Newsletter September 2008

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Information on where the 2009 BCMS Family Reunion will be.

Registration Fees and Payment Schedule provided.

Tell us about your family extension— complete the inserted form.

Pass along any news about your family

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: About Registration & Payment


Do you know your branch


Family Tidbits & Happenings


Family Officers and Steering


BCMS Family Buzz V O L U M E

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Hello Family! W

e are well on our way in preparing for the 2009 reunion in Myrtle Beach, SC. Much still has to be done but my co-chair, Carol and the other Officers: TJ, Tameika, and Shamis have been working diligently to put into place the infrastructure for a cohesive family reunion to be remembered. Our advisor, Nevada, has been providing us with the needed guidance as we look forward to next year’s date. By now all should have received a letter telling you of the preliminary plans and accommodations; as well as the Intent to Attend form. Please take a few minutes to complete the form and send in by the due date of August 31, 2008. This will help the committee to appropriately prepare for our big weekend. We have secured the Rivers

Oak Resort as headquarters, once again. Though the rate will not be confirmed until the first of January 2009, we are confident that these

2007 BCMS Reunion—Scott Branch Girls

quotes are within reason. For those of us that have stayed here in previous years, the accommodations are spacious, comfortable and conducive for family gathering such as ours. And did we mention -- they have excellent greens for the golfers in the bunch.

The officers and the steering committee over the course of the next months will plan for your enjoyment the reunion activities. We do hope that everyone will plan to come and participate in everything to the end. Let’s bring our family and friends; young and old to hear or tell the stories about our family, meet new and old cousins, and share in love, laughter and fellowship. For those of us that are econnected visit us on the family website: bcmsfamilyreunion or look for the next edition of the BCMS News as we prepare for “Sharing Time in 2009” at the BrownChisholm-Mitchell-Scott Family Reunion!


Meet us in Myrtle Beach in 2009 M

eet us on July 22 – 26, 2009 for the BrownChisholm-Mitchell-Scott (BCMS) Family Reunion at River Oaks Resort, 290 River Oaks Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC which is the official headquarters. We’ll kick everything off on Thursday, July 22nd with an “Early Birds”

Welcome Reception and conclude our reunion on Sunday, July 26th with Family Worship Service. The Theme for our reunion is “Sharing Time in 2009”. We want to share time with each other, with our patriarchs and matriarchs that

have given so much to this family; as well as share the stories of our heritage to the generations coming behind us. We will share and get to know one another through fellowship, games, prizes good food and fun. (Continued on page 2)



Let’s Talk Registration... W

Lot’s of preparations are being made as we head towards the reunion date.

“In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.”

- Alex Haley

e heard the concerns and suggestions of the family at our last reunion reference to providing cost effective packages for families to attend the reunion; and the committee has developed, what we feel is a reasonable rate for these economic times. The Registration Package has been mashed down, flipped over and squeezed to provide the most economic fees for all to participate.

Again, mindful of these economic times, we have provided you a schedule for payments to relieve your stress of paying all at once. If you commit yourself to adhering to the “easy payment” plan set below, then you will be well on your way to enjoying a “stress free” family reunion.


Child: 4 – 11 years old $20.00 Teens: 12 –17 years old $35.00 Adults: 18 – Older $40.00

Child: 1 – 3 years old - Free 4 – 11 years old - $55.00 Teens: 12 –17 years old - $95.00 Adults: 18 – Older - $120.00 *Fees are inclusive of the general activities: Family Picnic, Memorial Breakfast, Sunday Worship Service and T-shirt.

SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS: 1st Installment – October 31, 2008

2nd Installment – February 15, 2009

3rd Installment – May 1, 2009 Child: 4 – 11 years old $15.00 Teens: 12 –17 years old $30.00 Adults: 18 – Older $40.00 If wanting to attend only the Banquet the cost is: Child: 4 – 11 years old $15.50 Teens: 12 –17 years old $38.50 Adults: 18 – Older $50.00 If you choose not to participate in the payment plan, we do understand, however please note that all registration fees will be due on or by May 1, 2009.

Child: 4 – 11 years old $20.00 Teens: 12 –17 years old $30.00 Adults: 18 – Older $40.00

NEWS FLASH… • Quoted rates for River Oak Condos have been updated. The confirmed rates for 2bedrooms: $346.32 and 3-bedrooms: $436.23. • The - $100.00 deposit needed to securing your accommodations is due by October 1, 2008. Contact Jeanne Fiesel toll free at 1-866-849-1799 ext. 223 or 843-236-1353. Mailing address is: 590 River Oaks Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579. • BCMS Family Reunion has a block of 10 rooms which will be held at the Holiday InnWaccamaw at $142 per night. Note: Memorial Breakfast and Family Banquet will be held at the Holiday Inn.

Meet Us in Myrtle Beach - cont. (Continued from page 1)

The activities for the reunion are still in the planning stages but we are already looking at an “Old Fashioned” Picnic, and “Back Down Memory Lane” story telling for




starters. We can’t forget about those who have gone to glory, so there will be our “Remembrance” Breakfast and the annual banquet. With all of this, there will still be some free time to head to the beach,

so a little shopping or even play golf. We truly want you to have a memorable time sharing and enjoying. We will be counting on you to meet us in Myrtle Beach in 2009!






Do You Know Your Branch Extension? H

ow much do you really know about the BrownChisholm-Mitchell-Scott Family Tree? Do you know what part of the limb you extend from? Do you even know where our roots started? Or even the names of our founding Father and Mother of this great lineage? Many of you have been asked these questions so many times before; however, the time has come for us to truly place this information into a “history” book. Not only that, it is time that we start finding out this information

and passing that information on to our children, so that they can pass it on to their children’s children. We want to continue to pass on the knowledge of Pompey and Isabella’s great family tree. You can help us by completing the inserted form. Please PRINT or TYPE the information. Please include spouses, grandchildren, great grandchildren and greatgreat grandchildren in your recap of family linkage. If you are the extension of the BCMS branch, please take charge of finding out this information and returning it

Family Tidbits & Happenings Jabbar Abdi, grandson of Anginette Mitchell Franklin, and his wife Ann Meyer Abdi are pleased to announce the birth of their second child. Hanah Bonnie Meyer Abdi was born on May 2, 2008. She weighed 7lbs 13 oz and measured at 20.25 inches long. The middle name, Bonnie, was chosen in remembrance of Jabbar’s beloved mother, Bonnie Abdi, who passed in 1994. Jake, Hanah’s older brother, has been a great help to his parents over the past few months. Jake turns 4 on August 16th. Dominique Brown graduated high school in Germantown, MD. Recently he landed a great job with FedEx. He is the son of Ray and TJ Pitt and the grandson of John ‘Johnny’ Edward Gilliard, Jr. LT-COL Robert Campbell (AFR) was awarded his PhD from Case Western Reserve University. He currently works at the Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. Robert is a graduate of the Citadel ’84.

Chelsea Carter recently returned from a 12-day trip to China with the Greater Richmond Children’s Choir, Richmond, VA. The group performed in Shanghai and Beijing, visited The Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Children’s Palace and the Beijing Zoo. Chelsea is the daughter of George and Pamela Thompson, and the granddaughter of the late William O. Gilliard, Sr. SFC (Ret.) Dwayne Gilliard has been just as busy as his son Maurice. He retired from the United States Army in August of 2007 with 21 years of service from Fort Knox, KY. In December 2007 he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Touro University, Cypress, CA. Dwayne graduated Magna Cum Laude. Dwayne is currently employed at MTCI or Management Training Consulting, Inc. where he is a trainer analysis consultant.

into us December 2008.

by 31,

All information will be placed into a “master” copy for developing of our family history book. There will be prizes in store for the family “The family that completes and submits this information within the time is one of requested.


Thank you for your help and master cooperation.


-George CAPT Johnathan Gilliard has Santayana stepped out of the military life at Edwards Air force Base and entered into the civilian world at Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., Lexington Park MD. He left the west coast and has taken residence on the east coast as an associate with a major consulting firm in the Department of Defense. Johnathan is the son of Patrick Gilliard and the grandson of the late William O. Gilliard, Sr. Joshua Gilliard graduated from high school in Willingboro, NJ in June 2008. He presently employed with UPS. Joshua is the son of W. Oscar Gilliard, Jr. and the grandson of the late William O. Gilliard, Sr. SPC Maurice Gilliard is now serving in the Unites States Army, home based at Fort Campbell, KY. Maurice is currently deployed in Iraq at FOB Base Striker, where he is a legal specialist or in layman’s term a paralegal. We’re praying for his safe return state side in November of 2008. He is the son of Dwayne and Monika Gilliard and the grandson of the late William Oscar Gilliard, Sr. Zoe Alexandria Gilliard has graduated from Kindergarten in June 2008. Zoe is the daughter of Johnathan and Amanda Gilliard, (Continued on page 4)


BCMS Family Officers and Steering Committee A

t our 2007 Reunion the BCMS family elected officers and steering committee support to carry on the business of the 2009 and 2011 Reunions. Let me introduce your hard working team, who have been actively telemeeting and planning the festivities for 2009… Chairperson - Pamela Thompson, Richmond, VA Vice Chair – Carol Mixon, Beaufort, SC

Secretary - Tijuana “TJ” Pitt. Germantown, MD Treasurer -Tameika Hollis, Laurel, MD Historian - Shamis Abdi, New York, NY Webmaster - Raymond “RJ” Mitchell, Jr., Norfolk, VA The Steering Committee Members listed below will be lending their strengths as we reach across the states encouraging you to meet us in Myrtle Beach. They are: Nadine Black, Jennifer Drake, Maurice Franklin, Dwayne Gilliard,

Johnathan Gilliard, Cheryl Heyward, Tara Heyward, Janice Higgins, Mildred McClendon, Ray Pitt, Gwendolyn and Leroy Seabrook We want to thank these family members for stepping up to the plate and helping with the preparations for the upcoming reunion. Please be receptive to their calls for support when they come knocking on your door or ringing your phone. We need everyone’s support in making this successful.

Family Tidbit & Happenings - continued... (Continued from page 3)

granddaughter of Patrick Gilliard and great-granddaughter of the late William Oscar Gilliard, Sr. Rev. James McLaughlin is on a mission… At a national inter-faith gathering of ministers in April 2008 in Oklahoma, leaders of the meeting realized that by working together, they possessed viable solutions to the problems resulting from substance abuse and addiction. Leading the effort to spread the news is our cousin “Jerry”, an African Methodist Episcopal minister. Rev. McLaughlin serves as the Global Mental Health and Substance Abuse Director of the AME Church and

the Chaplain at the Narconon Arrowhead Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Canadian, Oklahoma. James is married to Cleo and is the son of the late Hattie Scott McLaughlin. Starrcree Mixon was honored at Wade Hampton High School’s Spring Athletic Awards Banquet in May 2008 as the Female Athlete of the Year. Track is her focus but she is also top notch basketball and volleyball player. This year she went to the State competition and won second place in the 800 meter race and 3rd place in the 400 meter race. Starrcree is the daughter of Carol and John L. Mixon, Beaufort, SC.

Bonding of cousins at the 2007 BCMS Reunion, Charleston, SC

Ray Pitt has left his former company and is now a principal partner with Insight Information Technologies. Ray is the husband of Tijuana Pitt and the sonin-law of John ‘Johnny’ E. Gilliard, Jr. Our sympathy goes out to… Margaret ‘Peggy’ Harvey and Jennifer H. Drake in the passing of their husband and father - Bradford Harvey, June 2008.

POST IT IN THE NEWSLETTER OR ON THE WEB… Send us your family tidbits or happenings, and photos of family gathering of past reunions. We encourage you to visit our website and post your news on the site.

Brown-Chisholm-Mitchell-Scott FAMILY REUNION 14625 Baltimore Avenue, #137 Laurel, MD 20707 Phone: 804-271-2174 E-mail: [email protected]

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