Shabbat Announcements, May 23, 2009

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Shabbat Parshat Bemidbar Torah Artscroll, 726 Hertz, 567 Haftorah Artscroll, 1207 Hertz, 948 Mevorchim chodesh Sivan Rosh Chodesh Sunday, May 24 Molad Sunday Morning 7:51:3 am

Bar Mitzvah Samuel Tavakoli Times Candle lighting

7:54 pm


7:00 pm

Hashkama Minyan

8:00 am

Parsha Shiur

8:30 am


8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Gemorah Shiur

6:45 pm

Pirkei Avot

7:00 pm


7:45 pm

Shabbat Ends

9:03 pm

Sunday, & Monday

7:30 am 8:30 am


6:35 am

Tues., Wed., &

6:45 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily)

7:45 am

Mincha (week of May 24)

8:00 pm

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei May 23

9:11/10:24 am

May 30

9:09/10:23 am

Next Shabbat - Shavuot Candle lighting

8:00 pm


8:10 pm

May 23, 2009 29 Iyar 5769 GNS TEFILLA DIGEST: A Weekly Discussion about the Fundamentals of Jewish Prayer By Rabbi Brahm Weinberg – Rabbinic Intern

This inspiring article about tefillah is sponsored by Diane and David Rein in honor of Diane’s mother, Helene M. Fink z”l.

“miracle” of Yom Ha’Atzmaut occurred to the entire Jewish people or not.

Israel, no matter how few or how many, the miracle would be halachically classified as one that occurred to the “entirety of the On the one hand, the miracle Jewish people.” Whereas, if the seems to have been for those, miracle occurred in America or Issue # 42 – Hallel on Yom approximately, 600,000 Jews Europe or Africa to millions of living in Israel before the Ha’Atzmaut (Part V) Jews it would still not be declaration of statehood and not In last week’s tefilla article considered a miracle that occurred for those still around the world. we began to discuss some to the entire Jewish people. On the other hand, the miracle of the halachic issues that of having a state is something Rav Goren has numerous sources are raised surrounding the that affected the entire Jewish that he uses in order to back this recitation of a bracha on up. One of the main ones is a Hallel of Yom Ha’Atzmaut people because it gave us a homeland to return to and also quote from the Rambam in his (Yes, the grand finale of gave us more security in the Perush HaMishnayot in Horayot this topic that you have all 1:1 where he says that the Jews been waiting for with bated Diaspora. In addition, if you who live in Israel are considered breadth…to say a bracha or see the establishment of the State as a step in the “kol yisrael” (the entirety of the not to say a bracha!). redemption then it certainly is a Jewish people) and that for the ENTIRE JEWISH PEOPLE process that involves and purposes of defining what that (Continued…) affects all Jews. term means we do not pay any We saw in last week’s attention to those Jews outside the Some modern poskim such as article that the Baaley Land of Israel. Others would Rav Shlomo Goren zt”l and Tosafot and the Meiri say argue that this is a weak source Rav Shlomo Aviner have that Hallel can be recited explained that even if not every since the Rambam was, with a bracha only on an presumably, only defining “the Jew was in Israel during the occasion that marks the entire Jewish people” in this way War of Independence, the salvation of the entire for the purposes of the halacha miracle of independence was Jewish people from mentioned in this Mishna one that was for “the entire imminent danger. (namely, the necessity for the Jewish people.” In halachic However, they both allow terms, the words “entire Jewish Sanhedrin to bring a korban when for its recitation without a they issued a mistaken ruling on people” refer not really to the bracha in a case when the behalf of “kol kehal yisrael - the entire Jewish people but to salvation was not for the entire Jewish people.”) They those who live in the Land of entire Jewish people. would argue that the principle Israel. Thus, according to It becomes slightly difficult them, as long as the miracle cannot be extrapolated to other to explain whether the areas of halacha such as the occurred to the Jews living in

Kiddush and Bima Flowers are sponsored by Farnaz & Kamyar Tavakoli In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Samuel

Bima Flowers in the BEit Midrash are sponsored by Karen & Adam Zalta In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Danielle

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

recitation of Hallel over a miracle that occurred to “the entire Jewish people.” Rav Goren cites not only sources to back up his assertion, but precedent as well. Channuka is a holiday over which Chazal decided to recite Hallel with a bracha and yet the miracle was only for those living in Israel; these Jews by no means constituted the entirety of the Jewish people. The opposing argument to this is, as stated in last week’s article, that the miracle of Channuka and the rededication of the temple was a miracle for the entire Jewish people not because it occurred to the Jews in Israel, but because it really affected all Jews around the world in allowing them to return, if they wished, to worship in a pure temple. Either way you look at it, were it not for the overt miracle of the oil which makes Channuka different (see next section), Channuka serves as an excellent precedent for Yom Ha’Atzmaut which both occurred to the Jews in Israel and also affected the Jews the world round. In summation, if you are willing to follow the line of reasoning of Rav Goren you can certainly say the miracle of Yom Ha’Atzmaut was for the entire Jewish people and would qualify for the recitation of Hallel with a bracha. REVEALED MIRACLES It seems like even if you are unwilling to follow Rav Goren’s reasoning, you could still use the story of Channuka as a great precedent and parallel to Yom Ha’Atzmaut. It seems to be a military victory which brought back sovereignty to Jews and occurred only to the Jews living in Israel just like Yom Ha’Atzmaut. However, there is one major difference: The Gemara in Shabbat 21b says that part of the miracle of Channuka was that the oil of the menorah in the Beit Hamikdash lasted 8 days instead of 1. The Maharatz Chiyutz (19th century Eastern Europe) on that Gemara says that the reason why the Gemara mentions the miracle of the oil in response to the question “mai Channuka?” is to tell us that were it not for the revealed miracle, nes nigleh, of the oil, chazal would not have established Channuka as a day on which we recite Hallel with a bracha. The military victory alone which is a miracle that occurred through the regular forces of nature, a nes bederech hateva, would not have been reason enough to recite Hallel with a bracha. This would mean that despite the similarity between Yom Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbinic Intern Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Shabbat Announcements Parshat Bemidbar, 5769

Ha’Atzmaut and Channuka, Channuka could not serve as a model for Yom Ha’Atzmaut because there was no open and revealed miracle that was against the forces of nature in the establishment of the State of Israel. Final Rulings There are those who feel that the reason to recite Hallel is because we were saved from danger and since there is still no full security in Israel we should not recite Hallel at all (See Shut Yaskil Avdi by Rav Ovadia Hadaya. This also seems to have been the reason why Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank did not recite Hallel). Nevertheless, others say that Hallel should be recited either because of the military victory or because of the very establishment of the State. However, because of some of the halachic issues cited in these articles, namely the need for the miracle to have occurred to the entire Jewish people and to be a nes nigleh, they decided to have it recited without a bracha. Most prominently among these are Rav Ovadia Yosef (Teshuvot Yabia Omer 6:O.C. 41), Rav Aharon Soloveitchik (Gesher, Yeshiva University, 1969), and Rav Yitzchak Herzog (cited by Rav Ovadia). Others took the approach that the establishment of the State represented a miracle so great that it qualified for all halachic parameters: Both a nes nigleh and also a miracle occurring to the entirety of the Jewish people either because of the effect the State had on world Jewry or because of Rav Goren’s explanation of the term “entire Jewish people.” These rabbis included Rav Shlomo Goren, Rav Meshulem Roth (Teshuvot Kol Mevaser 21) and Teshuvot Neitzer Mataai (number 36). Many people say that Rav Soloveitchik’s position was that Hallel should be recited after davening and not as part of the service. I have never seen this in writing. The only thing I found in writing was in Nefesh Harav (p.96) where Rav Hershel Schachter says that in the Rav’s later days he hesitated about this issue and told students to recite half-Hallel. Rav Schachter didn’t say when the Rav said to recite the halfHallel, nor did he say what the Rav’s position was in his earlier days. The Rabbanut Harashit in Israel unanimously supports the recitation of Hallel on Yom Ha’Atzmaut as part of davening. Regarding the bracha, the original psak of the Rabbanut Harashit was to recite Hallel without a bracha on Yom Ha’Atzmaut. With the election of Rav Goren as the Chief Rabbi in 1973, the psak of the Rabbanut changed to say it with a bracha. However, the Sefardic Chief Rabbi has always maintained the original psak of reciting Hallel without a bracha. Whatever our practice regarding Hallel, let us use these days in the Jewish calendar to both recognize how G-d brought about true miracles in our time and thank Him for it. Let us also recognize how much we want to see the full redemption and pray for its speedy arrival.


Great Neck Synagogue Annual Family Luncheon In Memory of Sharon Sokol Heisler z’l Saturday, June 20, 2009 Guest Speaker: Gary Rosenblatt Editor and publisher of The Jewish Week of New York Beautiful Catered Lunch by Prestige Caterers

$50 per person $20 per child (No charge for children under 4) Youth Program Luncheon taking place same time for first through eighth grade. For reservations please call or e-mail Mark Twersky 487-6100 email to: [email protected] NAME____________________________________ Seating Requests: 1 __________________________________ 2 __________________________________ 3 __________________________________ 4 __________________________________ Amount enclosed__________________ For more information please call: Debbie Hollander 829-2013

GREAT NECK MEMORIAL DAY PARADE MONDAY MAY 25, 2009 9:15 a.m. (Those attending the late morning minyan should join us immediately after services). WE WILL BE MARCHING WITH OTHER SYNAGOGUES DOWN MIDDLE NECK ROAD, ONTO THE VILLAGE GREEN AND PAST THE REVIEWING STAND. Those with Corvettes and other convertible cars can drive the parade route. See Alan Steinberg for details. Thank you to Great Neck Synagogue Sisterhood for sponsoring the parade.

ANNOUNCEMENTS RABBI REISMAN SATURDAY NIGHT TELECAST Weinstein Torah & Technology Center Sat., 10:30pm PIRKEI AVOT Every Shabbat afternoon, through Shavuot, there will be a class on Pirkei Avot, this week’s class is at 7:00pm. HIGH SCHOOL PIRKEI AVOS CLASS There will be a Pirkei Avos shiur for High School students every shabbos afternoon approx 40 minutes before mincha given by Cary Schwechter in the GNS Youth Center. CLASS IN MEGILLA READING Dr. Paul Brody will be giving a class to learn how to lain “Megillat Ruth” for Shavout between Mincha & Maariv on Shabbat afternoon. Chief Judge Doris L. Downs In last weeks sermon, Rabbi Polakoff referred to the extraordinary action taken by Judge Doris Downs in allowing the Maimonidies Mock Trial team to participate in the national mock trial competition held in Atlanta GA last week, despite the unwillingness of the National Board to accommodate their Shabbat requirements. Many of you have called the office looking for Judge Downs contact information. We are pleased to share that with you: Chief Judge Doris L. Downs, 185 Central Ave. SW, Judge Center Tower, Suite T-7955/Courtroom 7F, Atlanta, GA, 30303 (fax: 404-893-6647). She can also be reached by email through her Judicial Assistant at [email protected] MEN’S CLUB EVENTS Wed. May 27th, 8pm There will be a Men’s Club meeting to discuss future events at GNS. We look forward to your participation. Sun. Oct 18th, 1pm Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv vs New York Knicks at MSG. All proceeds are donated to Migdal Ohr. Mid-court tickets at $105 each. For tickets call Steve Blumner 487-3859 or Hilly Milun 504-0320 UPCOMING SISTERHOOD EVENTS Tues., June 9th, 7:30pm at GNS we present the documentary "Always Remember Where You Came From: The Life of Samuel Hersch Wang" . Thank you very much to his daughter Debbie Wang Etzion for organizing this special evening. Wed., August 5th, 8pm the Sisterhood presents a Ladies Night Out to see "Menopause the Musical" at the Landmark on Main Street in Port Washington. Tickets cost $50 and must be purchased by May 31st. Please email [email protected] to buy tickets. We look forward to a fun and entertaining evening! SAM AHARONOFF MEMORIAL SHIVTEI TORAH CAMPAIGN The NSHA and the NSHA High School, in conjunction with the greater Great Neck Jewish Community, will hold a historic campaign that will involve the dedication and commissioning of 12 new Sifrei Torah. All proceeds will support the Sam Aharonoff Memorial Scholarship Fund to help offset tuition costs for dozens of needy students. For more info:, or Arnie Flatow 487-8687 ext 2. DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE GNS Men’s Club is holding an AAA Driver’s Education course on Wednesday and Thursday June 3rd, and 4th from 7-10pm each night at GNS. $25 per person over 55, $30 for under 55. Checks made payable to AAA, call the Synagogue office for reservations 487-6100. Space is limited.

Shavuot Schedule Thursday evening, May 28 An Eiruv Tavshilin should be prepared Mincha 8:10 pm Maariv 8:50 pm Tikkun Layl Shavuot at GNS 11:30 pm Friday, May 29 Main Shul 9:00 am Beit Midrash 9:15 pm Mincha 8:10 pm Candle lighting 8:00 pm Saturday, May 30 Main Shul 8:45 am Beit Midrash 9:00 am Megilat Ruth is read this morning Yizkor is said today Gemorah shiur 6:50 pm Pirkei Avot shiur 7:05 pm Mincha 7:50 pm Shabbat and Yom Tov end after 9:08 pm


Mazal Tov to Drora Cassel on the birth of her grandson, born to her children Hila & Yacov Prupis in Israel. Mazal Tov to Farnaz & Kamyar Tavakoli on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Samuel. Mazal Tov to Michelle & Barry Rubin on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Avery, and also to grandparents Paula & Arno Shallamach. Mazal Tov to Sharon & Mark Twersky on the upcoming marriage of their son Daniel to Jennifer Pudles of Lakewood, New Jersey. Mazal Tov to Pauline & Alan Levy on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Justin Michael, and the graduation of their granddaughter Nicole Gilberg from the University of Michigan. PARLOR MEETING May 21, 7:30pm at the home of Ada & Dov Berkowitz, 108 Beach Road. Moshe Eyal of Arzei HaLevanon Pre-Military Torah Academy, will speak about how they combine Torah education with army training, and support for the Jewish state. Dessert reception to follow. SAVE THE DATE 2nd Annual “Koby Memorial Day Baseball Game,” for the benefit of Camp Koby and the victims of terrorism: Monday May 25, 3 games: ages: 6-12; 13-18; and 19 and up! To play on these teams please contact Jack Lipsky 829-1890 ex 219. See flyer or Barry Libin. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Please join GNS in the Memorial Day Parade on Mon., May 25th at 9:30am. The GNS Sisterhood has graciously sponsored this year’s event. For more info please see Alan Steinberg. ISRAELI DAY PARADE & CONCERT Sunday, May 31st is the Israeli Day Parade, followed by the Free Israeli Day Concert in Central Park. The concert runs from 2:30-7:30pm, and can be accessed at 5th Ave. through the 72nd Street entrance to the park. For info call Paul Brody at 466-5412. WALK WITH YOUR FEET HELP WITH YOUR HEART Please join Chabad’s Friendship Circle Walk 4 Friendship on Sunday June 7th, starting at Great Neck Public Library, 10:30 am, ending at 32 Sunset Drive. Brunch and Carnival to follow. Register or sponsor at For more info Viviane Breitbart 428-1294 or Haifa Shavolian 606-7980. BLOOD DRIVE Semi-annual Men’s Club blood drive will be on June 21st, Sunday morning


Saturday, 29 Iyar Seymour Cooper for Isaac Cooper Ebrahim Gabbaizadeh for Tala Gabbaizadeh Joseph Hyman for Carolyn Hyman Marion Kapner for Sadie Eisenberg Ellie Werber for Rosa Preis Sunday, 1 Sivan Franette Gil for Israel Keller Regina Gil for Israel Keller Monday, 2 Sivan Helene Greenberg for Louis Slomowitz Rita Litvin for Tsilya Maryanovsky Tuesday, 3 Sivan Adam Hutt for Frances Hutt Cindy Ludwig for Bertha Siegal Wednesday, 4 Sivan Trudy Jettelson for Jules Jettelson Goldie Lorber for Nathan Winter Thursday, 5 Sivan Marc Gottlieb for Bernhard Gottlieb Sidney Halitzer for Anne Rosenberg Edward Mazur for Rose Mazur Osnass Shein for Isaac Charchat Fay Smith for Ruth Brafman Robert Spitalnick for Oscar Spitalnick Friday, 6 Sivan Elizabeth Katzwer for Leah Katzwer Shirley Spiegelman for Rebecca DeBovis Roselin Wagner for Fannie Tarnofsky

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