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Pastor Jan Marcussen P. O. Box 68 - Thompsonville, IL. 62890. Phone - 618-627-2357. Fax 618-627-2712. Sept. Y2K+4. My two new web-sites - &

“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall under“Day of Rest” Law stand; but Passed in Virginia the wise shall understand" Exhibit #96 in the new series.

The New York Times

Dear SDA friends around the world, Greetings from my Sweet V and me in Jesus’ holy name. What you learn in this letter may shock you, but as Spartanburg Herald-Journal, 7/14/04 we plunge into the final days of the history of this earth, remember that the lovely Jesus loves you very much. His angels are all around you. I just received a letter from a man who said that he thinks that he has committed the “unpardonable sin.” How? Why? He tells what he did and how he feels. Who is going to commit this frightful and fatal sin? We’re going to talk about it, and you’re going to learn some amazing things. But first I’ll say that in my August letter I revealed that there is something beneath the surface in this accidental “Day of Rest” law. The article to the right shows that a TIME, August 2, 2004 major part of the law with wording missing, changed the whole meaning of the law, and slipped by 1) the legislative staff, 2) legislators, 3) the Attorney General’s office, and 4) Governor Warner himself, who signed the bill. Faith: The very job of these professional lawyers The Huntsville Times, 7/18/04. and law-makers depends upon them being as sharp as a hawk so that they miss not a word in any document - especially a law. Did every one of these many people all miss the wording of a major part of this bill because they are under the influence of the same Vatican maneuvering New World Order insiders who have been seeking to collapse the separation of church and state in the Constitution by trying to trick the public into thinking that they’ve got to repudiate that principle in the Constitution in order to get prayer back into the schools - - when students can legally pray in the schools now without the Constitution being “fixed?” Or was it because they were all half asleep, drunk, or stoned on drugs? Pastor Jan: It truly was very strange that each and every one of these professional people all became so incompetent at the same time. But there is a very “good” reason for it. Nevertheless, here’s what’s behind the movement that you are going to see more of as the weeks go by - The prophet says, “The beast with two horns is also to say ‘to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast;’ and, furthermore, it is to command all, ‘both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,’ to receive the mark of the beast. It has been shown that the United States is the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns, and that this prophecy will be fulfilled when the United States shall enforce Sunday observance, which Rome claims as the After the law was “fixed,” did they special acknowledgment of her supremacy.” GC 578,579. loose this God-given right? No, but the Meanwhile, the people of the world are moving toward heaven or tricky “fixing” of this “accidental” hell, and are forming characters which they will soon never desire to “mistake” led many into thinking that they did. A reaction to this, {as you see a hint change - ever. of above in the 8/2/04 TIME article} will Faith: How does a person know when he has committed the grow until people will be ready for a real “unpardonable sin,” or is in danger of committing it? Day of Rest law that won’t need to be Pastor Jan: Are you ready? Here we go. “fixed.”

2 The letter I received from Wayne said “It is truly awful because I t the top of page one, you see exhibit #96, think I have committed the unpardonable sin.” He said his great which is from the 8/15/04 edition of the OUR problem started when he “got mixed up with a charismatic church SUNDAY VISITOR. The article declares that Mary is the “new ark of the covenant,” and that for a few months.” He said, “The Holy Spirit convicted me very this new ark has now been restored since being clearly that I should stop attending meetings . . . . and instead of hid by Jeremiah before the fall of Jerusalem. obeying God’s voice, I resisted it. I have never been the same since They proudly proclaim that the ark of God has . . . I never hear my conscience any more.” now returned to us - bearing the presence of the He said that now blasphemous thoughts rush through his head. living God in the midst of the people. [In their Mary ark is the Roman Catholic ten He said that he has gone back to drinking beer and smoking. He commandments with the second commandment said that his head seems empty, and even hollow. After telling of ripped out, and Rome’s day of the sun as the other problems, he said, “I am beside myself, and at a loss as to what third.] With Mary the devil appearing around the is wrong with me. It looks fairly convincing that I am a lost man. I world, weeping tears of milk and real blood, along with Sunday proliferation, and Catholic wish I could cry about the situation, but I can’t even do that any infiltration into Protestant churches, the stage is more. I am completely devoid of zest, vitality, and peace. I am only set for the miracles of spiritualism to zap the T.V. 34 years old. It is very very sad what has happened to me. It seems minds of the people into an acceptance of the that God has abandoned me. Could you please pray for me Pastor “three-fold union” for the enforcement of the Jan, as though I were your only son facing the lake of fire. Please mark of the beast - for peace and safety in our new age of terrorism. earnestly pray for me. Thank you, and God bless. Yours in hope, f you want these articles in their entirety, just Wayne.” send anything to help cover the cost. Anything This is only a small part of his 6 page letter. I wrote him a letter, above that will be used to help us to reach as and I’ll say that I hope that Wayne is reading this right now, because many souls as fast as we can before probation is closed for the dear people. what I’m about to share with you is for anyone that the devil is tempting to be discouraged. It’s for anyone who needs peace with God and a glimpse of the amazing love, mercy, and power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Are you ready Wayne? Are the rest of you ready? Here we go. under the gurus of Tibet. He went to India, and to Egypt, I just finished watching the personal testimony of and studied under all the great maji and learned how to turn William Schnoebelen on a video tape that was given to me. water into wine. He laid on a bed of nails in the lotus William was a new age guru, a cultist, a spirit channelor, a position and stared at His stomach until he was enlightened, Knight’s Templer, a York Rite Mason, a 32nd degree and if I studied the occult, I too could be another Christ. I Scottish Rite Mason, a Shriner, and finally, a 90th degree was only 19 years old and I didn’t know from nothing. This Mason, a high degree Mormon Elder, a member of the professor was a Roman Catholic priest with a white collar “Illuminati,” a wizard, a demon possessed warlock, a around his neck and about five or six degrees after his name, satanic high priest, a second-degree in the church of Satan, so I believed him. So I got a bunch of esoteric and occult a blood drinking vampire, a Roman Catholic priest, and an books, and I started experimenting. In my sophomore year ordained Catholic bishop. Here’s what he said we had a seance in which we tried to call up the ghost of the “People wonder how I could lady whose body was buried in the music department at the have done all those things and college, and it was reasonably successful. The doors got been so demented as to get into blown open even though they were locked, and a few things these different kinds of cults. like that happened. I was really intrigued by this, because it Well, basically it was a process. kept working. So by the time I was a senior, I figured out I didn’t just wake up one that to really get into the occult, you’ve got to become a morning when I was 19 years witch. [Note - This is where Rome secretly wants people to old and say, ‘Hey I want to be a go because many of Rome’s clergy are into it themselves.] devil worshiper.’ Very early on So I wrote the king of the witches. His name is Alex in life I knew I was destined for Sanders. He was also a Catholic priest, so I figured we had something religious. I was a lot in common. He told me where there was a coven in raised in the Catholic faith. Even as a small child I wanted Plymouth, MA. were I could go and become a witch. So I to be a priest. I cut up bed sheets and made vestments out went and got my first degree of witchcraft, and that makes of them and said the mass for my little friends – feeding me basically a priest of the Wicca. them poker chips. I determined that I was going to serve “Then I dropped out of the seminary because it seemed God. But along the way I hit a few bumps in the road. One that what I was doing now was a lot more fascinating and of the nuns who taught me in the eighth grade, gave me an exciting than being a Catholic priest. I met this lady who occultic book of magic. I was fascinated with this stuff. It was to become my wife. She had also been pursuing the intrigued me [like the Harry Potter books do with kids study of witchcraft, and so we went down to Arkansas - near now]. I was only about 12-13 years old, so naturally I would find it intriguing. I would read everything I could get Little Rock, near where Bill Clinton was from, to the headquarters of the grandmaster druid of all North America. my hands on in this stuff. It obsessed my mind. We spent the entire summer studying and learning high“By the time I got into college, I entered the ‘minor level witchcraft and druidism. In the cool of seminary’ to become a Catholic priest. So I started the evening we would sit around a picnic table studying theology, and guess what I ran into? I ran on a mountaintop and learn all of this esoteric into college professors who started telling me that ‘truth.’ What was fascinating was that almost most of the Bible wasn’t even true. They told me that every night, a U. F. O. would come down and Adam and Eve didn’t even exist. They told me that hover over the mountain for the better part of Moses never parted the Red Sea - that all he did was the evening. We could actually see something gallop though a marsh, and that Pharaoh’s army got moving around in the windows of that thing. stuck in the marsh, and then the tide came in and they It was that clear. My wife and I had a big all drowned. This is the kind of information I was witch wedding in a park in Zion, Illinois with getting from my Catholic professors. 200 witches present in a big circle and a [Note - Because of Roman Catholic infiltration, bonfire in the middle. We ended up settling {like the “Oxford movement,”} nearly all colleges in Milwaukee, which was to be our base of and universities today are the “gates of hell” as operation for the next 10 years. In Milwaukee Martin Luther warned {See GC 140,141]. we had a really fertile field. When we got there, there were “They destroyed what little faith I had in the Bible. some 48 people just waiting, panting for us to teach them Then came the second part of Satan’s 1-2 punch. In the about witchcraft. We set up quite a significant number of Catholic church they teach that a priest is another Christ. covens, and we initiated 175 witches all up-and-down Lake So what my professor told me was that if I really wanted to Michigan, and had covens in Dubuque, Davenport, and be like Jesus, I was going to have to do what Jesus did. So other places in Iowa. what did Jesus do between the ages of 12 and 30? The “We learned that witchcraft is like a drug. Magic is professor said that He traipsed off to the far east and studied addictive. You can’t quite get enough of it. Eventually, you



3 want more. You want to know more and have more power. [Note - That’s why the Harry Potter books and movies are so dangerous to tens of millions of young people. And that’s why I wrote the Cousin Henry Potter book - to help counteract those awful things. If you wish, you may go to Barnes & Noble, Borders, Books-aMillion, Wall Mart, etc. and give one to the manager to see if they would like to sell them.] At this time I was a trance medium and so was my wife. We had almost daily communications with spirit guides. They are also called ‘ascended masters,’ or ‘doctors of divinity.’ They told us “Maybe you ought to look into the church of Satan. You have gone about as far as you can go, and if you want to get any deeper into the power and into the wisdom, you should start investigating the ‘dark side.’ So I went out and bought a copy of the Satanic Bible. If you had told me five years earlier that I would have done this, I would’ve laughed at you. But this is how seductive this can be. I wrote Anton LaVey. [Note He’s the leader of the church of Satan - who a few years ago, went and had an interview with his co-worker and superior in the Vatican - “The Man of Sin.” II Thess. 2.] He sent me an application to join the church of Satan. So I paid my $20 entrance fee and got a membership card which proclaimed me a member of the infernal kingdom. I was progressing so fast that after about a year, I applied for ‘second-degree.’ I took this exhaustive test and qualified to be a warlock. “About this time I started realizing that the church of Satan is like the tip of a very big, black, iceberg with lots of stuff going on beneath the surface. What I learned may surprise some of you. I learned that in order to get into the higher levels of Satanism, what you first have to do is to become a Mason. You have to be at least a Master Mason. I have a friend whose father was involved with the Masons. He sponsored me, and in about a year I became a Master Mason. Then I went on to the York Rite and got the 10th degree of that. Then I became a 32nd-degree Mason in the Scottish Rite. Their black and white checkerboard means that you can’t have good without evil. Finally, I got into the part of masonry where I became a Shriner. The symbolism on the front of the Shriner hat is right out of the pit. “Once I got those degrees, I was ready to get into the real hard-core of Satanism. Now I was connected with what was called ‘The Brotherhood’ in Chicago, and at the same time, I started getting visits from someone who called himself ‘Master H.’ I was working third shift as a newspaper carrier. I would be out there in the middle of the night filling up boxes with newspapers, and ‘Master H’ would just pop out of thin air and stand there like Vincent Price dressed in a white robe. He would kind of glow-in-the-dark. He would give me all this instruction how to be an “illuminated” being, then he would just vanish. To become ‘illuminated.’ is the goal of Satanism and masonry. “Then I got involved with a group called “The Monastery of the Seven Rays” in Chicago. They told me that if I really wanted to progress and become a Satanic priest, I first had to become a Roman Catholic priest! You can’t be a Satanic priest without first being a Catholic priest! [Note - Maybe this why the testimony of Sister Charlotte on my CCA video # 9 reveals why many Catholic priests act the way they do. Roman Catholic priests, Satanic priests, high Masons - with all their branches - all worship the same master. This is why I made 15 videos showing how these fiends and beasts of Rome are secretly attacking God’s SDA church.] There was a group there called the ‘Old Roman Catholic Church,’ and I was able to work something out with a bishop of that group where I would make him a witch high priest if he would make me a Catholic priest. We had a very equitable arrangement. So I was ordained to the Catholic priesthood. [Note - You see that the seminary was not necessary to become a Catholic priest in the first place. The seminary was a great farce, just like much “modern” education is today. I learned that the young and innocent witch doctors who graduate from the medical schools, help a lot of people, but are also killing over 100,000 Americans every year from the Vatican controlled drugs that they are taught to give you. I thank God for the principles of health that are given to us through the Spirit of Prophecy, and for medical missionary work.] “I was finally ready for the big moment. I was now eligible to become a priest of Satan. The only problem is, I had to sell my soul to the devil to do that. I didn’t realize that the devil already had my soul. I still had enough

vestiges of my upbringing to be a little nervous about the thought of signing a contract to give the devil my soul. So I did what a Catholic priest does when he is confronted with some major decision. I was going to say a mass to the Holy Spirit. While saying this mass, the wine started fizzing and bubbling, and right before my eyes it turned into human blood. It was even warm. Since the Catholic priest has to drink all the wine that is left after the mass, I had to drink all of this blood. This convinced me that God must have given His approval for me to sign over my soul to the devil. So I went down into a suburb of Chicago and signed my name in a black book. I signed the contract with Satan, and my soul was committed to hell. The contract was for seven years, during which the devil would give me wine, women, song, dope, power, you name it. At the end of those seven years, he would get to kill me and take me to hell. But you’ve got to understand something. A Satanist believes that hell is one big party. It’s filled with sex, dope, and rock-and-roll. That’s all that goes on down there. I was taught that heaven is boring. You just sit around on a cloud and strum on some harp. So I thought I’d be better off in hell anyway. So I sold my soul to the devil, and then got my first taste of what it was like to be “illuminated.” “I was visiting my father in a little town in Iowa, when in the middle of the night, I was ripped out of my bed, and taken at an incredible rate of speed past stars and galaxies and came to this great black castle. I went right through the door, and into a room with walls about 50 feet high. The only light was a bluish glow from two glass walls on each side - which were filled with water like two giant aquariums. But instead of fish floating in those giant aquariums, there were hundreds of men, women, and children floating in it. Master H appeared and said, “Welcome to the cathedral of pain.” Then, there appeared a throne with a 20 foot tall being seated on it, who identified himself as Satan. He changed forms, and alternated between a handsome man, a gorgeous woman, a winged bull, and a winged goat. I was ordered to lie down on a black table in the middle of the room, and a being came up to me with hands about 5 times the size of mine, and with six inch talons. He buried one of his talons into my forehead, and a voice said, “Now you belong to me.” It felt like my brain exploded, and then the floor dropped out from under me, and I fell and fell though space and landed in my father’s back yard with a thud. All around me in a circle was burning grass. You could smell ozone, as if it had just been hit by lightning. I didn’t have a stitch of clothing on, and I staggered back into the house and managed to get back into bed. It was about 4 o’clock, and I had this terrible headache. My mind was totally transformed. I felt as though I was a machine with no sense of any kind of compassion. I would have to fight it off when I wanted to appear to be nice. I was like half human and half machine, and whatever was inside me viewed human beings with contempt and disdain - like ants - to be stepped on. “You might think that this is about as bad as it gets, but I’m sorry, the devil wasn’t quite done with me yet. Because of that experience in the cathedral of pain, I was deemed worthy to be a 90th degree Mason. Here on the screen you see my degree as a 90th degree Mason. This is also when I was consecrated as a bishop in the Catholic church at the same time. The fellow who signed at the bottom of this degree, introduced me to one other kind of magic. He took me to a church in Chicago where there was a vampire cult. So I was initiated into the cult of the vampires. I know I’m stretching your credulity a bit, but there’s even medical conditions for this. There are medical research papers about people who are addicted to human blood. This was the problem that I began having. I began to develop a taste for human blood. It got more and more overwhelming until I couldn’t eat anything except blood and the Catholic sacrament. If I tried to eat or to even drink water, I would throw it up. What they originally told me {to get me roped into it} was that I could survive just by drinking the wine which turns into blood at the Catholic mass. They said ‘This will get you through the day, so you won’t have to go out and attack people.’ But this worked for only a few weeks. Eventually I had to start finding women that would let me bite them in the neck. I was getting more and more ravenous for human blood. I had two or three covens full of witches, and so I rounded up about 6 to 12 women who were willing to let me tap their jugular veins. By spreading it around, I never endangered any one woman, except once

4 when I accidently took too much of her blood and I nearly killed her. I got to be really scared by this time. I looked at what I had become, and I realized that I was totally out of control. When I was driving down the street and would see a woman or a prostitute - it was all I could do to keep from leaping out of the car and jumping on her and ripping her throat out. I mean I was feeling that murderous and that ravenous. I’m sorry if this is upsetting to any of you, but this is where I got. I was at the bottom of my occult experience. I was at the natural end of a lifetime of pursuing esoteric wisdom. I didn’t know where it was going to end. But what happened was that the Lord intervened. Praise God. “When I got my bank statement back from the bank, a lady at the bank had noticed that one of my checks had been made out to the church of Satan, and she wrote on the back of that check the words, “I’ll be praying for you in the name of Jesus.” I just looked at the check and I laughed. By this time I was so deceived that I thought Jesus was a witch. I just filed the check away and forgot about it. But within 48 hours, my life began to fall apart. I lost my job, I lost all the supernatural powers that I’d been given by this blood addiction, my Satanic superior got in a truck accident and was taken out of my life, and so I was really hurting. I cried out to Lucifer for a sign. I said, ‘What did I do wrong?’ I went through all the right stuff, I signed on the dotted line, I sold my soul to you, and got others to do the same, and here I am flat on my face.’ It was like Satan was welching on all his promises. I said, ‘Satan, why is all this happening?’ “But that prayer was answered by God. It was like God knocked the devil out of the way with His finger and said, ‘I’m going to answer this prayer.’ Praise God! This is the kind of Mighty God that we serve. The way God got the Gospel to me is that He had Satan’s servants bring it. One day we had a couple of witches from Chicago visit us. And do you know what they brought with them? They brought Christian literature. In the back of it was a section telling how you can become born again. They brought it because they thought it was funny. They had marked it up with obscene things. They said, ‘We thought that you’d really like this because it’s hilarious.’ At the time, I just glanced at it and tossed it into the corner. “Seven years earlier, the grand master druid told us that if we ever got into any serious trouble, to join the Mormon church, because it was a church that had been founded by Masons for Masons. That way, you could appear to be a typical American with a nice home and a nice lawn, and still believe all the things that witches believe. So when two Mormons knocked on the door, we let them in, and astonished them - by telling them more about their religion than they knew - because I’d been already teaching similar stuff {as a Satanist} for ten years. They accepted us, and we were baptized in the Mormon church. We were told by the Druid that if we really wanted to get to the heart of things, we needed to go through the Mormon temple in Salt Lake City - because there would be incredible things that would take place there. So we drove all the way to the Temple in Salt Lake - and were paced about half of the way by U.F.O.s. When we got there, we gave the secret names into the computer [you must do this before you can enter], and their whole computer system crashed. So they ushered everyone out, and they ushered us in. The rites and the things that we saw in the Mormon temple were taken right out of either Masonry or witchcraft. Most Mormons don’t know all this because most Mormons aren’t former Satanists or former Masons. We were ushered into the presence of one of the twelve apostles. My wife let the Mormon apostle know that we had been given to understand that the god of the Mormon temple is Lucifer. When she said that, the Mormon apostle looked at her very solemnly and said, ‘I bear you my solemn testimony that the things that you have said today are true.’ He said that she was obviously an elect lady. He said that if we would move to Salt Lake and be true to all of our covenants, we would have special places to serve inside the Mormon Temple. “We went home and I was excited, but my wife had been reading the Bible. Through reading the Bible, she committed her life totally to Jesus, and so she had also started to pray for me. I was in total bondage to the Mormon system -

being hooked into this priesthood thing, and I had become 1) an elder, 2) the president of an elder’s group, and 3) I was teaching a course in Mormonism. Finally, my wife got me to go back to Iowa - where I was invited to attend a “born again” Christian meeting. I went there seeking to dazzle all of them with my great knowledge - and get them all to become Mormons. I challenged the pastor, and asked him the typical Mormon question - ‘Where do you get your authority to baptize so people can be saved?’ The pastor said, ‘Who said anything about baptism? Acts 16:31 says, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.’ [Note - He didn’t tell him that verse 33 says that the man was baptized, but like Jesus did in Luke 16:19-31, he had met him on his own ground with truth that he most needed at that moment.] “That scripture went through me like a bullet through a sheet of wet paper. I felt like it exploded inside of me and I was bleeding all over the floor. I couldn’t believe it. I thought to myself, ‘Can it be that easy?’ All the way home I kept thinking - ‘Can it be that easy! After 34 years of trying every conceivable works related system in the book, could it really be that easy?’ Well, I did what every good Mormon would do. I prayed and fasted, and read the Bible, and as I was reading through the Epistles of Paul, I made a momentous discovery. I discovered that the Apostle Paul could not have possibly been a Mormon. I knew then that there was nothing I could do to save myself. Then I remembered that somewhere in the house was this marked up literature that told how to be born again. So I rummaged around for about a half hour and I finally located it in a box somewhere. Then I knelt at the foot of my bed and opened up the literature. Then I took off my sacred Mormon underwear ‘cause I didn’t want anything interfering with my prayer. Then I prayed the sinner’s prayer, and at that moment I gave my heart and my life to Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank You Lord Jesus. “At that moment I was totally set free. I burned about $3800 worth of occult books. About a year later God called me into full-time ministry for Jesus. Now we’re trying to get the word out about how soon He is coming, and we’re trying to bring people [who are trapped by Satan] to our Lord Jesus Christ. People can still be reached for Jesus, and I’m living proof of that fact.” Pastor Jan: Praise God! In view of what the lovely Jesus brought William out of, you can see that there’s hope for Wayne and for you! If anyone prays the sinner’s prayer and invites Jesus to take total control of his will, mind, heart, and life, it is a fact that “the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin.” I Jn. 1:7. Listen - “Christ is ‘the Prince of Peace’ (Isa. 9:6), and it is His mission to restore to earth and heaven the peace that sin has broken. ‘Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Rom. 5:1). Whoever consents to renounce sin and open his heart to the love of Christ, becomes a partaker of this heavenly peace.” God’s Amazing Grace, p. 320. Praise God! The very instant you 1) “consent to renounce sin” and 2) “open your heart to the love of Christ,” you become “a partaker of this heavenly peace.” Wonderful Jesus! Then get the book Steps to Christ, and read it twice in a row - prayerfully. If you don’t have one, you can get one by writing my office. Follow it to the letter, and you’ll be walking and talking with your Lord, your God, your Father, your Helper, your best Friend, and the Master of the Universe on your way to the gates of the city of God! Study the book Great Controversy, and you’ll be set on fire for Christ. From now on, you must be willing to be “spiritually minded” and not “carnally minded,” but when you see what both the devil and Jesus have to offer, the choice to “abide” in Christ becomes a joyful one. He will give you joyful power to obey Him instead of the devil - forever! Your life will be different. Instead of watching T.V., you’ll be reading the word of God. You’ll be singing praises to Him, and constantly talking with Him, and seeing His power and love in nature, and enjoying Him. You’ll have peace and joy, and everything you need - and He will fill you with His Holy Spirit and make you a missionary worker for Him! You a missionary! Yes! He will use you to reach many. What joy you’ll have, living for others, not yourself. When I was a ministerial student in college, I knelt in the woods and dared to ask our Father to use me to reach a million souls for Him - knowing that you and I will never save anyone He will. It seemed like a ridiculous request, but I dared to ask it anyway.

5 With an average of three in each home, now the 27.2 million little Dear Pastor Jan, NSL preachers in 52 languages have reached about 81.6 million Please send copies of the Cousin Henry souls. Praise God. He answered my prayer “exceeding abundantly Potter book for my enclosed check. The book above all” that I asked or thought. He will do the same for you! He is is a God-send. I was in prayer the very night no respecter of persons. Ask, “that your joy may be full” - for Him to that the Harry Potter books were launched. I use you to reach precious souls for Him, and it shall be done unto prayed that the Lord would impress someone you. You will never be good enough to earn anything by your to write a book to counteract the satanic Harry goodness, but Jesus is good enough, and when you ask something in Potter books. I was thankful that you were the man God chose to write the divinely filled His holy name that will glorify God {not you}, so that souls will be book that you did. The Lord impressed me to saved from Satan’s insane power, God delights to answer. Get off the promote this book to many families. I have defensive of thinking about yourself and your problems, and get onto started the “Cousin Henry Potter Family the offensive of walking and working with King Jesus to reach souls Reading club.” Praise the Lord. Berrien with God’s last message of love and warning, and you’ll be filled with Springs, MI. joy and with the Holy Spirit of God! You need not try to do something great, to exalt yourself, but just do your duties each day, praying for help to reach the dear people, and you may be surprised what He will do - knowing that you are “under the benediction of God.” MB 7. That means that God is smiling at you. Our Father loves you so much! Dear Jesus loves you more than you’ll ever know. The holy angels are all around you, as they have been since the day you were born. They love you and watch over you very tenderly every moment. I wish you could see their faces looking at you now. By your life, you have it in your power to make them very happy. Nothing touches you without God’s permission. You can totally rest - now and forever - in His tender love. And if God inspires you to do it, then “dare” to ask Him to use you to reach thousands, or tens of thousands - or millions, with Dear Jan Marcussen, His last message of love and warning, and He will answer your I am Roman Catholic, and I just finished prayer. I’ve never kept a penny of the money from the little preachers. reading your book “National Sunday Law.” It all goes for soul-winning. I believe that if I had kept even one dollar Thank you for opening my eyes to the facts of it, God could not have blessed as He has. God gets the praise and that were hidden from me by the church. I was He gives you the joy. He is no respecter persons. You are going to shocked that the Catholic Catechism does not work for someone - either God or the devil. The devil will promise you align with scripture!!!! For years I bought into everything while trying to murder you and get you turned into ashes. I the lies about Sunday. After I finished your praise King Jesus that He is going to win, and His humble people are book, I had the blinders taken off my eyes! going to win with Him. You can be one of them. I will say that I will Thanks to you, I now know the truth. And you are right, I am now held accountable by the give my whole 15 part video series, plus a copy of my new book Almighty! Sincerely, Daniel Borders. Cousin Henry Potter and the Terrible Time Machine to all who get 1000 of the little NSL preachers for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping, to help save souls. Because of the precious blood of Jesus, William was able to forget the horrors of his past {according to Phil. 3:13}, and move forward with his Lord into more and more peace and obedience, and joy, while seeking to save others. So can you! Praise the Lord! I just Those who really commit the unpardonable sin don’t care any more. If Wayne had received my first copy of committed it, he would have never written to me. He would have ignored the warnings of National Sunday Law today God like most preachers and church members are doing {See LDE 180}. in the mail. I must say that Wayne and demon possessed William were not in as much danger of committing the I was unable to put it down unpardonable sin as are most church members and their preachers who feel no need! until I had finished it! It is Does Laodicea feel her need? Did Jesus warn in Revelation 3 that He would spew her absolutely the best book I out of His mouth? Read it. Do they think they are rich and increased with goods and have read on Bible have need of nothing? Is Laodicea in more danger of committing the unpardonable sin prophecy and it has been than Wayne or demon possessed William when they felt their need? Do you and I feel long awaited. Thank you our great need of Jesus and His righteousness instead of our own? In Noah’s day there so much for finally setting was a line. It was the door of the ark. Does that door represent anything? Those inside me straight. of it lived. Those outside of it died. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be. Soon, the whole ungodly world, including most church members and their preachers {see LDE 180} will cross over the line and receive the mark of the beast by going along with the national Sunday law. May God help us to reach them with His warning message of love fast! The prophet of God cries out “I was pointed down to the time when the third angel’s message was closing. The power of God had rested upon his people. They had accomplished their work, and were prepared for the trying hour before Dear Pastor Marcussen, them. The last great warning had sounded every where, and it had I am happy to inform you that I received stirred up and enraged the inhabitants of earth, who would not receive the cases of National Sunday Law and that the message. “I saw angels hurrying to and fro in heaven. An angel returned from we gave them to the people here in Zambia, the earth with a writer’s ink-horn by his side, and reported to Jesus and as a result, we baptized 37 people. that his work was done, that the saints were numbered and sealed. . . Enclosed is a picture where you see many . I saw that every case was then decided for life or death. Jesus had of them holding up the books on the day of blotted out the sins of his people. He had received his kingdom, and their baptism. Soon I will conduct another the atonement had been made for the subjects of his kingdom. . . . crusade where I will again distribute these “Then I saw Jesus lay off his priestly attire, and clothe himself with books to the people. Your in Christ, his most kingly robes– upon his head were many crowns, a crown Evangelist Kennedy Sejani within a crown--and surrounded by the angelic host, he left heaven. The plagues were falling upon the inhabitants of the earth. Some were denouncing God, and cursing him. Others rushed to the people of God, and begged to be taught how they should escape the judgments of God. But the saints had nothing for them. The last tear for sinners had been shed, the last agonizing prayer offered, the last burden had been borne. The sweet voice of mercy was no more to invite them. The last note of warning had been given. When the saints, and all heaven were interested for their salvation, they had no interest for themselves. Life and death had been set before them. Many desired life; but did not make any effort to obtain it. As mercy’s sweet voice died way, a fearfulness and horror seized them. With terrible distinctness they hear, Too late! too late! “Those who had not prized God’s word were hurrying to and fro. They wandered from sea to sea, and from the north to the east, to seek the word of the Lord. Said the angel, They shall not find it. What would they not give for one word of approval from God? but no, they must hunger and thirst on. Day after day have they slighted salvation, and prized earthly pleasure, and earthly riches, higher than any heavenly inducement and treasure. . . The filthy must remain filthy forever. “A great portion of the wicked were greatly enraged, as they suffered the effects of the plagues. It was a scene of fearful agony. The people turned upon the ministers with bitter hate, and reproached them, telling them, You have not warned us.

6 You told us all the world was to be converted, and cried, Peace, peace, to quiet every fear that was aroused. You have not told us of this hour, and those who warned us of it you said were fanatics, and evil men, who would ruin us. But the ministers, I saw, did not escape the wrath of God. Their sufferings were ten fold greater than their people’s. Dear Sir, “I saw the saints leaving Your book was just excellent. the cities and villages, and I read every word of “National associating in companies together, and living in the most solitary places. Angels Sunday Law.” I went to buy a provided them food and water; but the wicked were suffering with hunger and home in Dallas and I stopped at thirst. I saw a writing, and copies of it scattered in different parts of the land, a phone booth to make a phone giving orders, that unless the saints should yield their peculiar faith, give up the call, and there it was, just sitting Sabbath, and observe the first day, they were at liberty, after such a time, to put there. So I took it! And glad I them to death. But in this time the saints were calm and composed, trusting in did. God. . . . [And after a little time] - “I saw a very great number of angels bring from the city glorious crowns; a crown for every saint with his name written thereon; and as To avoid falling into discouragement, fill Jesus called for the crowns, angels presented them to him, and the your mind with the promises of God in the lovely Jesus, with his own right hand, placed the crowns on the heads Bible instead of T.V., and “pray without of the saints. In ceasing.” The battle is for the mind. Whoever the same has your mind has you. If you want to make it, manner, the from now on you’re going to have to keep We now have 53% of what we need to angels brought your mind “fixed” on God and His word. And reach another one million souls in the area of here’s what will happen - “Thou wilt keep him the harps, and the great Roman Catholic city of St. Louis. in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Jesus If our kind Father impresses you to help us Thee because he trusteth in Thee.” Isa 26:3. presented them Listen - “Prayer is the answer to every reach this goal, just mark it below. also to the problem of life. It puts us in tune with divine saints. The wisdom, which knows how to adjust commanding everything perfectly. [Praise God!] So often I’m scheduled to speak in the SDA church angels first we do not pray because from our standpoint in Buffalo, NY, Sabbath, morning and struck the note, the outlook is hopeless. But nothing is afternoon Sept. 18. For directions, call 716and then every impossible with God. Nothing is so tangled 639-3759, or 716-348-4448. The church is that it cannot be remedied. No habit is so voice was located at 300 Adams St. Buffalo, NY, 14212 deep-rooted that it cannot be overcome. No raised in Here are the directions - From I-90, merge one is so ill he cannot be healed. No mind is grateful, happy onto New York State TRWY/I-190 N. {exit #53} so dull that it cannot be made brilliant. praise, and toward Downtown Buffalo, and go 4 miles. Whatever we need, if we trust in God He will every hand Then take the Hamburg St. Exit {exit #5} and supply it. If anything is causing worry and skillfully swept go 1/10 mile. Turn left onto Hamburg St. and anxiety, let us stop rehearsing the difficulty go 3/10 of a mile, then turn left onto Jefferson over the strings and trust in God for healing, love, and power.” Ave, and go 7/10 of a mile. Then turn right of the harp, RH 10/7/65. Praise God! onto Broadway St. and go 1/10 mile. Then sending forth turn right onto Adams St. and go 1/10 mile to melodious If you can, give a copy of this letter to those 300 Adams St. The subject at 11 a.m. is who don’t get it. music in rich “When Beauty Meets the Beast.” The big and perfect meeting at 4 p.m., will be multi-media on two strains. Then I screens with the subject - “The New World saw Jesus lead the redeemed company to the gate of the city. He Order, the Sunday Law, and the 144,000.” May dear Jesus richly bless all who come. laid hold of the gate and swung it back on its glittering hinges, and I’ll be speaking in Tulsa, OK Oct. 16. For bade the nations who had kept the truth to enter in. There was every directions, call 918-747-6234. thing in the city to feast the eye. Rich glory they be held every where. Then Jesus looked upon his redeemed saints; their For a credit card order you may call Printers countenances were radiant with glory; and as he fixed his loving Inc. toll free. 1-877-439-4800. eyes upon them, he said, with his rich, musical voice, I behold the travail of my soul, and am satisfied. This rich glory is yours to enjoy eternally. Your sorrows are ended. There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain. I saw the redeemed host bow and cast their glittering crowns at the feet of Jesus, and then, as his lovely hand raised them up, they touched their golden harps, and filled all heaven with their rich music, and songs to the Lamb.” “I then saw Jesus leading the redeemed host to the tree of life, and again we heard his lovely voice, richer than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, saying, The leaves of this tree are for the healing of the nations. Eat ye all of it. Upon the tree of life was most beautiful fruit, which the saints could partake of freely. There was a most glorious throne in the City, and from under the throne proceeded a pure river of water of life, as clear as crystal. On either side of this river of life was the tree of life. On the banks of the river were beautiful trees bearing fruit which was good for food. Language is altogether too feeble to attempt a description of heaven. As the scene rises before me I am lost in amazement; and carried away with the surpassing splendor and the excellent glory, I lay down the pen, and exclaim, O what love! What wondrous love! The most exalted language cannot describe the glory of heaven, nor the matchless depths of a Saviour’s love.” 1 SG, 197-211. Praise God friend! Praise God!

Vennita’s Corner - “Song is a weapon we can always use against discouragement.”EV 499.

Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

Please send me 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping, plus all 15 of the videos exposing Rome’s attack on God’s SDA church, plus a copy of the new Henry Potter book for soul-winning for young people, with free shipping in the U.S. ___. I already have the videos ___. I want 2000 NSL preachers for a donation of 36¢ each, __ with the above things free ___. I want 100 NSLs for a donation of 49¢ each and free shipping __. I want 200 NSL preachers for a donation of 45¢ each and free shipping ___. Please send me Pastor Jan’s new book for young people entitled Cousin Henry Potter {and the Terrible Time Machine} for my donation of $16.95 ___. Please send me 2-9 for a donation of $10 each __, 10 for $8 each___. Please use this donation to help bulk mail NSL preachers to reach another million souls in St. Louis in the great 40 Million Man March_____. Number of books ____ videos ___ Amount of donation $___________ U.S. Name ____________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ Address ____________________________________________City ________________________Zip ___________ Make checks to M.V. Society of SDAs, P. O. Box 68, Thompsonville, Il. 62890 9.04