Shabbat Announcements, March 21, 2009

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Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei-Hachodesh Torah Artscroll, 516 Hertz, 373

March 21, 2009 18 Adar, 5769

Rabbi Frand on the Parsha

found it within their nature to scholars] and us is not their IQ or intelligence. The difference do what they were called is that they had a tremendous upon to do. drive and sense of ambition to Parshas Vayakhel know all of Torah. That is what Haftorah contains a verse The Ramban interprets the separates them from us! Artscroll, 1218 describing the people expression asher nesa'o Hertz, 1001 who came forth in the leebo, literally as "whose Mevorchim Chodesh Nisan construction of the That is the way it is in every heart lifted him up". They Rosh Chodesh endeavor in life. The people Tabernacle: "Every man had neither the training nor Thursday March 26 who have the guts and whose heart inspired him the skill but they had the Molad Thursday morning gumption to accomplish the (asher nesa'o leebo) inspiration and daring and 6:23:1am lofty goals they set out for came and everyone initiative that it took to get Times themselves are those who the job done. That is all it whose spirit motivated succeed. him brought the portion took to accomplish what Candle lighting 6:49 pm of Hashem for the work needed to be accomplished. Mincha 6:50 pm of the Tent of Meeting, More than skill, a person Someone recently lent me a Hashkama 8:00 am for all its labor and for the needs ambition. book about the Reichman Minyan sacred family. In their heyday, the vestments." [Shmos Reichmans were the biggest This Ramban is teaching us Parsha Shiur 8:30 am 35:21] real estate development that the greatest key to Youth 8:30 am company in the history of the success is not necessarily Main Minyan 9:00 am The Ramban notes that the training. It is the ambition world. Many of us are aware of the tremendous generosity of and initiative to do the Mishkan was an Beit Midrash 9:15 am the family – giving out millions something. impressive structure. Gemorah Shiur 5:40 pm and millions of dollars to However, when Moshe Tzedaka and Torah causes. Rabbeinu called forth the The Mirer Mashgiach, Rav Mincha 6:40 pm people to come Yeruchem writes similarly: "If Shabbat Ends 7:53 pm participate in its one looks at the great people How did they get started in the construction, he was construction business? in the world, if one looks at Sunday, 7:30 am taking a big chance. The those who have made March 22, 8:30 am According to the book, they people were not trained had a tile business -– the financial fortunes – most, if Mon., & Thurs 6:35 am architects or builders. not all such people achieved Olympia Tile Company. They Most of these people did their greatness thanks to Tues., Wed., & 6:45 am sold building material. One Fri., not know the difference day, they decided they needed their tremendous drive and between a hammer and a initiative." Rav Yeruchem a bigger warehouse. Second Shacharit screwdriver. However, further writes that the Minyan (Daily) 7:45 am the Ramban says that difference between the They went to several different Mincha (week of 7:00 pm somehow the people Rishonim [Medieval Jewish general contractors and gave March 22) Maftir Artscroll, 253 Hertz, 348

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei March 21

9:59/11:00 am

March 28

9:52/10:55 am

Next Shabbat - Vayikra Candle lighting

6:56 pm


7:00 pm

The Key To Success Is Initiative

Kiddush is sponsored by Great Neck Synagogue

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

their requirements for building a new warehouse. The lowest bid that came back was $120,000. Mr. Reichman thought to himself: "I bet that for $120,000 I can build a warehouse myself. I bet I can build it cheaper." At the time, he did not know the first thing about construction. He knew nothing about building. All he knew was that he believed in himself and he believed that he could build a warehouse that would meet his needs for less than $120,000. So it was. He built it for $70,000. He then said to himself, "You know -– this is not a bad business." The Reichmans started building one story warehouses. From there they moved on to multi-story buildings. One thing led to another until they became the biggest real estate development company in the world. Why? Because "nesa-o leebo". It was because of initiative. "I'll try it! I can do it."

Shabbat Announcements Vayakhel-Pekudei-Hachodesh, 5769

PASSOVER IS COMING Help those in need! Please pick up a bag from the shul And fill it with Kosher for Passover foods. Return it to either the Shul Office or Adina Moskowitz, 27 Hampshire Rd. (off Wooleys Lane) Drop off by April 1.

When Moshe asked for volunteers to build a Mishkan, people came forth willing to try and determined that they would succeed. Ambition. Initiative. Gall. These are the keys to success. Ironically, Rav Yeruchem says, when Moshe Rabbeinu –- for the best of reasons -- contained his ambition, he was punished. Rav Yeruchem is referring to the incident by the burning bush. Moshe hid his face [Shmos 3:6]. According to Rav Yehoshua ben Korcha in the Medrash, Moshe was not acting properly at that moment. Had he not hid his face then, had he had a little more "chutzpah" and ambition at that moment, G-d would have revealed all the secrets of the world to Moshe –- a desire that Moshe later had, but was denied. Such is the beauty and power of initiative and ambition.

PASSOVER SHMURAH MATZAH GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE is again pleased to serve its membership with the sale of Hand Baked SHMURAH MATZAH Pick-up for Matzah will be on Monday, April 6, 2009 Between 6:30 PM & 8:30 PM All orders must be prepaid Please make checks payable to GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE Limited supply. Please order early.  Order Form Name__________________________________________ Address________________________________________

Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbinic Intern Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Telephone (Home)_______________________________ (Bus.)__________________________________________ ___lb. Shmurah Matzah @ 18.50 per lb.___ Total Cost___________________ CHECK MUST BE INCLUDED WITH ORDER

Thursday March 26, 7:45 pm Rebuilding The Temple The Blueprint of the Dead Sea Scrolls (an illustrated lecture) given by Lawrence H. Schiffman, Professor and Chairman Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University.

The Dead Sea sectarians expected that in the war that would usher in the messianic era they would be victorious and rebuild the Jerusalem Temple according to their ideal blueprint, conducting its sacrificial ritual in a state of perfection and purity. To this end, they drew on a detailed architectural plan for a gargantuan Temple that had been designed by a priestly author earlier in the Hellenistic period. We will follow the Dead Sea sect in its failed quest to rebuild the Temple and, along the way, discover secrets of both the real Temple and the imagined sanctuary of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

March 21st 9 PM Sally and Seymour Olshin Adult Ed Program AMHASEFER Presents Summa Metaphysica II: God and Good By: David Birnbaum Am Hasefer is pleased to present a discussion of the long anticipated publication of the second volume of David Birnbaum's Summa Metaphysica series. In critically acclaimed Volume I, God and Evil (Ktav, 1989), the critics said "Birnbaum comes as close as possible to solving the awesome dilemma of evil in a world created by a just God." Birnbaum writes of "God and Good," "This is a highly intuitive work attempting to advance our speculative conjecture about the cosmos but fully comporting to our knowledge of the spectrum of various realities, across the sciences, both physical and social. The work is written within a Jewish context, but its motifs are universal. If the construct proposed herein proves to stand the test of time, mainstream Jewish philosophy and theology will comport to its contours and other belief systems will find ways to accommodate its assertions. The presentation is in memory of Dr. Seymour Olshin. Daniel Khalil, who wrote the forward and commentary, will speak, with David Birnbaum responding to questions after Khalil's presentation. The evening will take place at the Fischer (Stan & Jacquie) home, 65 Bayview Avenue, Great Neck, on Saturday, March 21, at 9 PM. See

ANNOUNCEMENTS RABBI REISMAN SATURDAY NIGHT TELECAST Weinstein Torah & Technology Center Sat., 9:30pm SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by Lisa & Michael Aryeh in memory of Morris Schultz, z”l. THANK YOU The GNS Hunger Initiative wishes to thank everyone for their food donations on Purim. We delivered over 30 bags of groceries to a local food pantry. Yasher Koach to all! UPCOMING MEN’S CLUB EVENTS March 17th, 8pm– Talk by Dr. Stu Greenstein (Professor of Surgery, Albert Einstein College of Medicine) on the “Medical and Halachic side of Kidney Transplants” with donors and recipients in attendance. March 18th 8pm- Avi Hoffman, actor-writer-comedian celebrates Jewish culture in “A Mensch and his Musical” Tickets $36 in advance, email [email protected] to reserve, or call 487-6100, checks made out to GNS Men’s Club. March 22nd 10am– The annual Rabbi Dialogue, at Temple Israel. May 6th 8pm– Talk by Michael Tuchfeld, Commentator and correspondent Israel TV2 News—The Knesset Channel 99, co-sponsored by JPEF, publisher of the Jewish Political Chronicle. CHOFETZ CHAIM GLOBAL TORAH EVENT “The Inner Meaning of the Birkas Hachamah” to be shown at GNS, on Sunday, March 22. at 5:30pm. This year on Erev Pesach, Klal Yisrael will recite the blessing of Birkas HaChamah, the blessing on the sun, which is recited only once every 28 years. Rabbi Avraham Chaim Feuer and Rabbi Paysach Krohn, will provide deep, and inspiring insights into the inner meaning of the Bracha. GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE SISTERHOOD MEETING On Wed. evening, March 18th at 8pm, there will be a meeting in the Braun Youth Center to plan upcoming Sisterhood events. We welcome everyone to attend and join in our efforts! AM HASEFER Sally & Seymour Olshin Adult Ed Program presents a discussion of VOLUME II of David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica series, “Summa Metaphysica II: God and Good” at the Fischer home, 65 Bayview Ave. on Sat., March 21st at 9pm. Thurs., March 26th 7:45pm An illustrated lecture with Larry H. Schiffman, Professor and Chairman of the Skirball Dept. of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at NYU. Rebuilding the Temple: The Blueprint of the Dead Sea Scrolls. SISTERHOOD EVENT Tuesday, March 24th at 8pm, Morah Susan Lieberman will give a Pre-Pesach shiur for women entitled “Nissan - Its Significance as the First Month of the Year.” Cost is $5/person. It will be held at the home of Margery & Barry Libin, 19 Shore Park Road. SHOP DELIGHT DISCOUNT CARDS The Sisterhood of GNS is selling VIP Shop Delight Cards for $10. The VIP cards give you 5% off every $100 you spend at Shop Delight, no expiration date. Contact Diane Rein at [email protected] HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR COOKBOOK FOR SALE The Sisterhood Gift Shop is now selling the Holocaust Survivor Cookbook for $30. It includes 250 kosher family recipes, and 129 amazing and miraculous stories of courage, survival, and hope. SAVE THE DATE GREAT NECK LADIES NIGHT OUT The 57th Annual Combined Sisterhoods will be held at Temple Beth El, Thurs. April 30th at 6pm. With award winning author Beth J. Harpaz, as our guest speaker, delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts by Lederman Caterers, a boutique, and raffle prizes! We are proud to participate in this community event, and encourage you to become an event sponsor for $36. Reservations are required! RSVP at 487-6100 or email [email protected]. We are collecting toiletry items to donate to victims of domestic violence in conjunction with the UJA. Please drop off donations in the synagogue office by April 24th. DRIVERS NEEDED Drivers are needed to deliver food for Tomchei Shabbos on Wednesday evenings. A once a month commitment is needed. Call Jeff Bilfeld at 509-0396. Earn chesed hours for school.

WITHIN OUR FAMILY Mazal Tov to Vicki & Barry Maher on the birth of a granddaughter born to their children Cheryl & Myles Maher. Mazal Tov to Hedva & Edmond Kessler on the engagement of their son Alan to Gillian Dinstein. THANK YOU Drs. Laura & Scott Danoff and family would like to thank the entire community for their outpouring of support during Stephanie’s challenging time at North Shore Hospital this past week and a half. It was encouraging to hear of all the tehillim that was read on her behalf around the area and in Israel. We would like to especially thank Dr. Ada Hass Berkowitz, Dr. Edwin Rosman, Dr. Rona Waldenberg Askowitz, Dr. Michael Nimaroff, Dr. Dana Lustbader, Dr. Jessica Jacob, and Dr. Bruce Decter for their professionalism and friendship. AN EYEWITNESS REPORT: ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK Please join Young Israel of Great Neck, Great Neck Synagogue, and UJA-Federation of New York, for a Dessert Reception, Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm at the home of Sandra & Mark Gold, 7 Beech Lane. Guest Speaker, Dr. Michael Frogel, Chief of General Pediatrics at Schneider Children’s Hospital, Coordinator, Emergency Medical Volunteers for Israel. ART EXHIBIT Joe Lemonik son of Celia & Jack Lemonik will be showing his artwork in an exhibit entitled Driven to Abstraction opening March 22nd, at Great Neck Arts Center, 113 Middle Neck Road.

SAVE THE DATE The NSHA Annual Scholarship Dinner, celebrating its 54th year, is on Sun. March 22nd at 5pm at the Woodbury Jewish Center honoring “our children.” To RSVP and contribute to the schools’ scholarship fund please call Mr. Arnie Flatow, Executive Director at 487-8687 ext 133. DOCUMENTARY Devorah Wang Etzion has produced a documentary film on the life of her father, Samuel H. Wang, z”l a jewish activist, philanthropist, and successful businessman, that will be shown on Sunday, March 22nd, 11am light brunch the screening to follow at 12pm at the North Shore Towers Cinema. For more info contact Devorah at 516-721-2851.

The family of the late Sam Aharonoff, z”l, would like to express its appreciation for all the kindness and sympathy that was shown to them during Sam’s illness and following his untimely passing. The entire community is to be commended for the dignified way they treated the family during their time of deep sorrow. Ellen Rifken, Yehuda Singer, and family would like to thank Rabbi Polakoff and the entire community for their caring and helpful support, sympathy , and kindness following the death of their mother, Marge Singer, “Aunt Marge”.


Saturday, 25 Adar Madeline Belonsky for Raymond Belonsky Paul Brody for Rose Goldsmith Jack Lipsky for Corinne Lipsky Mark Twersky for David Twersky Sunday, 26 Adar Charles Berger for William Berger Elena Berkowitz for Florita Fridman Mali Meisel for Robert Meisel Annie Mendelson for Robert Meisel Mr. & Mrs. Morton Silver for Carl Silver Monday, 27 Adar Alan Adler for Murray Adler Alan Adler for Bella Adler Leslie Kahn for Sam Krawchuk Hilda Schulman for Cantor Leibel Trainer Aaron Seligson for Hyman Seligson Lawrence Sneag for Esther Sneag Tuesday, 28 Adar Joan Katz for Frank Sadinoff Llewllyn Lillien for Frances Engelhard Richard Lillien for Frances Engelhard Yaffa Lukash for Lou Schwartz Wednesday, 29 Adar Nadine Eckstein for Lila Gittleman Sidney Halitzer for Frieda Sugarman Hilda Schulman for Cantor Eleazer Schulman Frederick Shaw for Selma Shaw Thursday, 1 Nisan Edwin Frederick for Charles Frederick Henry Katz for Erna Katz Friday, 2 Nisan Jacqueline Hott for Louis Hott Al Leiderman for Anna Leiderman

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