Silent Thunder

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  • Words: 3,741
  • Pages: 13
Silent Thunder Book 5 of Breaking Dawn The Cullens

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to dance in the rain…

Chapter 1.

Perfect clarity

Bella Jasper and I were sitting beside each other in front of Esme’s long beige couch. Alice was staring blankly ahead while Edward looked at her with concentration. They were playing chess, again, for the twenty second time in a row. Both of them refused to be defeated, forcing them to use their ‘talents’ with severe concentration. My fast new mind calculated that this game ended at 2 minutes and 33 seconds before Edward flicked his king over. With a scowl, Edward arose from the chess board and walked towards me, his face instantly relaxing. I took the hand he offered me quickly and we flew like flightless angels out the door towards the river. We skidded to a graceful stop at the edge of the river and searched its contents for a vampire hybrid and werewolf. For a second I got worried, until Edward let out a soft velvet chuckle. Suddenly a wet black haired giant man popped out of the water like his butt was on fire. “Yeassssh! Nessie! Stop doing that! It really hurts.” Next, a smaller, tangled bronze colored head slyly broke the surface. Just the way Nessie arose from the water couldn’t stop Jacob from bursting with laughter. “Renesmee, what are you doing to antagonize Jacob now?” She swam towards the waters bank so quickly it would have put any Olympic swimmer to shame. “Nothing, oh well, you see, I sneak up on Jacob and very quietly I bite his leg. Te he! Isn’t that funny?” I pictured Nessie swimming like a shark on the bottom of the river and digging her teeth into Jacob’s leg. I couldn’t help but laughing my head off. “Well done Nessie. Maybe Jake could use a few pointers from you when he is on wolf patrol,” Edward said. When Edward mentioned the wolves on patrol, it brought back some dim human memories. I remembered being so scared that Jacob and his

brothers would get hurt trying to protect me from Victoria. Remembering the wild red head no longer sent chills down my spine. I could easily do away with her. That thought quickly lead to how Jake’s whole right side was crushed by a newborn and how I had to have that painful conversation with him. Now that did twist my stomach with a guilty quench. To think that now, I would never have to put my best friend in pain again… I quickly shook the memories from my head, getting annoyed at how easily I could be side tracked. Edward was looking at me with a confused expression. I just smiled at him. “No worries, just a couple of human memories,” I reassured him. He didn’t look convinced. Nessie was now out of the water and standing next to a tree, her knee length hair dripping wet. She squealed and shrieked when Jacob shook his hair on her like a mutt. I just rolled my eyes. Edward looked annoyed at the two. He was a dad after all, even if he was only 17. “Okay you two, let’s head back to the house. Nessie needs to eat, Edward said with authority. Nessie ran towards us with surreal grace. She was only 2 and half years old and looked about 13. She was still very beautiful. Everyone in town admires her. Of course we have to lie and say she is a cousin. Her face is as pale as mine with rosy red cheeks. She still has my big chocolate eyes and Edwards reddish brown hair. Her lips are big and full and her nose perfectly straight. I stopped my daydreaming rather abruptly when Edward’s marble hard hand tangled with mine. All four of us took off, Nessie at a slower pace so she can wait for Jacob. In a matter of seconds we were facing the humongous glass wall of Carlisle and Esme’s home. Edward and I waited for the other two. They emerged out of the woods in 3 minutes, neither of them looking at all alike. Edward opened the back door for Nessie and I, but shut it playfully in Jacob’s face. Jacob peeked through the door’s window with a scowl. He opened it up and walked right in. A disgusting aroma wafted from the kitchen and up my nose.

“Mmmmm. Lunch,” Nessie stated. We walked into the kitchen and watched Rose finishing some sort of Italian dish. She swiftly put a portion on a plate and handed it to Nessie with a look of love in her eyes. Rosalie just adored Nessie and wished she was her own. Jacob cleared his throat and looked at the pan with longing. Rose rolled her eyes and tossed him his new doggy bowl. It was platinum silver and ‘Jacob’ was neatly scrawled across the front. That’s all she ever gave him over here and we didn’t dare argue. He took the spatula and scooped the rest of the dish into his doggy bowl and grabbed a fork. Both of them shoved pieces of tortellini down their throats. Jacob stopped for a few minutes and said he had to go down to the rez and trade shifts with Seth Clearwater. He hadn’t run patrol for about four days. When he finished he gave Nessie a breath crushing hug, that she gave right back to him but with more strength. He then turned around and smiled my smile and gave me a big hug too. Even though Jacob had Nessie, he still loved me. Not like he used to but how it was suppose to be. He gave Edward a punch in the arm and stuck his tongue at Rose. She hissed. He rolled hi eyes and whispered something to Renesmee that didn’t sound like anybody would be okay with. Rose just smacked him on the back the head. “Bye everyone! See ya tomorrow Ness.” Jacob raced out the door and into the woods quivering as he went, preparing to change form. I contemplated on how my ‘life’ was turning out and it looked pretty good. Love was were it was suppose to be and no one was trying to kill me or my family yet. Well crap, why did I have to say that?

Chapter 2 A Vision Alice

“JASPPPPERRRRR! I need you assistance immediately; I shouted loud enough that he could hear me from five miles away. In a matter of three minutes he was leaning against our doorframe, looking like a blond angel. “Yes Alice, what is so important that you must interrupt me on my way to hunt?” “I really need you opinion on this outfit I just designed. I think it will really look fantastic when I am done with it. Who knows, maybe I could start my own designer clothes line.” Jasper just stood their with his mouth hanging open, looking at me with that oddly familiar look people always give me. “You stopped me from hunting just to ask about a clothes design! Alice you are the mostI waited with horror at what he was about to say. Jasper continued the onslaught, “You are the funniest little vampire I have ever met. You could have seen what I was going to say, but instead wait for me to come to you. So much for you being a psychic.” I sighed in relief. It was very rare for Jasper to get mad at me, and I thought he really was for a moment. “Well onward matters, what do you think about my design?” I showed him the sketch that I had drew on my sketch pad. It was a silk dress that came right above the knee. It was strap less and had a flower design at the bottom left hand corner. I hadn’t decided on the color but I was lingering around the pinks, because I never really ventured out of cool colors. Jasper just stared at it and nodded his head. “That’s really cool Alice.” “Oh go back to hunting; I’ll ask Nessie, guys have no taste in fashion.” He just gave a big ‘whoop’, gave me a peck on the lips, and went to seek out Edward and Emmett.

When I heard the back door slam and the three of them race away towards the woods, I skipped downstairs to search for my favorite vampire hybrid. “Nesssssie! Oh Renesmee Carlie Cullen! I am in great need of you assistance,” I yelled. Nobody except for Esme was downstairs. “Hey Esme, you haven’t seen Nessie anywhere have you?” Esme’s heart shape face just smiled at me with a fond grin. “I’m afraid not Alice, I think she is outside somewhere. She misses Jacob.” “Okay, thanks Esme. By the way, I love that flower arrangement you made.” She looked at me with a confused look. “What flower arrangement?” “Oops. I forgot you won’t make that until tomorrow. There are some wild flowers down south of the river.” Esme looked flabbergasted. “Umm, okay then. Thanks Alice.” She then turned around a mumbled something that sounded like, “There talents can be so weird. Then again, whoever heard of a normal vampire?” I shrugged my shoulders and skipped like a ghost out the door. For once the sun was shining, which was a miracle since it never was out. I looked at my ghastly pale arm and watched diamonds bounce and glisten off of my skin. My favorite part of the whole glittery deal was when sunset came and the crystal sparkles turned into brilliant shades of ruby, lavender, orange, and so many more colors of the rainbow. I looked like a skittle. I started out towards the direction of the cottage to check and see if maybe Nessie was their. My sparkles disappeared as soon as I was in the security of the trees. Since it was a pretty day out I decided to wally gag around and enjoy nature. Boy do I sound like tree hugger. I heard the

rushed melody of the river and smelled its deep fresh aroma. The trees leaves looked like a jade canopy. When I was deep in the woods, the green scenery suddenly disappeared. In its place, was another vampire? He was tall muscular and had shaggy black hair. Like the rest of us he was inhumanly beautiful. Nothing spectacular like Rosalie though. He had full lips, a straight nose, and dark rimmed eyelashes. His eyes were bright red, and his skin had an olive tone to it. The vampire was walking north towards Denali and right past our house. I saw no threat from the stranger. Just something for us to watch out for. I shook it out of my mind and continued on my way to Nessie’s house.

Chapter 3 Nessie

Jacob I really miss Jacob. Life is just way to boring without him. Seriously, I know my mom and dad can be fun and all but they just don’t have that kid era around them. Jacob is just a very big kid and that is what I love about him. He is my best friend. Before I could finish the rest of my remorseful reverie, my ears picked up a noise coming from the south west. I stood rod stick still and listened with all my ears could muster. It was a voice, I could tell from the way the pitch weaved through the air. I looked down at the ground below me which I admit was pretty far away. I had climbed a tree to the tip top just so I could be alone. I didn’t feel like climbing down so I had to jump. I stood up on the branch I was sitting on a prepared myself. With a deep breath I flung myself out of the tree. My red hair whipped all around me and into my face, blinding me. “This is wonderful,” I thought to myself.

I felt like a bird. When the ground came closer, I braced myself for the impact. With a huge thud I landed on the balls of my feet without my effort. “Pwh, that was really easy. Where is the danger?” Remembering why I even jumped out of the tree in the first place, I extended my hearing abilities again. About twenty yards away I heard a rustling coming from some bushes. Instinctively, I crouched into a defensive position. An involuntary hiss whistled through my clenched teeth. Every hair on my body was on end. Before I could even fling myself at the bushes ready to attack, my nose caught a familiar smell. It was the smell of citrus and something to sweet to put a name on it. It was Alice. Little Alice danced out of the bushes and walked over to me with something in her hand. Her black spiky hair bounced with each skip she took. “Now Nessie, this is no way to greet a loved one. Seriously, I thought you were going to attack me for a second.” I replied, “Alice, I seriously thought you were a stranger. Isn’t it good to always be on alert for danger?” A strange look crossed her face for a moment. Alice quickly wiped it off though. Feeling very weary all of a sudden, I didn’t feel like talking anymore. I walked over to her a placed my hand on her cold face. I asked her what was bothering her through my thoughts. I kind of spooked her for a second. I hadn’t used my gift for a very long time. It felt good to use it again. “Nothing Nessie, we might have a visitor soon. Heck, he may not come at all.” I felt confused. I set my palm on her face again. I asked her to please explain to me.

“I just saw a vision of one of us heading towards Denali,” Alice said. Remorse slowly washed over me like poison. “You mean one of you.” Alice quickly sat down on a tree root like a chair and sat me on her lap. I felt a little better in her cold stone embrace. Without meaning to, one single tear rolled down my cheek. “Now you listen to me Nessie. There is nothing wrong with being a one of a kind. You are better then a vampire, and a human. Do you realize how many people love you for you, not for what you are? You may not be a vampire or human but I know you are deep, caring, and loving person. I actually sometimes wish I was a hybrid, just so I could have all of the advantages that you have. Do you understand?” I nodded my head slowly. Alice was like a sister to me. She could always make me feel better. Remembering what I saw in her hand earlier I became curious. “What’s that you’ve got there Alice?”

“Oh just a design sketch I made. I asked Jasper how he liked it, but he really isn’t all that into clothes. So I thought I would come and ask you. I was going to ask Bella but you know that her idea of fashion is a constant thorn in my side.” “Okay, I’m sure it’s great. Let me see it.” Alice showed me the design and I had to admit it was really good. Just the way she had everything designed everything made it so precise and perfect that if she were to make one mistake the dress would have been a disaster. “Alice, this is phenomenal. Have you ever thought about opening your own store,” I asked. With a satisfied grin she said, “Actually I have Nessie. Maybe I’ll call it Cold Beauty, get it?”

I laughed at her sly joke. Before I could reply, I heard my name being called at the house. It sounded like… Jacob! I gave Alice a look that said, “Pleeeeaaasseeee!” Alice rolled her eyes and said, “Oh all right, go home.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, I took off like a bullet, having inherited my dads speed. I wasn’t as graceful about it though thanks to my mother. Still, that didn’t matter to me as long as I was fast. My long hair whipped behind me like a curtain, flinging my head back while my feet disappeared. When I was at the last of the trees, I spied Jacob standing by the glass slide door. Slightly glittering as I went, I ran to Jacob and tackled him with all my strength, almost pushing him over. His white teeth standing out against his russet colored skin, he said, “Gosh Nessie, plow me into the windows why don’t you. You’ll have Esme attack me for sure.” “Well maybe if you weren’t gone so long maybe I wouldn’t have missed you making me almost tackle you into the glass doors. You have no idea how boring it can be around here without you. I was going to go hunting with the guys but it’s not the same without you. So I climbed a tree and waited for you with much remorse.” Getting that out of my system, I felt a lot better. Jacob shook his shaggy black hair out of his eyes and said, “I missed you a lot too Nessie. The guys kept teasing me about wanting to go to a house full of vampires, but I missed my best friend.” Just then, Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Bella, Rose, Carlisle, and Esme came out of the woods with baseball bats and a ball. Edward grinned a crooked smile and nodded his head over to the west. Some big storm clouds were coming in, about to erase the far away sun. With one sentence he said, “Let’s play ball.”

Chapter 4 Da ja’ vue Emmett

It’s game time. I will not lose, I can not lose, and further more I am to hot to lose. Well I, um, mean to cold to lose. I don’t care if Nessie is my new favorite person to kid with; she is going down like her mom and dad. Ha, I just now realized Bella won’t have to watch anymore. Edward looked over at me with his mouth hanging wide open. “Sorry bro, just giving myself a little pep talk, or should I saw pep thought. Bye the way, tell your wife I hope she doesn’t trip.” A hiss escaped from Bella’s mouth and my babe giggled like a bubbling stream. I looked pointedly at Bells, lifted my index finger and waggled it, hoping it would taunt her enough to try to hurt me. She looked at the wooden bat she was holding then back at me. Before I had enough time to think she swung the bat at me head with blinding speed. When it made contact with my head the bat shattered into a million pieces. I had to admit it did sting a little. That girl has got a temper. Alice and Edward smirked at me. If I could blush I would have. “Serves you right to Emmett,” said Edward. Carlisle then interceded. “Okay Bella and Emmett, save it for the game. I don’t have time to go buy new bats. Heck I don’t even know where to buy some in forks.” “I do”, piped Alice. My image was suddenly obscured by a different scene. We are almost there, thought Renesmee. The baseball clearing appeared after that thought.

I looked down at Nessie. I was so proud of how she has grown up. “I am too,” said Edward. He can be so annoying. “I say we run the rest of the way to the clearing,” said Nessie. Race yea. All ten of us took off. Jacob transformed into his wolf form so he could keep up. My legs disappeared under me. It felt good to use my muscles like this. Edward was about 3 yards ahead of me and Nessie was quickly advancing on me. Suddenly a curtain of silver blonde hair flew next to me. Holy shit where did she come from? Rosalie turned her flawless head around to smirk at me with mockery. “Your going to have to be faster then that to beat me. You do realize that my long legs aren’t just for good looks,” she said. I rolled my eyes at her and kicked the running up a notch. I sped up at about four meters and was neck and neck with Bella and Rose. “Hello ladies, mind if I join. Or should I say, mind if I beat you?” Curse my big mouth. Just as soon as I said those two sentences, Nessie sped right by and me and was now up ahead with Edward and Jasper. What kind of blood do these women drink. They are fast. The trees were started to disperse and the remaining sunlight shone weakly throught the leaves. Time to play ball. Still, I can’t believe that Edward, Nessie, and Jasper beat me. I was just about to call team captain when Edward read my intentions. “Team captain one,” Edwards shouted. “Team captain two,” Nessie yelled, waving her hands in the air. I blew under my breath. Like father like daughter. Could we never get a break around her.

Nessie and Edward quickly bounded in front of everyone a statred calling out names. Nessie got first pick and of course she picked Jacob. Edward chose Bella next. I didn’t need to be Alice to know that. Before the words were out of Nessie’s mouth, Alice walked over to stand by Jacob. Pychics. Edward then called my name. Gosh dammit, why did I have to be on Bella’s team. Edward growled at me. Nessie picked Jasper and Esme and Edward got Esme and Rose. Why was I surrounded by females!? Ness and Ed played a quick game of rock paper scissors and Edward one. Naturally. What a stupid mind reader. He decided to take the field. All of my team ran off to take our places. I positoned myself on the pitchers mound while I studied Bellas snow white hand, ready to catch the ball behind the plate. Jasper stepped up to bat.

(okay peeps, this is all I am going to write today. Don’t expect anymore until next week cuz I have to go to my dads. His computer doesn’t really work. Srry. See ya.)

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