Shabbat Announcements, August 1, 2009

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Parshat Vaetchanan

August 1, 2009 11 Av, 5769

Thoughts on Tish B’Av from Torah Artscroll, 958 Hertz, 755 Haftorah Artscroll, 1196 Hertz, 776 Aufruf Jared Friedman

By Rabbi Jason Gelber The Talmud teaches that the first Tisha B'Av of history was the seed from which all future national tragedies would develop. As Jewish history unfolded, numerous cataclysmic events befell the Jewish people with the same eerie timing -- Tisha B'Av -- as if the day itself was hardwired for disaster.

Times Thursday 7/30, Tisha B’Av See schedule page 2 Candle lighting

7:53 pm


7:00 pm


8:00 am


8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Gemorah Shiur

6:45 pm


7:45 pm

Shabbat Ends

9:00 pm

Sunday, 8/2

7:30 /8:30am

Mon., Thurs.,

6:35 am

Tues., Wed. Fri.

6:45 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily)

7:45 am

Mincha (week of August 2nd)

7:50 pm

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei August 1

9:26/10:37 am

August 8

9:29/10:39 am

Next Shabbat –Ekev Candle lighting

7:45 pm


7:00 pm

But why? What did our ancestors do to justify this day of mourning for generations to come? The Talmud says it was the Sin of the Spies (Meraglim in Hebrew). After Moses had led the Jews out of Egypt and into the desert, they sent spies to check out the Promised Land. The spies returned with a dismal and disheartening report: "We cannot go up to the people... They are too strong for us" (Numbers 13:31). Upon hearing the spies' words, the Jewish people wailed a collective cry, and with that cry, the Almighty sealed their fate for generations, saying that since today you "cried for

nothing, on this same date in the future you will truly have something to cry for." That day was Tisha B'Av. But what was so terrible about the Jewish people's reaction that warranted such a harsh decree?

style of coffeehouses he'd seen in Italy. But the three original owners of Starbucks weren't interested in expanding -- they were very happy with their business, just the way it was.

After opening his own coffeehouse, which was an instant success, Schultz finally bought out Starbucks for $3.8 million. The In all areas of human achievement, the next peak can rest is history. only be scaled by letting go of What if we could go back in time the sure-footedness of the ground beneath. Greatness, by and pretend that Mr. Schultz had definition, requires risk. Risk of acted differently. How would failure, risk of losing that which things be different had Schultz we've gained, risk of having less decided to act more conservatively? After all, he had a comfort, less certainty, less stable, well-paying job in an security. established company. Perhaps it was just a bit too risky to go crossThe three original owners of Starbucks weren't interested in country with a coffeehouse idea? Perhaps it was more prudent to expanding. keep his steady day job and forego the enormous loans We all know about the billionnecessary to start up a new dollar corporation created by venture. Schultz had a sure thing Howard Schultz called at Hammarplast, but Starbucks Starbucks. But before Mr. nationwide was a big question Schultz was Mr. Starbucks, he mark. was the vice president of Hammarplast, a Swedish manufacturer of kitchen wares. What if Schultz had decided not to leave his comfort zone and One fateful day, Schultz traveled to Seattle to meet with venture into the unknown? He would probably still be sitting clients who were purchasing a behind his desk at Hammarplast, specific type of coffee-grinder from his company. Schultz was never having created the Starbucks global empire with so impressed with the coffeehouse he saw, he wanted 16,600-plus stores worldwide and to take it across America, in the $10 billion in annual revenue.

Kiddush is sponsored by Meryl & Mark Friedman In honor of the upcoming marriage of their son Jared to Serah Gutman

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

The great tragedy of Tisha B'Av is how the spies robbed us of the staggering potential for greatness. The Hebrew word for word "spies" -- Meraglim -- comes from the root word ragil, which means to habituate oneself, to become accustomed to. The meraglim put too much value on the habit and predictability of life. They weren't prepared to expand their worldview to include that which was unknown, unpredictable, uncertain. Life in the desert was comfortable -- manna rained down from the heavens for daily nourishment, Moses was there to guide and lead the people, the Clouds of Glory protected the Jewish people from all forms of external danger. There was security and predictability. Life in the Holy Land was far less predictable. Would the land yield of its fruit? Would the Jews be able to conquer their enemies? Would they have competent leaders to guide them? Any path of opportunity carries a commensurate risk. Beyond the spies having slandered the land, and the lack of faith evident in the Jews accepting the negative report, there is something even more tragic: the tragedy of complacency. The fear of risking comfort for potential greatness. Entering the Land of Israel was a risk, but it was the path laid out for the Jewish people to reach exponential growth. Like any path of opportunity, it carried commensurate risk -- a risk that our ancestors weren't ready to take. We are all drawn to the familiar, the secure, the habits and routines of everyday life. And we sometimes squander new opportunities since it's scary to take a risk for the sake of the unknown. We become complacent and forget that we are here in this world to achieve something -- not just to come out with as few bumps as possible. Greatness is within every human's grasp. The loss of this opportunity is what we are mourning on Tisha B'Av. And that same day, we have the opportunity to affect a repair: to step outside of our comfort zone... and take our grandest ideas nationwide.

Shabbat Announcements Parshat Vaetchanan, 5769


Wednesday Schedule Mincha 7:30 pm Seudah Mafseket: Rolls and hard boiled eggs Fast Begins: Maariv, Eicha & Kinot :

8:13 pm 8:15 pm

Thursday Schedule First Shacharit: - with kinot until 8:15am

6:00 am

Second Shacharit: - with kinot until 11:30am

8:30 am

Shiurim on Tisha B'Av Rabbi Polakoff Rabbi Axelrod

11:30 – 12:00 pm 12:00 – 12:30 pm

Shiurim broadcast in the Weinstein Torah and Technology Center OU Videos l 12:30 – 1:35 pm Rabbi Steven Weil: “The Death of the Righteous: The Tragedy of the Deaths of Yoshiyahu HaMelech, The Children of Rabbi Yishmael, and the Ten Martyrs” Mincha

1:45 pm

OU Video 2:15 pm Rabbi Tzvi Weinreb: “My Shoulders, Your Shoulders, Our Shoulders” Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky “From Galus to Geulah” Shaimot burial

6:00 pm

Chofetz Chaim Video 6:15 pm Rabbi Yissocher Frand “Heeding the Call: What Are Our Trying Times Telling Us?” Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

2nd Mincha

7:45 pm


8:35 pm

Fast ends

8:51 pm

great neck synagogue ROSH HASHANA IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!! Although there are still many days of summer left, Rosh HaShana will be here before we know it. Order your New Year’s Greeting for the High Holy Days issue of SCOPE now.

Greetings are priced as follows: SCOPE SPONSORSHIP*

$36.00 One line greeting

$180.00 for Quarter page

If you enjoy reading SCOPE, please become a SCOPE sponsor. Your name will appear in each edition that you sponsor. You may sponsor in honor or in memory of a loved one.

$275.00 for Half page

$36 per issue___ $100 for one year (3 issues)____

$100.00 for Business card size


$400 for Full page


$100 for one year sponsorship*

Text____________________________ ________________________________

Deadline: August 3, 2009 Make checks payable to: Great Neck Synagogue, 26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, N.Y. 11023

Please fill out and return to office: Name_______________________ Address_____________________ Ad Size_____________________

Phone #_________________________ Amount enclosed $_______________

Text of Greeting _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

ANNOUNCEMENTS FEEDING THE HUNGRY To help feed those who have no food for Shabbat, a cooler will be set up on Fridays only, between 11am and 1 pm outside the front door of the home of Morris & Cindy Hodkin, 18 Birchwood Lane, Great Neck, 11024 Please put your well wrapped food in the cooler between these hours ONLY. This food will be picked up and delivered to those areas where it will be needed.

SCOPE MAGAZINE The deadline for the Rosh Hashanah Scope Magazine is Monday, August 3rd for all advertisements, articles, photos and New Year Greetings. We strongly encourage you to be a Scope Sponsor in honor or in memory of a loved one for $36 an issue or $100 for 3 issues (Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, and Pesach) Please email all submissions to [email protected]. HIGH SCHOOL PIRKEI AVOS CLASS There will be a Pirkei Avos shiur for High School students every shabbos afternoon approx. 40 minutes before mincha given by Cary Schwechter in the GNS Youth Center. SAT TRAINING July and August, 6-7:30pm at GNS given by David Rabinowitz. Mondays: Math, Tuesdays: Verbal, Wednesdays: Writing, Thursdays: Misc. review of material from the previous three days. For more info call 998-6621. DOS YIDDISH VORT Enjoy a cool summer afternoon with stories, conversation, songs, and a glayzele tray at Dos Yiddish Vort on Wednesday, August 12th at 1:30pm. All are welcome. For more information call Roz Wagner 487-9795 GNS WELCOMES NEW MEMBER Great Neck Synagogue warmly welcomes our new members Todd and Amy Langert IMPORTANT SISTERHOOD ELECTIONS MEETING On Tuesday evening, October 13th at 8:00pm in the Braun Youth Center the Sisterhood will be having its bi-annual election of officers and trustees. We strongly encourage everyone to attend this meeting and nominate yourself or someone else for a position. Also please join us and help plan the activities for the upcoming year. Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv vs New York Knicks at MSG Sun. Oct 18th, at 1pm. All proceeds are donated to Migdal Ohr. Mid-court tickets at $105 each. Tickets are now available on a first come basis. For tickets call Steve Blumner 487-3859, Hilly Milun 504-0320, or Paul Brody 466-5412

WITHIN OUR FAMILY Mazal Tov to Meryl & Mark Friedman on the upcoming marriage of their son Jared to Serah Gutman. Mazal Tov to Rebecca & Nate Weisel on the birth of their son. Mazal Tov to Lital & Joshua Amini on the birth of their daughter. Mazal Tov to Elaine Wolf on the birth of her great-grandson, born to her grandchildren Adina & Eliyahu Wolf. Mazal Tov also to grandparents Hennie & Shimon Wolf. Mazal Tov to Etereya & Michael Goldenberg on the birth of their son. FYI The Noted “Zoo Rabbi” Rabbi Natan Slifkin will be speaking at the Young Israel of Great Neck on Thursday Evening, August 13th at 8pm, and for Shabbat August 15th. SAM AHARONOFF MEMORIAL SHIVTEI TORAH CAMPAIGN The Siyum will take place on Sun., Nov. 22nd, the Yarzheit weekend of Sam Aharonoff z”l. All proceeds will support the Sam Aharonoff Memorial Scholarship Fund to help offset tuition costs for dozens of needy students. To participate in the campaign or for more info:, or call Arnie Flatow 487-8687 ext 2.

LOST A ladies gold bracelet was lost in shul last Shabbat. If found please return to shul office. EIRUV EMERGENCY Once a year, we ask each family in the community for a suggested donation of $100 to help us continue to maintain the Eiruv. It is necessary for all of the families living within the Eiruv to send in this taxdeductible contribution for the continued upkeep of our Eiruv. You can either send your check made out to the “Eiruv Association of Great Neck” to our synagogue office or to the following address: Eiruv Association of Great Neck, c/o Ronald Malen, 24 Old Pond Road, Great Neck, NY 11023. GREAT NECK BUSINESS AND JOB NETWORKING BREAKFAST Sunday, August 9th, 9:30-11:30am at the Young Mashadi Jewish Center, 130 Steamboat Road. Bring resumes, business cards and a positive attitude! All are welcome, casual business attire suggested. We urge those who have employment opportunities to offer to contact Lisa Stein [email protected] or Cheryl Eisberg Moin [email protected] in advance.

TEFILLA DIGEST by RABBI BRAHM WEINBERG The book that was dedicated by Diane & David Rein of Rabbi Weinberg’s Tefilla Digest articles that was given out this past Shabbat is available in the Shul office. There are a limited number still available.

Great Neck Synagogue Summer Learning Program Jewish Professional Lecture Series August 12, 2009 at 8:15 pm (following Mincha at 7:45 pm) Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman “When Man Creates Man: Medical Halacha Update 5769” August 19, 2009 at 8:00 pm (following Mincha at 7:35 pm) Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine “Preventing the Next Great Depression: A Jewish Law Perspective”


Saturday, 11 Av Sunday, 12 Av Anita Aharonoff for Hadji Kamali Marcos Benzaquen for Yaakob Benzaquen Rafael Gad for Michael Gad Yehoshua Gilad for Shmuel Greenberger Blanche Goldstein for Eva Rubin Larry Horn for Morris Horn Janet Pomerantz for Nathan Siegel Monday, 13 Av Martin Edelstein for Herman Edelstein Suzy Sokol for Haji Kamali Tuesday, 14 Av Susan Castle for David Kalt Samuel Friedman for Lillian Friedman Leslie Kahn for Pessah Kahn Edmund Kessler for Israel Kessler Barry Lipsius for Bernard Lipsius Wednesday, 15 Av Thursday, 16 Av Scott Danoff for Zita Danoff Morris Hodkin for Elizabeth Hodkin Henry Katz for Sonia Suskin Leo Mindick for Fannie Rubinstein Belkis Nasser for Selma Suveke Friday, 17 Av Moshe Apelbaum for Yosef Apelbaum Rita Miller for Joseph Kurtz

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