Shabbat Announcements, August 29, 2009

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Parsha KiTeitzei

Torah Artscroll, 1046 Hertz, 840 Haftorah Artscroll, 1201 Hertz, 857 Times Candle lighting

7:15 pm


7:00 pm


8:00 am


8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Gemorah Shiur

6:05 pm


7:05 pm

Shabbat Ends

8:21 pm

Sunday, 8/30

7:30 /8:30am

Mon., Thurs.,

6:35 am

Tues., Wed., Fri.,

6:45 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily) Mincha (week of August 30th)

7:45 am 7:05 pm

August 29, 2009 9 Elul, 5769

Rabbi Frand Thoughts on the Parsha This week's parsha contains within it the very peculiar mitzvah of the wayward and rebellious son. The requirements for achieving the status of a bona fide "ben sorer u'moreh" are staggering. The Talmud [Sanhedrin Chapter 8] teaches that the window of time in which a son can become a ben sorer u'moreh is very short. He has to steal a certain amount of meat and drink a certain amount of wine. The Talmud infers from pasukim [verses] that the parents have to have the same height and appearance and even the same tone of voice.

never happened and never will happen. Why then were the laws given? So that we may expound it and get reward." [Sanhedrin 71a]

Rabbi Yisrael Salanter (in the Sefer Or Yisrael) wonders about the meaning of this statement. After all, he argues, is the Torah not big enough without this set of laws to provide enough material to learn, expound upon, and gain the reward of Torah study? Rav Yisrael says that a person could live for 1000 years and still not exhaust the potential for deriving reward from Torah study –- even excluding the four pasukim in Parshas Ki Seitzei and the 7 folios Because of these in tractate Sanhedrin myriad requirements, dealing with the the Gemara states: Wayward and "Ben sorer u'moreh Rebellious son.

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei August 29

9:32/10:41 am

September 5

9:39/10:44 am

Next Shabbat – Candle lighting

7:04 pm


7:00 pm

Kiddush is sponsored by Great Neck Synagogue

Flowers in the Beit Midrash are sponsored by Amy & Martin Griffel In honor of Mel Fox’s 70th Anniversary Bar Mitzvah

He therefore concludes that the chapter of Ben Sorer U'Moreh indeed teaches us a unique and profound lesson: Learning for learning's sake alone, without any application to the "real world" whatsoever, is worthwhile in and of itself. Certainly, the purpose of learning is to bring one to action and there is value in being "results oriented". However Reb Yisrael teaches us that we should not think that the whole point of learning is to know "what to do". Even if something will never be practically relevant, there is still value in just learning the Word of G-d. There are other esoteric areas of Halacha that may not be relevant in our time and that may, most likely, not be relevant in any time, for the overwhelming number of people. However, all Seudah Shlishit Is sponsored by Addie & Avram Markowitz In memory of her mother Marcia Perlman And his father Dr. Bernard Markowitz

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

Shabbat Announcements Parshat KiTeitze 5769

other areas of Torah are at least at some time theoretically relevant. But the Torah found it necessary to give at least one Halacha where one could be absolutely sure that it would never be relevant. No one will ever tell an Orthodox Rabbi "I have a ben Sorer U'Moreh shaylah (query) for you!" It will never happen!

whether they remember it or not. The act of Torah study is important, in and of itself, regardless of the ability to recall it later.

The Mishneh [Avos 4:20] states in the name of Elisha ben Avuyah that when one learns as a child, he is like ink written on fresh paper, but when one learns when he is old, it is like ink written on paper that has been erased.

Rabbeinu Yona cites the parable of a homeowner who hired two workers. He gave them each a bucket instructing them to go to the stream and to fill up the buckets with water and to then fill up a nearby pool from the buckets. The homeowner paid the workers by the hour. The workers however noticed that their buckets had holes in them and that they were not able to retain the water.

This is not to advocate the approach: Just learn, don't even try to remember it; do not even review your lesson. Heaven forbid. We must try to remember what we learn and we need to review The point the Torah is trying to make is: Learn what we have learned in the past. But on the other hand, a person should not let himself it anyway. The lesson to be derived is the become depressed or frustrated over the fact lesson of Torah learning. The intrinsic purpose of Torah learning is to study the word that he can no longer learn with the sharpness or the clear recollection that he once had. Even of G-d. Its benefit is not dependent on taking that into account, learning Torah is still practical application. more valuable than anything else he might ever do. Torah Students Get "Paid By The Hour"

This is a terribly depressing Mishneh. Unfortunately, there comes a time when we start having "senior moments". There comes a time when learning is no longer the same as it was when we were younger. What is Elisha ben Avuyah telling us? Is he saying that it is all over after age 40, 50, or 60?

One of the workers stopped trying and said – "what am I accomplishing?" The other worker told him "What do you care? We are getting paid by the hour!" The lesson, Rabbeinu Yona says, is that we are getting paid for our Torah learning Rabbeinu Yonah in Avos makes a powerful statement: A person should not say "I am like "by the hour". True, we might get paid more for remembering, but ultimately, we get reward a dried out tree," since Torah no longer whether our brain retains what we pass through remains fresh in my hand. One should not have the attitude "why should I study?" or "for it or not. what purpose should I toil?" Rabbeinu Yona says that people get reward for the effort and The Sefer Moser Derech notes that in the month of Elul, approaching the High Holidays, our toil and should not become depressed merits are being carefully weighed. People Great Neck Synagogue therefore try to "pile on" meritorious actions Shabbat Activities Program during this time. He cites the calculation of the Chofetz Chaim that the average person speaks Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi 200 words a minute and therefore claims that a Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus person who learns Torah gets 200 mitzvahs per Zeev Kron, Cantor minute! What else can one do that gives him that Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director kind of reward? In a matter of a few minutes a Howard Silberstein, President person can credit himself with hundreds and Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board hundreds of mitzvos!

Let’s Bring the Sweetness of Rosh Hashana to Those Less Fortunate than Ourselves! We are kicking off the second annual Great Neck Synagogue “Pass it Forward” program, designed as part of The Hunger Initiative. The goal of the program is provide needy families with food for Yom Tov and, as developed, this program presents each of us with an opportunity to help. Last year was a resounding success; the community provided almost 500 meals to those in need. We have volunteers deliver prepared food donated by the community to needy families and food pantries for distribution to those who would otherwise not have a Rosh Hashana meal. The identity of donors and recipients are anonymous, consistent with Maimonides principles of Tzedakah. This is how you can make a difference:

If you have a kosher kitchen (which means separate pots, dishes and utensils for meat and dairy and, of course, use only certified Kosher ingredients), please make doubles of something while preparing your Yom Tov meal. You can make anything – fish, chicken vegetables, meat, and dessert – or everything! (Please do not use nuts or nut oils). Then, pack your prepared food in containers which will serve 6- 8 people and deliver it to Cindy Hodkin, 18 Birchwood Lane on Wednesday September 16, 2009 between the hours of 4 and 7 pm. (NO DONATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 7pm) All food MUST be delivered either cold or frozen and well wrapped or packaged either in containers or well wrapped foil pans. (Please do not bring food in zip loc bags). (If you wish to start cooking soup and freezing it to donate to us, containers for the soup will be available in the synagogue office). Please attach a label to your food donation indicated what it is, i.e. chicken, kugel, etc. If you do not have a kosher kitchen or are not cooking for Yom Tov, you can purchase food and deliver it to 18 Birchwood Lane on Wednesday Sept 16th, between 4-7 pm. Please call or e-mail Cindy Hodkin at [email protected] or 516 482-7771 or 516 317-9632(cell) (before 9pm please!) When you have an idea of what you are going to prepare or buy and how many people it will serve. This is important in order to enable us to determine how many recipients we can feed. If the two previous options are not feasible, you can make a donation to the Hunger Initiative Program which will be utilized to implement this program and provide food to the hungry. Any amount will help a lot! If you would like to volunteer on WEDNESDAY, SEPT 16TH, please contact Cindy Hodkin. We need drivers to deliver food, help packing, organizing, you name it between the hours of 4-8 pm; an hour or two would be much appreciated. We welcome the participation of volunteers of all ages; including high school and middle school students (community service hours will be earned!)

We have food safety guidelines available in the Great Neck Synagogue office or on the GNS website. Please feel free to call with any questions. Thank you for your cooperation and hoping we all participate in this Mitzvah! Cindy Hodkin Chair Of Pass It Forward Margery Libin, Nechama Liss- Levinson Chairs, GNS Hunger Initiative

ANNOUNCEMENTS YOM KIPPUR APPEAL The Great Neck Synagogue will be starting its Yom Kippur Appeal shortly. Volunteers will be contacting you for your pledges. Please respond generously as you have in previous years. The Yom Kippur appeal is our main fundraiser of the year and your help is needed. Thank you. HIGH HOLIDAYS Please return your seating forms and your outstanding balances to the shul office ASAP to assure seating for the holidays. SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by Gil Aronowitz in memory of his father Joseph Aronowitz z”l. THANK YOU VERY MUCH We thank the following families for being sponsors of the Summer Learning Program: Lorraine & Harold Domnitch, Alisa & Michael Hoenig, Phyllis & Arthur Kirsch, Tina & Philip Machnikoff, Ruth & Milton Mitzner, Sonia & Sam Movsas, Hadassah & Jack Wachstock FEEDING THE HUNGRY To help feed those who have no food for Shabbat, a cooler will be set up on Fridays only, between 11 am and 1 pm outside the front door of the home of Morris & Cindy Hodkin, 18 Birchwood Lane, Great Neck, 11024. Please put your well wrapped food in the cooler between these hours ONLY. This food will be picked up and delivered to those areas where it will be needed. *The cooler will NOT be available for Shabbos food drop off at the Hodkin residence on Friday, August 28th. It will resume the following Friday, September 4th. PASS IT FORWARD Volunteers needed for Rosh Hashana Pass it Forward for Wednesday September 16th, between 2:30 and 7pm to build and pack boxes, greet volunteers dropping off food, and deliver food to those in need. Please email Cindy Hodkin [email protected] or Nechama LissLevinson at [email protected] with your name, email, phone # and time you are available. The committee would like to thank the Lillien Family for donating containers for the food drive. A limited number of quart soup containers will be available in the synagogue office next week for those preparing soup for the Rosh Hashanah Pass It Forward Program. GREAT NECK SCHOLARS KOLLEL The second year of the Scholars Kollel has begun. Davening at 7:45am followed by classes that begin at 8:30 am. To enroll please see Steve Zuckerman. USHERS WANTED Volunteers are needed to assist as ushers on Shabbat and on the High Holidays. Please contact Richard Lillien or call the shul office to help out. SCOPE Volunteers are needed to solicit advertisers for SCOPE. Please contact Diane Rein or Andy Allen. NEW YEAR CARDS 5770 Sisterhood now has a new line of Rosh Hashanah cards available. The sample book is now in the shul office and available online at For more info contact Vivian Kron 498-9191 or [email protected]. GNS MEN’S CLUB The Annual Sukkah Luncheon will be held on the 2nd day of Sukkot, Sunday, October 4th, in the Synagogue’s Sukkah. A guest speaker (tba), a delicious lunch, and counselors to supervise the children will be provided. The charge is $36 per adult, $18 for children ages 6-16, and no charge for kids under 5. Contact Al Leiderman482-0628, Dave Wagner 487-9795, Hilly Milun 504-0320. Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv vs New York Knicks at MSG Sun. Oct 18th, at 1pm. All proceeds are donated to Migdal Ohr. Mid-court tickets at $105 each. Tickets are now available on a first come basis. For tickets call Steve Blumner 487-3859, Hilly Milun 504-0320, or Paul Brody 466-5412

WITHIN OUR FAMILY Mazal Tov to Sharon & Akiva Fishman on the birth of their daughter Joelle Lila. Mazal Tov to Susan & Irwin Lieberman on the recent marriage of their son Avi to Esther Orlofsky in Jerusalem. Mazal Tov to Cheryl & Lawrence Sneag on the engagement of their son Darryl to Jennifer Wertman, from Brooklyn, NY.

EIRUV EMERGENCY Once a year, we ask each family in the community for a suggested donation of $100 to help us continue to maintain the Eiruv. It is necessary for all of the families living within the Eiruv to send in this taxdeductible contribution for the continued upkeep of our Eiruv. You can either send your check made out to the “Eiruv Association of Great Neck” to our synagogue office or to the following address: Eiruv Association of Great Neck, c/o Ronald Malen, 24 Old Pond Road, Great Neck, NY 11023. SAM AHARONOFF MEMORIAL SHIVTEI TORAH CAMPAIGN The Siyum will take place on Sun., Nov. 22nd, the Yahrzeit weekend of Sam Aharonoff z”l. All proceeds will support the Sam Aharonoff Memorial Scholarship Fund to help offset tuition costs for dozens of needy students. To participate in the campaign or for more info:, or call Arnie Flatow 487-8687 ext 2.

GNS TALMUD TORAH SCHEDULE FALL 2009-2010 Grades 2-3 on Tuesdays, and Thursdays, from 4:30-5:30pm. Grades 4-5 on Tuesdays, and Thursdays, from 5:30-6:30pm. Grades 6-8 Tuesdays, from 6:30-7:30pm and Sunday, from 10:30-11:30am. High School students on Tuesdays, from 7:30-8:30pm. Please call the synagogue office to register at 487-6100. 6-8th Grade, and 9-12th Grade classes, and monthly lecture series on Jewish Philosophy for HS students given by Rabbi Steve Moskowitz, 2-5th grade classes taught by Joseph Shore.


Saturday, 9 Elul Judith Edelstein for Rabbi Daniel Lewin Doris Katz for Jerome Katz Jonas Steigman for Dovid Steigman Phyllis Weinberg for Jack Herschkowitz Sunday, 10 Elul Gilbert Aronowitz for Joseph Aronowitz Anita Beretz for Joseph Levi Sharyn Edelman for Philip Steinberg Evelyn Henis for Marshall Henis Avraham Markowitz for Bernard Markowitz Alan Steinberg for Philip Steinberg Myra Sutin for Gerald Sutin Monday, 11 Elul Gloria Faizakoff for Rose Cohen Felix Glaubach for Ethel Glaubach Jerome Goodman for Florence Goodman Larry Horn for Irene Horn Jacqueline Hott for Morris Rose Tuesday, 12 Elul Jeffrey Freedman for Ettie Freedman Sharon Goldwyn for Solomon Goldwyn Ernest Herman for Louis Herman Elaine Miller for Harry Grant Ellen Siegel for Anna Givner Wednesday, 13 Elul Esther Ambalu for Babajan Yoav Vardi Meredith Bachrach for Maureen Shapiro Serge Fischler for Abraham Fischler Ebrahim Gabbaizadeh for Tova Gabbaizadeh Leslie Kahn for Fanny Eisman Liza Vardi for Babajam Yoav Vardi Thursday, 14 Elul Harriet Frederick for Erwin Sillem Edith Lubin for Harry Feigenbaum Elaine Wolf for Sidney Miller Friday, 15 Elul Lillian Leiderman for Rebecca Tillem

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