September 2008 Newsletter

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MOMS Club® of Woodstock-South, Georgia

September 2008 Newsletter

President’s Message As I was sitting down to write the president’s message I found myself thinking about all the things I had left to do that day. It seems like my to-do list is always incomplete and/or things are being added to it daily. As the list grows, it makes we wonder about how well of a job I am doing as a mom, while trying to accomplish so many other things - a question I am sure we all ask ourselves daily. It is not uncommon for me to use numerous programs, school activities and group responsibilities as a means to justify to others that I am more than ‘just a stay-at-home’ mom and that my time at home is spent doing ‘important things.’ Ironically, later that night I received an e-mail from my mom that made me reflect on this mind set I had. Although I am not a fan of e-mail forwards, I felt compelled to read this one. I’d like to share it with you. JUST A MOM? A woman renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk’s office was asked by the recorder to state her occupation. The woman hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself. 'What I mean is, ' explained the recorder, ’do you have a job or are you just a ..?' 'Of course I have a job,' snapped the woman. 'I'm a Mom.' ‘We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation, 'Housewife' covers it,' Said the recorder emphatically. I forgot about her story until one day I found myself in the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, 'Official Interrogator' or 'Town Registrar.' 'What is your occupation?' she probed. What made me say it? I do not know. The words simply popped out. 'I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.' The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as though she had not heard right. I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words. Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written, in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire. 'Might I ask,' said the clerk with new interest, 'Just what you do in your field?' Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice, I heard myself reply, 'I have a continuing program of research, (what mother doesn't) in the laboratory and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out). I'm working for my Masters, (first God and then the whole family) and already have four credits (all daughters). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities, (Any mother care to disagree?) And I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it). But the job is more challenging than most careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction than just money.' There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door. As I drove into our driveway, I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model, (a 6 month old baby) in the child development program, testing out a new vocal pattern. I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy! And I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind than 'just another Mom.'

Motherhood - What a glorious career! After reading this story I realized that regardless of what I do or what I am involved with, it is my ‘work’ at home with my family that matters most. This is also why I feel so fortunate to be part of the MOMS Club. We all value our roles as moms and cherish the gift we have of being able to stay-at-home and raise kind, spiritual, intelligent and loving children. Although others may question or disregard our role as a ‘true career,’ we know that it takes 100% commitment, dedication and self-sacrifice to ‘succeed’ as mothers. Each of us understands what it takes to raise children, juggle several schedules all at once, run a home and in some cases work parttime too. It is through this understanding and by helping one another in times of need that we celebrate each other and our roles as mothers. Your President, Nina

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Club News North Metro Gymnastics North Metro is once again offering us classes for our children on one Friday per month at 11 AM. The cost is $5 per child. These classes will be included on the monthly activity calendar, but for more info contact Jenny Jones at [email protected]. RSVPs must be sent to the MOMS Club gmail account at [email protected] on the Monday before each class. The class dates are as follows: September 12; October 10; November 14; December 12; January 16; February 13; March 13; April 17; and May 8.

Playgroups Playgroups are a wonderful way to broaden your child's social circle and for moms to get to know each other better. Will your child's schedule be changing with the start of the new school year? At this time of year, some moms find themselves in need of a new playgroup due to school schedules or other activities. Please contact the Playgroup Liaison Julie Kori at [email protected] or (678) 880-1983 if you want to join a playgroup or need to switch to a different playgroup. As a reminder, please be aware that anyone wishing to begin attending playgroup needs to be placed in one by the Playgroup Liaison. Current playgroup members should not invite others to start attending their playgroup without first contacting the Playgroup Liaison. At times, there may be other moms or potential new members that are being slotted for a particular group and it is the role of the Playgroup Liaison to coordinate all placements to ensure the right mix of children per group and in accordance with the Playgroup Guidelines.

MOMS Club Tidbits Our secretary, Amy Nelson, sends out weekly tidbits through email to the entire club. There are usually time-sensitive notices in these emails so please be sure to read them. If you have anything to share with the entire club please send your message to Amy at [email protected] and she'll be sure to get it out to the club.

Helping Hands Helping Hands coordinates not only meals for moms and baskets for babies, but also babysitting needs in times of family crisis. If you should need help, please contact Gail Battey at [email protected]. Our goal is to support all moms in times of need.

Chapter Historian SAY CHEESE!!! If you happen to take photos during any of our activities, or playgroups, please share them with Betty Miller as she continues to fill our MOMS Club scrapbook. If possible, please write carefully the names and what the activity is along with the date (or month) on the back of each photo or separate sheet of paper. You can give them to Betty personally, email them to [email protected], or mail them to her at 1508 Willow Bend, Woodstock, GA 30188. Thanks!

Calendar IDEAS! Do you have a great idea to share? Or have a fun place in mind where you’d want to play with the kids at? Please send your fun activity ideas to our NEW calendar coordinator, Catherine Moore at [email protected] so she can coordinate the next month’s MOMS Club activities. When taking a more active role in submitting creative ideas, the more our club will appeal to more members. All ideas accepted!

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Calendar Committee As the new Calendar Coordinator, I am forming a Calendar Committee …if you’d like to be on it please email me at [email protected] .

Incentive Program for MOMS Club As a means to increase participation and motivate members to contribute their time and ideas to our MOMS Club, the executive board has created an incentive program. The program will begin in September. It will reward members in various ways (see below) by giving them an opportunity to pick coupons and discounts from the 2009 Atlanta Entertainment® Book. The book is packed with over $20,100 in savings in the following areas - 289 Dining Discounts, 128 Attraction Discounts, 243 Shopping Discounts, Over $10,000 in Travel Discounts, Movie Ticket Discounts, groceries and much more. The incentive program will work as follows: 

Each month there will be a drawing at the following events: 1. The member’s meeting 2. One highlighted event (indicated on the calendar) 3. Two ‘mystery’ events

The member whose name is picked will receive a reward ticket and the opportunity to pick any coupon from the 2009 Entertainment Book at the next member’s meeting.

Members will also be rewarded for suggesting 3 or more events for the monthly calendar.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the incentive program please contact a board member. We would love any feedback you have for us!

HoLiDaY cRaFtS Explore your creative side and volunteer to do a craft at one of our member's meetings. We are looking for volunteers to organize the following crafts/events for the upcoming year: October – Halloween Party Craft November – Thanksgiving Potluck Craft @ Member’s Meeting March – St. Patrick’s Day Craft @ Member’s Meeting May – Mother’s Day Craft June – Father’s Day Craft Please contact Nina Garcia, Party and Craft Coordinator, if you are interested in volunteering at [email protected]. Nina has a huge bin full of craft supplies, ready to make craft sets and various holiday knickknacks for you to use. Don't let a lack of supplies or ideas be your reason for not volunteering. Thanks for your help!

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Long-Term Service Project: “THE HOUSE OF HOPE” House of Hope is a non-profit ministry located in Woodstock started by Renee McCormick who serves as the Executive Director. Renee served as a street minister to the homeless of Atlanta with the City of Refuge for three years. One of the goals was to get people into one of the addiction recovery programs that partnered with City of Refuge. Over time, she became aware of the cycle of hopelessness that most were caught up in. Most programs are 30 – 90 days long and are not faith based. After people were released from these situations they were forced to return to the same dysfunctional environment that caused them to use drugs to begin with. Many programs exist to aid this population of people. However, without a safe, loving, supportive home environment and reliable transportation, there is little hope of getting affective and consistent care. House of Hope began with the vision to fill this basic and essential need. Gary & Renee owned a rental house in Grant Park and were hoping to flip for a profit at the time, instead, they decided to allow five women come live in the home. They got these women connected with a program called Odyssey - a state funded counseling and recovery program in College Park as well as other key non profit agencies to meet the many needs of these women. Realizing that the ladies needed a complete change of environment and a deeper connection with their church body, Gary and Renee moved the House of Hope to Cherokee county this year. The goal they had is to create a family environment where these women can stay 6 months to 2 years, have the support & love of others, be in bible study, learn basic life skills (balancing their check book, domestic skills in and out of the home, job skills, life skills, etc.) and rebuild their lives. There are 3 phases to the House of Hope Program. Phase 1: The first 90 days of sobriety (drugs/alcohol). There is no outside contact with friends, or family - the goal is to get clean. They have to complete 325 hours in the Odyssey Program in College Park, which is free to anyone who needs help. It’s a recovery program where the participants go 5 days a week. Phase 2: They write their life story, write a relapse prevention plan and are then able to work part-time. Phase 3: Full assimilation into their ‘new life.’ While at the House of Hope they also learn to relate to people in more healthy ways by studying books like Boundaries by Townsend & Cloud; and once in Phase 2 they start to contribute a percentage of their pay towards their rent & household responsibilities so they have a credit history when they leave the house. The key difference with the House of Hope is first allows the ladies to have an ‘address’ and place to begin rebuilding their lives. Many of the programs out there don’t have anything like this after their 30-90 day program. The second key difference is the House provides a loving environment that focuses on building new relationships so that the ladies have no desire to go back to their previous lifestyle. Some of these ladies are moms and hope to rebuild their lives so they can be reconnected again with their children. Some of these women have been abused in the past; become pregnant at a young age; become addicted to painkillers, etc. By September, each of the five ladies will have completed Phase 1 of their recovery program. One lady in particular, Adina Lewis, is nearing the completion of the program (2 years) and is now saving money to be able to move into her own apartment. The House of Hope ladies are celebrating with Adina – for all she has surpassed and overcome – and because of the unique opportunity to rebuild her life through the House of Hope! Our hope as a MOMS Club is to be able to contribute to helping these ladies rebuild their lives and to be able to reconnect with their children and loved ones. We will provide various opportunities, as a club and individually, to serve these ladies at the House of Hope. Below we have listed information about how we plan to help this ministry next month. There will be additional information on ways to help in upcoming newsletters. Thank you in advance for helping us make a difference in the lives of these women.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

MOMS of the Month Christine Anderson: Hi Ladies – I’m Christine Anderson and have been enjoying the MOMS Club for about three years now. My two sons, Jimmy and Tommy have such fun at the great activities and have thoroughly enjoyed our playgroup. I am from this area and absolutely love it here. I am working part time this year as a gifted teacher in Fulton County. I used to be a rodeo clown. Some of my hobbies include reading, container gardening, and more recently digital scrapbooking. Some of future goals/dreams are watching a shuttle launch, world travel, and possibly learning to speak fluent Spanish. If I were able to hire a personal chef, I would be thrilled. I love cooking, but with kids, eating tasty and healthy meals is challenging and time consuming. I love being a mother and treasure my time with my family. My husband (high school sweetheart) and I try to get out together a couple times each month to eat dinner and see movies. Liane Chudy: Hi! I was born in Seoul, Korea and adopted when I was 5 1/2 years old. The only Korean thing about me is my appearance and the fact that I love Korean food! I was raised in Florida and Virginia. I attended La Grange College here in GA and met my husband there who is originally from Slovakia. I graduated with a BA in Business Administration and afterwards worked for a small tax company. I was fortunate that my company allowed me to work from home while I raised my daughter Marissa. I joined the Moms Club in 2004 and left in 2007. Now I'm back in the club but this time with my son Alden. My favorite hobby of all time is dance! Any kind of dance I enjoy, but I especially love jazz. I watch all the reality dance shows and was glued to the tv watching So You Think You Can Dance. Amy Willingham: Hello fellow moms. First off I'd like to say thank you for choosing me to be your mom of the month. I've enjoyed participating in the events and gatherings over this past year and will be eagerly renewing my membership! I am born native of the Atlanta area and moved to Woodstock in July 2006 as a newlywed with my husband of eight months, Scot, and our cat, Spud. We purchased in the Woodlands subdivision where we found a place to call home. Shortly after marriage we knew we wanted a family so by September of 2006 I found out I was pregnant. Thirty-nine weeks later our daughter Katelin was born! She is now fifteen months old and the delight of our life. Motherhood has taught me patience, undefining love and a new appreciation for the word WORK. Before becoming an at home mom I was in the mortgage business for six years. I lived through the real estate boom and got out just in time before the bottom dropped. The decision for me to stay home has always been something we've strived to do. I am currently a supervisor in the child center at Lifetime Fitness. I can bring Katelin with me to work which is a win win for us. My husband works as a Coallocation Engineer with Cbeyond in Marietta. We look forward in getting to know more moms of Woodstock over this next year.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Small Groups Activity Groups Information - September 2008 Activity groups are a great way to meet new people within the club. The groups are also a great way to have some well-deserved mommy time. Some suggested groups have been Book Club, Recipe Club and the “Lonely Wives” Dinner Club, but we need someone to head them up. Coordinating a group is not time consuming and it is a great way to get more involved in the club. If you have an interest and would like to form a group, please contact the Activities Group Liaison, Betty Miller at [email protected] or by phone at (770) 592-4961.

Here’s the info on our current groups: Coffee Club Now that school is back in session, take some time for yourself. Join your fellow moms for coffee and conversation at the Woodstock Coffee House in Towne Lake. You don't have to be a coffee drinker to join us. The Woodstock Coffee House offers desserts, tea, cocoa and juice as well. For more information, contact Julie Kori at [email protected].

Movie Club Movie Club is an opportunity to go to a movie theatre with other moms this summer! Mark your calendars for the 2nd Friday of September: Sept. 12th. Movie is to be determined by members. All members are welcome, so if you haven't come before, come join. Also there’s new season upon us… it’s time to VOTE on our FALL MOVIE CLUB SCHEDULE. Let me know your top two preferences for which night of the week and which week of the month you’d prefer to have MOVIE CLUB for Oct., Nov. & Dec. Please have you vote in to me by Monday, Sept. 15th! For more information, contact Amy Nelson at [email protected]

Scrapbooking If you are interested in learning about opportunities to scrapbook with some other moms, then please email Amy Nelson at [email protected] to be added to her email list. Many of the opportunities are FREE and a few of them have a nominal fee for food. If you know of some other opportunities, then let Amy know those too!

Recipes If you like new recipe ideas and/or love to share recipes when you try something and love it…. then let Amy Nelson know you want to be added to her recipe email list. As she gets recipes emailed to her, she’ll pass it along to YOU! It’s always fun to have new cooking ideas! If you send in a recipe, please note if you’ve tried it or not. Feel free to send meal planning information, recipe websites, or cooking tips too. We love it all! Amy’s email is [email protected].

Fitness Directory If you’d like to get periodic updates on who is a member of Moms Club AND also a member of YOUR gym or fitness interest, then email Amy at [email protected]. Friendship, Accountability & More Fun at YOUR Fitness Club/Gym or fitness interests… all I need to know if your name/email/cell #/what gym or fitness interest & location if it’s not well known. Here are some local fitness outlets: BODY PLEX, GOLD’S GYM, JAZZERCISE, LA FITNESS , LIFE TIME FITNESS, NEIGHBORHOOD summer WATER AEROBICS CLASSES , WALKING GROUPS, TOTAL HEALTH & FITNESS …and others.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Celebrating Happy Birthday to:



Melissa “Mitzi” Morrow (09/01) Nancy Brannon (09/20) Dana Wood (09/20) Stacie Parkes (09/29)

Delilah Parkes (09/01) Gabriel Garcia (09/18) Melanie Akridge (09/20) Spencer Moore (09/21) Sydney Battey (09/28)

Treasury Report Dollars and Cents *** There was a minor mishap with everyone switching into new positions last month, so the numbers were actually incorrect in August’s newsletter. But as of September, this is the current and correct amount in the MOMS Club® of Woodstock-South’s account. ***



Income: Dues New Members


Dues Renewals Fundraiser Misc. Other (Advertising)

$ $ $ $



Expenses: Postage Copies Donations Misc.

$ $ $ $







MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Membership News ~Hello and Goodbye~ Welcome New Members:

Up for Renewal: Nancy Brannon

Farewell to: Claire Black

Contact Information Our Volunteers This Club is only as good as you make it. All of us are moms in the same stage of life, so please know that your Club volunteers are just as busy as you are. Respect your volunteers and their time that they give to all of us. Maybe become a volunteer, too.

President: Nina Garcia (770) 517-7264 [email protected]

Helping Hands Coordinator: Gail Battey (678) 384-4992 [email protected]

Administrative Vice President: Maya Arabia (404) 514-8586 [email protected]

Party/Craft Coordinator: Nina Garcia (770) 517-7264 [email protected]

mailto:[email protected] Newsletter Editor: bership Vice President: Catherine Moore (678) 367-1162 [email protected] Treasurer: Dana Wood (770) 928-4600 [email protected] Secretary: Amy Nelson (678) 445-9454 [email protected] Calendar Coordinator: NEW Catherine Moore (678) 367-1162 [email protected] Playgroup Liaison: Julie Kori (678) 880-1983 [email protected]

Heaven Barnett (404) 641-7655 [email protected] Website Mistress: Bethany Mashini (770) 517-0965 [email protected] Chapter Historian Betty Miller (770) 592-4961 [email protected] Big Sister Program Coordinator Catherine Moore (678) 367-1162 [email protected] Activities Group Liaison Betty Miller (770) 592-4961 [email protected]

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

MOMS Club Area Coordinator Kerry Keough 3045 Sharon Lane Cumming, GA 30041 770-889-4975 [email protected] MOMS Club GA Area Coordinator Kimberly Sherman 520 Oak Bridge Trail Alpharetta, GA 30022 770-753-9691 [email protected] MOMS Club Asst Regional Coordinator Allie Roberts 11010 N. Lamont Court Fredericksburg, VA 22407 540-786-7777 [email protected] Inquiries outside your local area can be made by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by writing to: The MOMS Club, 1464 Madera Rd. #N 191, Simi Valley, CA 93065. (Please include a $2 donation when requesting information by mail.)

Market Place ~ITEMS FOR SALE~ This is the classified section of our newsletter. Please restrict your submissions to 20 lines or less of text in 12pt. Times New Roman type. Anyone wishing to place an ad should contact the Newsletter Editor, Heaven Barnett at [email protected].

Baby Crib and Changing Table - $200 (Will also include misc. crib sheets)  Legacy baby crib & mattress w/drawer underneath for storage  Matching changing table  Removable rails for a toddler bed. Please contact Betty Miller at [email protected] or (770) 592-4961 if interested.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

September 2008 Sunday



1 Corn Maize & Farm Tour @ Cagle’s Dairy 10a

Wednesday 2

Labor Day

Grandparents Day


8 Magic Mondays @ Atlanta History Center 10:30a


Open Play @ Southern Prep 12:30p-2:30p

9 Imagine It! Target Free Second Tuesdays 1p

15 Fox Tale Books Storytime 11a


22 Board Games For MOMS 10a


29 Ice Cream Social @ Rita’s 3:30p

Playdate @ Hobbytown USA 1p

Kidzstock Park 3pm


11 Board Meeting Patriots Day Cookie Decorating @ J.J. Biello Park 3:30p


Circle of Friends 10a


Coffee Club @ Dunkin Donuts 9:30a





19 Soft Play @ North Point Mall & Build-A-Bear Workshop 10a



26 Brown Bag Lunch 12p

Grandparents Day Craft 9a-10:30a

North Metro Gymnastics 11a

30 75 Cent Movie @ Picture Show at Merchants Exchange 12p

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Saturday 5

MNO @ Earth, Paint & Fire 7p

The Ultimate Playdate 5p-8p



4 40th Annual Yellow Daisy Craft Festival @ Stone Mtn. Park 10a

“The Velveteen Rabbit” @ TLAC 10a

16 Members Meeting @ JJ Biello Park 10a

Thursday 3

Bicycle Rodeo @ Wal-Mart 9a-12p


Activities Descriptions September 2008

Send all RSVPs to [email protected]. To access the Gmail account to see other RSVPs for each event , please login to Username is woodstockmomsclubrsvp and the password is funevents. When RSVPing for an activity, please use the activity name (i.e. Jump Zone or Grant Park) as the subject for your email. Mon. Sept. 1st Corn Maize & Farm Tour @ Cagle’s Dairy 10a Tues. Sept. 2nd Open Play @ Southern Prep 12:30p-2:30p Wed. Sept. 3rd Playdate @ Hobbytown USA 1p Thurs. Sept. 4th 40th Annual Yellow Daisy Craft Festival at Stone Mountain 10a Fri. Sept. 5th Grandparents Day Craft @ Dupree Park 9a-10:30a RSVP by 09/03/08

Mon. Sept. 8th Magic Mondays @ Atlanta History Center 10:30a-11:30a

Tues. Sept. 9th

Come join your MOMS Club friends for a Cherokee County Tradition. We can tour the dairy (complete with ‘samples’ of delicious milk!) and then get lost in their 10 acre Corn Maze. Cost: $15 for Farm Tour and MAiZE admission, ages 2+ (under 2 free). $10 for MAiZE only. $1 & $2-off coupons available from their website: Directions: Take Highway 5 north. Turn Right on East Cherokee Dr. (the traffic light at Publix). Go 5.5 miles on East Cherokee. Turn Left on Hickory Rd. Go 1.3 miles. Turn right on Stringer Road (there are signs for Cagle’s Dairy/Corn MAiZE). The farm will be about ¼ mile up the road. Parking/Farm Store/MAiZE is on the left. It’s a DROP IN PLAY DATE where kids and moms can play together or moms can just watch the kids. At Southern Prep there are in-ground trampolines, tumble tracks, x-large foam pit, bounce house(s), zip line and more. This is a fun for ALL ages’ activity. For more info go to or call (770) 874-5200. Cost: $6 per child/$4 for siblings...First visit is FREE! Directions: From I75 take Exit 267A (canton Hwy). At first traffic light turn RIGHT onto Sandy Plaines Rd. Go to 2nd Traffic light and turn RIGHT onto W Oak Pkwy. Immediately turn LEFT into North Point Business Park. We are all the way down on the right: Suite 218 (look for the sign that says Southern Athletics). End at 1880 West Oak Pkwy, Suite 218 Marietta, Ga 30062. Go on over to Hobbytown with your fellow MOMS and have a playdate!!! There is a lot to do and play with. Hobbytown has a playroom for all the children to play in while the MOMS relax and catch up on everyone’s summer vacations. There are train tables and much more!! Cost: Free. Directions: Take I-575 to Barrett Parkway. Turn right onto Barrett Parkway. Barrett Parkway turns into Ernest W Barrett Parkway. End at 840 Ernest Barrett Parkway. More than 500 artists and crafters from 38 States and two countries display their works for your appreciation and purchase. Daily live entertainment, Children's Corner activities, clogging and crafter demonstrations throughout the event as well as fabulous festival foods. Paths through the vendors’ booths are not all paved, but are stroller-friendly. Cost: $10 Stone Mountain parking fee per carload (cash only). Directions: Take I-575 South to I-75 South to I-285 East. Continue on I-285 East to Exit 39B. Take Exit 39B, the U.S. Hwy 78 East (Snellville/Athens) exit. Travel 7.7 miles and take exit 8, the Stone Mountain Park Main Entrance. Follow the exit ramp to the East Gate entrance of Stone Mountain Park. You’re more than welcome to join in on the fun making a sand bottle craft for your children’s grandparents before their special day arrives. We will be using multi-colored sands to make pretty designs that will last a lifetime. Cost: $4/craft. For more information call Heaven Barnett at (404) 641-7655. Directions: FROM TOWNLAKE take Hwy 575. Exit on 7 Woodstock. Turn left onto Hwy. 92. Turn left onto Neese Road. Dupree Park will be on the right. FROM ROSWELL take Hwy 92. Turn right onto Neese Road. Dupree Park will be on the right. Early RSVP in order to get a correct head count for supplies. RSVP deadline by Wednesday, 09/03/08. Toddlers (18 months to 5 years old) love this fun program designed just for them! The museum, exhibitions, Tullie Smith Farm, and 33 acres of woodland trails and gardens provide the perfect backdrop for fun-filled educational activities. Join us on Mondays to meet new friends or see some familiar faces. Cost: free for adult members; $5 for children of members; $6 for nonmember adults; $5 for nonmember children. Group rates are available for groups of ten or more. For more information call (404) 814-4110. Directions: From Hwy. 400- Take the Buckhead/Lenox exit; this is the first exit after the tollbooths. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp. At the second red light, turn left onto Piedmont Road. Turn right onto Peachtree Road. Go about one mile and turn right onto West Paces Ferry Road. After the second light, the Atlanta History Center will be on your left. Join the MOMS and their children at an interactive exhibit that’s hands-on. Imagine IT! offers encounters with some of the tale's famous characters, and encourages curiosity through an

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Imagine It! Target Free Second Tuesdays 1p Wed. Sept. 10th “The Velveteen Rabbit” @ TLAC 10a Thurs. Sept. 11th Board Meeting Patriots Day Cookie Decorating @ J.J. Biello Park 3:30p Fri. Sept. 12th North Metro Gymnastics 11a Mon. Sept. 15th Fox Tale Books Storytime 11a Tues. Sept. 16th Members Meeting @ JJ Biello Park 10a Wed. Sept. 17th The Ultimate Playdate @ East Cobb Park 5p-8p Thurs. Sept. 18 th MNO @ Earth, Paint & Fire 7p Fri. Sept. 19th Soft Play @ North Point Mall & Build-A-Bear Workshop

adventure in learning. For more info go to or call (404) 659KIDS. Cost: Adults and Children FREE sponsored by Target. Directions: Travel on I-75 South. Exit Exit Williams Street; Go straight off the exit onto Williams Street; Turn right onto Baker Street; The museum is located on the corner of Baker Street and Centennial Olympic Park Drive. Margery Williams magical story of a Boy who loves a toy bunny until it becomes a real live Rabbit! Cost: $8/person. For more info go to or call (678) 494-4251. Directions: Take I-575 to Towne Lake Parkway - exit 8 - turn left. Veer right at the fork in the road to stay on Towne Lake Parkway. Turn left onto Bells Ferry Road. Turn right onto Commerce Parkway. The Towne Lake Arts Center, 6576 Commerce Pkwy, Woodstock, GA 30189. Pick up the preschool and elementary kiddos along with a dozen cookies to decorate for our local police officers and fire fighters. Let’s show them our appreciation for all they do to help keep our community safe. Cost: Cookies & decorating supplies (icing, sprinkles, etc). Directions: Take Main St./Highway 5 north through downtown. Pass the library and Rec Center on your right. Turn right on Brooke Blvd (there’s a marquee sign with CRPA events on it). The playground/pavilion will be on the left down in the valley.

North Metro Gymnastics is offering us one Friday a month to learn the techniques of a gymnast. COST: $5/child. Directions: Traveling from Hwy. 575: Turn on Hwy. 92 going towards Roswell. Turn right on Hames Rd. End at 109 Smoke Hill Lane, Woodstock. Traveling from Hwy. 400: Travel towards Woodstock on Hwy. 92. Turn left on Hames Rd. End at 109 Smoke Hill Lane, Woodstock. For more info (770) 384-8058 or RSVP deadline by Monday, 09/08/08. Fox Tale Book Shoppe is an exciting bookstore. Treat yourself to a visit, and join in on the storytime of amazement. Cost: Free! For more information go to or call (770) 516-9989. Directions: From GA Hwy. 92 turn left onto Canton Rd./Main Street towards Old Town Woodstock. Then make a slight right onto East Main Street. End at 105 East Main Street, Woodstock, GA. It’s that time already… to plan on going to this month’s members meeting!! Mark your calendars for the 16th for an informative meeting about our MOMS Club and for a relaxing midmorning at JJ Biello Park. Cost: Free! Directions: From Hwy. 92 head north on Hwy. 5. You will pass the Publix shopping center. Look for JJ Biello on the right.

Every Wednesday afternoon, weather permitting, live music performed at the park by Jay Memory, local resident and founding member of the popular national act Memory Dean. Songs include classic hits and sing-alongs for kids. Cost: Free! For more info, check out: Directions: Take 575 South to 75 South. Get off at exit 265 and take the GA-120 loop towards Marietta/Roswell. Take that to the Roswell Road exit. Turn left on to Roswell Road and take that to the park, which will be on the right side. End at 3322 Roswell Road. Its Mom’s Night Out… and do we know what a night out we need every once in a while. Meet us over at the Earth, Paint & Fire for a sense of fun and adventure. It’s fun and easy with hundreds of pieces to choose from. And YES… you can be an artist! Cost: Prices start as low at $5-$6 plus tax and higher depending on what pieces you choose. For more information call (770) 5924114 or go to Directions: Hwy. 92 to Hwy. 575. Exit at exit 8 Towne Lake. Turn left onto Towne Lake Parkway. Go straight until you see the Publix shopping center. Earth, Paint & Fire is located at 1432 Towne Lake Parkway, Woodstock. Let's Build-A-Party! All children will get to build their very own stuffed animal. Then afterwards, we can play at the soft play area and let the kids climb all over. There loads of fun to be had. While you’re there you can shop or grab something to eat. The pretzel stand is delicious and easy to snack on. Cost: The animals start at $10. If we have 6 or more kids we will be able to have a party host! Check out their website at Directions: Take 575 south to Barrett Pkwy. Make a right. Town Center Mall is on your right.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

10a Mon. Sept. 22nd Board Games For MOMS 10a-12p Tues. Sept. 23rd Playtime @ Kidzstock 3pm Wed. Sept. 24th Circle of Friends 10a

Thurs. Sept. 25th Coffee Club @ Dunkin Donuts 9:30a Fri. Sept. 26th Brown Bag Concert Lunch 12p Sat. Sept. 27th Bicycle Rodeo 9a-12p Mon. Sept. 29th Ice Cream Social @ Rita’s 3:30p Tues. Sept. 30th 75 Cent Movie @ Picture Show at Merchants Exchange

Build-A-Bear Workshop® is located on the lower level, between Sears and Rich's Furniture Showroom. Come join us to enjoy board games (or card games) that are more fun and interesting for us than Candyland. Kids are, of course, welcome to come with you - they can play in playrooms while we play at tables out of reach of little hands. Or if you're a lucky mom who has a free morning with the kids at camp, come and enjoy it with friends & games. You can come just one time or on a regular basis - all are welcome!! Cost: Free! Directions: From Hwy 92 turn onto Main St./Canton Hwy toward downtown Woodstock. Make a right at the second stop light, onto Serenade Ln. Go over the RR tracks into the Serenade Subdivision. At the second stop sign you will go left onto Windsong Way. Next stop sign, turn right onto Windsong Way. Gail Battey’s house is on the right 432 Windsong Way. Come spend an afternoon at this great playground! Bring a snack and play on the playground. This park is fun for all ages, including a separate fenced in toddler area. Cost: Free. Directions: From 575, travel on Hwy 92 toward Roswell until you come to the light at Neese Rd (right before Trickum Rd), turn left at the light and turn right immediately into the church parking lot in front of the playground. Come and join our Circle of Friends - Get together with your fellow moms to discuss anything that is on your mind - current events, children's phases/parenting issues or even the latest celebrity gossip. Bring a snack to share and come ready to enjoy some good adult conversation, make new friends and maybe even learn something new. Kids are invited of course. See you there! Cost: Free! Directions: Take Main St/Hwy 5 North. Pass the Library on your right. Turn Left at the next light onto Ridgewalk Pkwy (just before the Rec Center). Turn Left on Ridge Trail. Alta Ridgewalk Apartments is on the Right. The Gate Code is 777#. Follow the road back past the mailboxes and it dead-ends near our building. We're 7106 ground floor off the right side breezeway. Join your fellow moms for a delicious cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee and treat your little one to a yummy donut. You don't have to be a coffee drinker to join us. Cost: Varies between $1-$6 depending on what you purchase. Directions: From Hwy 92/ Trickum Road- travel on Hwy 92 toward 575. Dunkin Donuts will be on the right before you reach 575. It’s your last chance to see free lunchtime concerts at the Woodstock City Park. Come join us for the fun in celebrating the month of September. It’s a great Mothers Morning Out activity! Musical groups TBA as this activity gets closer. Cost: Free! Directions: From GA Hwy. 92 turn left onto Canton Rd./Main Street towards Old Town Woodstock. Then make a slight right onto East Main Street. Family fun event hosted by the City of Woodstock Police Department to promote bike safety for kids 6 to 14 years old. Police will check bikes, head gear, and teach fundamentals of bike safety. Call 770-592-6015 for more details. Cost: Free. Directions: Wal-Mart parking lot at Hwy 92 and Trickum Road. WOW!!! Rita’s is HERE and me-oh-my is it delicious! It’s open and they are always ready to serve up your favorite concoction. This is where our September Ice Cream Social will be held. Head on over to Rita’s for some delicious refreshments and cold desserts. Cost: Varies between $2-$6 depending on what you order. For more information go to Directions: Traveling from Hwy. 575, take exit 7 towards Roswell. Rita’s is located across from the Hwy. 92 & Trickum McDonald’s and the Super Wal-Mart. On the side of where Publix is. End at 12201 Highway 92, Woodstock, GA. 75 Cents? Yes, it's really that cheap! The Picture Show in Merchant's Exchange shopping center in Marietta is a wonderful movie theater and best of all admission is only 75 cents on Tuesdays! The movie title and exact show time is TBA. They also have a full concession stand with all the movie goodies. Cost: 75 cents/person; plus $ for a snacks if wanted. Directions: The theatre is located on Roswell Rd. and Johnson Ferry Rd. across the street from K-Mart, next to Chuck E. Cheese.


MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

MOMS Club® of Woodstock-South Business Pages Debra Richards MonaVie-A delicious & energizing blend of the Brazilian Acai Berry -1 of nature's top super foods & 18 other nutrient dense fruits. Developed w/the philosophy of balance-variety-moderation MonaVie delivers the phytonutrients & antioxidants you need to maintain a healthy/active lifestyle!

Nancy Brannon MOM MOMS Club special – No cleaning fee for week rentals – a two-bedroom condo with a beautiful view of the Gulf of Mexico. Check out our family website For any questions call Nancy at (770) 517-6948.

Sherri Dahlheim Simply Nutrilite Twist Tubes & ROC2O –Add flavor and health benefits to your water. I am running a special promotion on these items in the months of July and August. Call (770) 527-9990 for more information.

Sherri Dahlheim Ribbon Gift albums – Need a gift? Ribbon gift albums are perfect for every occasion. Over 20 to choose from including specialty albums for baby, teens, wedding, jewelry, steaks, and more! Website: or call (770) 527-9990.

Vera Hurioglu Tidewater Beach Resort, Panama City, FL- Opening Jan. 2008! MOMS Club Special! 1 King Bedroom and Bunk Area (Sleeps 4-6). Great amenities! Check website for descriptions at

Vera Hurioglu I am an Independent Insurance Agent. FREE quote for auto, home, and business insurance. I work independently with companies like Travelers, Progressive, and MetLife. Will find you best rate. Any questions, please call (770) 262-7394 or email [email protected].

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

Julie Kori Discovery Toys- Make learning fun with these award winning toys, games and books. I now have inventory on hand if you need a quick birthday gift. Host a party and earn FREE toys. For more info, contact me at (678) 880-1983 or email [email protected].

Betty Miller Heritage Makers Consultant -What stories are hiding in your heart? Life stories, love stories, funny stories, touching stories...we all have so many of them. Let's weave your heritage into storybooks that will last forever. Visit my website: to learn how you can take boxes of photographs and turn them in to priceless one-of-a-kind storybooks!

Danyel Owens Tastefully Simple-We offer a wide variety of gourmet foods that can be enjoyed right out of the package or prepared within minutes! For catalog and recipes go to $5 OFF ALL GIFT PACKS. Coupon Code:MOMS. All orders must be placed through Danyel Owens by phone or email only.

Stacie Parkes Tastefully Simple- TS offers easy-to-prepare gourmet foods designed to help people spend less time in the kitchen & more time enjoying the rest of their lives. If you’d like to host a home or catalog party, or would like to purchase a gift or personal order then please contact me. Check out the TS product line on my website at or email me at [email protected].

Advertisements Please note that neither MOMS Club® International nor MOMS Club® of Woodstock-South collectively endorses any of these companies. MOMS Club® International recommends that local chapters adopt a blanket rule stating that no member may solicit sales at meetings or group functions. The MOMS Club® of Woodstock-South wholeheartedly endorses this recommendation. Selling takes away from the purpose of the club—getting moms together in an accepting no-pressure environment.

MOMS Club® of Woodstock, Georgia—September 2008 Newsletter

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