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  • Words: 3,028
  • Pages: 8
Am I Guilty? The night was so thick with the heavy rain. None of which is out of house, except for some occasional frog is seen jumping, as if they are happy to play when the rain falls. Likewise with a young man named Zaid, 18 years-old who was standing facing a courtyard. He seemed to hope to play with some frogs that are outside the house he notices there, in order that the heavy burden which is caused by a creature which is named ‘love’ he had received some time ago could fall one by one because of it. He also remembered the good times of his life when his best friend, Ela Nurlela and him were always together. He began to get That Feeling of togetherness from the Elementary School (SD) 100 until Junior High School (SMP) 100, exactly at the end of the second semester of class 2 SMP 100. Ela was introduced by his father, Mr. Eko, who was a closed friend of Zaid's father, when he was 6 years old. At that moment, Ela just began his education in primary school 100, which is also Zaid’s school. "So easy, I hope the introduction we did is a way to bond our friendship turned into a tighter family bond, isn’t it, Sir Dedi?" Mr. Eko Hoped with a mannered formal language to Zaid's father as smiling. "you were really something, it does not matter as we can determine, when our children mature, they can choose their own spouse, but we hope what we expected can be achieved, don’t we?" replied Mr. Dedi. "Amiiin Ded .." replied Mr. Eko. Because of accidental, Ela’s house is closed to Zaid’s house, they become more quickly familiar, even so familiar, they are regarded as brothers and sisters by their friends in SD 100. As usual, a habit of people who considered dating is forbidden today, but an identity 'brother and sister' that their behavior same as dating behavior, although they didn’t have a cognation, of course this is because the love is unstoppable, then Zaid as a brother and Ela as a sister. In fact the identity of 'brothers and sisters' is given by their friend, but finally what they told to both of them become a comfort.(EDITAN) Once upon a time, when Zaid was sitting in sixth grade, he ventured to help Ela who was harassed by three elementary school children from other school in a small alley. Without thinking, she immediately yelled to her three children. "Wey .... Wani teh ka awewe beul!" Zaid shouted to them.

Three elementary school children were laughed out loudly to see Zaid who being small and a little bit skinny shouted at them like that. Finally, they fought with Zaid. Originally the fight was one on one, so that Zaid was still able to match them, but because they could be upset by a small child, Zaid. So, Zaid was finally beaten up by all of them till a lot of bumps and bruises all over his body almost. Seeing the incident, Ela just crying because her best friend was treated cruelly by them and she couldn’t help him at that time. From the incident was the nascent sense of love from Ela. The period of primary school has finally been completed Zaid and Ela pass. They promised for always being together, so no wonder, if they return to school in the same place, SMP 100. Ela’s love became stronger at the time, although he did not yet dare to reveal it directly to Zaid, he was afraid of her love being rejected by him. On the other hand, Zaid also had the same feeling as Ela did, and he didn’t dare to disclose it too. There is one small incident that makes them uncomfortable. Ela then yelled and then ran toward Zaid. "Zaid…, Zaid...., Wait for me..., this is yours you missed in class" Ela shouted as he ran toward Zaid who had been in front of the school gates. Hear the shouting, Zaid turned attention to Ela who ran towards him as he touched his trouser pocket, and a matter of fact, there was not wallet inside. When Ela got to the place where Zaid stood about two meters away from Zaid, she did not notice there is a banana skin in front of her, accidentally her right foot trod on the banana skin then slid forward and his body leaning back, looking at it, Zaid directly stepped and hold Ela’s back which against the wall of the school yard with his hands. At that moment their eyes met each other, looking at each other for a few seconds, their hearts are the same, the same pounding. Unexpectedly the security guard’s voice interrupted their feelings. "Ehmm ...., is she injured?" the security guard asked. "Eh...., nothing sir, everything is ok" Zaid said as a little shocked. Ela resisted her love for a long time, because of Zaid was considered as her brother so she felt guilty if she loved him. Nonetheless, her love was increasingly unstoppable, so finally she summoned the courage to express her love she had long been buried since the 6th grade of elementary school to Zaid after the last lesson was over in the classroom 3. "brother, could I ask you something?" Ela asked hesitantly. "Ela…, Ela ..., what’s wrong with you, I’m not strange for you, just do it if you want to ask something, I won’t reprimand you" Zaid replied with a slight laugh.

"Emmm, ....,here is, emmm ..., by the way, have you ever been falling in love?” Asked Ela anymore slyly. "Huh ..., you needed to ask that, that was unusual-like, so why?" Ask Zaid. "There is not anything, I just want to know about you are normal or not.” said Ela blindly. "oh sister, you were busy body, certainly I have it, everyone must have a sense of love, but you have to know that I don’t have a darling” Zaid replied lightly. He became pious when he joined Da’wah Institute of Students (LDS), he was sitting in class 3 junior at that time. "so could you become me as your girlfriend?" Asked Ela happily, because she just found out that his brother didn’t have a girlfriend. "Oh dear, I meant if I didn’t have a girlfriend, I shouldn’t get a girlfriend, I got a principle that getting a girlfriend was forbidden for a moslem" Zaid replied calmly, even though he did as Ela did in falling in love. "you are evil brother ...., I didn’t suppose you had made me ill will, our friendship was fiddlesticks, actually I arrested my sense of love in a long time ago, but when I try to show it in front of you, you gave me a bad respond, you were really evil………..! " Ela said. He also ran out of the classroom crying. Since the incident, Ela never greet each again with Zaid. Zaid realized he should immediately repair the fabric of friendship that he and Ela already built. Zaid was always trying to call Ela to apologize, but when Ela know that the caller is Zaid, she was immediately shut down her HP, she even directly replaced her SIM card. In the other time, Zaid also tried to meet Ela in her home, but Ela refused to meet Zaid. It continues until they graduated from junior high school 100. Zaid continued his school in SMA 100, whereas Ela’s house moved in other district and she continued her school in the other school. This is never suspected by Zaid before, because he and Ela promised to be always together in one school, for their friendship is always awake. Two and a half years had already passed since the last meeting between Zaid and Ela. Zaid is now about to get well-prepared to face the Final Examination School (UAS) and the National Final Examination (UAN). Although Zaid hadn’t ever heard Ela’s condition in a long time, Zaid was always trying to find her news about it, but he was always failed. This matter is always making him guilty. In one night, when Zaid was called by his father Ela. "Assalamu’alaikum, you are Zaid, aren’t you?" Mr. Eko asked in a hoarse voice. "wassalamu’alaikumsalam, yes I am sir, sorry who are you?" Zaid asked anymore.

"I am Ela’s father id, I hope you can come to my home tonight, it is in Kebon Manggu block 3A number 63, thank you, assalamu’alaikum" replied Mr. Eko in a hoarse voice. Communication was eventually lost, Zaid’s feeling is so abysmally, no matter what it is, Mr. Eko called me, as if I was really needed in his house tonight, thought Zaid. He rode his motorbike immediately to the location mentioned by Mr. Eko. Arriving at the house of Mr. Eko, Zaid is taken by Mr. Eko immediately to a room. There was Ela who was lying limp with a belly bulge inside. At that time she would bear a child, but she didn’t want to bear first before she apologized in advance to Zaid, he really has sinned to Zaid so that she feared of dying during pregnancy. She was impregnated by her classmate named Abdul. He moved out of the school and he never made connection anymore with Ela. Zaid saw Ela’s condition was miserable at the time, so he was very sad because of it. He also approached Ela and tried to encourage her to keep her struggle at that time. "my dear brother ...., Would you forgive me?" Ela asked to Zaid as sighing. "you do not have to think about it, I already forgave you, my dear sister" said Zaid. "thank you so much, may I have an order?" Ela asked anymore. "Insaallah, I will help as I can" Zaid said. "I really hope I can marry you my dear bother, I think I don’t have a hope for surviving anymore except I can make a familial life with you forever" asked Ela miserably. Finally, Zaid agreed her request. A brief marriage settlement was performed directly at that time. It because of Ela’s own need. After finishing marriage settlement Ela was struggling to bear a child she was carrying for 10 months. Zaid could only wait in front of an open window, looking at the home page that was being showered with torrential rain. His daydream was interrupted by Ela’s father voice. "Zaid ..., come here boy" called Mr. Eko. Zaid also approached Mr. Eko with a feeling of uncertainty. "God bless Zaid, your child has been born with a survivor, and he was a boy" Mr. Eko told him by getting redrimmed "how about Ela?" Zaid asked with feelings of anxiety.

"He was destined not to live with you son, she had died" replied Mr. Eko limply.

Anakku Tercinta Pagi itu tidak ada awan murung sama sekali, sehingga hari terlihat begitu cerah. Seorang anak laki – laki yang sudah lama ditinggal mati ayahnya sebelum ia dilahirkan sudah bersiap – siap hendak pergi sekolah. Dia terlihat begitu bersemangat untuk menyongsong harinya di SMA 2 Cipanas yang telah memberinya penghargaan sebagai murid terbaik dan juga merupakan salah satu sekolah terfavorit di daerah itu. Setelah beberapa langkah meninggalkan rumah tanpa berpamitan anak itu sedikit menengok ke belakang dimana ibunya sedang berdiri menghadap dirinya, seolah sedang memperhatikannya, melihat ibunya ia hanya tersenyum miris dan kemudian melanjutkan perjalanannya menuju sekolah. Kejadian ini terus berulang setiap hari ketika Agung anaknya tercinta hendak pergi menuju sekolah. Namun sang Ibu tetap setia mengiringi kepergian anaknya di depan pintu sebuah rumah kecil disamping terminal mobil angkot (angkutan kota), meskipun begitu kesedihan terlihat dari raut wajah sang ibu tanpa setetes air mata pun yang keluar, karena dia sudah tidak mempunyai dua bola matanya sebagaimana manusia normal lainnya. Karena kondisi fisik ibunya yang seperti itu, Agung merasa sangat malu jika orang lain tahu bahwa ibunya adalah seorang yang cacat. Di sekolah agung merasa sangat bahagia setelah melihat namanya tercantum di urutan pertama dari semua peserta beasiswa se-indonesia pada papan pengumuman penerima beasiswa. Dia telah lulus ujian beasiswa yang diselenggarakan oleh sebuah universitas ternama di jawa tengah, Universitas Gajah Mada. Dia berpikir bahwa peluang untuk berada jauh dari sisi ibunya semakin terbuka. Tak lama kemudian ia dipanggil oleh kepala sekolah untuk diinterview sebelum resmi dinyatakan sebagai siswa yang memperoleh beasiswa. “agung, apa yang kamu harapkan dari beasiswa ini?” tanya pak Rohimat selaku kepala sekolah saat itu. “saya sangat berharap dapat menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 di UGM nanti pak, sesuai dengan harapan kedua orang tua saya dahulu” jawab agung dengan penuh keyakinan.

“maksudnya? Apa kamu sudah tidak mempunyai orang tua?” tanya pak Rohimat yang baru menyadari kembali bahwa semenjak agung menjadi salah satu murid di sekolah yang ia pimpin, ia tidak pernah menceritakan keberadaan orangtuanya dengan jelas. Pernah suatu ketika pak rohimat bertanya mengenai orangtua kepadanya, ia hanya menjawab, ‘saya hanya mempunyai seorang ibu yang sedang sakit pak’ jawabnya singkat. “maaf pak saya baru ngasih kabar, ibu saya sudah cukup lama meninggal, jadi sekarang tidak punya siapa – siapa lagi kecuali bapak dan beberapa guru lainnya yang selalu memotivasi saya dalam belajar” jawab agung yang terlihat seolah – olah sedang merasa sedih. “saya bangga kepada mu nak, kamu masih bisa tegar dan mempunyai motivasi tinggi untuk belajar, bapak yakin kedua orangtua mu akan bangga telah mempunyai anak seperti mu”. Tanggap pak rohimat setelah mendengar penjelasan dari muridnya tercinta. “kamu sekarang tinggal dengan siapa?” tanya pak rohimat kemudian. “kebetulan saya mempunyai seorang bibi yang merawat saya setelah kedua orangtua saya meninggal pak” jawab agung dengan enteng. “oh ya sudah kalo begitu, besok kamu datang ke rumah bapak ya, biar bapak yang antar kamu ke UGM, kebetulan bapak dan keluarga pengen jalan – jalan ke jogja.” Balas pak rohimat. “terimakasih banyak pak, maaf kalo selama ini saya selalu menyusahkan bapak.” Balas Agung kemudian, dan langsung mencium tangan pak Rohmat. Keesokan harinya di dalam sebuah rumah bilik kecil, tepatnya sekitarnya jam tiga pagi, seorang ibu sedang menangis tersedu – sedu setelah selesai mengerjakan shalat yang biasa ia lakukan setiap hari sebelum waktu subuh tiba, ia memohon kepada Allah supaya anaknya menjadi orang yang berpendidikan tinggi dan menjadi salah satu orang terpandang di cipanas sesuai dengan cita – cita anaknya, agung, ketika berumur empat tahun, sang teringat ungkapan anaknya pada saat itu. ‘bu kalo sudah besar aku pengen jadi orang terkenal di daerah ini’. Sekitar jam tujuh pagi terlihat agung sudah bersiap – siap untuk pergi ke rumah pak Rohmat kemudian selanjutnya melanjutkan perjalanan menuju

jogjakarta bersama keluarga pak rohimat. Ibu agung seperti biasa ia hanya berdiri di depan pintu rumah, dan mengatakan beberapa kalimat yang seolah sudah usang bagi agung karena ia selalu mengatakan itu sebelum agung keluar rumah. “hati – hati ya nak” sang ibu berkata dengan singkat, tanpa menghilangkan aura cinta dari setiap kata – katanya. Agung hanya bisa menjawab “iya bu”, dan langsung pergi begitu saja, tanpa menceritakan bahwa ia akan pergi jauh meninggalkan ibunya dalam waktu yang cukup lama, sehingga ibunya hanya tahu bahwa anaknya saat itu hanya akan pergi ke sekolah seperti biasa. Satu minggu setelah kepergian agung dari rumah, ibunya merasa sangat khawatir karena anaknya tidak pulang ke rumah. Awalnya selang beberapa hari dari kepergian agung menuju jogjakarta, ibunya masih belum merasa khawatir, ia beranggapan anaknya sedang menginap di rumah temannya untuk mengerjakan tugas, karena hal itu biasa agung lakukan, tapi setelah satu minggu kabar anaknya tidak terdengar sama sekali, ia menjadi sangat khawatir. Berhari – hari ia menanyakan kabar anaknya kepada semua tetangga di sekitar rumahnya, namun hasilnya nihil, tidak ada seorang pun yang mengetahui keberadaan anaknya. Beberapa hari kemudian sang ibu berusaha untuk mendatangi tempat anaknya mengecap bangku sekolah dengan diantar salah satu tetangganya. Dia berusah mencari informasi keberadaan anaknya yang masih menjadi misteri bagi dirinya. “nak maaf ibu mau tanya, tahu sama yang namanya agung gak salah satu murid di sekolah ini?” tanya sang Ibu kepada salah seorang murid yang kebetulan lewat di depan dirinya, tetangganya menyarankan sang ibu untuk bertanya kepada anak itu. “oh ya saya kenal bu, tapi dia sudah lulus dari sini bu, sekarang dia melanjutkan ke Universitas Gajah Mada setelah dirinya masuk menjadi salah satu siswa yang menerima beasiswa di universitas itu.” Jawab anak itu. Mendengar jawaban anak itu, perasaan sedih dan gembira bercampur dalam hati sang ibu, namun perasaan itu tidak terlihat sama sekali pada raut mukanya, ia hanya bisa tersenyum dan mengucapkan terimakasih kepada anak itu.

Tak terasa waktu berlalu begitu cepat, setelah empat tahun berlalu, agung kini sudah menyelesaikan kuliahnya di universitas ternama di Jawa Timur itu. Ia dianugerahi sarjana kedokteran terbaik di angkatannya, sehingga banyak lembaga atau rumah sakit yang menawarinya sebuah pekerjaan yang menjanjikan. Sesuai dengan cita – citanya dulu, ia memilih mengabdi di sebuah rumah sakit termahal di suatu daerah yaitu tempat dirinya dilahirkan dan pada akhirnya ia pun ingat kepada ibunya, namun karena kesuksesan yang sudah digapainya ia semakin tidak peduli dengan keberadaan sang ibu. Suatu hari, salah seorang tetangga agung yang kebetulan bertemu dengannya di koridor rumah sakit tempat agung bekerja, ia memberitahukan bahwa ibunya sudah meninggal satu tahun yang lalu akibat penyakit yang dideritanya tidak dapat disembuhkan karena kekurangan biaya. Mendengar berita itu tubuh agung bergetar, walaupun sudah begitu lama tidak peduli terhadap ibunya, tapi setelah mengetahui bahwa ibunya meninggal, sebagai anak kandung akhirnya ia pun merasa begitu bersalah, apalagi disebutkan bahwa ibunya meninggal karena penyakit yang tidak segera ditangani sehingga mengakibatkan dirinya meninggal. Tetangga agung kemudian memberikan sebuah peninggalan terakhir yang dititipkan sang ibu kepada agung. Agung mengambil peninggalan itu yang berupa sebuah surat, kemudian ia membacanya. Kepada anakku tercinta. Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb. Alhamdulilah nak sekarang kamu sudah besar dan ibu melihat kamu begitu bersemangat untuk mengecap bangku sekolah hingga selesai, hal ini membuat ibu merasa tidak sia – sia telah memberikan kedua mata ibu untuk kamu nak, karena ibu sangat khawatir kamu tidak akan percaya diri untuk bersekolah dengan kondisi buta. Dan setelah ibu mengetahui kamu juga berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan sekolah di sebuah perguruan tinggi, ibu sangat bahagia karena doa yang selalu ibu panjatkan supaya kamu menjadi orang yang berpendidikan tinggi dan terpandang tidak sia – sia, ibu berharap kamu pun akan menjadi orang yang terpandang kelak. Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.

Ibu tercinta.

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