Shabbat Announcements, March 7, 2009

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Parshat Tetzaveh-Zachor Torah Artscroll, 464 Hertz, 339

March 7, 2009 11 Adar, 5769 GNS TEFILLA DIGEST: A Weekly Discussion about the Fundamentals of Jewish Prayer By Rabbi Brahm Weinberg – Rabbinic Intern This inspiring article about tefillah is sponsored by Diane and David Rein in memory of Diane’s mother, Helene M. Fink z”l.

that we must love G-d because without loving Him we will never truly be able to properly fulfill His commandments. It is almost like a pre-requisite to the rest of the Torah.

(There is an extensive discussion about whether the Torah can/should mandate Maftir emotion surrounding the last Artscroll, 1066 commandment of the Ten Hertz, 856 Commandments: Lo tachmod – Issue # 34 – Kriat Shma Thou shalt not covet. The Haftorah We discussed the commentators ask how it is (Part XIII) Artscroll, 1214 placement of the mitzvah in this possible for the Torah to tell you Hertz, 995 not to feel jealous or covetous. Over the last section of the shma: It is They answer this question in number of weeks we have contained within a passage many different ways. Most say been discussing the mitzvah generally about mitzvoth Times because it is a pre-requisite for that the mitzvah is actually not of loving G-d which is about restraining your emotions proper fulfillment of those contained in the first verse Candle lighting 5:34 pm but about not taking something of the first paragraph of the mitzvoth (as Sefer Hachinuch Mincha 5:35 pm away from someone else because shma: “Ve’Ahavta et says). Also, we saw how the Hashkama Minyan 8:00 am you are too jealous to let them Hashem Elokecha,” “And Maharal explains why the Parsha Shiur 8:30 am have it. This transforms the you should love the Lord mitzvah follows the verse of prohibition from one of emotion “Shma Yisrael Hashem Elokenu your G-d.” Youth 8:30 am Hashem Echad,” “Hear O Israel to one of action making it easier Main Minyan 9:00 am to understand) We began by the Lord our G-d the Lord is Beit Midrash 9:15 am One.” He says that “because He outlining the Rambam’s The easiest way to view of the mitzvah and the is one, there is nothing in Gemorah Shiur 4:25 pm understand the answer to this existence in the world that is three ways in which one Mincha 5:25 pm question is to say that when the separate from Him, for all reaches that love: Shabbat Ends 6:43 pm Contemplation of the depends upon and is attached to Torah commands us to feel cosmos and the greatness of Him, for He is the foundation of something like love, what the Sunday, 7:30 am March 1, 8:30 am Torah is really telling us is that all. And that is why love is creation (Hil. Yisodei we must fulfill an active mitzvah relevant to G-d.” Hatorah 2:2), philosophical Please see Monday, which is concrete and visible that Purim Schedule understanding of G-d (Hil. and Page 2 Tuesday. What you still might will hopefully lead to an inner Teshuva 10:6), and studying the Torah (Sefer be wondering is how it is emotion. The real goal of the Thursday 6:35 am Hamitzvoth: Positive possible for the Torah to mitzvah is to feel something but Wed., & Fri., 6:45 am Commandment #3). demand that we “feel” the Torah could not possibly Second Shacharit something like love. How demand for you to feel something Minyan (Daily) 7:45 am because our emotions cannot be We also discussed could the Torah expect us to Mincha (week of 6:45 pm just feel an emotion like love at controlled in such an exacting the reason why we are March 7) way. Therefore, all the Torah asked to love G-d: The will? Late Ma’ariv 8:15 pm demands of us is to do the actions Sefer Hachinuch explains Mon., - Thurs., Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei March 7

9:12/10:10 am

March 14

10:06/11:05 am

Next Shabbat - Ki-Tissa Parah Candle lighting

6:42 pm


6:45 pm

Kiddush is sponsored by Great neck synagogue

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

that are most likely to lead to that emotion. We are supposed to do the best we can to evoke that emotion through external actions. The goal remains to feel something but the burden of getting there artificially is taken away to some degree when the Torah tells us that the way to get there is to do action/mitzvah X and to leave the rest to Him. The Sefer Hachinuch says in numerous places that “acharey hapeulot nimshachim halevavot” “the heart follows the actions.” In other words, if you do enough in physical actions then you will start to feel a certain way. For example: If you dress well you will feel like a proper and dignified person and will start to not only see yourself in that way but act that way as well. Rabbi Soloveitchik explains that not all mitzvoth have this dual component of the action as well as the intended emotion that is supposed to come along with it. However, there are numerous very important ones that do take this form. For example, in the realm of prohibitions, the prohibitions of aveilut, mourning, are really just a means to the end of being sad because of the loss. In the realm of positive mitzvoth, Rabbi Solovetchik points to mitzvoth like simchat yom tov, feeling joyous on the holidays. The goal is for you to feel real inner joy but since the Torah could not directly demand that you feel a certain way, it opted to demand that you do actions like buying new clothes and eating different more precious foods on the holiday. The Torah believes that by asking you to do those physical actions it might lead to a greater possibility of you feeling joyous inside as well thus fulfilling the goal which is to feel the happiness during the holiday. One might suggest the same for the mitzvah of loving G-d. It might not be possible to turn on and off our love in an immediate way because our emotions are hard to control. However, it might be possible for the Torah to ask us to perform certain actions which should, if performed correctly, lead us to feel those emotions of love for G-d. This would transform the mitzvah of ahavat Hashem, of loving G-d, in to a mitzvah with a dual nature: The action aspect of it and the goal of it which in to develop an inner feeling. Question to Ponder Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbinic Intern Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Shabbat Announcements Tetzaveh-Zachor, 5769

What type of action is a physical demonstration of love that the Torah might ask of us that would lead us to that inner feeling of love for G-d?


Monday, march 9, 2009

Fast begins at 5:55 am and ends at 7:28 pm It is proper to wait until after Megilah reading before breaking the fast Shacharit 6:20 am/ 7:45 am (with selichot) Earliest time for Tallis/Tefillin is 6:20 am Mincha at 6:25 pm


Monday night, March 9, 2009 Please note that there will be three concurrent Megilah readings

1) Maariv & Megilah at 7:25 pm in Main Shul we will be using a microphone in the Main Shul this year 2) Maariv & Megilah at 7:25 pm in Beit Midrash 3) Maariv & Megilah at 7:25 pm in Mender Auditorium (Gym) 2nd Megilah at 8:30 pm in Mender Auditorium Youth Purim program at 8:30 pm in Youth Center Purim Extravaganza at 9:30 pm in Main Ballroom Purim Tisch 11:00 pm


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

1st shacharit at 6:05 am in Main Shul earliest time for talis and tefillin is 6:18 am 2nd shacharit at 7:45 am in Main Shul Megilah reading approximately 25 minutes after start of minyan Women’s Tefilah Megilah reading 8:30 am sharp in Beit Midrash Early Mincha 1:35 pm Regular Mincha 6:45 pm

Feeling hungry after fasting on Taanit Esther? PLEASE BRING CANNED GOODS TO SHUL ON PURIM (night or day) TO DONATE TO THOSE WHO ARE HUNGRY EVERY DAY. These are small cheseds that we can all do and our children can participate too. They get so much food/candy on Purim; here they can give to others

PASSOVER IS COMING Help those in need! Please pick up a bag from the shul on Purim And fill it with Kosher for Passover foods. Return it to either the Shul Office or Adina Moskowitz, 27 Hampshire Rd. (off Wooleys Lane) Drop off by April 1.

PURIM SPECTACULAR Monday evening, March 9, 2009, 9:30 pm at Great Neck Synagogue Starring The Rocking Rabbis who will sing and dance (and maybe entertain you) You must be there to witness this outstanding showbiz extravaganza! Ladies, Gentleman and children of all ages are invited to attend. Sponsorships for this event are welcome. Special book for Donors with sponsorship over $72. See Isaac Greszes or call the shul office. After the Purim Spectacular, put your kids to bed and return to Great Neck Synagogue for the Annual Purim Tish . Bar B-Que, singing and divre Torah. Starting at 11:00 pm in the Chalfin Room.

ANNOUNCEMENTS WITHIN OUR FAMILY RABBI REISMAN SATURDAY NIGHT TELECAST Mazal Tov to Ellen & Rabbi Dale Polakoff on the upcoming marriage In the Weinstein Torah & Technology Center Sat., 8pm of their daughter Ilana to Shlomo Barry. Mazal Tov to our Rabbinic intern Brahm Weinberg on his upcoming YOUTH NEWS marriage to Elana Rosenblum. This is the last week for Saturday night Soccer!! Mazal Tov to Shifra & Rafael Yehoshua on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Karen. ****REMEMBER TO SET YOUR CLOCKS ONE HOUR AHEAD**** Mazal Tov to Aviva & Uri Rosin on the birth of their grandson, Jake Yaakov born to their children Jessica & Alon Rosin. SUNDAY BREAKFAST Mazal Tov to Ruth & Mel Klapper on the Bat Mitzvah of their Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by Gilbert Aronowitz in memory of granddaughter Sally Dahlia daughter of Alissa & Phillip Klapper. his Mother Fannie Aronowitz and his wife Florence Aronowitz. Mazal Tov to Jane & Yossi Tuvia on the engagement of their daughter Yael to Daniel Epstein, son of Maxine & Henry Epstein of Houston TX. DOS YIDDISH VORT MEETING Mazal Tov to Romina & Oded Weiss on the Bat Mitzvah of their Dos Yiddish Vort celebrates Purim with the story of “A Fahrblondgete daughter Addi. Shalach Manot”. Wed., March 4th at 1:30pm in the Chalfin Room. Mazal Tov to Michal & Ron Malen, on the upcoming marriage of their Enjoy a schmaychel, a glayzele tay, and some hamentaschen. All son Yacov to Allyson Marvin, daughter of Debra & Milton Marvin of welcome! For more info call Roz Wagner 487-9795. Austin, TX. Mazal Tov to Mary Flax on the birth of twin great-grandchildren born PURIM GIFT CARDS to her grandchildren Kristy & Robert Flax in London. Gift Cards for Purim are being sold through the Synagogue office, Mazal Tov to Susie & Irwin Lieberman on the engagement of their $5.00 per card. Call 487-6100 to place your order. son Avi to Esther Orlofsky daughter of Rabbi Dovid & Simi Orlofsky of Har Nof, Jerusalem. COMBINED SISTERHOOD MEETING Wed. March 11th at 10am, there will be a meeting at Temple Beth El to PARLOR MEETING Join us for a Pre-Purim Brunch on March 8th, 10 am, at the home of plan the Combined Sisterhood Luncheon. Please mark your calendar Harriet & David Schimel. Meet a modern-day Esther,” Nitsana and come participate! Thank you! Darshan-Leitner, founder of Israel Law Center (Shurat HaDin), which fights (and often wins) against terrorist organizations in the courts. UPCOMING MEN’S CLUB EVENTS Contact: Robert Spitalnick 466-2252 or David Schimel 487-2189. March 17– Talk by Dr. Stu Greenstein (Professor of Surgery, Albert Einstein College of Medicine) on the “Medical and Halachic side of Kidney Transplants” with donors and recipients in attendance. March 22– The annual Rabbi Dialogue, held at Temple Israel. March 26- Avi Hoffman, actor-writer-comedian celebrates Jewish culture in “A Mensch and his Musical” Tickets $36 in advance, email [email protected] to reserve, or call 487-6100, checks made out to GNS Men’s Club. May 6– Talk by Michael Tuchfeld, Commentator and correspondent Israel TV2 News—The Knesset Channel 99, co-sponsored by JPEF, publisher of the Jewish Political Chronicle. AM HASEFER Sally & Seymour Olshin Adult Ed Program presents a discussion of VOLUME II of David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica series, “Summa Metaphysica II: God and Good” at the Fischer home, 65 Bayview Ave. on Sat., March 21st at 9pm. Thurs., March 26th 7:45pm An illustrated lecture with Larry H. Schiffman, Professor and Chairman of the Skirball Dept. of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at NYU. Rebuilding the Temple: The Blueprint of the Dead Sea Scrolls. SISTERHOOD THANK YOU VERY MUCH The Sisterhood of GNS would like to thank Ruchie Axelrod for a wonderful and informative “Shabbat Kitchen” lecture. We also want to thank Jessica Schusterman for hosting this event in her beautiful home, and to Lisa Stein for organizing event. SHOP DELIGHT DISCOUNT CARDS The Sisterhood of GNS is selling VIP Shop Delight Cards for $10. The VIP cards give you 5% off every $100 you spend at Shop Delight, no expiration date. Contact Diane Rein at [email protected] GIVE OLD MAGAZINES A NEW LIFE Please drop off your current used magazines to the Synagogue office to be donated to NSUH. Please cut off labels, do not tear. HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR COOKBOOK FOR SALE The Sisterhood Gift Shop is now selling the Holocaust Survivor Cookbook for $30. It includes 250 kosher family recipes, and 129 amazing and miraculous stories of courage, survival, and hope. SAVE THE DATE GREAT NECK LADIES NIGHT OUT The 57th Annual Combined Sisterhoods will be held at Temple Beth El, Thurs. April 30th at 6pm. With award winning author Beth J. Harpaz, as our guest speaker, delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts by Lederman Caterers, a boutique, and raffle prizes! We are proud to participate in this community event, and encourage you to become an event sponsor for $36. Reservations are required! RSVP at 487-6100 or email [email protected]. We are collecting toiletry items to donate to victims of domestic violence in conjunction with the UJA. Please drop off donations in the synagogue office by April 24th.

SAVE THE DATE Drora & Paul Brody have been selected as the Eretz Yisrael Awardees at the 7th Annual Journal Dinner of Manhigut Yehudit (New Jewish Leadership) to be held on Sushan Purim, Wed. March 11th, at the Sands of Atlantic Beach. For more info please call 516-295-3222. SAVE THE DATE The NSHA Annual Scholarship Dinner, celebrating its 54th year, is on Sun. March 22nd at 5pm at the Woodbury Jewish Center honoring “our children.” To RSVP and contribute to the schools’ scholarship fund please call Mr. Arnie Flatow, Executive Director at 487-8687 ext 133.


Saturday, 11 Adar Carol Buckmann for Mayer Siegel Morris Nasser for Ezra Nasser Sunday, 12 Adar Kenneth Greenhut for Adolph Emil Greenhut Philip Hanfling for Nathan Hanfling Mel Klapper for Feivel Klapper Dina Sharifian for Yagoub Misaghi Dennis Wolf for Joyce Wolf Monday, 13 Adar Gilbert Aronowitz for Florence Aronowitz Jay Aronowitz for Florence Aronowitz Elliot Diamond for Louis Diamond David Lax for Sara Leah Lax Roselin Wagner for Yehuda Leib Prebluda Elaine Wolf for Rabbi Ephraim Wolf Tuesday, 14 Adar Marilyn Druker for Barnard Druker Wednesday, 15 Adar Miriam Bader for William Fleshel Ronald Braun for Muriel Braun Herbert Eckstein for Teddy Eckstein Sylvia Goldman for Bessie Rutenberg Benny Hakimi for Aaron Hakimi Alan Prawer for Pinchas Prawer Brenda Rosmarin for Samuel Ressler Israel Slochowsky for Morris Slochowsky Thursday, 16 Adar Frank Bachrach for Lotte Bachrach Peter Epstein for Ann Epstein Ivan Kaufman for Morris Kaufman Ellen Polakoff for Helene Pinsker Hadassah Wachstock for Frieda Kessler Friday, 17 Adar Stanley Dacher for Lena Dacher Myra Honig for Abraham Mathews David Miller for Rubin Miller

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