September 6 2009 Newslettersmall Nationwide

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VISI T t he Ba col od OF FICE: #107 B . S. Aq ui no D rive 034 433-0245 - SOON T O TRA NSFER -


OFFI C I AL NEW SLET T ER OF H is Lif e M inist ries

HIS LIFE STA. CLARA & HLLC Sta. Clara Drive Sta. Clara Subdivision (034) 7090131 — HLLC

hlmcent ral. mult ip ly. com S e p t e m b e r 6 , 2 0 0 9 issue

What’s Inside …


— From Pastor JR — Home of GRACE; TRES Band BACK ... — page 2 — STATS of August 30 in all of our SITES at His Life. —page 2 — Your Local Site NEWS & Calendar —page 3 — Supplemental Notes for Everybody —page 4

HIS LIFE VISION Glorify God Make Disciples Meet Your Management TEAM Leaders for “ONE His Life Movement”

$ Verse for the WEEK … John 13: 35

Armin, Karleen, Eric, Glenn, Nero, Dang, Ray, Juvy, Trixie & JR

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another” $ Life Ministies DREAMS ... His


• To Welcome 12,000 people

TODAY — Week # 5


into our Community by the Year 2010.

with Pastor JR

SERIES - Coming -

October 2009

IDEA # 1: Open-Air HOPE Crusades @ the Barangay Level IDEA # 2: Continuous Campus Invasions

A series on Hailing, Honoring and Hearing God as a response of Worship from the Heart … An Experience to BEHOLD! —————————————

• To have a His Life Facility and building that will accommodate hundreds of people every week. IDEA: A Church Building Facility equipped with an inspiring, air-conditioned, glass-walled sanctuary seating 2,000 or more people beside a pool, in the middle of a green garden with a basketball court and barbecue area for fellowship and some bonfire camp meetings. (from Partnership Booklet)


YOUTH Version: adoration

Production TRAINING … Soon !!! September 28, with Pastor JR —————————————

9:30am Cinema 5 with Brother SUNNY Diosana

HOW TO BE SAVED and SERVING? 1) Recognize that you are a SINNER and need a personal relationship with God. 2) Never trust in what you can do to earn the gift of SALVATION Christ has for you. 3) SUBMIT to the Lordship of Jesus Christ by Repentance and Faith in Hm. 4) Ask for His grace for you to SERVE and follow & obey Him for the rest of your life.


Movie Showing September 12 PREVIEW September 20 BIG VIEW, Cinema 4 Great COFFEE Buffet today is courtesy of BRAZILIAN Agaricus

8 in 1 PAGE 1

Happy days are here again!


Because the Bacolod Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship (BPPF), in connection with its 10th Anniversary celebration, is sponsoring a FAMILY LIFE CONFERENCE

JR [email protected] TEXT 09182817910

Home of GRACE The home of GRACE is the church. Since all has experienced the FREE Grace of God in Christ Jesus … the best place where GRACE should be felt, extended and expressed is in CHURCH! Yes yes yes … “where imperfect people are perfectly welcome”! Where SINNERS are called to be back home. Where SINNERS can be instantly changed to SAINTS as they come and confess their NEED of GOD for salvation and sanctification! The GUILTY will be declared CLEAN, WHOLE and RIGHTEOUS! What GRACE is this? Where sin abounds … grace abounds even more! THANK God for the church!

dubbed as “Couple’s Get-away” on September 18-20, 2009 at Benjamin Hall, th 4 Street Lacson, Bacolod. It is a week-end to remember event, one that you can’t afford to miss! The conference fee is only P1, 500.00 per couple which covers the use of venue, materials, 4 snacks, 1 lunch, 1 banquet dinner, etc. Contact the Family Life Conference Secretariat — Ptra. Cynthia Causing at 09173634257; 09164975099. — Ptr Adi Bernadino 09228457221; — Ptr Dave King 09063868883; — Ptr Joshua Jimena, Jr. 09216518593. ples Glorify God . Make Disci

Welcome HOME TRES Band and family is back in the CITY! And Hallelujah back in our Bacolod Church after serving in our Manila Site!

Estimated Project Cost of Phase 1:

Php 1,211,948.25

BACK to BACK party tomorow …

jr here

CASH GIVEN already: P 378,000.00 — Visit and Pray On-Site in the afternoons. — Meet as a Small Group there and see the movement of the As of Septmeber 4 construction.


How much do we need monthly to sustain our HLMtv in Iloilo SKYCable 13 and Bacolod, Cable On TV12? Answer: Only 6,000 pesos. (only AIR-TIME) — partner now.

“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever”


TESTIMONY time! —————–——————-——————————————————————————————————

I’m Azenith Viloria, “Aze” or “Ashley” as what my friends and families call me, a BSN student at Riverside College. Let me share to you a little detail about my background. I came from a broken family, my Mom and Dad separated when I was 5 yrs. Old. I have two brothers, one is 10 yrs. Old and the other one is 4months old. Obviously I grew up without a father, but I was contented though. My Mom gave me everything I wanted, from the latest gadgets to the latest trends of clothes; in short I’m a total “spoiled brat”. My Mom would always give me something every time I pass my exams or I got high grades at school. I started my vices when I entered high school, I smoke, drink, use drugs, and date a lot of guys. I was cutting classes and going in and out of relationships. In times that I have problems, I would usually drink till I get drunk, smoke ‘till I got high, and sometimes cut myself ‘till there’s no more pain left in me. I got tired of praying because most of the time God didn’t answer my prayers. People expect low from me, some were saying “wala na na chansa magbag-o ya, indi na na gani guro ka tapos high school” hearing those words made me think that maybe they’re right, maybe I would end up my life being like this. One day, in June 2009…. My eyes was half open, I saw 4 persons wearing white beside me, (am I already in heaven??) then I hear somebody saying “hand me the gloves and the tube” I can’t barely move my body, I can’t even say a word, all I can hear is voices around me, “she took more or less 20 tablets of different medicines” said the lady “how many milligrams?” ask the guy, “500mg doc.” She replied. It was then I realized that I was already I the hospital; I lost my consciousness while talking to God telling Him to let me go and just let me die. By Gods grace, I was still able to wake up, (I’m alive?!). I didn’t really feel guilty of what I’ve done. Then when my friend Cj knew about what had happen to me, he invited me to attend to their service every Sunday. Sunday came, when I entered the place, I was really feeling awkward that time (why am I here? I don’t fit in this place, Im not holy I’m a sinner.), I saw smiling faces, I saw different personalities, the kind of personality you wouldn’t expect would go to this place and worship God, (emo kids, gangster, kikays, punks, skater boys,etc.) and guess what, when the service started all of them were shouting and singing praises to God. (What in the world is wrong with them?! Na buang na guid ni sla guro yah!) I can’t really imagine that they can really do those things, like shouting and raising their hands while singing as if nobody was around. Time ran so fast, I didn’t really know what happened. But now, I’m already one of them. 1 month had past when I decided to make a sudden U-turn in my life and let God take over my life. I surrendered everything to Him and ask Him to forgive me for all the sins that I’ve done including the suicide thing. I’ve realized now why God didn’t allow me to die that moment, it’s because God still has a plan for me and I still have a purpose in this world. Committing suicide is not a solution to the problem, not even liquor or cigar can solve it, only GOD can solve it. I don’t want my life to be wasted anymore, having God by my side all the time makes me stronger and makes me solve my problems a lot easier. Realizing the sins that I’ve done before I knew God makes me feel guilty most of the time. Now, that I know who GOD really is, I will continue to praise HIM and worship HIM all the days of my life. I’ve realized, t’was GRACE! “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 *Aze is now part of the DANCE TEAM at YX, Cinema 5

OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

See the 1 BAG CARD. Pray about it. Fill Up and Drop at BOX. Wait 4 a Phone Call / TXT. GIVE Personally. (6) Invite others to GIVE.


August September

october August 9 — Kick-OFF — WHAT IS GRACE?

August 16 Week 1: GIVING

August 23 Week 2: REVELATION

August 30 Week 3: ADORATION

September 6 Week 4: COMMUNITY

September 13 Week 5 — Closing — EVANGELISM Pastor Dave King, SPEAKER

September 14 Citipoint LIVE! concert USLS P250 & P350

September 16, 17, 18 Morris Cerullo World Conference WaterFront, LAHUG, Cebu City P100

September 18 & 19 Family Life Conference Benjamin Hall, Bacolod City P1,500

Worship TEAMS of His Life attends this Concert EVENT!

September 25 UNITED YX Desperation Night Be an APOSTOLIC Movement! Pastor JR shares the Word

October 4 == “Irresistible God” == NEW SERIES on WORSHIP

October 25 4th Anniversary of CAGAYAN Sign up to go to Mindanao Missions na! (call 4330245 to confirm above scheds) PL A N to j oi n th e “EL I JA H I ns ti tu te” @ C eb u , W ater f r on t - M or r i s C er u l l o


Guide Notes His Lambs Church

Supplemental Notes Notes you may


use in your Small Groups

John 13:35 “By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another” People are sure to be a follower of someone. If you are a follower of JESUS — that’s to be his Disciple, there is a MARK that is visually seen and felt by people around you. That’s called “LOVE”. Love is the MARK of a DISCIPLE of Jesus! This begets UNITY, HARMONY, PEACE & SENSITIVITY to the needs of others and most especially in handling things and circumstances that require patience and compassion.

Psalm 133:1, 3 — UNITY ATTRACTS GOD! “Behold, good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity … that’s where God commands the blessing”

Ephesians 4:11-12 — UNITY BUILDS UP! “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” Who are the Preparers? The Leaders? _APEPT_ Who are the Workers? The Ministers? _GPeople_ •This concerns the BODY of Chirst! •This concerns the BUILDING strength of the Body! KEEPING THE UNITY IS A DETERMINATION:

We will be ONE!

Our supreme model for UNITY is GOD -- the Trinity! The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are completely unified as one. God himself is the highest example of sacrificial love, humble other-centeredness, and perfect harmony. In his final moments before being arrested, Jesus prayed passionately for our unity. It was our unity that was uppermost in his mind during those agonizing hours. That shows how significant this subject is. Nothing on earth is more valuable to God than HIS CHURCH! He paid the highest price for it, and he wants it protected, especially from the devastating damage that is caused by division, conflict, and disharmony. If you are a part of God's family, it is your responsibility to protect the unity where you fellowship. — THE EXERCISE OF GRACE IN A COMMUNITY WILL ALWAYS BEGET UNITY!

You are joined together with peace through the spirit, so make every effort to continue together in this way. Eph 4:3 (NCV) Most of all, let love guide your life, for then the whole church will stay together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14 (LB)

IDENTITY IN CHRIST Our LESSON today: Children will be able to learn that the true follower of Christ are those who love one another. BIBLE VERSE: “By this all men will know that you are are my disciples, if you love one another” John 13:35 WORD: Jesus is our LORD. We are His People. We are called Christian because we are followers of Christ Loving one another is one the evidence that we belong to God. True identity of a Christian are those who knows how to love even the unlovable one. PRAYER: Lord Jesus, Thank you for teaching me how to be identified as one of your follower. Lord, forgive me for not showing love to others … Holy Spirit teach me to love even the unlovable people. Thank you Lord Jesus. In your name. Amen.

————————— Our His Lambs Children’s Church available to the FOLLOWING AGES:

• • •



Beginners, ages 4-6 Primary, ages 7-9 Pre-Teens, ages 10-12

BRING YOUR KIDS TO HIS LAMBS church TODAY ! Make sure to have them REGISTERED before going inside their LEVEL Groupings. REGISTRATION is for FREE …


Praise the LORD we have reached DAY 28 na in our GRACE Campaign!


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