Shabbat Announcements, May 30, 2009

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May 30, 2009 7 Sivan 5769 GNS TEFILLA DIGEST: A Weekly Discussion about the Fundamentals of Jewish Prayer By Rabbi Brahm Weinberg – Rabbinic Intern

Times Thursday, May 28 Prepare Eiruv Tavshilin Candle lighting

7:59 pm


8:10 pm


8:50 pm Friday, May 29

Main shul

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am


8:10 pm

Candle lighting

8:00 pm

Shabbat, May 30 Hashkama

8:00 am

Main Minyan

8:45 am

Beit Midrash

9:00 am

Megilat Rut read this morning Yizkor is said today Gemorah Shiur

6:50 pm

Pirkei Avot

7:05 pm


7:50 pm

Shabbat and Yom Tov end

9:08 pm


7:30 am 8:30 am

Mon., Thurs.

6:35 am

Tues, Wed, Fri

6:45 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily)

7:45 am

Mincha (week of May 31)

8:10 pm

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei May 30

9:09/10:23 am

June 5

9:08/10:23 am Next Shabbat - Naso

Candle lighting

8:05 pm


7:00 pm

of our faith: There is no “masechet emunah.” One of the only major passages in which chazal speak about our beliefs is the Mishna in Sanhedrin which says “kol yisrael yesh lahem cheleck leolam haba” “all Jews have a share in the world Issue # 43 – Chief Rabbi to come” and the gemara which Jonathan Sacks on Prayer expands upon that phrase telling us what beliefs in Judaism are so This past week I heretical that they cause a person to attended a shiur at YU given forgo that share in the world to by Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks come. who is the Chief Rabbi of This paucity of England. Rabbi Sacks is discussion on the topic of emunah eloquent, deep, and such an (faith) has led certain scholars to accomplished scholar in say that the belief component in limudei kodesh and limudei chol that it is truly a delight to Judaism is not so important. We hear him or read his materials. are a practice based religion and as long as you keep the Torah and its On Thursday morning in YU mitzvoth, it doesn’t matter so much in the middle of the exam what you believe or whether you period when people are believe. stressed and very busy Rabbi Sacks UTTERLY probably 300 students and rejects that premise. He says that most of the Roshei Yeshiva belief, emunah, is critical in were packed in to the beis Judaism and that discussion of faith medrash to hear him speak. is not at ALL absent from the His topic was prayer in honor of the recent release of the new words of chazal: It is contained in Koren Siddur with his English the siddur. If you want to see the Jewish philosophy of faith look at translation and commentary. I thought it would be the siddur. The tenets of our faith are not recorded as halachic fitting to share with you some discourse because faith is not about of what he said. All of the having an intellectual discussion thoughts contained in today’s and it is not about laws, it is article are Rabbi Sacks’s but any error in transmission is my something that must be experienced. The siddur was finely own. crafted by chazal with the intent of Rabbi Sacks said how surprising it is that there is conveying to us via our experience, no tractate of the gemara that is our words, and our songs the most essential Jewish beliefs. dedicated to the fundamentals

This inspiring article about tefillah is sponsored by Diane and David Rein in honor of Diane’s mother, Helene M. Fink z”l.

The greatest evidence of this is the fact that even after the tenets of our belief were formulated in a formal structure they still remained unknown to the majority of people until they were translated in to prayer format and included in the siddur. The Rambam boiled down the essentials of Jewish belief in to 13 Ikkarim, 13 principles which he outlines in various places. People only started to become familiar with them when they were summarized in to a poem called “Yigdal” sung during davening and in to the “Ani Maamin” statements that some people say after shacharit. Sometimes chazal pick certain phrases or words to be included in the siddur in order to teach us about a central belief. For example: There was a strong heretical belief in Gnosticism, or Dualism, around in the time of the second beit hamikdash and beyond. People who questioned the existence of G-d were often bothered by the existence of good and evil: How could G-d be good if there is evil in the world? Their solution was to say that there are 2 forces in the world, good and evil, shtey reshuyot as the gemara refers to it. These 2 forces were most well known by the names “light and darkness” (as seen in the Dead Sea Scrolls). Chazal, of course, firmly rejected the dualistic philosophy and wished to strengthen that rejection and emphasize our belief in monotheism. The very first line of our tefilla betzibur, our public prayers

Kiddush Is sponsored by Great neck synagogue

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

at shacharit was designed to do this. Public prayer in the mornings begins with barchu. The very first line after barchu is “…yotzer or uvore choshech oseh shalom uvoreh et hakol” “… creator of light and darkness who makes peace and creates everything.” (This is really an adaptation of the pasuk in Isaiah 47:7). This line in the siddur is meant to teach us the fundamental belief that G-d is One and that He alone creates both the good and the evil, the light and the dark and decides when it is fitting to carry out each one. Sometimes it is not the words of the prayers that teach us about faith but the structure of the siddur itself. The Rambam’s 13 principles of faith can really be split up in to 3 essential categories: The first group of principles speaks about our belief in G-d as the creator. The second group speaks about our belief in the revelation which is about G-d as He communicates with the world. The last group speaks about redemption and justice in the world. If you think about the three blessings surrounding kriat shma at shacharit you see that these three essential categories of belief in G-d are represented. The first blessing “yotzer or” is about creation, the second “ahava raba” is about Torah (halachically this blessing can actually fulfill the requirement of reciting birchot hatorah because it is a blessing which speaks about how fortunate we are that G-d bestowed the Torah upon us and how much we want to succeed in learning it and fulfilling its mitzvoth), and the third blessing which connects the shma to the amidah, “gaal yisrael” is about redemption. The three amidah’s of Shabbat (excluding mussaf which is in a different category) also come to teach us these 3 basic tenets of our belief: Maariv is about the story of creation, Shachait is about revelation, about the experience of Sinai and about Moshe receiving the Torah, and Mincha is about the redemption when G-d and humanity will be unified which we get a taste of through Shabbat. Even the overall structure of our daily shacharit prayers reflect Chazal’s desire to teach us to experience these three facets of our faith. Pesuke Dezimra which starts off our davening contains passages from Tehillim which are about G-d’s power and dominion and grandeur (i.e. creation) (The exception to this is really the section of “vayevarech david” and “az yashir” which R. Saadia Gaon already notes do not really fit well in the overall theme of “pesuke dezimra”). We then move to the recitation of shma and the amidah which is about our conversation with G-d (i.e. revelation) (G-d speaking to us through the shma and us speaking to G-d through the amidah). Finally, the last section of the prayers is represented by the passage of “uva lezion goel” which is about redemption. This only begins to scratch the surface of what Rabbi Sacks spoke about this week and what he spoke about only begins to scratch the surface of what is contained in his new commentary on the siddur.

Shabbat Announcements Shavout, 5769

Thought to Ponder The Mishna in Avot says that the world stands on 3 pillars: “Torah, Avodah (Prayer) and Gemillut Chassadim.” In Eastern Europe before World War II there were plenty of very pious Jews who were held in high regard even though they could not be great Torah scholars and could not be involved as much in Chessed. These Jews were known as “siddur yiddin” – A Jew who knew much about belief, about G-d, and about being pious because they experienced it through prayer and through the siddur which is Chazal’s version of “masechet amunah.”

Great Neck Synagogue Annual Family Luncheon In Memory of Sharon Sokol Heisler z’l Saturday, June 20, 2009 Guest Speaker: Gary Rosenblatt Editor and publisher of The Jewish Week of New York

Beautiful Catered Lunch by Prestige $50 per person $20 per child (No charge for children under 4) Youth Program Luncheon taking place same time for first through eighth grade. For reservations please call or e-mail Mark Twersky at 487-6100 or email to: [email protected] NAME____________________________________ No. of reservations_________________ Seating Requests: 1 __________________________________ 2 __________________________________ 3 __________________________________

Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbinic Intern Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

4 __________________________________ Amount enclosed__________________ For more information please call: Debbie Hollander 829-2013

Shavuot – 5769 You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Community Tikun Leyl Shavuot (held this year at GNS) 11:30 pm – 12:30 am A History of Rabbinic Politics in Megillat Rut Rabbi Dale Polakoff (Ballroom) 12:40 am – 1:40 am Learning Torah or Doing Mitzvot: Which Is More Important? Rabbi Yaacov Lerner (Ballroom) 1:40 am— 2:00 am Brief Break and Refreshments (Gym) Following the break there will be a choice of 2 shiurim each hour 2:00 am – 2:50 am Shiur #1

Reigning in Those Rabbis: The Latitude and Limits of Rabbinic Leadership Rabbi Shmuel Ismach (Ballroom)

Shiur #2

Conversion and Revelation: An Examination of Geirus and Matan Torah Rabbi Shalom Axelrod (Beit Midrash) 3:00 am—3:50 am

Shiur #1

Eliahu: Navi, Miracle Worker, Rider of Fiery Chariots: Is That All He Does? Dr. Ephraim Weinblatt (Ballroom)

Shiur #2

G-d Will Provide: The Contemporary Kollel Controversy Rabbi Brahm Weinberg (Beit Midrash) 4:00 am—4:50 am

Shiur #1

Megillat Rut and Halachik Consequences Dr. Avi Goldberg (Ballroom)

Shiur #2

Eilu V’eilu Divrei Elokim Chayim: Can Everybody Be Right? Daniel Schwechter (Beit Midrash) 4:55 am– Davenning

5:26am - Netz (Sunrise)


ANNOUNCEMENTS SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by the Katzwer, Karbowitz and Steinberg families in memory of their husband, father and grandfather Jacob Katzwer, z”l. PIRKEI AVOT Every Shabbat afternoon, through Shavuot, there will be a class on Pirkei Avot, this week’s class is at 7:00pm. HIGH SCHOOL PIRKEI AVOS CLASS There will be a Pirkei Avos shiur for High School students every shabbos afternoon approx 40 minutes before mincha given by Cary Schwechter in the GNS Youth Center. Chief Judge Doris L. Downs In last weeks sermon, Rabbi Polakoff referred to the extraordinary action taken by Judge Doris Downs in allowing the Maimonidies Mock Trial team to participate in the national mock trial competition held in Atlanta GA last week, despite the unwillingness of the National Board to accommodate their Shabbat requirements. Many of you have called the office looking for Judge Downs contact information. We are pleased to share that with you: Chief Judge Doris L. Downs, 185 Central Ave. SW, Judge Center Tower, Suite T-7955/Courtroom 7F, Atlanta, GA, 30303 (fax: 404-893-6647). She can also be reached by email through her Judicial Assistant at [email protected] MEN’S CLUB EVENTS Sun. Oct 18th, 1pm Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv vs New York Knicks at MSG. All proceeds are donated to Migdal Ohr. Mid-court tickets at $105 each. For tickets call Steve Blumner 487-3859 or Hilly Milun 504-0320 UPCOMING SISTERHOOD EVENTS Tues., June 9th, 7:30pm at GNS we present the documentary "Always Remember Where You Came From: The Life of Samuel Hersch Wang" . Thank you very much to his daughter Debbie Wang Etzion for organizing this special evening. Wed., August 5th, 8pm the Sisterhood presents a Ladies Night Out to see "Menopause the Musical" at the Landmark on Main Street in Port Washington. Tickets cost $50 and must be purchased by May 31st. Please email [email protected] to buy tickets. We look forward to a fun and entertaining evening!


Mazal Tov to Wendy & Eyal Ofer on the birth of their son. GNS WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Great Neck Synagogue warmly welcomes our new members Joshua and Lital Amini Abraham and Lynn Glassman Eyal and Wendy Ofer Moshe and Esther Pinsky Payman and Miryam Liza Vardi HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR COOKBOOK FOR SALE The Sisterhood Gift Shop is now selling the Holocaust Survivor Cookbook for $30. It includes 250 kosher family recipes, and 129 amazing and miraculous stories of courage, survival, and hope. REFLECTIVE GNS VESTS A limited supply of reflective vests with GNS logo on them are available in the synagogue office for $5. DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR LEFTOVERS! If you would like to donate food, even if it’s a little extra while making dinner, Herschel Minster collects outside of Mazur’s every Friday afternoon, and delivers food for Shabbat to those in need, and will also pick up in Great Neck during the week, contact him at 718-279-3989. ISRAELI DAY PARADE & CONCERT Sunday, May 31st is the Israeli Day Parade, followed by the Free Israeli Day Concert in Central Park. The concert runs from 2:30-7:30pm, and can be accessed at 5th Ave. through the 72nd Street entrance to the park. For info call Paul Brody at 466-5412. WALK WITH YOUR FEET HELP WITH YOUR HEART Please join Chabad’s Friendship Circle Walk 4 Friendship on Sunday June 7th, starting at Great Neck Public Library, 10:30 am, ending at 32 Sunset Drive. Brunch and Carnival to follow. Register or sponsor at For more info Viviane Breitbart 428-1294 or Haifa Shavolian 606-7980. BLOOD DRIVE Semi-annual Men’s Club blood drive will be on June 21st, Sunday morning

GIVE OLD MAGAZINES A NEW LIFE SAM AHARONOFF MEMORIAL SHIVTEI TORAH CAMPAIGN Please drop off your current used magazines to the Synagogue office to be The NSHA and the NSHA High School, in conjunction with the greater donated to NSUH. Please cut off labels, do not tear. Great Neck Jewish Community, will hold a historic campaign that will involve the dedication and commissioning of 12 new Sifrei Torah. All Saturday, 7 Sivan proceeds will support the Sam Aharonoff Memorial Scholarship Fund to Sanford Brand for Aron Brand help offset tuition costs for dozens of needy students. For more info:, or Arnie Flatow 487-8687 ext 2. Elizabeth Katzwer for Israel Schwartz DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE GNS Men’s Club is holding an AAA Driver’s Education course on Wednesday and Thursday June 3rd, and 4th from 7-10pm each night at GNS. $25 per person over 55, $30 for under 55. Checks made payable to AAA, call the Synagogue office for reservations 487-6100. Space is limited.

ISRAEL DAY PARADE THIS SUNDAY—MAY 31! The parade route begins at 57th St and Fifth Ave and continues north on Fifth Ave to 79th St. The parade will take place from 11am to 5 pm—Rain or shine. Looking forward to seeing you there!


Ruth Wachtenheim for Hannie Halpern Sunday, 8 Sivan Murray Frank for Meyer Frank Roselin Wagner for Anna Seider Jerrald Weinstein for Abraham Weinstein Monday, 9 Sivan Serge Fischler for Hanny Fischler Carol Karbowitz for Jacob Katzwer Elizabeth Katzwer for Jacob Katzwer Lynn Steinberg for Jacob Katzwer Tuesday, 10 Sivan Mitchell Benerofe for Sidney Benerofe Idida Kaplan for Ahuva Abramovsky Judith Weinstein for Beatrice Eichenhorn Thursday, 12 Sivan Tom Furst for Harry Furst Gitty Louzoun for Anna Malek Howard Silberstein for Libbie Silberstein Marc Gottlieb for Bernhard Gottlieb Friday, 13 Sivan Zachary Dicker for Samuel Dicker Gloria Faizakoff for Phillip Cohen Celia Lemonik for Albert Dorner Llewllyn Lillien for Herman Tatarsky Sonia Movsas for Leah Serlin

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