Sf Manuals Sf Vol 1

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 29
SF MANUALS www.sfmanuals.blogspot.com To purchase this amazing Special Operations Training Library, simply click on the “Buy Now” button which appears at the bottom of each page of this pdfcoke document. You will be taken to our “pay per download” provider and once payment is received you will be instantly given a download link for the product. Payment is by Paypal making it quick, easy and safe!

SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES TRAINING LIBRARY VOLUME 1 Only US$10.00! That’s right, $10 total for these 10 rare SF manuals in one zip archive! That’s $1.00 per manual! These manuals are in pdf format. Only US$10.00 for the whole Volume!

Manuals contained in the 75Mb Special Operations Forces Training Library Volume 1:

1. Ranger Med. Handbook (155 pages / 4M b) This is the training textbook for US Army Ranger Medics. It covers overview of Ranger Medical, trauma, pharmacology and much, much more!

Contents:        

SECTION ONE RMED Mission Statement RMED Charter Review Committees Editorial Consultants & Contributors Key References RMED Scope of Practice RMED Standing Orders & Protocol Guidelines

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Casualty Assessment & Management Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) SECTION TWO Tactical Trauma Assessment Protocol Medical Patient Assessment Protocol Airway Management Protocol

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Surgical Cricothyroidotomy Procedure King-LT D Supralaryngeal Airway Insertion Procedure Orotracheal Intubation Procedure Hemorrhage Management Procedure Tourniquet Application Procedure Hemostatic Agent Application Protocol Tourniquet Conversion Procedure Thoracic Trauma Management Procedure Needle Chest Decompression Procedure Chest Tube Insertion Procedure Hypovolemic Shock Management Protocol Saline Lock & Intravenous Access Procedure External Jugular Intravenous Cannulation Procedure Sternal Intraosseous Infusion Procedure Hypothermia Prevention & Management Kit Procedure Head Injury Management Protocol Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Concussion) Management Protocol Seizure Management Protocol Spinal Cord Injury Management Protocol Orthopedic Trauma Management Protocol Burn Management Protocol Foley Catheterization Procedure Pain Management Protocol Anaphylactic Shock Management Protocol

                                     

Hyperthermia (Heat) Management Protocol Behavioral Emergency Management Protocol Altitude Medical Emergency Management Protocol Acute (Surgical) Abdomen Acute Dental Pain Acute Musculoskeletal Back Pain Allergic Rhinitis Asthma (Reactive Airway Disease) Bronchitis Cellulitis Chest Pain (Cardiac Origin Suspected) Common Cold Conjunctivitis Constipation Contact Dermatitis Corneal Abrasion & Corneal Ulcer Cough Cutaneous Abscess Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) Diarrhea Epiglottitis Epistaxis Fungal Skin Infection Gastroenteritis Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Headache Ingrown Toenail Joint Infection Laceration Malaria Otitis Externa Otitis Media Peritonsillar Abscess Pneumonia Pulmonary Embolus (PE) Renal Colic Sepsis / Septic Shock Smoke Inhalation

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                      

Sprains & Strains Subungal Hematoma Syncope Testicular Pain Tonsillopharyngitis SECTION THREE Pharmacology Section I: “Proficient and Always Carried” Pharmacology Section II: “Proficient” Pharmacology Section III: “Familiar” SECTION FOUR RMED Duties & Responsibilities Medical & Casualty Response Planning Initial Planning / WARNORD Tactical Operation Development Coordination & Synchronization Briefs, Rehearsals, and Inspections After Action Review in Training or Combat Casualty Collection Point (CCP) Operations CCP Duties & Responsibilities Casualty Response Rehearsals CCP Site Selection CCP Operational Guidelines CCP Building Guidelines

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Evacuation Guidelines CCP Layout Templates General Guidelines for CCP Personnel Casualty Marking & Tagging MEDEVAC Request Format Hazardous Training Medical Coverage Pre-Deployment & RRF-1 Assumption Procedures Post-Deployment & Recovery Procedures SECTION FIVE RMED Packing Lists RMED RBA/RLCS Minimum Packing List RMED Assault Aid-Bag Minimum Packing List RMED Medications Kit Minimum Packing List Combat Wound Pill Pack (CWPP) Stockage List Saline Lock Kit Stockage List Chest Tube Kit Stockage List Cricothyroidotomy Kit Stockage List IV Kit Stockage List Minor Wound Care Kit Stockage List Abbreviation List Conversion Charts The Ranger Medic Code The Ranger Creed Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

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2. SF Base Camp Operations - 2003 ( 213 p ag es / 13. 1M b) Never before seen! This is the US Army SF Base Camp operations field manual, For Official Use Only. This manual covers Base Camp plans, pre-deployment planning, defense, security, deployment, post depoloyment, Vietnam-era base camps and much more!

Contents:     

SPECIAL FORCES ROLE Special Forces Organization Host Nation Assistance Counterpart Relationships Conversion and Demobilization PREDEPLOYMENT PLANNING

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Detachment Assignments Support and Sustainment Planning Process Deliberate Mission Planning Process Time-Sensitive Mission Planning Process Base Camp Principles

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Base Camp Considerations Planning Considerations Security Equipment and Measures Regional Analysis Terrain Analysis EMPLOYMENT SFODA Responsibilities Base Camp Construction Description Miscellaneous Tips and Techniques Base Camp Operations SF Group/Battalion Responsibilities Base Camp Defense Screening, Cordon, and Search Operations Security Measures REDEPLOYMENT Disposition of Base Camp Final Closeout

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3. Army SOF Intelligence 2001 (202 pages / 5.2Mb) Essential tactics, techniques and procedures for special operations intelligence mission planning and execution. This is the actual training manual used to teach intelligence to US SF “18Fs”. Hard to find and For Official Use Only.

Contents:   

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OPERATIONS AND ARSOF  Targeting and Mission Planning Range of Military Operations  ARSOF AND THE Army Special Operations INTELLIGENCE AND Forces ELECTRONIC WARFARE Army Special Operations SYSTEM Characteristics  ARSOF IEW Characteristics ARSOF Truths  Integrating IEW With Special Operations Mission Operations Criteria  Intelligence in the Military Army Special Operations Decision-Making Process Imperatives  Intelligence Cycle ARSOF Missions ARSOF Collateral Activities Only US$10.00 for the whole Volume!

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Characteristics of Effective Intelligence Intelligence Disciplines ARSOF Intelligence Tasks IEW SUPPORT TO SPECIAL FORCES OPERATIONS SF Missions SF Intelligence Organization Deployed SF SF IEW Roles and Functions Other Organic Intelligence Assets Nonorganic IEW Support to SF IEW Support From Higher Headquarters SUPPORT TO RANGER OPERATIONS Ranger Missions Ranger Intelligence Organization Other Organic Support Nonorganic IEW Support to Ranger Regiment Ranger Support to IEW System IEW SUPPORT TO ARSOA Missions and Organization Organic Intelligence Assets ARSOA Intelligence Operations External IEW Support Other Nonorganic Support IEW SUPPORT TO PSYOP Missions Organization PSYOP Intelligence Organization Other Organic Support PSYOP Analysis Process Nonorganic IEW Support to PSYOP Intelligence Disciplines Supporting PSYOP Other Nonorganic Support PSYOP Support to IEW

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Information Operations IEW SUPPORT TO CIVIL AFFAIRS Missions Organization Intelligence Requirements CA Intelligence Organization CMO Preparation of the Battlespace Nonorganic IEW Support to CA Other Nonorganic Support CA Support to IEW System ARSOF IEW SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND ARCHITECTURE Connectivity, Architecture, and Systems ARSOF IEW Systems ARSOF Databases ARSOTF IEW Architecture and Support Channels MACOM IEW Support Department of the Army IEW Support Joint and Theater-Level IEW Support National-Level IEW Support MULTINATIONAL AND INTERAGENCY INTELLIGENCE Doctrine for Multinational Operations Multinational Intelligence Architecture Joint and Multinational Doctrine Relationship Multinational Intelligence Principles Interagency Intelligence SPECIAL OPERATIONS MISSION PLANNING FOLDER FORMAT Mission Tasking Package Feasibility Assessment Target Intelligence Package Plan of Execution

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4. US Army Special Forces Vietnam Combat Recon Lessons Learned – 1975 (126 pages / 5.6 Mb) The purpose of this manual is to provide a compendium of unclassified techniques and procedures used by reconnaisance patrols. It is no substitute for unit SOPs. Nor do any of the techniques in this manual represent the last word. The success of any recon operation depends on the ability of the unit to develop its own procedures and to adapt and exploit those which prove successful. Ultimately, of course, success depends on the motivation and training of the recon team.

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5. US Army SF Medical Handbook - 1982 (250 pages / 15.4Mb) For many years this was the standard training text for SF medics. It covers trauma, disease and primitive medicine. A lot of the austere environment material is this manual was not included in the 2001 SH Med Handbook which superceded it.

Contents:      

Preface Body Systems Communicable Diseases Clearing Airway & CFR Mental Disorders Nutritional Diseases & Deficiencies

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Pediatrics Gynecology Obstetrics Orthopedics Burns & Blast Injuries Heat & Cold injuries Bites

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Overdose & Poisoning NBC Shock Emergency War Surgery Anesthesia IV Therapy Dental Emergencies & Treatment Preventative Medicine Veterinary Medicine Primitive Medicine

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Anatomical Plates Bacteriological & Parasitic Plates Lab Procedures Cellular components of blood Physical exam guide Field Sterilization & Disinfection Drug of Choice Chart

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6. US Army Special Forces Close Quarters Combat (300 pages / 15.8Mb) This is a US Army Special Forces 31-series ST (Special Text). Originally conceived for the Combat Applications Group (DELTA) it was their baseline training manual for many years prior to the recent redevopment of CQB training (see SF Manuals Vol 3 for that stuff). This material was based on German GSG-9 and British SAS CT experience from the 1970s and 80s. The material still holds up as an outstanding shooting guide, refreshing the basics while adding instinctive shooting under stress and much more.

Only US$10.00 for the whole Volume!

Contents:                    

Foreword Caveat Preface Training Overview Commander's Role Leader Responsibility Definitions Proficiency Levels Marksmanship Lessons Tips for the trainer Shooting Charts Marksmanship Sessions Critical Task Evaluation Critical tasks for the marksman Example critical tasks Ideas for testing the Shooters Night Marksmanship Background Equipment

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Night Pistol Marksmanship Night Rifle Marksmanship Barrier Penetration Ballistic Breaching Pinciples and Fundamentals of CQC Command & Control CQC Safety & Techniques Weapon Safety & Range Procedures CQC Instructor Training Ballistic Equipment Target Zones Equipment List Marksmanship Materials Range Checklist]Medical Equipment List Glossary Definitions

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7. Special Forces Handbook (217 pages / 3.1Mb) This is a US Army Special Forces 31-series ST (Special Text). Covers tactics, survival, air ops, demolitions, guerrilla warfare and much more!

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Contents:  C Mission of Special Warfare  Unconventional Warfare  Mission of Guerrilla Forces  Composition of Operational Detachments  Tactics  Estimate of Situation  Patrol Leader's Order  Patrol Warning Order  Troop Leading Procedures  The Guerrilla Base  Organization of a Raid Force  Conduct of a Raid  Demolitions  Principal Explosives of the World  Basic Demolitions Formulae  Rail Cuts  Cratering  Improvised Devices  Chemicals  Delays  Demolition dets  Target Recon Report Guide  Air Operations  Preplaces Air Resupply  Drop Zones  Reception Committees  Landing Zones  Weapons  Rifles  SMGs  Pistols  Machine Guns  Recoilless Rifles  Rocket Launchers  Mortars  Howitzers  Improvised Ranges  Target Construction  Wind Formula  Worm Formula  Wind Velocity Chart  Communication  Phonetic Alphabet & Numbers

                         

Prowords & Prosigns Operating Signals Ground-Air Emergency Code Antennas World Time Zones First Aid Snake Bite First Aid Principles Bleeding Pressure Points Artificial Respiration Survival Evasion When Requesting Native Assistance Shelter Water Food Fire Cooking Health Guerrilla Training Aims Training Plans Legal Status of Guerrillas Successful Employment of Guerrilla Warfare Records of Guerrillas Assessment of the Area:

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8. US Army Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Operating Procedures 1968 (199 pages / 2.5Mb) This is a US Army Special Forces 31-series ST (Special Text). This is the original unconventional warfare training manual for the Vietnam-era Green Berets. You won’t find this one anywhere else online.

Contents:     

References Purpose Mission Operations Terms and Abbreviations  PLANNING AND PREPARATION  SECTION I PreIsolation Planning  Detachment Commander

       

Executive Officer Intelligence Sergeant Operation Sergeant Engineer Sergeant Medical Supervisor Senior Weapon Leader Communication Supervisor SECTION II Isolation Planning Phase

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 Detachment Commander  Executive Officer  Intelligence Sergeant  Operation Sergeant  Engineer Sergeant  Medical Supervisor or Surgeon  Senior Weapon Leader  Communication Supervisor .  INFILTRATION PHASE  SECTION I Air Infiltration  Detachment Commander  Executive Officer  Intelligence Sergeant  Operation Sergeant  Engineer (Demo) Sergeant  Medical Supervisor  Senior Weapon Leader  Communication Supervisor  SECTION II Sea Infiltration  Detachment Commander  Executive Officer  Intelligence Sergeant  Operation Sergeant

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Engineer Sergeant Medical Supervisor Senior Weapon Leader 37 Communication Supervisor SECTION III Land Infiltration Detachment Commander Executive Officer Intelligence Sergeant Operation Sergeant 12. Engineer Sergeant 43. Medical Supervisor 44. Senlor Weapon Leader 45. Communication Supervisor SECTION IV StayBehind Infiltration 46. Detachment Commander ORGANIZATION AND BUILDUP PHASE SECTION I Duties and Responsibilities of Individual Detachment Members 47. Detachment Commander 48. Executive Officer 49. Intelligence Sergeant

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 50. Operation Sergeant  51. Engineer (Demo) Sergeant  52. Medical Supervisor  53. Senior Weapon Leader (NCO)  54. Communication Supervisor  SECTION V Duties and Responsibilities of the Detachment  55. Detachment Commander  56. Detachment Members  OPERATION PHASE  57. Detachment Commander  58. Executive Officer .  59. Intelligence Sergeant  60. Operation Sergeant  61. Engineer Sergeant  62. Medical Supervisor  63. Senior Weapon Leader  64. Communication Supervisor  LINKUP PHASE

 65. Duties and Responsibilities of Detachment Members  66. Detachment Commander  67. Executive Officer  68. Intelligence Sergeant  69. Operation Sergeant  70. Engineer Sergeant  71. Medical Supervisor  72. Senior Weapon Leader  73. Communication Supervisor  74. Coordinated Efforts of All Detachment Members  DEMOBLIZATION PHASE  75. General  76. Detachment Commander  77. Executive Officer  78. Intelligence Sergeant  79. Operation Sergeant  80. Engineer (Demo) Sergeant  81. Medical Supervisor  82. Senior Weapon Leader

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 83. Communication Supervisor  REPORTS AND REQUESTS  84. General  85. Time Schedule  Annex A Initial Entry Report  Annex B Situation Report  Annex C Spot Intelligence Report  Annex D Agent Evaluation Report  Annex E Drop Zone Report  Annex F Drop Mission Request  Annex G Drop Mission Confirmation  Annex H Landing Zone Report  Annex I Landing Mission Request  Annex J Landing Mission Confirmation  Annex K Offensive Air Support Mission Request  Annex L Offensive Air Support Conformation Format  Annex M Target Acquisition and Damage Assessment

 Annex N Personnel Summary Report  Annex 0 Weather Request/Report  Annex P Aerial Photography Request  Annex Q Chemical/Biological/N uclear Reports  Annex R Cache Report  Annex S Psychological Operations Mission Request/Brevity Code  Annex T Beach Landing Site Report Mission Request/Mission Completion  UNCONVENTIONA L WARFARE CHECKLIST  SECTION I Planning and Preparation  86. SFOB Planning  87. Preparation  SECTION II Infiltration Phase  88. Air Infiltration  89. Sea Infiltration  90. Land Infiltration  91. Stay-Behind  92. Contact Plan  93. Movement to Safe Area  94. Complex

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 SECTION III Organization and Buildup Phase  95. Immediate Area Assessment  96. Subsequent (or Principal) Area Assessment  97. Resistance Leader/Detachment Commander Conference  98. Detachment Actions  99. Training Phase  100. Resupply Operations  101. Fieldcraft and Survival  SECTION IV Operation Phase  102. Psychological Warfare  103. Evasion and Escape Operations (Classified Checklist)  104. Intelligence Operations  105. Subversion (Classified Checklist)  106. Interdiction  SECTION V Linkup Phase  107. Command Relationship Established

 108. Liaison  109. Missions to Support Conventional Forces  SECTION VI Demobilization Phase  110. Liaison  111. Conduct of Demobilization  CHAPTER 11 OPERATIONAL BRIEFBACK CHECKLIST  112. General  113. Special Tasks  114. Conclusion

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9. US SOCOM Combat Convoy Handbook (103 pages / 1.5Mb) Current US Special Operations Command Combat Convoy Handbook as used in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the key issues shaping the Global War on Terrorism and, in particular, the on-going fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is the ability of United States (U.S.) Special Operations Forces (SOF) to adapt to a combination of classic maneuver and asymmetric warfare. The purpose of this publication is to identify and consolidate Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) lessons learned and provide the most effective tactics, techniques, and procedures to the United States Armed Forces either currently serving in or preparing for future deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan.

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Contents: INTRODUCTION vii CHAPTER 1: SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES (SOF) COMBAT CONVOY OPERATIONS 1 Section I: Special Operations Forces (SOF) Mobility 1 Section II: Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Theater Threats 1 Section III: Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) 4 Section IV: Situational Awareness (SA) 8 Section V: Rules of Engagement (ROE) 9 Section VI: Combat Convoy Planning 11 Section VII: Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support Available, Time Available, Civil Considerations (METT-TC) 12 Section VIII: Task Organization 14 Section IX: Vehicle Considerations 15

Section X: Duties and Responsibilities 17 Section XI: Vehicle Positions 19 Section XII: Vehicle Preparation Techniques 19 CHAPTER 2: MOUNTED TACTICS 27 Section I: Formations and Movement Techniques 27 Section II: Blocking and Bumping Techniques 31 Section III: Dismount and Remount Procedures 39 Section IV: Precious Cargo Movement 42 Section V: Large Convoys 43 CHAPTER 3: BATTLE DRILLS 45 Section I: Individual Driver Skills 45 Section II: Collective Battle Drills 50 CHAPTER 4: CONVOY CHECKLISTS AND BRIEFINGS 69 Section I: Vehicle Convoy Pre-Operations Checklist 69 Section II. Convoy Commander Brief 72 Section III: Vehicle Convoy Post-Operations Checklist 81

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Section IV: Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Procedures 83 CHAPTER 5: GLOSSARY 87 CHAPTER 6: REFERENCES 91 List of Figures Figure 1-III-1. Various Types of Improvised Explosive Devices 4 Figure 1-III-2. Typical Improvised Explosive Device Configurations 5 Figure 1-III-3. The Basic Attack 6 Figure 1-III-4. Channeling Traffic to Pass Improvised Explosive Device 6 Figure 1-III-5. The Multiple Improvised Explosive Device Attack 7 Figure 1-VII-1. Civil Considerations 14 Figure 1-IX-1. Vehicle Characteristics 16 Figure 1-XI-1. Vehicle Position Designations 19 Figure 1-XII-1. Extra Crew-Served Weapon (CSW) Ammo Storage 22 Figure 1-XII-2. PEQ-2 on Fabricated Mount 23 Figure 1-XII-3. Setting Up Vehicle 24

Figure 1-XII-4. Setting Up Vehicle – Side/Front View 25 Figure 1-XII-5. Setting Up Vehicle – Rear View 26 Figure 2-I-1. Vehicle Transit Formations (File) 27 Figure 2-I-2. Vehicle Transit Formations (Staggered) 28 Figure 2-I-3. Vehicles Fields of Fire 28 Figure 2-I-4. Vehicles Fields of Fire 29 Figure 2-I-5. Overpasses 30 Figure 2-I-6. Overpasses 30 Figure 2-II-1. Blocking From Rear 31 Figure 2-II-2. Bump/Block Call Made From Front; Vehicles 2 and 4 Prepare to Move 31 Figure 2-II-3. Vehicles 2 and 4 Break Out and Bump to Block Intersection 32 Figure 2-II-4. Blocking on Ramps 32 Figure 2-II-5. Intersection Blocking 33 Figure 2-II-6. Vehicle in Heavy Traffic 33 Figure 2-II-7. Blocking on U-Turns 34 Figure 2-II-8. Blocking on Traffic Circles 34

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Figure 2-II-9. Dead End Break Out 35 Figure 2-II-10. Dead End Break Out 35 Figure 2-II-11. Dead End Break Out 36 Figure 2-II-12. Dead End Break Out 36 Figure 2-II-13. Dead End Break Out 37 Figure 2-II-14. Oncoming Traffic 38 Figure 2-II-15. Oncoming Traffic 38 Figure 2-III-1. Dismount/Quickstop Points of Domination 39 Figure 2-III-2. Dismount/Quickstop Points of Domination 40 Figure 2-III-3. Dismount./Mount Drills 41 Figure 2-III-4. Vehicle Dismount in Heavy Traffic 42 Figure 2-IV-1. Precious Cargo Standing Operating Procedures 43 Figure 2-V-1. Vehicle Transit Formations 44 Figure 2-V-2. Fields of Fire (Larger Formation) 44 Figure 3-I-1. Ramming Vehicle 45 Figure 3-I-2. Recovery Technique 46

Figure 3-I-3. Recovery Technique 47 Figure 3-I-4. Recovery Technique 48 Figure 3-I-5. Recovery Technique 49 Figure 3-I-6. Recovery Technique Dismount Option 49 Figure 3-I-7. Recovery Technique 50 Figure 3-II-1. Bail Out Rear 51 Figure 3-II-2. Bail Out Left 52 Figure 3-II-3. Bail Out Right 52 Figure 3-II-4. React to Ambush "Blow Through" 53 Figure 3-II-5. React to Ambush "Blow Through" 54 Figure 3-II-6. React to Ambush "Blocked Lead" 54 Figure 3-II-7. React to Ambush "Blocked Lead" 55 Figure 3-II-8. React to Ambush "Blocked Lead" 55 Figure 3-II-9. React to Ambush "Isolated Follow" 56

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Figure 3-II-10. React to Ambush "Isolated Follow" 56 Figure 3-II-11. React to Ambush "Isolated Follow" 57 Figure 3-II-12. React to Ambush "Assault Through" 57 Figure 3-II-13. React to Ambush "Assault Through" 58 Figure 3-II-14. React to Ambush "Assault Through" 58 Figure 3-II-15. React to Ambush "Assault Through" 59 Figure 3-II-16. React to Ambush "Assault Through" 59 Figure 3-II-17. React to Suspected IED "Blow Through" 60

Figure 3-II-18. React to Suspected IED "Short" 61 Figure 3-II-19. React to Suspected IED "Split" 61 Figure 3-II-20. React to IED: "Blow Through and Recover 62 Figure 3-II-21. React to IED: "Blow Through and Recover" 63 Figure 3-II-22. React to IED: "Security By Width" 63 Figure 3-II-23. React to IED: "Security By Width" 64 Figure 4-II-1. Two-Vehicle Convoy Seating Configuration 73 Figure 4-II-2. Four-Vehicle Convoy Seating Configuration 74

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10. Special Operations Forces Use of Pack Animals (225 pages / 16.8Mb) Current US SF Pack Animals field manual. The concepts of animal tranportation were essentially lost from the 1940s onwards. They have been revived and refined to suit today’s operational environment by US Special Forces. Far from being a nostalgic look back at the days of the wild west, these concepts have been used to great effect in Afghanistan, Philippines and Colombia within the last few years.

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Contents:  Chapter 1 MILITARY PACK ANIMAL OPERATIONS  Characteristics  Planning Considerations  Chapter 2 ANIMAL MANAGEMENT  Mule Characteristics  Donkey Characteristics  Selection  Animal Conformation  Health and Welfare  Feed and Water  Feeding in Garrison  Feeding in the Field  Care of Forage  Chapter 3 ANIMAL CARE AND TRAINING  Grooming  Farrier Science  Field Training  Chapter 4 ANIMAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT  Animal Behavior  Physical Examination  First-Aid Supplies  First-Aid Treatment  Parasitic Infestation

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Diseases Hypothermia Heat and Sun Stress Immunization Schedule Medical Supply List Pharmacological Listing Euthanasia Chapter 5 PACKING EQUIPMENT Selection of Equipment Packsaddles Halter and Packing Equipment Care of Equipment Fitting and Adjusting the Saddle Unsaddling the Animal Saddling With a Fitted Saddle Chapter 6 HORSEMANSHIP Equipment Western and McClellan Saddles Riding Techniques Leading a Pack String Combat Considerations

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 Chapter 7 TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES  Tying and Using Knots  Wrapping Cargo With a Mantee  Building Loads  Special Weapons Loads  Saddling  Slings and Hitches  The Pack String  Campsites  Transporting Sick and Wounded Personnel  Chapter 8 ORGANIZATION AND MOVEMENT Organization  Duties and Responsibilities  Movement Procedures  Stream Crossing at Fords  Crossing Unfordable Water  Bivouac

 Chapter 9 TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS  Security  Cover and Concealment  Actions on Contact  Urban Environments  Chapter 10 LLAMAS AND OTHER ANIMALS  Llamas  Camels  Dogs  Elephants  Appendix A WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND CONVERSION TABLES  Appendix B 21-DAY PACK ANIMAL TRAINING PROGRAM  Appendix C ANIMAL PACKING FORMATIONS  GLOSSARY  BIBLIOGRAPHY  INDEX

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