Shabbat Announcements, August 15, 2009

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Parsha Re’eh

August 15, 2009 25 Av, 5769

Torah Artscroll, 998 Hertz, 799 Haftorah Artscroll, 1199 Hertz, 818 Rosh Chodesh Elul Thursday and Friday Molad is Thursday Evening 10:03:06 pm Times Candle lighting

7:36 pm


7:00 pm


8:00 am


8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Gemorah Shiur

6:25 pm


7:25 pm

Shabbat Ends

8:42 pm

Sunday, 8/16

7:30 /8:30am


6:35 am

Thurs., Fri.,

6:30 am

Tues., Wed.,

6:45 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily)

7:45 am

Mincha (week of August 16th)

7:25 pm

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei August 15

9:32/10:41 am

August 22

9:30/10:40 am

Next Shabbat – Shofetim Candle lighting

7:26 pm


7:00 pm

Rabbi Frand on Eikev A Spoon and a Handle "For you shall surely open your hand to him." (Devarim 15:8)

him about the inscription. The to gather a surprising amount of information in this old man indeed had a story to tell. fashion.

One day, he came across two adjacent graves. According to the inscriptions, First, the Torah tells us the two men were brothers, (15:7), "If there be a both talmidei chachamim, pauper among you, one both extraordinary baalei of your brethren, in one of your gateways in your tzedakah, philanthropists. Strangely, the two land that God your Lord tombstones shared an has given you, do not inscription from Eishes harden your heart nor Chayil, the last chapter of close your hand tight Mishlei (31:20). The against your inscription began on one impoverished brother." tombstone with "she This is clearly telling us to give charity to the poor extended her palm (kappah) to the poor" and was person. Then the Torah continues, "For you shall completed on the other with surely open your hand to "and she stretched out her him and provide him with hand (yadeha) to the pauper." the necessities he is missing." This seems to call for a higher level of The man was puzzled. First charity not covered by of all, he had never seen an the first commandment. inscription shared by two tombstones. Second, There was once a Jew in inscriptions from Eishes Chayil were used almost Vilna who took a great interest in local history. In exclusively for women. There was obviously a story the course of his research, he would often behind all this, and by all appearances, an interesting go out to the old story. The man sought out cemetery and read the one of the oldest men in the inscriptions on the tombstones. He was able Vilna community and asked

These two brothers were Torah scholars of the highest order, and they were also wealthy and extremely generous in their charities. They were much respected and admired in the community. Suddenly, their fortunes took a turn for the worse. Some of their businesses failed. Their investments stagnated. People began to wonder and whisper. Why would such a thing happen to such sterling people? The Rabbinical Court of Vilna also heard the stories and took the matter under advisement. "How can this be," declared one of the judges, "that two such exemplary talmidei chachamim should be going bankrupt? It is a chillul Hashem! We have to do something about it." "But what can we do about it?" asked another judge. "Should we give them a loan?" "No, of course not," said the

Seudah Shlishit Is sponsored by Kiddush is The Lillien Family sponsored To commemorate by the end of Shloshim Great Neck for their father and grandfather


Llewllyn lillien

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

first judge. "We have to get to the bottom of this and correct it." "But how?" said the second judge. "There is a simple way," offered a third judge. "We have to summon the brothers to court and interrogate them about everything they've done for the past few years. I have no doubt they will answer our questions truthfully."

Shabbat Announcements Parshat Re’eh, 5769

This wonderful act of charity was memorialized on their tombstones, relying on a wordplay. The beginning of the verse, "She extended her palm (kappah) to the poor" kappah also meaning "her spoon" - appeared on the first tombstone. The completion of the verse, "And she stretched out her hand (yadeha) to the pauper" - yadeha also meaning "her handle" - appeared on the other. This is an example of "opening the hand" of the highest order.

The Rabbinical Court questioned the brothers for hours and discovered only one instance of wrongdoing. The Halachah demands (Kesubos 50a) that a person should not give away more than a fifth of his wealth to charity, but the brothers often exceeded this limit. Their only crime was that they gave too much charity! What was to be done about this? The Rabbinical Court decided that the brothers could not be trusted to stay within the prescribed limits. Therefore, they themselves took control of the finances and decreed that anyone approaching the brothers for charitable donations should come to the Rabbinical Court's appointed administrator of the brothers' accounts. The poor appeared on the doorstep of the brothers, and they duly directed them to the court-appointed administrator of their accounts. "We've been to him already," they protested, "and he is not nearly as generous as you've always been. We'll never feed our children on what the administrator gives us." The brothers' hearts melted, but what could they do? They didn't have control of their money. So they began to give away the silver in their cabinets to the poor. Eventually, this trove was also depleted, and they were left with one silver spoon between them. The next day, when a beggar approached each of the brothers, they broke the last spoon in half. One took the spoon part and gave it to a beggar, and the other took the handle and gave it to a beggar. Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Sally & Seymour Olshin Adult Education Program Jewish Professional Lecture Series

August 12, 2009 at 8:15 pm (following Mincha at 7:45 pm) Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman “When Man Creates Man: Medical Halacha Update 5769” Edward Reichman is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and of Philosophy and History of Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM) of Yeshiva University, where he teaches Jewish medical ethics. He received his semichah from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University and writes and lectures widely in the field of Jewish medical ethics. He is the recipient of a Kornfeld Foundation Fellowship and the Rubinstein Prize in Medical Ethics. He is a past member of the advisory board of the Institute for Genetics and Public Policy. His research is devoted to the interface of medical history and Jewish law.

Let’s Bring the Sweetness of Rosh Hashana to Those Less Fortunate than Ourselves! We are kicking off the second annual Great Neck Synagogue “Pass it Forward” program, designed as part of The Hunger Initiative. The goal of the program is provide needy families with food for Yom Tov and, as developed, this program presents each of us with an opportunity to help. Last year was a resounding success; the community provided almost 500 meals to those in need. We have volunteers deliver prepared food donated by the community to needy families and food pantries for distribution to those who would otherwise not have a Rosh Hashana meal. The identity of donors and recipients are anonymous, consistent with Maimonides principles of Tzedakah. This is how you can make a difference:

If you have a kosher kitchen (which means separate pots, dishes and utensils for meat and dairy and, of course, use only certified Kosher ingredients), please make doubles of something while preparing your Yom Tov meal. You can make anything – fish, chicken vegetables, meat, and dessert – or everything! (Please do not use nuts or nut oils). Then, pack your prepared food in containers which will serve 6- 8 people and deliver it to Cindy Hodkin, 18 Birchwood Lane on Wednesday September 16, 2009 between the hours of 4 and 7 pm. (NO DONATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 7pm) All food MUST be delivered either cold or frozen and well wrapped or packaged either in containers or well wrapped foil pans. (Please do not bring food in zip loc bags). (If you wish to start cooking soup and freezing it to donate to us, containers for the soup will be available in the synagogue office). If you do not have a kosher kitchen or are not cooking for Yom Tov, you can purchase food and deliver it to 18 Birchwood Lane on Wednesday Sept 16th, between 4-7 pm. Please call or e-mail Cindy Hodkin at [email protected] or 516 482-7771 or 516 317-9632(cell) (before 9pm please!) When you have an idea of what you are going to prepare or buy and how many people it will serve. This is important in order to enable us to determine how many recipients we can feed. If the two previous options are not feasible, you can make a donation to the Hunger Initiative Program which will be utilized to implement this program and provide food to the hungry. Any amount will help a lot! If you would like to volunteer on WEDNESDAY, SEPT 16TH, please contact Cindy Hodkin. We need drivers to deliver food, help packing, organizing, you name it between the hours of 4-8 pm; an hour or two would be much appreciated. We welcome the participation of volunteers of all ages; including high school and middle school students (community service hours will be earned!)

We have food safety guidelines available in the Great Neck Synagogue office or on the GNS website. Please feel free to call with any questions. Thank you for your cooperation and hoping we all participate in this Mitzvah! Cindy Hodkin Chair Of Pass It Forward Margery Libin, Nechama Liss- Levinson Chairs, GNS Hunger Initiative

ANNOUNCEMENTS SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by Tina & Phillip Machnikoff in memory of his mother Sophie Machnikoff, z”l.

WITHIN OUR FAMILY Mazal Tov to Heidi & Glenn Zuckerman on the birth of their son. Mazal Tov also to grandparents Shellie & Steve FEEDING THE HUNGRY Zuckerman. To help feed those who have no food for Shabbat, a cooler will be set Mazal Tov to Elaine Wolf on the birth of a greatup on Fridays only, between 11 am and 1 pm outside the front door of granddaughter, born in Israel to her grandchildren Tamar & Zvi the home of Morris & Cindy Hodkin, 18 Birchwood Lane, Great Moskovitz, children of Leah & Dovid Wolf. Neck, 11024. Please put your well wrapped food in the cooler between Mazal Tov to Ronni & Louis Davidowitz on the engagement these hours ONLY. This food will be picked up and delivered to those of their son Aron to Tayla Cohen, daughter of Jo & Steven areas where it will be needed. Cohen of Seattle, Washington. PASS IT FORWARD The committee would like to thank the Lillien Family for donating containers for the food drive. A limited number of quart soup containers will be available in the synagogue office next week for those preparing soup for the Rosh Hashanah Pass It Forward Program GREAT NECK SCHOLARS KOLLEL The second year of the Scholars Kollel have begun Monday August 10th. Davening at 7:45 am followed by classes that begin at 8:30 am. To enroll please see Steve Zuckerman. USHERS WANTED Volunteers are needed to assist Richard Lillien as ushers on Shabbat and on the High Holidays. Please contact Richard Lillien or call the shul office to help out. SCOPE Volunteers are needed to solicit advertisers for SCOPE. Please contact Diane Rein or Andy Allen. DOS YIDDISH VORT Enjoy a cool summer afternoon with stories, conversation, songs, and a glayzele tay at Dos Yiddish Vort on Wednesday, August 12th at 1:30pm. All are welcome. For more information call Roz Wagner 487-9795 Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv vs New York Knicks at MSG Sun. Oct 18th, at 1pm. All proceeds are donated to Migdal Ohr. Mid-court tickets at $105 each. Tickets are now available on a first come basis. For tickets call Steve Blumner 487-3859, Hilly Milun 504-0320, or Paul Brody 466-5412

SAT TRAINING August, 6pm-7:30pm at GNS given by David Rabinowitz. Mondays: Math, Tuesdays: Verbal, Wednesdays: Writing, Thursdays: Misc. review of material from the previous three days. For more info call 998-6621.

EIRUV EMERGENCY Once a year, we ask each family in the community for a suggested donation of $100 to help us continue to maintain the Eiruv. It is necessary for all of the families living within the Eiruv to send in this taxdeductible contribution for the continued upkeep of our Eiruv. You can either send your check made out to the “Eiruv Association of Great Neck” to our synagogue office or to the following address: Eiruv Association of Great Neck, c/o Ronald Malen, 24 Old Pond Road, Great Neck, NY 11023. SAM AHARONOFF MEMORIAL SHIVTEI TORAH CAMPAIGN The Siyum will take place on Sun., Nov. 22nd, the Yahrzeit weekend of Sam Aharonoff z”l. All proceeds will support the Sam Aharonoff Memorial Scholarship Fund to help offset tuition costs for dozens of needy students. To participate in the campaign or for more info:, or call Arnie Flatow 487-8687 ext 2. GIVE OLD MAGAZINES A NEW LIFE Please drop off your current used magazines to the Synagogue office to be donated to NSUH. Please cut off labels, do not tear. GNS TALMUD TORAH SCHEDULE FALL 2009-2010 Grades 2-3 on Tuesdays, and Thursdays, from 4:30-5:30pm. Grades 4-5 on Tuesdays, and Thursdays, from 5:30-6:30pm. Grades 6-8 Tuesdays, from 6:30-7:30pm and Sunday, from 10:30-11:30am. High School students on Tuesdays, from 7:30-8:30pm. Please call the synagogue office to register at 487-6100. 6-8th Grade, and 9-12th Grade classes, and monthly lecture series on Jewish Philosophy for HS students given by Rabbi Steve Moskowitz, 2-5th grade classes taught by Joseph Shore.

NEW YEAR CARDS 5770 Sisterhood now has a new line of Rosh Hashanah cards available. 15% discount on all orders placed before August 21st. The sample book is now in the shul office and available online at For more info contact Vivian Kron 498-9191 or [email protected]. IMPORTANT SISTERHOOD ELECTIONS MEETING On Tuesday evening, October 13th at 8:00pm in the Braun Youth Center the Sisterhood will be having its bi-annual election of officers and trustees. We strongly encourage everyone to attend this meeting and nominate yourself or someone else for a position. Also please join us and help plan the activities for the upcoming year.

Great Neck Synagogue Summer Learning Program Jewish Professional Lecture Series August 12, 2009 at 8:15 pm (following Mincha at 7:45 pm) Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman “When Man Creates Man: Medical Halacha Update 5769” August 19, 2009 at 8:00 pm (following Mincha at 7:35 pm) Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine “Preventing the Next Great Depression: A Jewish Law Perspective”

To sponsor please call the Synagogue office


Saturday, 25 Av Cindy Ludwig for Mary Gelber Henry Schwartz for Ruth Schwartz Sunday, 26 Av Hannah Kleinberg for Samuel Gross Monday, 27 Av Lev Dynkin for David Dynkin Semyon Dynkin for David Dynkin Herbert Eckstein for Anna Eckstein Vicki Maher for Pola Brzezinski Tuesday, 28 Av Sylvia Fisher for Saul Hirsch Jerrald Weinstein for Isaac Jacob Weinstein Wednesday, 29 Av Judy Weinstein for Bernhard Kloogman Thursday, 30 Av Vera Bernstein for Caroline Lilly Lefkowitz Joyce Dacher for Jacob Wolfman Philip Machnikoff for Sophie Machnikoff Dr. & Mrs. George Miner for Chana Emunah Kule Morris Nasser for Jack Nasser Carl Rosenberg for Henry Rosenberg Ruth Seif for Zelig Dolinsky Myra Sutin for Annie Joffe Friday, 1 Elul Phyllis Katz for Mae Kushner

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