Shabbat Announcements March 14, 2009

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Parshat Ki-Tissa Parah Torah

Artscroll, 484 Hertz, 352 Maftir

Artscroll, 838 Hertz, 652 Haftorah

Artscroll, 1216 Hertz, 999 Times Candle lighting

6:42 pm


6:45 pm

Hashkama Minyan

8:00 am

Parsha Shiur

8:30 am


8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Gemorah Shiur

5:30 pm


6:30 pm

Shabbat Ends

7:51 pm

Sunday, March 15,

7:30 am 8:30 am

Mon., & Thurs

6:35 am

Tues., Wed., & Fri.,

6:45 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily)

7:45 am

Mincha (week of March 15)

6:50 pm

Late Ma’ariv Mon., - Thurs.,

8:15 pm

March 14, 2009 18 Adar, 5769

Rabbi Frand on the Parsha In this week's parsha, while Moshe was up on Mt. Sinai receiving the Luchos [Tablets bearing the Ten Commandments], the people became impatient waiting for his return. Aharon created the Golden Calf for them and they began worshipping it. G-d told Moshe: "Go, descend – for your nation that you have brought up from Egypt has degenerated. They have strayed QUICKLY from the way that I have commanded them; they have made themselves a molten calf, prostrated themselves to it and sacrificed to it, and they said 'This is your god, O Israel, which brought you up from the land of Egypt.'" [Shmos 32:7-8]. Rav Yeruchum Levovitz, the Mirer Mashgiach, commented on the words "They have strayed QUICKLY from the way I have commanded them". Why is it important to know, he asked, that they quickly strayed from the path? Would they be any less culpable if they had slowly strayed from the path? Rav Yeruchum Levovitz

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei March 14

10:06/11:05 am

March 21

9:59/11:00 am

Next Shabbat - VayakelPekudei-Hachodesh Candle lighting

6:49 pm


6:50 pm

explained that had they strayed slowly from the path, it wo uld be not be condoned, but it would at least be understandable. After they stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai and heard G-d speak to them directly -– the only people in the history of the world to have such an experience en masse -– it might be understandable if one or two or three years after that great event, the experience had begun to dissipate from their collective memories. This is the nature of human beings. We forget. Even major events in our lives become hazy in our memories as time goes on. Eventually they wear off. The situation here was quite a different story. They heard "I am the L- rd your G-d" on the sixth of Sivan. The events with the Golden Calf happened on the seventeenth of Tamuz –less than six weeks later! If in 40 days, one can go from the experience of Revelation at Mt. Sinai to the making of a Golden Calf, unfortunately the timing brings into question the whole sincerity of their acceptance of the Torah and their declaration of "We will do and we will listen." It is always somewhat depressing to me to see how

Kiddush is sponsored by

John Santo and K-Roasters in appreciation of

Great Neck Synagogue’s members’ support, And with Mazal Tov Wishes to

Rabbi & Ellen Polakoff On the marriage of

Ilana to Shlomo Barry

short a time it takes –- in myself and in others –- for Yom Kippur to "wear off". We can reach a very high level on Yom Kippur. We spend the whole day in shul and reach a level of spirituality that we do not attain the whole year. How long does it last? Chazal quote the pasuk [verse] written in connection with taking the Four Species on Succos: "And you shall take for yourselves on the first day..." [Vayikra 23:40]. Chazal say it is called the "first day" because Succos is the first day in which Yom Kippur wears off, so to speak, and one might begin to sin again. Some people "avoid the rush". Why wait until Succos? I remember from my youth –- and there are still such places today -– where the Rabbi had to get up after Neilah and urge the people to Daven Ma'ariv after Yom Kippur and not run out as soon as the shofar was blown! Granted, these might have been the "3 day a year Jews", but even they should have acted differently. In the Ma'ariv shmoneh esray after Yom Kippur we recite, "Selach lanu, mechal lanu..." [forgive us] as we do in every weekday Amidah. But we should ask -– what could we have done since Yom Kippur ended

Seudah Shlishit Is sponsored by Lily & Gary Chubak in memory of his mother Ida, and by

Roya and Ben Shavolian In memory of his mother Hoori And by

Charlotte and perry Schneider in memory of his father Phillip

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

Shabbat Announcements Ki Tissa, Parah, 5769

and atoned for our sins that we have to ask for forgiveness again?

special quality. But now when we are about to lose them, we finally begin to appreciate them.

If we "leave so quickly" from the path of the commandments that we were given, what does that say about the impact of the "spiritually elevating experience" that we ostensibly just went through? This is the emphasis of the word "quickly" in the previously quoted pasuk. It is only the 17th day of Tamuz. It is not even a year! It is not even a quarter! It is just a little over a month! This was a terrible indictment of the Jewish people and it is an indictment of us if after a Yom Kippur or another spiritually moving experience, we move back on the next day to "business as usual".

We know this is so true. When we have someone we love and appreciate, it is often not until we are close to losing him or her that we appreciate what he or she was to us all along. If one has ever had the experience of having a child who was very sick and then recovered from an illness, one knows that the kiss he gives that child before they go to sleep at night is a different kiss than he used to give the child before the child got sick. If someone, G-d Forbid, comes close to losing that precious little child, the child becomes even more important to them.

The Torah Describes The Luchos' Uniqueness When They Are Being Destroyed The pasukim in our parsha read as follows: "Moses turned and descended from the mountain, with the two the Luchos in his hand, Luchos inscribed on both of their surfaces; they were inscribed on one side and on the other. The Luchos are the work of G-d and the script was the script of G- d, etched on the Luchos." [Shmos 32:15-16]. The Torah explains these Luchos. They were the most unique item in all of creation! They were something written by the Hand of G-d. What does Moshe Rabbeinu do? He takes the Luchos and he breaks them! The Shemen HaTov by Rabbi Dov Weinberger makes a very interesting observation. Is this the place to describe the Luchos? The proper place to describe them would have been earlier in the narrative, when they were first given to Moshe [Shmos 31:1]. Why now -– as they are being broken –- does the Torah first go into the detail describing how unique these Luchos were? The simple interpretation is that the Torah is emphasizi ng – DESPITE the fact that the Luchos were so special and so unique, NEVERTHELESS Moshe broke them. The Shemen HaTov gives a different insight, which is a very true commentary about life in general. We rarely appreciate what we have while we have it. Only when we are about to lose something do we first appreciate what we had. Earlier, when Moshe was first given the Luchos, we thought that they were ours and that we would have them until the end of time. We hardly noticed their

That is the way people are. We only appreciate things in their absence. That is why the pasuk only emphasizes the unique characteristics of the Luchos here, at the time of their destruction.

PASSOVER SHMURAH MATZAH GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE is again pleased to serve its membership with the sale of Hand Baked SHMURAH MATZAH Pick-up for Matzah will be on Monday, April 6, 2009 Between 6:30 PM & 8:30 PM All orders must be prepaid Please make checks payable to GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE Limited supply. Please order early.  Order Form Name__________________________________________ Address________________________________________

Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbinic Intern Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Telephone (Home)_______________________________ (Bus.)__________________________________________ ___lb. Shmurah Matzah @ 18.50 per lb.___ Total Cost___________________ CHECK MUST BE INCLUDED WITH ORDER

Great Neck Synagogue Men’s Club Live Kidney Organ DonationAm I My Brother’s Keeper? The Jewish Perspective Tuesday, March 17, 2009 8:00 P.M. Great Neck Synagogue Please join us for an inspiring evening of hope and education about living kidney donation and transplantation. Speakers will cover the topics of: • •

Live Donation and Halacha

the experience of donating and receiving

the shortage of organs and the need for live donation

“Renewal”, a program that aids in finding living donors for those in need of a kidney transplant Speakers will include:

Dr. Stuart Greenstein - Transplant Surgeon, Montefiore Medical Center Rabbi Steven Moskowitz - Living unrelated kidney donor Allen Septimus - Live unrelated kidney recipient Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz - Renewal Program Rabbi Dale Polakoff - Halachic Issues *Question and answer period will follow*

PASSOVER IS COMING Help those in need! Please pick up a bag from the shul on Purim And fill it with Kosher for Passover foods. Return it to either the Shul Office or Adina Moskowitz, 27 Hampshire Rd. (off Wooleys Lane) Drop off by April 1.


RABBI REISMAN SATURDAY NIGHT TELECAST Weinstein Torah & Technology Center Sat., 9:30pm

Mazal Tov to Judy & Martin Hoffman on the engagement of their son Rabbi Evan to Sarah Kuczynski of Miami Beach/Cedarhurst. Mazal Tov to Samantha Hollander & Ilana Pomerantz for receiving SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by Carol Buckmann in memory of her Certificates of Commendation from Great Neck Board of Education and Great Neck North High School. husband Mayer Siegel.

COMBINED SISTERHOOD MEETING SAVE THE DATE Wed. March 11th at 10am, there will be a meeting at Temple Beth El to Drora & Paul Brody have been selected as the Eretz Yisrael Awardees plan the Combined Sisterhood Luncheon. Please mark your calendar at the 7th Annual Journal Dinner of Manhigut Yehudit (New Jewish and come participate! Thank you! Leadership) to be held on Sushan Purim, Wed. March 11th, at the Sands of Atlantic Beach. For more info please call 516-295-3222. GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE SISTERHOOD MEETING On Wed. evening, March 18th at 8pm, there will be a meeting in the AN EYEWITNESS REPORT: ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK Braun Youth Center to plan upcoming Sisterhood events. We welcome Please join Young Israel of Great Neck, Great Neck Synagogue, and UJAeveryone to attend and join in our efforts! Federation of New York, for a Dessert Reception, Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm at the home of Sandra & Mark Gold, 7 Beech Lane. Guest UPCOMING MEN’S CLUB EVENTS Speaker, Dr. Michael Frogel, Chief of General Pediatrics at Schneider March 17– Talk by Dr. Stu Greenstein (Professor of Surgery, Albert Children’s Hospital, Coordinator, Emergency Medical Volunteers for Israel. Einstein College of Medicine) on the “Medical and Halachic side of Kidney Transplants” with donors and recipients in attendance. ART EXHIBIT March 18- Avi Hoffman, actor-writer-comedian celebrates Jewish Joe Lemonik son of Celia & Jack Lemonik will be showing his culture in “A Mensch and his Musical” Tickets $36 in advance, email [email protected] to reserve, or call 487-6100, checks made artwork in an exhibit entitled Driven to Abstraction opening March 22nd, at Great Neck Arts Center, 113 Middle Neck Road. out to GNS Men’s Club. March 22– The annual Rabbi Dialogue, held at Temple Israel. May 6– Talk by Michael Tuchfeld, Commentator and correspondent Israel TV2 News—The Knesset Channel 99, co-sponsored by JPEF, publisher of the Jewish Political Chronicle. AM HASEFER Sally & Seymour Olshin Adult Ed Program presents a discussion of VOLUME II of David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica series, “Summa Metaphysica II: God and Good” at the Fischer home, 65 Bayview Ave. on Sat., March 21st at 9pm. Thurs., March 26th 7:45pm An illustrated lecture with Larry H. Schiffman, Professor and Chairman of the Skirball Dept. of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at NYU. Rebuilding the Temple: The Blueprint of the Dead Sea Scrolls. SISTERHOOD EVENT Tuesday, March 24th at 8pm, Morah Susan Lieberman will give a Pre-Pesach shiur for women entitled “Nissan - Its Significance as the First Month of the Year.” Cost is $5/person. It will be held at the home of Margery & Barry Libin, 19 Shore Park Road.

SAVE THE DATE The NSHA Annual Scholarship Dinner, celebrating its 54th year, is on Sun. March 22nd at 5pm at the Woodbury Jewish Center honoring “our children.” To RSVP and contribute to the schools’ scholarship fund please call Mr. Arnie Flatow, Executive Director at 487-8687 ext 133. DOCUMENTARY Devorah Wang Etzion has produced a documentary film on the life of her father, Samuel H. Wang, z”l a jewish activist, philanthropist, and successful businessman, that will be shown on Sunday, March 22nd, 11am light brunch the screening to follow at 12pm at the North Shore Towers Cinema. RSVP by March 11th to Devorah at 516-721-2851. SAVE THE DATE 2nd Annual “Koby Memorial Day Baseball Game,” for the benefit of Camp Koby and the victims of terrorism: Monday May 25, 2009 3 games: ages: 6-12; 13-18; and 19 and up! See Barry Libin for details.

SHOP DELIGHT DISCOUNT CARDS The Sisterhood of GNS is selling VIP Shop Delight Cards for $10. The VIP cards give you 5% off every $100 you spend at Shop Delight, no expiration date. Contact Diane Rein at [email protected] GIVE OLD MAGAZINES A NEW LIFE Please drop off your current used magazines to the Synagogue office to be donated to NSUH. Please cut off labels, do not tear. HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR COOKBOOK FOR SALE The Sisterhood Gift Shop is now selling the Holocaust Survivor Cookbook for $30. It includes 250 kosher family recipes, and 129 amazing and miraculous stories of courage, survival, and hope. SAVE THE DATE GREAT NECK LADIES NIGHT OUT The 57th Annual Combined Sisterhoods will be held at Temple Beth El, Thurs. April 30th at 6pm. With award winning author Beth J. Harpaz, as our guest speaker, delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts by Lederman Caterers, a boutique, and raffle prizes! We are proud to participate in this community event, and encourage you to become an event sponsor for $36. Reservations are required! RSVP at 487-6100 or email [email protected]. We are collecting toiletry items to donate to victims of domestic violence in conjunction with the UJA. Please drop off donations in the synagogue office by April 24th. GMACH Due to space limitations, we are now only accepting donations of Wedding Gowns in excellent condition, vintage or new, so we can help others less fortunate to make this special time in their life easier and even more joyful! For more information please contact Cindy Gold at 482-9064 or [email protected].


Saturday, 18 Adar Murray Frank for Yetta Frank Edwin Frederick for Bertha Frederick Ben Shavolian for Hoori Shavolian Mervin Verbit for Yetta Verbit Sunday, 19 Adar Brenda Parver for Sol Altman Monday, 20 Adar Meryl Friedman for Hyman Karten Stuart Kaufman for Dora Schwartz Carol Loewenstein for Anna Adamsky Mali Meisel for Samuel Maultasch David Wagner for Rose Wagner Tuesday, 21 Adar Gilbert Aronowitz for Isidore Luchansky Rhona Lanzkowsky for Simon Chiat Llewllyn Lillien for Lena Berkowitz Rita Miller for Pearl Kurtz Tricia Moslin for Estelle Solomon Judy Weinstein for Edward Eichenhorn Wednesday, 22 Adar Perry Schneider for Phillip Schneider Thursday, 23 Adar Gary Chubak for Ida Chubak Cindy Hodkin for Bernard Korman Roslyn Korman for Bernard Korman Elaine Miller for Ethel Grant Raphael Shaya for David Shaya Friday, 24 Adar Mel Klapper for Masha Klapper Lewllyn Lillien for Israel Lillien Cindy Ludwig for Alvin Gelber Phyllis Miller for Alfred Miller Myra Sutin for Harry Joffe

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