January25 2009 Newsletter Big Serving God Central Ignite South

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  • Pages: 4
VISIT the MAIN OFFICE: #107 B.S. Aquino Drive Bacolod City (034) 433-0245


O FF IC I AL N EW SL ETT E R O F HL M C en tr a l

HIS LIFE STA. CLARA & HLLC Lot 19 & 20 Blk. 50 Sta. Clara Drive & San Gregorio Ave Sta. Clara Subd. (034) 7090131 — HLLC

W W W . HL M C E NT R AL .M UL T I PL Y. C O M J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 0 9 issue

The Call Conference is BACK!


What’s the PURPOSE? • For Pastor Joebert to create an awareness for Servant-Leadership in His Life and in all her affiliated ministries and departments, from the Council to Small Group Pastoral Leadership to even being Teachers at HLLC. • To recruit and qualify people for works of service (Ephesians 4) in 2009. See list of exciting ministries available on page 2. • To identify and train fulltime staff aspirants in FULL TIME MINISTRY CALLINGS. We are excited to see Church Planters among our youth and Campus Missionaries too. This will be a growing movement!

I am personally encouraging you to go all the way SERVING Jesus at the prime of your lives this 2009! The Call Conference is intended to help potential volunteer leaders and the current leadership to make their decision concerning their commitment to the body of Christ here at His Life Ministries for another term of service. As God has entrusted us with over 2,000 people [and growing] to pastor, we are constantly looking for men and women of God who will be of SERVICE! Be ignited to serve,

— pastor jr here

is committed

to glorify Jesus and Advance His Kingdom by Winning People, Bonding Believers, Raising Disciples and Sending Leaders.


-TodayHis Life SOUTH with Pastor JR sharing on “IGNITE THE KINGDOM LIFE”

His Life CENTRAL with Brother Clifford Puen sharing on “SERVING GOD AT THE PRIME OF YOUR LIFE”

 To Welcome 12,000 people into our Community by the year 2010.  To have a His Life Facility and building that will accommodate hundreds of people every week.  To have many Christian Schools attending to the development of our children and neighbours.  To raise up pastors, teachers, evangelists and missionaries to be sent to plant His Life churches and youth groups around the world!  An Encounter and Prayer Mountain for Weekend Camps, Retreats, Encounters and Prayer Summits for power in ministry and revival. This may be a facility other congregations and churches can use.

- This WEEKKeep on praying and listening to the LORD on where you would be serving Him at the Prime of your life. THEN fill out a Commitment CARD after joining The Call Conference with Pastor JR— SCHEDULES –Feb 3, 5 or 7.

Have you discovered the PURPOSE God has for YOU ?

Power Worship Experience for Campus Youth –930am.

 Children Church at Cinema 5 Lobby. Please bring all the little ones over there to enjoy God & meet new friends!


Recognize that you are a SINNER and need a personal relationship with God. Never trust in what you can do to earn the gift of SALVATION Christ has for you. Come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and SUBMIT to all His ways. Ask for His grace for you to SERVE and follow and obey Him for the rest of your life.

 JOIN a Small Group

Check these in the Bible if you are serious in wanting a relationship with God, thus fulfill the PURPOSE He has for you: Romans 3:23; 6:23; 10:9 and 13; Gospel of John 1:12 and 3:3 & 7; Gospel of Luke 14:26 & 27

 Youth YX At Cinema 5

On Silent mode as we worship and hear from the Lord this Morning.

"You are here to KNOW Him and have LIFE in its FULLNESS" 1) 2) 3) 4)


(by JR, 97)


for GROWTH and life change. This is where Disciples and Leaders are made.


Week of FIRE

continues in others SITES this WEEK Why FAST and PRAY? • • •

JESUS Fasted and PRAYED See Matthew 4 and Luke 4 Christian Leaders Fasted and PRAYED See Acts 13:1-3 JESUS ASSUMES that as His Followers We will FAST See Luke 11:1-4

What Can YOU do during the Week of Fire? • • •

Here is an EXCITING LIST of where you may want to SERVE at the Prime of your Life this 2009!

Don’t WASTE 2009! Be a contributor. Give your life and time to the service of God’s Purposes. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Decide to be part of the Week of Fire call to Fast and Pray Pray and Fast without Display Come to the United Prayer Meeting at your Center or SITE of His Life Ministries (1215noon OR 530pm) Read the HLM Covenant and renew your covenant this year (you will find this at www.hlmcentral.multiply.com) Read your Job Description [if you are a staff worker, pastor, volunteer in church]. This will help you to be more excellent. Read the Suggested Passages Daily and Journal found in this • Special Newsletter GUIDE. Pray to SERVE at HLM at the PRIME of your life. Fill out a Commitment Form — whether to renew your ministry or join another one.

The GOAL of the VISION “Every Believer A Leader and Every Leader A Leader of Leaders” — jr here

“70 Congregations in 2010”

One His Life Missions TEAM Praise and Worship TEAM Prayer TEAM Pastors Care Ministry Ushering TEAM Media Ministry Sports Ministry The Communion Table Newsletter Folders AGAPE Children’s Fund SWC – Money Counters The Hakot Team The Bus / Jeepney Ministry Dance TEAM Medical TEAM Prosperity Café Creative Ministry His Life Learning Center Speaker’s Bureau Small Group Leadership Volunteers at HLM Administration TEAM NEW Ministries Coming as God CALLS, ANOINTS, CONSECRATES and QUALIFIES people for that.

NOTE: This list is not a complete list of ministries. You may START a NEW One as God leads and qualifies you.



the 2 hour “The CALL Conference” Next schedule is February 3, 5 and 7 here in Bacolod City. There will be one in Cebu— January 31, Iloilo, Manila and Mindanao [Cagayan]. 2. PRAY and SEEK the Lord and your heart. Where are you excited and equipped to serve this year? 3. FILL OUT a Commitment Card / Renewal Card for your desire to serve. [this will be received and processed carefully according to our guidelines presented at The Call Conference] 4. START h av ing some Readings and Personal Trainings in the area or ministry you a r e applying for. This will help you become m o r e excellent as your SERVE God in 2009.

MEN, WOMEN, YX & KIDS composes a Congregation


Guide Notes for January 25, 2009


with Pastor JR

… ignite to Kingdom Life! This Teaching outline may be used in your Small Group Meetings. Make sure to have Application Questions for everybody to apply God’s Word.

What is the Kingdom Life? What is this baptism of Spirit and Fire? Luke 3:4 Isaiah had spoken of John when he said, “He is a voice shouting in the wilderness: ‘Prepare a pathway for the Lord’s coming! Make a straight road for him! 5 Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills! Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places! 6 And then all people will see the salvation sent from God.’”

Word of God The Bible Luke 3:16 "John answered their questions by saying, “I baptize with water; but someone is coming soon who is greater than I am—so much greater that I am not even worthy to be his slave. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

South His Life

is a



LUKE 3:16

of our 3

John’s baptism with water symbolized the washing away of sins. His baptism followed his message of repentance and reformation. Jesus’ baptism with fire equips one with power to do God’s will. The baptism with the Holy Spirit was first given at Pentecost (Acts 2) when the Holy Spirit came upon believers in the form of tongues of fire, empowering them to proclaim Jesus’ resurrection in many languages. The baptism with fire also symbolizes the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing God’s judgment on those who refuse to repent.

— Tangub, — Sum-ag and — Singcang communities!

LUKE 3:17 John warned of impending judgment by comparing those who refuse to live for God to chaff, the useless outer husk of the grain. By contrast, he compared those who repent and reform their lives to the nourishing grain itself. The winnowing fork was a pitchfork used to toss wheat so that the kernels would separate from the husks. Those who refuse to be used by God will be discarded because they have no value in furthering God’s work. Those who repent and believe, however, hold great value in God’s eyes because they are beginning a new life of productive service for him. C a n y ou HO ST a Sm a ll G r o up in yo ur H o m e ?




WE meet SUNDAYS at 10am @ Robs Cybergate


Guide Notes for January 25, 2009 (HLM Central)

Serving God

at the

with Brother Clifford Puen



my life!

This Teaching outline may be used in your Small Group Meetings. Make sure to have Application Questions for everybody to apply God’s Word.

Who is Matthew? •

He was a tax collector

He had position, prominence

He was wealthy

He was hated by the people, despised by many(traitor, extortionist, cheater)

He was an unlikely candidate

He was busy, called from work

He was called, and he followed

He had friends of the same feathers!

He shared a meal ...

The Truth About the Call of Jesus •

Jesus initiates the Call: “come follow me”

Jesus calls the “sinners”

Jesus calls the busy and the pre-occupied

Jesus calls the nonreligious

Jesus calls to heal us (to the sick)

Jesus call to follow is personal (he dines w/ us)

Word of God The Bible Ephesians 4:16 “Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

Jesus calls the practical

Jesus calls the rich and the poor alike Jesus’ call transforms us

Jesus call to follow is purposeful [Evangelism & Discipleship]

Jesus calls us at the prime of our Lives! The best part

WIN Souls

Why does Jesus tell us to follow Him? No one else is qualified, No one fits the Job description • I am “the Way” - John 14:6 ; Gal 3:22 • I am the light - John 8:12 • I am the good shepherd – John 10:11 • For God’s glory- Romans 11:35

BOND Believers

His Life followers of Jesus at the Prime of their Lives: 1.Full Timers (Pastors, Staff)

2.Part timers (sound tech, finance staff )

3.Volunteers (Ushers, Sunday School Teachers, Musicians, etc.)

4.Small Group Pastors

The challenge as we follow the call of Jesus is to Serve God at the Prime of our lives:

TRAIN Disciples

SEND Leaders

When? The time is now (Matt 8:22) How? Wholeheartedly (Joshua 24:14) Where? Where you are right now (Jer 6:16) Possible? All things are possible! (see Philippians 4:13; Luke 1:7)d

Can we afford not to serve God ? Can we afford to be neutral ? When will you serve ?

11pm to 12midnight Mondays to Saturdays 47th EDITION — pastor glenn sharing

C a n y ou HO ST a Sm a ll G r o up in yo ur H o m e ?




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