weather the feed back signal is coming or not

3) wiring

3) Check weather contact is making proper contact and wiring of the coils. 1) Check for the Voltage weather it below 40V

1) DC Link Low Voltage 2) Power operation not enabled 3) GFD or GFC feedback



Hardware Protection LCU active

1) Voltage sensor faulty

2) Check the power operations like reversar handel thrown and all power operating modes 3) Check weather feedbacks of GFD or GFC is enabled. 1) Check the volage feed back and related wiring and change if voltage sensor is defective

2) DC Link voltage 2) Check the DC link Voltage



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Soft crowbar is active

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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

3) G083 Card Faulty

weather it is exceeding 3200V

1) If voltage is less than 70V (means if the voltage is 40V or below)

3) Check and replace the G083 card 1) Check the voltage whether it is equvalent or less than 40V 2) Check for any hard ware faulty

2) Hardware faulty 3) If LCU takes more than 40s to Switch ON

3) check whether LCU is taking more time to switch ON. 4) Check SIP-A card and replace

4) If SIP-A card faulty 5) Check SIP-B card and replace 492


Hard crowabar is active

5) If SIP-B card faulty 1) If voltage is less than 70V (means if the voltage is 40V or below)

1) Check the voltage whether it is equvalent or less than 40V 2) Check for any hard ware faulty

2) Hardware faulty 3) If LCU takes more than 40s to Switch ON

3) check whether LCU is taking more time to switch ON. 4) Check SIP-A card and replace

4) If SIP-A card faulty 5) Check SIP-B card and replace 495








5) If SIP-B card faulty 1) This message will be activated, if the individual inverter section cannot be operated. SIP B: request for 1) This message will be isolate inverter B activated, if the individual inverter section cannot be operated. LCU electronic plug 1) Plug Loop open loop is open 2) Plug is Loose SIP A: request for isolate inverter A

Hardware coding

1) Check the coding


1) Check diagnostic memory SIP-A (G027), regarding this fault.

1) Check diagnostic memory SIP-B (G035), regarding this fault.

1) Check for Plug of LCU 2) Wiring of the same if not resolved after providing the Plug. 1) Check the X1E Plug

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Possible Causes

for loco type wrong. on X01 plug. Check plug X01 2) Check card G135 503

Hardware coding for loco type changed during operation: Check plug X01 SIP A (G019) Parameter type feedback faulty



SIP B (G027) Parameter type feedback faulty

1) Check the coding on X01 plug.


Plug loop X11 to X13 is open

Troubleshooting Tips

2) Change card G135 if faulty

1) Check the X1E Plug 2) Change card G135 if faulty

2) Check card G135 1) Software version wrong.

1)Try reloading the SIP software latest version.

2) Card Faulty G019

1) Check the card by swaping with SIP-A if fault shift to SIP A (G019) Parameter type feedback faulty replace the card G027 1)Try reloading the SIP software latest version.

1) Software version wrong. 2) Card Faulty G027


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1) X-Plugs open

1) Check the card by swaping with SIP-A if fault shift to SIP A (G019) Parameter type feedback faulty replace the card G027 1) Check X-11 to X-13 open if open provide the copulers

2) X-Plugs Loose



Plug loop X21 to X23 is open

1) X-Plugs open

2) Check the continuity of the loop witht the multimeter. 1) Check X-21 to X-23 open if open provide the copulers

2) X-Plugs Loose



Bogie 1: Stator winding temperature model exceeded trip limit

1) The temperature of all TMs in a bogie1 exceeds 240deg

2) Check the continuity of the loop witht the multimeter. 1) Check airflow for cooling traction motors. 2) Check Resistance of motor temp sensor 3) Check and change Card L143 4) Check Harting Plugs X11, X12, X13 5) Check Connectors X21, X22



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& X23 inside TCC cabinet.


Bogie 1: Stator laminated core temperature exceeded trip limit

1) If the difference of Tempaerature between two traction motors in Bogie-2 is greater than 150 deg C. .

1) Check airflow for cooling traction motors.

2)This will get reset at 100 deg C

3) Check and change Card L143

2) Check Resistance of motor temp sensors

4) Check Harting Plugs X11, X12, X13





Bogie 1: Stator laminated core temperature difference exceeded trip limit

1)The difference temperature of laminated core of all traction motors bogie 1 exceeds (150 °C).

Bogie 2: Stator winding temperature model exceeded trip limit

1) The temperature of all TMs in a bogie2 exceeds 240deg

5) Check Connectors X21, X22 & X23 inside TCC cabinet. 1) Check air-flow for cooling traction motors. 2) Wait till the differance temperatures reaches below 100 to get fault reset 1) Check airflow for cooling traction motors. 2) Check Resistance of motor temp sensor 3) Check and change Card L143


Bogie 2: Stator laminated core temperature difference exceeded trip limit

1) If the difference of Tempaerature between two traction motors in Bogie-2 is greater than 150 deg C 2)This will get reset at 100 deg C

4) Check Connectors X21, X22 & X23 inside TCC cabinet. 1) Check airflow for cooling traction motors. 2) Check Resistance of motor temp sensors 3) Check and change Card L143 4) Check Harting Plugs X11, X12, X13



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Fault Class



Fault Text

Possible Causes

Bogie 2: temperature differential stator winding exceeds trip limit

1)The difference temperature of laminated core of all traction motors bogie 2 exceeds (150 °C).

Temperature value traction motor 1 faulty

1) Temperature Sensor Faulty 2) Temperature Monitoring card (L111) Card Faulty

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Troubleshooting Tips

5) Check Connectors X21, X22 & X23 inside TCC cabinet. 1) Check air-flow for cooling traction motors. 2) Wait till the differance temperatures reaches below 100 to get fault reset 1) Check the Front connector wiring 2) Check the Temperature coupler on TM-1 and pins. 3) Change the (L111) Card.



Temperature value traction motor 2 faulty

1) Temperature Sensor Faulty 2) Temperature Monitoring card (L111) Card Faulty

4) Change Temperature Sensor. 1) Check the Front connector wiring 2) Check the Temperature coupler on TM-2 and pins. 3) Change the (L111) Card.



Temperature value traction motor 3 faulty

1) Temperature Sensor Faulty 2) Temperature Monitoring card (L111) Card Faulty

4) Change Temperature Sensor. 1) Check the Front connector wiring 2) Check the Temperature coupler on TM-3 and pins. 3) Change the (L111) Card.



Temperature value traction motor 4 faulty

1) Temperature Sensor Faulty 2) Temperature Monitoring card (L111) Card Faulty

4) Change Temperature Sensor. 1) Check the Front connector wiring 2) Check the Temperature coupler on TM-4 and pins. 3) Change the (L111) Card. 4) Change Temperature Sensor.



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Temperature value traction motor 5 faulty

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Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

1) Temperature Sensor Faulty

1) Check the Front connector wiring

2) Temperature Monitoring card (L111) Card Faulty

2) Check the Temperature coupler on TM-5 and pins. 3) Change the (L111) Card.



Temperature value traction motor 6 faulty

1) Temperature Sensor Faulty 2) Temperature Monitoring card (L111) Card Faulty

4) Change Temperature Sensor. 1) Check the Front connector wiring 2) Check the Temperature coupler on TM-6 and pins. 3) Change the (L111) Card.



Junction temperature Inverter A limit exceeded

1) This fault occurs if Junction temperature exceeds 125dec

4) Change Temperature Sensor. 1) Check TCC blower motors 2) Check and Change the L135 Card

2) Card Faulty




Junction temperature Inverter B limit exceeded 74V for IGBTpower supply missing and DCLink Inverter A charged

3) Connector connection 1) This fault occurs if Junction temperature exceeds 125dec 2) Card Faulty 1) Card faulty

3) Check the connector for any loose connection of L135 card 1) Check TCC blower motors

1 Check IGBT power supply A91-DC/DC converter

2) Loose connection on G127 pin number Z4 & B4.

2) Check front connector of Card G127

3) IGBT (DST) card Faulty

3) If still fault then replace card G127 4) Ensure if any case of IGBT phase module faults, the IGBT power supply will be switched off by SIP.



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Fault Text

74V for IGBTpower supply missing and DCLink Inverter B charged


Board G127 ABIN1 faulty



Board G135 ABIN2 faulty



Inverter 1 lock due to phase modul temperature

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

1) Card faulty

1 Check IGBT power supply A92-DC/DC converter

2) Loose connection on G127 pin number Z8 & B8.

2) Check front connector of Card G127

3) IGBT (DST) card Faulty

3) If still fault then replace card G127

1) Card Defective

1) Card Defective

1) Inverter 1 temperature exceeded 2) Card Faulty



Inverter 2 lock due to phase modul temperature

1) Inverter 2 temperature exceeded 2) Card Faulty



Torque reduction due to inverter 1 modul temperature

1) Inverter 1 temperature exceeded 2) Card Faulty




Torque reduction due to inverter 2 modul temperature

Page 93 of 97

1) Inverter 2 temperature exceeded


4) Ensure if any case of IGBT phase module faults, the IGBT power supply will be switched off by SIP. 1) Shows Power supply to IGBT module faulty 2) Replace the card. 1) Shows all temperature values defective 2) Replace the card. 1) Check the wiring 2) Check G135 card replace if faulty 3) Check the Temperature Sensors 1) Check the wiring 2) Check G135 card replace if faulty 3) Check the Temperature Sensors 1) Check the wiring 2) Check G135 card replace if faulty 3) Check the Temperature Sensors 1) Check the wiring 2) Check G135 card replace if

Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code


Fault Class


Fault Text

Aux.Gen. overvoltage

Page 94 of 97

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

2) Card Faulty


1) This message occurs if battery voltage reaches to 90V

3) Check the Temperature Sensors 1) Check AI card 2) Check voltage sensor and wiring

2) AI card faulty



CB Aux.Gen. is not closed

3) Voltage sensor defective 1) Breaker not closed

3) Check SYKO-2 Logic connector and wiring 1) Check whether breaker is closed

2) Breaker defective 2) Check the breaker 3) No feed back to DI card

3) Check the feed back of the breaker in DI-5 channel No.9

4) DI card faulty



Filter Blower Motor Circuit Breaker is not closed

1) Breaker not closed

4)Check the DI card and replace if Faulty 1) Check whether breaker is closed

2) Breaker defective 2) Check the breaker 3) No feed back to DI card

3) Check the feed back of the breaker in DI-1 channel No.3

4) DI card faulty



No aux power LOCAL CONTROL CIRCUIT BREAKER is not closed

1) Breaker not closed

4)Check the DI card and replace if Faulty 1) Check whether breaker is closed

2) Breaker defective 2) Check the breaker 3) No feed back to DI card

3) Check the feed back of the breaker in DI-6 channel No.4

4) DI card faulty





1) Breaker not closed

4)Check the DI card and replace if Faulty 1) Check whether breaker is closed

2) Breaker defective


Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

BREAKER is not closed

Possible Causes

Page 95 of 97

Troubleshooting Tips

2) Check the breaker 3) No feed back to DI card

3) Check the feed back of the breaker in DI-1 channel No.1

4) DI card faulty











TCC #1 BLOWER CONTACTOR FAULT - failed to pick up

TCC #1 BLOWER CONTACTOR FAULT - failed to drop out

1)Breaker not closed 2) Breaker Defective 3) DI card faulty

2) Check LED status on DI-1 channel No.3

4) Feed Back Faulty

3)Check the feed back wires

1)Breaker Not closed

4) If break is tripping g check the blower motor connections. 1) Check the Breaker Inter lock connections

2) Breaker Defective 3) DI card faulty

2) Check LED status on DI-1 channel No.4

4) Feed Back Faulty

3) Check the feed back wires

1) DO card Faulty

4) If break is tripping g check the blower motor connections. 1) Check the LED status of DI-1 Channel No.8

2) DI card Faulty 3) Contactor faulty

2) Check DO-6 Card channel No.5

4) TCC1SR relay

3) Check contactor manualy

1) DI card faulty

4) Check the status of TCC1SR relay 1) Check whether DO-6 channel No.6 is active if it is replace DO

2) DO card faulty 3) Contactor faulty


4)Check the DI card and replace if Faulty 1)Check the Breaker Inter lock connections


2) Check whether DI-1 channel No.8 is active if it is then check the inter lock of contactor & the feed back wires of contactor.

Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

Possible Causes

Page 96 of 97

Troubleshooting Tips

3) Check contactor manualy for any mechanical struck up





TCC #2 BLOWER CONTACTOR FAULT - failed to pick up

TCC #2 BLOWER CONTACTOR FAULT - failed to drop out

1) DO card Faulty

4) Check the status of TCC1SR relay 1) Check the LED status of DI-1 Channel No.9

2) DI card Faulty 3) Contactor faulty

2) Check DO-6 Card channel No.6

4) TCC2SR relay

3)Check contactor manualy

1) DO card Faulty

4)Check the status of TCC2SR relay 1) Check whether DO-6 channel No.6 is active if it is replace DO

2) DI card Faulty 3) Contactor faulty 4) TCC2SR relay

2) Check whether DI-1 channel No.9 is active if it is then check the inter lock of contactor & the feed back wires of contactor. 3) Check contactor manualy for any mechanical struck up



Radiator cooling Fan 1 Slow speed contactor FCS1 failed to drop out

1) DO card Faulty

4) Check the status of TCC2SR relay 1) Check whether DO-6 channel No.2 is active if it is replace DO

2) DI card Faulty 3) Contactor faulty 4) FCS1R relay

2) Check whether DI-1 channel No.12 is active if it is then check the inter lock of contactor & the feed back wires of contactor. 3) Check contactor manualy for any mechanical struck up




Radiator cooling Fan 1 Slow speed contactor FCS1 failed to pick up

1) FCS1 Contactor defective 2) DI Card Faulty


4) Check the status of TCC2SR relay 1) Check contactor physically 2) Check LED status on DI-1 channel No. 12 and DO-6

Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code

Fault Class

Fault Text

Possible Causes

Page 97 of 97

Troubleshooting Tips

channel No. 2 of the cards 3) DO card Faulty



Radiator cooling Fan 1 Fast speed contactor FCS1A or FCF1B failed to pick up

4) FCS1R relay 1) FCF1A or FCF1B contactors defective

3) Check the status of the FCS1R relay 1) Check Contactor Interlock Input at DI 1 channel 14.

2) FCF1R Relay defective

2) Check LED status on DI and DO cards

3) DO Card Faulty

3) Check First LED on Digital out put card No.6.

4) DI Card Faulty 4) Check the status of the FCF1R Relay



Radiator cooling Fan 1 Fast speed contactor FCS1A or FCF1B failed to drop out

1) DO card Faulty

5) Check Manually the operation of the Contactor 1) Check whether DO-6 channel no.0 and replace the DO

2) DI card Faulty 3) Contactor faulty 4) FCS2R relay

2) Check whether DI-1 channel No.14 is active if it is then check the inter lock of contactor & the feed back wires of contactor. 3) Check contactor manualy for any mechanical struck up



Radiator cooling Fan 2 Slow speed contactor FCS2 failed to drop out

1) DO card Faulty

4) Check the status of TCC2SR relay 1) Check whether DO-6 channel No.3 is active if it is replace DO

2) DI card Faulty 3) Contactor faulty 4) FCS2R relay

2) Check whether DI-1 channel No.13 is active if it is then check the inter lock of contactor & the feed back wires of contactor. 3) Check contactor manualy for any mechanical struck up 4) Check the status of TCC2SR relay



Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code


Fault Class


Fault Text

Radiator cooling Fan 2 Slow speed contactor FCS2 failed to pick up

Page 98 of 97

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

1) FCS2 Contactor defective

1) Check contactor physically

2) DI Card Faulty

2) Check LED status on DI-1 channel No.13 and DO-6 channel No. 3 of the cards

3) DO card Faulty



4) FCS2R relay 1) DO card Faulty

Radiator cooling Fan 2 Fast speed contactor FCF2A or 2) DI card Faulty FCF2B failed to drop out 3) Contactor faulty 4) FCS2R relay

3) Check the status of the FCS2R relay 1) Check whether DO-6 channel no.1 and replace the DO 2) Check whether DI-1 channel No.15 is active if it is then check the inter lock of contactor & the feed back wires of contactor. 3) Check contactor manualy for any mechanical struck up



Radiator cooling Fan 2 Fast speed contactor FCF2A or FCF2B failed to pick up

1) FCF2A or FCF2B contactors defective

4) Check the status of TCC2SR relay 1) Check Contactor Interlock Input at DI 1 channel 15.

2) FCF2R Relay defective

2) Check LED status on DI and DO cards

3) DO Card Faulty

3) Check channel No. 1 in DO card 6

4) DI Card Faulty 4) Check the status of the Relay



Reduced dynamic brake

This fault occurs if the average DC link voltage exceeds 400V

5) Check Manual operation of contactor 1)Check the DC voltgae weather it is exceeding more than 400V during Dynamic Brake 2) Check Voltage sensor and related wirings 3) Check the respective card of SIBAS for any card fault 4) Check respective Grid



Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

Troubleshooting Guide

Diag Code


Fault Class


Fault Text

Reduced dynamic brake

Page 99 of 97

Possible Causes

Troubleshooting Tips

This fault occurs if the average DC link voltage exceeds 400V

1)Check the DC voltgae weather it is exceeding more than 400V during Dynamic Brake 2) Check Voltage sensor and related wirings 3) Check the respective card of SIBAS for any card fault



VCD penalty brake



VCD bypass switch on

Vigilance system in action 1) Indicates Vigilance system By-Pass Switch has kept in ON position 2) DI card Malfunctioning 3) By-Pass Switch Malfunctioning



4) Check respective Grid Press Reset after Loco stops or 35 seconds whichever is later 1) Keep the By-Pass switch in OFF condition if not required 2) Check feedback in channel No. 1 of DI-1 3) Check the bypass switch and replace.

Doc.No. ZFI-001-V1.1

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