September 2004 Paper 1

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September 2004 Paper 1 1. In the preparation of Premolar class I cavity what is the best way of getting retention, A. Slightly done undercut of the mesial and distal walls B. Slightly done undercut of the buccal and lingual walls C. The convergence of the cavity walls 2. In respect to Class V A. it occurs on the buccal groove (fissure) B. it occurs on the lingual groove (fissure) C. it is a result of bad oral hygiene 3. After the placement of a class I amalgam the patient comes back to you complaining of pain on masticating and biting; what is the first thing you would look at, A. Occlusal height B. Contacts areas 4. Child comes to your clinic with a fractured incisor 3 mm super-gingival, how would you treat the case, A. B. C. D. E.

Formocretasol pulpotomy Calcium hydroxide pulpotomy Pulpectomy Direct capping Indirect capping

5. What is Ante’s Law about, A. The relation between the span of the bridge and the poetics B. The periodontal area of the abutment teeth C. The relation between the length of the root and the abutment. 6. What is the best way to cement Maryland bridge, A. B. C. D. E.

GIC Resin High compression restorative resin Zinc Phosphate cement Oxide Zinc and eugenol

7. The ideal length of core in the fabrication of crown and core of endodontically treated tooth is, A. 1.5 of crown length B. The length of the crown

C. 2/3 tooth/root length D. ½ root length 8. If aesthetic is not a concern what is the first thing to do to treat soreness under dentures, A. Take the denture off for a week B. Rinse the denture in nystatin C. Apply tissue conditioner 9. While you finishing a class I cavity, the enamel is sound but you noticed in the dentine and on the Dento-enamel junction a brown line, what is your response, A. You leave it and complete the final restoration B. You extend you preparation and clean it C. You apply a cover of varnish 10. Dental caries of the proximal surfaces are usually start at, A. Somewhere between the ridge and the contact area B. Just gingival to contact areas C. Just about the gingival margin 11. What is the property of high copper amalgam A. Reduced physical creep B. Higher retention 12. In regards to colours what is Chroma stands for, A. Degree of saturation of hue B. Brightness C. Value D. Contrast 13. Frankfort plane extends from, A. horizontally from Sella to nasion B. Sagittal from …. C. Horizontally from point on superior aspect of external auditory meatus to orbitale 14. Which of the following local anaesthetic is indicated in case of the need to long acting one after a surgical operation, A. Lidocaine B. Mepivacaine C. Bupivacaine (Marcaine)

15. In respect to Lidocaine 2% with 1:100000 vasoconstrictor, A. The toxic threshold is 22ml B. 8.8 ml is the maximum you can give in one session 16. Which one of this restorative method will be LEAST compromised by a core, A. Amalgam B. Composite C. GIC D. Cast gold 17. In preparing a very small proximal amalgam cavity on a molar tooth what would consider, A. Extend the cavity to the gingival margin B. Extend the cavity beyond the contacts areas C. Achieve at least 2mm in dentine D. 18. What is true about partial dentures, A. l plaque behaviour B. Night wearing of dentures reduces plaque accumulation C. Relieving the gingival area reduces the gingival enlargement. 19. The biting load of denture base to tissues compared to teeth are, A. Ten times more B. C. Equal 20. Compound is, A. Very accurate compression material B. 21. the different between normal stone and the dye stone is, A. B. The amount of water 22. What sort of reaction happens in the GIC restorations, A. 23. A patient comes to you with medium pain of tooth filled with Composite resin as a result of cold or hot drinks, what your initial management will be, A. Remove the restorative material and start an Endontic treatment

B. C. Place a coat of bonding material on the old composite

orary material

24. Throbbing pain increases with heat and cold stimuli, the MOST probable diagnosis is, A. Cyst B. Occlusal trauma C. 25. In making your custom trays which of the following is true, A. A uniform thickness is required B. C. Only adhesive is better than perforation 26. The beam that leaves the target is called, A. The primary X-ray B. The electrons C. The secondary rays D. -rays photons 27. The most common cause of caries in children is, A. Soft diet B. High intake of carbohydrate C. Poor oral hygiene 28. The best storage media for avulsed tooth is, A. Saline B. C. Water D. Saliva 29. An occlusal approaching clasp TIP, A. Should occupy a predetermined undercut B. C. Rigid 30. In the construction of partial denture the surveyor is not used to, A. Contour the wax as part of the fabrication of the working cast B. Locate the guide planes C. Determine the location of indirect retainers D. Identify any undesirable undercuts 31. The advantage of the silicone in soft relining material over ….. rubber is,

A. Retains high flow B. Prevents the colonization of Candida albicans C. D. Better bond strength 32. The main purpose of finishing the enamel walls is, A. s B. Provide a better surface for the adoption of restorative material 33. A female patient comes to you complaining of persistent pain in heavily restored central incisor; you suspect pulpitis and you have been told that she is in transit leaving by plane next day. Your treatment will be, A. Remove filling and place a sedative dressings B. C. Prescribe analgesics and systemic antibiotic 34. which of the following is true regarding TMJ dysfunction, A. It is always due to arthritis, should be treated with NSAIDS before attempting surgery B. surgery C. It is mostly due to the medial movement of the condylar head over the glenoid fossa 35. the location of Class V is in, A. The buccal pit /fissure/ B. The occlusal surface C. 36. Occlusal cavity with extension of the buccal fissure is classified as, A. Class II B. Class III C. 37. Which of the following does not affect the elasticity of retentive clasp? A. Length of the arm B. The cross section shape C. The material used D. 38. Following calcium hydroxide pulpotomy, the dentist would expect dentine bridge to form at,

A. The exact level of amputation B. C. Half way between amputation and apex D. At the apical region of the tooth 39. In the construction of a full veneer gold crown, future recession of gingival tissue can be prevented or at least minimised by, A. Extension of the crown 1 mm under the gingival crevice B. duction of normal tooth incline in the gingival one third of the crown C. Slight over contouring of the tooth in the gingival one fifth of the crown D. Slight under contouring of the tooth in the gingival one fifth of the crown 40. A partial denture that seats on the master cast but fails to seat correctly in the mouth is a result of, A. Contraction of the metal framework during casting B. Insufficient expansion of the investment material C. D. Failure to block out unwanted undercuts 41. Which of the following muscles may affect the borders of mandibular complete denture? A. B. C. D. E.

Mentalis Lateral pterygoid Levator oris Temporalis

42. Jaw relations for edentulous patient have been established. The maxillary cast has been mounted on the articulator without face-bow and you decided to increase the occlusal vertical dimension by 4 mm. this will necessitate, A. Opening the articulator 4 mm B. C. Changes in the condylar guide settings D. Increase in the vertical dimension 43. What is correct in regards to high copper amalgam, A. Reacts and strengthens the amalgam by its dispersion properties B. -tin phase thereby eliminating the tin-mercury phase C. Reacts to form copper-silver phase thereby eliminating the silver mercury phase D. Reacts and strengthens the amalgam by its grain diffusion 44. What is the best way to get optimum adoption of ceramic to metal, A.

Slow firing

B. High compression 45. What is the main purpose of using corticosteroids in pulpal obturation material? A. For their antibiotic action B. For their antiinflammatory action C. To relief pulp pressure 46. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding Smoker’s Keratosis? A. Typically affects the hard palate B. Minor mucous glands are swollen with red orifices C. regression if smoking is stopped

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