
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 160
  • Pages: 1
The re ’ snofinge r,the re ’ snomoon Nowhale ,noharpoon Canyouhe arthevoic e sc alling onasile ntafte rnoon? The re ’ snohand,the re ’ snogun Noslaye r,noslaye done W ouldtheguitarmakeasound ifIwasnothe retostrum? The re ’ snobody,the re ’ snosoul Noc andidate ,nopoll Nopre side nc y,nokingship– forthe re ’ snothingtoc ontrol The re ’ snode ath,the re ’ snobirth Noc ountrie s,noe arth The reisnofe nc earoundtheunive rse Asyouwatc hyourlifepassby W ithwhatdoyouide ntify? Canyoustripthatwhic hde fine syou? Theattac hme ntsthatbindyou Anillusion,likethese ttingsun Some whe re ,thedayhasjustbe gun The re ’ snoyou,the re ’ snome Notwo,nothre e The reisnoone ,butnone ,fore te rnity The re ’ snotime ,the re ’ snospac e NoOriginalFac e Nomathe matic alanswe randnopointofgrac e The re ’ snowine ,the re ’ snoglass Nopraye r,nofast The reisnore ligionandallofthe mwillpass Nosuc c e ss,nofame Nowinne rs,nogame Theratrac ee xistsonlyinyourbrain The re ’ snomind,the re ’ snothought Nose lf,nowant The re ’ snothingthatyoune e d youhave n’ talre adygot

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