Shabbat Announcements, May 9, 2009

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Shabbat Parshat Emor

Torah Artscroll, 672 Hertz, 513

Haftorah Artscroll, 1176 Hertz, 528 Times Candle lighting

7:40 pm


7:00 pm

Hashkama Minyan

8:00 am

Parsha Shiur

8:30 am


8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Gemorah Shiur

6:30 pm

Pirkei Avot

6:45 pm


7:30 pm

Shabbat Ends

8:49 pm

Sunday, May 10,

7:30 am 8:30 am

Mon., & Thurs.,

6:35 am

Tues., Wed., & Fri.,

6:45 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily) Mincha (week of May 10)

7:45 am 7:45 pm

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei May 9

9:17/10:28 am

May 16

9:/1410:26 am

Next Shabbat - Behar Bechukosai Candle lighting

7:47 pm


7:00 pm

May 9, 2009 15 Iyar 5769 GNS TEFILLA DIGEST: A Weekly Discussion about the Fundamentals of Jewish Prayer By Rabbi Brahm Weinberg – Rabbinic Intern

This inspiring article about tefillah is sponsored by Diane and David Rein in memory of Diane’s mother. Helene M. Fink.

traditionally fulfilled through the recitation of Hallel. This form of praise is an obligation either mideoraita, from the Torah, or miderabanan, from Issue # 40 – Hallel on Yom the rabbis. Ha’Atzmaut (Part III) 2) The historical precedent of Although Yom Ha’Atzmaut establishing new holidays with the recitation of Hallel at other has passed, I thought we points in Jewish History. We would take a few more showed how Purim is the main weeks to finish off the topic model we look to in of Hallel on Yom establishing Yom Ha’Atzmaut. Ha’Atzmaut because we Despite the fact that we do not still have so much more recite Hallel on Purim, we material to cover. In explained that none of the addition, there were so reasons why the Gemara says to many questions addressed abstain from Hallel on Purim to me this past shabbos apply to Yom Ha’Atzmaut. We about the topic that I also explained that Channuka is thought it was worthy of not used as a comparison to continuing to discuss this Yom Ha’Atzmaut in the same most relevant and way as Purim because it had a stimulating topic. Finally, revealed miracle of the oil this discussion is equally which gives the holiday an pertinent to Yom Yerushalayim which falls in entirely different status.

Hallel. Over the next two weeks we will speak about the issues with reciting a bracha on Hallel and end with the final psak of the modern poskim on this issue. General Issues with Hallel One of the interesting issues that I have seen raised against the recitation of Hallel on Yom Ha’Atzmaut is that the establishment of the State of Israel is still a work in progress. How can we thank G-d for something whose outcome is still unknown? How can we thank Gd for something that may not be the final redemption?

Almost no one would claim that we have seen the final redemption come to its fullest fruition in the establishment of the State of Israel. At most, people would say it is reishit tzmichat geulatenu, the beginning of the redemption. two and a half weeks. From the last two weeks’ There are still so many problems in the State, not all the Jews from issues, one would conclude that Last week we mentioned Hallel is certainly appropriate around the world have come back that there are essentially for Yom Ha’Atzmaut. to Israel, and, most of all, the beit two factors that enable us to hamikdash has not been built. halachically recite Hallel on There are issues raised with Therefore, it would be Yom Ha’Atzmaut: saying Hallel in general on inappropriate to recite Hallel at Yom Ha’Atzmaut and issues 1) The need to thank G-d this early stage of the redemption. for a miracle He performed with reciting a bracha on Hallel One of the most interesting for us or for saving the lives This week we will raise the counter arguments has been of Jews. This obligation is general issue with saying .

Kiddush is sponsored by

Jacob Sedgh in honor of his brother

Abraham who is layning this Shabbat

Seudah Shlishit Bima Flowers is sponsored by are donated Shellie & steven In memory of Zuckerman Mother, Aunts, in memory of Grandmother his father and Friends Philip Zuckerman

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

advanced by Rabbi Menachem Leibtag in his article “Dayenu, Hallel and Yom Ha’Atzmaut” ( Rabbi Leibtag suggests that it is, in fact, appropriate to recite Hallel and thank G-d for early stages of redemption and not just to wait for the end. Rabbi Leibtag says that in the order of the Haggadah that we recite at the Pesach seder the section of Dayenu comes before Hallel. He says that Dayenu is really a preamble to Hallel. The section of Maggid, according to the Mishna in Pesachim 10:4, is supposed to begin with genut (shame), with slavery and suffering and idol worship, and end with shevach, with praise for Hashem for ending the physical slavery and ending the era of idol worship by bringing us close to His Torah. The section of drashot on “arami oved avi” is the turning point where we move from genut to shevach and after that we would expect to move right in to the ultimate form of praise which is Hallel. Yet, we are interrupted by the beautiful poem of Dayenu which is there to set the stage for the shevach of Hallel which is yet to come. When we say in Dayenu that it would have been enough if G-d had taken us out Egypt but not punished Egyptians, or if He had split the sea but not taken us through on dry land, or if He had given us the Torah but not taken us to Israel… it is impossible that we are actually saying that we would had been satisfied if G-d had stopped at any one of those stages! How could we have been satisfied without the mainstays of Judaism: Shabbat, the Torah, Eretz Yisrael…? The very purpose of leaving Egypt was for us to receive the Torah etc…! This is a classic question that everyone asks at the seder and different answers have been suggested. Some try to explain each and every line and how we could have been ok without the subsequent stage of the exodus from Egypt. Others say the whole song is not literal but metaphorical saying that what G-d did for us is so great that it is AS IF we would have been satisfied with each stage of the redemption alone. Rabbi Leibtag suggests the following: What we are really saying in Dayenu is not that if G-d had ended the redemption at any of these stages that all would have been well, but that any one of those stages would have been enough for us, “dayenu,” to say Hallel and thank Him for that great miracle. This is what makes it the appropriate introduction to Hallel that we begin to recite at the end of Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbinic Intern Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Shabbat Announcements Parshat Emor, 5769

Maggid; essentially, we are saying that the Hallel we are about to recite is thanks to Hashem for every stage of the process of redemption. With this background, the last paragraph of that poem makes perfect sense: "al achat kama vekhama," - How much more so is it proper to thank God for performing ALL these acts of kindness, as He took us out of Egypt, and punished them, and split the sea, and gave us the manna etc…."Dayenu" relates a total of fifteen acts of divine kindness, each act alone worthy of praise – and so it is even more so that we must praise God, for He performed all of them! Rabbi Leibtag’s understanding of the Dayenu poem of the seder would imply that the Jewish view would be to thank G-d for every stage of a redemptive process. Even if the current redemption is not complete and not perfect we still have seen the establishment of Jewish sovereignty in Israel and the ingathering of some of the Jews to their land. This first step would seem to already obligate us to recite Hallel. Yom Ha’Atzmaut, the day statehood was declared and this stage of the redemptive process was most recognizable would seem to be an appropriate time to do so. Thought to Ponder If we believe it is appropriate to say Hallel for every stage of the redemption where do we draw the line? Are we to recite Hallel every time a new oleh arrives in Israel or every time a new peace treaty is signed with one of our neighbors? z”l.

GREEN TIP OF THE WEEK So often the home garden pest control remedies work as well or better than the chemical counterparts, and with the added bonus that with these formulas made of kitchen cupboard ingredients, you don't need to worry about poisoning yourself, your pets, or your garden! Simple Soap Solution : 2 Tbs. liquid soap 2 liter warm water. Dissolve soap in water and apply directly to infested areas every 5-7 days. Note: Too much soap can cause burning on plants. Pests affected: aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Fungicide for Mildew and Black Spot: 1 tsp. baking soda 1 liter water 1 tsp. Liquid soap Dissolve baking soda in 1 liter of warm water. Add soap to help solution cling to leaves. Remove infected leaves from plant, then spray top and bottom of remaining leaf surfaces to control spread of the disease. Coffee Grounds or Eggshells: Used coffee grounds make a great fertilizer for plants that thrive in acidic soil, like rhododendrons or azaleas. Sprinkle coffee grounds and eggshells around the base of plants to repel ants, snails, and slugs.

Great Neck Synagogue Annual Family Luncheon In Memory of Sharon Sokol Heisler z’l Saturday, June 20, 2009 Guest Speaker: Gary Rosenblatt Editor and publisher of The Jewish Week of New York Beautiful Catered Lunch by Prestige Caterers

$50 per person $20 per child (No charge for children under 4) Youth Program Luncheon taking place same time for first through eighth grade. For reservations please call or e-mail Mark Twersky 487-6100 email to: [email protected] NAME____________________________________ Seating Requests: 1 __________________________________ 2 __________________________________ 3 __________________________________ 4 __________________________________ Amount enclosed__________________ For more information please call: Debbie Hollander 829-2013 DOS YIDDISH VORT PRESENTS A MUSICAL EVENING WITH THE KLEZMORIM OF “SHORESH” WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2009 7:45 PM GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE 26 OLD MILL RD. Enjoy a program of Klezmer, Yiddish, Israeli, & Sephardic Melodies For Info: call Roz Wagner 516-487-9795 FREE ADMISSION

ANNOUNCEMENTS RABBI REISMAN SATURDAY NIGHT TELECAST Weinstein Torah & Technology Center Sat., 10:30pm PIRKEI AVOT Every Shabbat afternoon, through Shavuot, there will be a class on Pirkei Avot, this week’s class is at 6:45pm. CLASS IN MEGILLA READING Dr. Paul Brody will be giving a class to learn how to lain “Megillat Ruth” for Shavout between Mincha & Maariv on Shabbat afternoon. WOMENS TEFILA You are all invited to hear Rabbi Brahm Weinberg speak to Women’s Tefila on Shabbat afternoon, May 9th, at 6pm to be followed by Mincha. The Oneg following Mincha is sponsored by Nechama & Billy Liss-Levinson in honor of the birth of their granddaughter Sadie Annaliss Sussman.

WITHIN OUR FAMILY Mazal Tov to Coby Benzaquen on being honored by Great Neck Rotary for his week as head Gabbai NSHA. Mazal Tov to Lynda Ossip Mandelbaum, and to Julia Wolf on being honored by UJA Federation for participating in the development of a quilt for the Woman to Woman Domestic violence shelter in Jerusalem. The square for Lynda was donated in her honor by Women’s Tefila of GNS, and Julia donated money from her Bat Mitzvah to the shelter. Mazal Tov to Bonnie & Elliot Diamond on the birth of their grandson, born to their children Audrey & Andrew Kent. Mazal Tov to Joyce & Stanley Dacher on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Joshua Roth, son of Karen & Steven Roth.

TALMUD CLASS SIYUM Rabbi Singer’s Talmud class invites the congregation to a Siyum to celebrate the completion of Masechet Shabbat, to be held in conjunction with the midrash breakfast, promptly after morning minyan on Sunday, SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by Shirley & Aaron Eliach in memory May 17th. All are invited! of his mother Chana bas Harav Moshe Ben Zion. SAVE THE DATE GREAT NECK SCHOLARS KOLLEL Sunday May 17th 9:30-11:30am there will be a networking breakfast for Learning at the Kollel this week is sponsored anonymously in honor of those seeking jobs, and those that have jobs or advice to offer. This event Jeffrey Kaufman. is the first in a series that is organizing. MEN’S CLUB May 6th 8pm– Talk by Michael Tuchfeld, Commentator and correspondent Israel TV2 News—The Knesset Channel 99, May 10th 9:30am Nitsana Darshan Leitner will speak on how through legal action “The War On Terror is Being Waged” both events are co-sponsored by JPEF, publisher of the Jewish Political Chronicle.

ISRAEL BONDS The Great Neck Community Dessert Reception for the Israel Bonds is on Monday, May 18th 7:30pm at Temple Israel, and is being co-chaired by Tricia Moslin. Please RSVP Anne Bernstein (212)-466-5853 or [email protected]

SAVE THE DATE - LAG B’OMER CELEBRATION Tues. evening May 12th, there will be a baseball game and family E outing at Kings Point Park. More details on the event will be coming shortly. For more info please see Rabbi Steven Moskowitz.

SAVE THE DATE 2nd Annual “Koby Memorial Day Baseball Game,” for the benefit of Camp Koby and the victims of terrorism: Monday May 25, 3 games: ages: 6-12; 13-18; and 19 and up! To play on these teams please contact Jack Lipsky 829-1890 ex 219

YIDDISH VORT Concert with the Klezorim of “Shoresh”: Wed., May 13th at 7:45pm. Enjoy a spring evening of Klezmer, Israeli, Yidish, Ladino, and Sephardic melodies. Free admission. Stories of the Legendary Prankster, Hershel of Ostropol: Wed., May 6th at 1:30pm. All are welcome. For more info call Roz Wagner 487-9795 THANK YOU VERY MUCH The Sisterhood of GNS would like to thank Temple Beth El for hosting a wonderful Ladies Night Out for the 57th Annual Combined Sisterhoods of Great Neck. Everyone had a great time shopping at the boutique and enjoyed delicious food by Lederman Caterers and listening to award winning author Beth Harpaz. The raffles were fun and the turnout was terrific! We’re so happy that the Sisterhood from the Cherry Lane Minyan joined us this year for the first time - and we look forward to working together again next year to continue making this community wide event a wonderful way to bring all the synagogues together. Thank you also to UJA for all their help in collecting and distributing toiletries to victims of domestic violence. Thank you to our Sisterhood Committee for all their hard work helping to organize and plan this event: Sheila Bachman, Helene Gersten, Erica Zucker Heisler, Vivian Kron, Margery Libin, Judy Lillien, Galit Reichlin, Diane Rein, Phyllis Ringel, Anida Rosman, and Chava Shalmon. Thank you also to Richard Lillien from APPCO Paper Co. for donating all the paper goods, Celia Lemonik for volunteering to play the piano and Philip Hanfling for donating the beautiful centerpiece wicker baskets. We are also extremely grateful to the 28 sponsors of this event from our Sisterhood. The following people were sponsors: Anonymous, Sheila Bachman, Joan Begun, Viviane Breitbart, Carol Buckmann, Erica Zucker Heisler, Debbie Hollander, Lisa Kagan, Amy Kalter, Gloria Kaylie, Ilana Kroll, Vivian Kron, Lillian Leiderman, Nechama Liss-Levinson, Margery Libin, Susan Mayer, Liz Ort, Marci Rabinowitz, Diane Rein, Anida Rosman, Pia Shlomo, Rachel Singer, Esther Sloyer, Karen Spitalnick, Jill S. Swartz, Roz Wagner, Ellie Werber, and Karen Zalta. DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE GNS Men’s Club is holding an AAA Driver’s Education course on Wednesday and Thursday June 3rd, and 4th from 7-10pm each night at GNS. $25 per person over 55, $30 for under 55. Checks made payable to AAA, call the Synagogue office for reservations 487-6100. Space is limited. BLOOD DRIVE Semi-annual Men’s Club blood drive will be on June 7th, Sun. morning.

SAM AHARONOFF MEMORIAL SHIVTEI TORAH CAMPAIGN The NSHA and the NSHA High School, in conjunction with the greater Great Neck Jewish Community, will hold a historic campaign that will involve the dedication and commissioning of 12 new Sifrei Torah. All proceeds will support the Sam Aharonoff Memorial Scholarship Fund to help offset tuition costs for dozens of needy students. For more info:, or Arnie Flatow 487-8687 ext 2. GIVE OLD MAGAZINES A NEW LIFE Please drop off your current used magazines to the Synagogue office to be donated to NSUH. Please cut off labels, do not tear. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Please send in your Book of Remembrance forms ASAP. The new edition will be ready for Shavuot.


Saturday, 15 Iyar Kathy Flatow for Imre David Sunday, 16 Iyar Helene Bayme for Rhea Asher Sigmund Horowitz for Carol Horowitz Steven Zuckerman for Philip Zuckerman Monday, 17 Iyar Aaron Eliach for Chana Eliach Murray Frank for Pearl Gold Adele Jackson for Teddy Niad Stuart Kaufman for Florence Kaufman Tuesday, 18 Iyar Emile Heskel Kattan for Edward kattan Karen Shein for Philip Weitman Wednesday, 19 Iyar Susan Castle for Avraham Dobkowski Louisa Prawer for Ruben Fuchs Carl Rosenberg for Blanche Rosenberg Thursday, 20 Iyar Herbert Eckstein for Leah Eckstein Ellen Siegel for Avraham Givner Friday, 21 Iyar Sheila Bachman for Allan Bachman Helene Bayme for Maurice Asher Llewllyn Lillien for Jacob Markowitz Herzel Nir for Abraham Nir

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