Short Story About Terrorism.docx

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  • Words: 1,621
  • Pages: 3
I am Sara and I am 15 years old, I love God and I love people. I like to think of myself as a good and honest girl. I give part of my lunch most days to Patty, it might seem odd as she is a Baptist girl. My best friend is Beth and we have been friends since I was in kindergarten. Don’t tell on me or Beth but when she spends the weekend at my house, we eat good old fried chicken and burgers and the only thing she is supposed to eat is the glass of cold milk she has with it. Ok, you caught me, you can’t eat what you drink and milk is not often in our diet but coke is. Why would you think this odd, because I am a Muslim? Yep, I am and I worship God just like Patty and Beth and we all three use different Bibles that say much of the same thing, just a bit different. Ofcourse Patty talks about Jesus and I don’t know, maybe he is the son of God like she says. Yet, like I told her, her Bible is full of many great prophets and like John the Baptist, I believe in what Mohammad, which means praise worthy, teaches. I asked Patty does she believe in what Paul and Luke and Mark and John all teach and she says yes. Then I ask Beth do you believe in what Isaiah teaches and she says yes, so what is so strange or wrong if I choose to believe in what Mohammad says? We all giggle and laugh and say so long as we worship the same God and love one another and seek to do good and right, then we have decided God is happy. See, truth is, we are not much different. I have a bit darker skin but not like North, she is black and our dearest friend. North says there is not a God but believes in what she calls honorable morals. Patty is a light skinned red head, with small boobs and a big butt. North is so dark if no light is on you can’t see her in the shadows, with already big boobs and big butt to match. Beth has medium boobs almost no butt and a big nose, which we all tease her about along with her jet black hair. Me, I am just me, blondish hair and small boobs I wish were bigger and I guess my butt is in between North and Beth. The four of us, we like music and we often argue which is best, Pop or Rock and Blues. Truth is we start dancing and singing along no matter which one is playing and when Patty can sneak in some country we dance and whoop and act like cowgirls pretty good. North though will put on the heavy black southern drawl and say, yes misses, you want me get you some clean boots or gets you some candy. We all crack up and usually end up rolling her on the floor tickling her till she has tears. Here is the thing, we love each other. Not like lovers but like sisters. I suggest the world would be a better place if we all loved as family. See family don’t always agree, yet they say what they think, blow up then, at least in ours, ten minutes later we are laughing at something together. We don’t give up on each other, we never run from each other, we don’t hide who we are. We care, we like and we love each other. That is how us four girls are, we don’t always agree. Like when Beth was asked to go to the movies with Kenny, Kenny of all people. He has a big nose and thinks he is hot because he plays basketball. We got mad and told her not to because we think he thinks all Jews have money and that was all he wanted. Her dad works at the grocery store as a clerk and has for years, money they don’t have. Lately, well since a certain guy ran for president, people have singled out people. I mean people like me and North and Beth. Patty has even had people in her family say to her she should stop hanging with us because we are low life people. They blame people like my kind on every wrong doing they can think of, and poor North says though people seemed to always hate the blacks now they outwardly show the hate. Is it his fault?

No, I don’t see it that way, and we girls have argued about it a great deal. North and Beth think it is his fault, but Patty and I take a different way of seeing it. We see it like this, no one can make you hate or be a bigot or speak evil of others if you’re really a good person inside. We feel like he is only guilty of giving an ok for people to show who they really are publicly but were always that way inside. Today I am glad North and Beth and Patty are not with me. They have been many times and today they all had family things to do. As I crawl across the wet floor I am thinking of them, and thanking God they were not here. Funny what you think about when you know, it is most liking the last thoughts you will ever have. Maybe I should be repenting of my sins, or praying for another chance. No, I am thinking of them, the tears at Christmas when we gave Beth a new scarf. The smile Patty had when we sung to her on her birthday. The joy teasing North and her going into that southern voice when we tease her about her love for fried chicken. I don’t feel hate for the man carrying that big gun. I saw him shoot momma and poppa and many others. As Deo's blood splattered on my face, she was bent over praying beside me when the shooting started. I don’t feel hate and its not fear. What makes a person hate so much to kill others because of their faith? I feel sorry for the sad twisted soul he is. For me and my family and so many I worship with as they fall around me. Screams, such screams of pain and fear. Should I be feeling hate, no I wouldn’t have time to get forgiveness. What I feel is, it must be our time for God to call us to his heaven. Why allow this, well does it matter on my end, the how? I think it matters in how it affects the remaining, but not on us and our going. For the time being I wipe from my eyes the thick red blood. I feel the gash in my head and realize it is my blood. I can taste the salty taste and smell the guns sulfur smell. I crawl, not knowing where I am going. I crawl over the body of a little boy, the smoke is heavy and I can’t see which boy. My hands are slick with blood and my knees slip in the gore. I pray, God, please let it stop. God this will hurt so many more than just those of us he takes. God are you thinking about the result of this, the division will only grow. God please take me but no more, I am ready to meet you face to face. Perhaps you will understand my thoughts, maybe when you see my picture you will think sad things. Don’t be sad for me, I am at peace, be sad for those that have war in the heart and are so angry that they hate me because of my faith. Killing me and my family will not make anyone stop believing, and the ones that truly love God will go on loving God. So the act is a silly pointless act that only the very black of heart will smile about. Ouch, oh that hurts, dear God take me now, quick I can’t stand the pain. God tell my friends in their dreams I love them.

Sara was found on the floor of Mosque, a riddle with three bullets, one to the shoulder and a grazed shot to her head and the last one, near the heart. The man was caught which walked in and shot so many. A twisted man full of self-justification. He sees himself as a hero and avenger of God. He wears his hate proudly, and sadly so do so many others. Thank God most will not go out and kill others, but they are just as guilty in the hate. Things they say and support, may not make them a shooter but they certainly feel like a cheering crowd to those twisted enough to do the act. Strange, God is not a respecter of persons, are we so foolish to think our religion, our skin color, is all and all with God. Jesus never started a religion nor a denomination, and the only idea we are given of Gods color is he is the light and in him is no darkness. Is it only love if its from a white people or does love exist free for one and all? Does hate ever bring about love? Can killing or turning away those that are different than us make them want to be like us? Is it about power? A wise man once said, what does a man gain if he gains the whole world and lose his soul?

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