September 17, 2009 Chalice Connection

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The Chalice

A publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 201 East Second Street , Edmond Oklahoma 73034

Vol. 1 No. 12

September 17, 2009

Gathering Around Tables Minister’s Message by Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister

We Christians are good at eating. We’ve been doing it for centuries. From the very beginning, the early Christian communities gathered around the table. It was the central part of worship and their meals were actual meals that gathered the community together for worship. Our Table worship is a little different today. The communion table has been a symbolic meal more than a

meal to relieve our hunger. This is probably because hunger is not an issue for our churches today, whereas in the early church communities, some of the participants dealt with hunger on a daily basis. Feeding the hungry is still important. I’m proud of our Breakfast on Boulevard ministry which continues to feed hundreds of people every week. Much like the early church, people gather together every morning to be fed. We have not neglected the tradition of the common meal. In fact we have many wonderful opportunities to

What We Do Today Makes A Difference Tomorrow by Don Mecoy

Have you ever constructed a guest list for an imaginary dinner party in which you could invite anyone who ever lived? My short list would include Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was a scientist, author, printer, diplomat, and the oldest person to sign the Declaration of Independence. He invented bifocals, the Franklin stove, the lightning rod and established the first public library and the first fire station in the United States. When Franklin died in 1790, he left about $8,000 to the cities of Boston and Philadelphia and directed that the money be allowed to compound for 200 years, with some allowances to tap into the money for specific needs after a century had passed. By 1990, Franklin’s

gifts had grown to more than $7 million, which the cities spent on scholarships, home loans and public works. He also made small bequests to his siblings’ great-grandchildren, who hadn’t yet been born. Franklin’s wisdom included faith in the future of his family and our fledgling nation. We do similar things at First Christian Church in Edmond. When elders serve as mentors to youth in our Pastors’ Class, their investment of time may pay dividends much later. When volunteers cook and clean up at Breakfast on Boulevard and Unite, their efforts may produce an impact they never see. The act of serving on a committee, teaching a Sunday school class, dropping a check in the offering plate or

practice our eating together. Our Gratitude Celebration brings our whole church family to the Table to celebrate all we have accomplished in the last year. Likewise, our upcoming Follies/ Chili Supper will highlight the fun we have together while providing a good meal. And who could forget the wonderful breakfasts that we have (another one is coming on October 25!), featuring colored pancakes flipped high up in the air for every person. These meals are fun. But they also represent our roots in the early church. A family that dines together also worships together—and cares for one another. Remember as we gather to eat, the bond of Jesus Christ strengthens us as a family.

offering up a prayer can provide a positive influence of the life of another and the future of our church. We plant seeds with our service. The bonus, of course, is that service also provides benefits for the person who serves. Franklin recognized that. “A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle,” he said in one of his famous quotations. Franklin also said, “Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards, there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine, a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.” We should strive to be as giving.

UNITY Build September 26-October 17 FCC Edmond is partnering with other Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Church of Christ and Independent Christian Churches to build a Habitat Home for Stacy Lasley and her children Craig & Gracie.

It’s Time to Sign Up! You’ll find a Habitat Display board with dates and specific projects in the rotunda. Questions? Contact Jack Smith at 341-1357. Let’s make a difference by providing a quaility, affordable home for Stacy, Craig and Gracie.

Join Us for a Service of Great Communion 8:30am - Saturday, September 26, 2009

Habitat UNITY Build Site 704 N.E. 84th, OKC in the Hope Crossing Neighborhood Come experience a brief but meaningful service to honor the 200th anniversary of Thomas Campbell’s Declaration & Address calling us to UNITY. Please join us even if you are not working at the build that day. Our UNITY build is scheduled to start at 9 am so please arrive a few minutes early as our Great Communion Service will begin promptly at 8:30. DIRECTIONS: take Wilshire east from Broadway Extension to Kelley, turn north at Kelley and go about six blocks then left at N.E. 83rd, the entry to Hope Crossing. Please park on Lindsey St or Phillips St.

Help Feed the Hungry in Edmond Grocery Shopper Needed for Breakfast on Boulevard Breakfast on Boulevard feeds the hungry of Edmond a free breakfast and sack lunch Monday through Friday mornings each week. We are seeking a new volunteer to join our B.O.B. grocery shopping team. Shoppers share responsibility with others and typically cover a shopping trip every 5 to 6 weeks. You are provided a list of what is needed that week, a check and Sam’s card to do the shopping. If interested in serving in this vitally important role, please contact Mickey Stufflebean at 341-4742 to learn more.

Make A Difference to Someone Who is Hungry!

Participate in CROP Walk 2009 Outreach Ministry Team CROP Walk/Fight Hunger Oct. 4 @ 2pm at Mitch Park This fall marks the opening of the 40th year of CROP Hunger Walks sponsored by the humanitarian agency Church World Service. Some 2,000 U.S. communities participate throughout the year. Some two million CROP Walkers, volunteers, and sponsors put their hearts and “soles” in motion with the common goal of ending hunger. CROP hunger walks are a time when congregations and communities join friends, families, and neighbors to raise money and walk together to show their concern for people who don’t have enough to eat. This year’s CROP Hunger Walks, with the theme “Enough for All,” take on added significance as people in the United States and abroad face increasing joblessness and hunger in an ailing global economy. Some newly hungry people are eating meals from soup kitchens or food pantries for the first time in their lives In June, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations announced that hunger is projected to reach a historic high in 2009, with more than 1.2 billion people going hungry. Church World Service CROP Hunger Walks give people who care a way to express their concern through action; a way to help people whose names they may never know, even as they help feed people who may be hungry right next door. Adults, children and families can participate together in the CROP Hunger Walk. Even little children can make a difference in the lives of the hungry. Twenty-five percent of CROP funds stay right here in Edmond to benefit grassroots efforts such as Breakfast on Boulevard. Please pick up your Walker registration packet from the church. Questions? Contact Sherrye VanOsdol, Outreach Ministry at 341-0922.

Part Time Support Specialist Sought The search for a part time support specialist is underway. This new part-time position (12-15 hours negotiable) will help support communication processes for student and children’s ministries by coordinating e-mailings & mailings and tracking registrations, and will assist with web updates, meet public and answer phones. Ideal candidate will have at least 3 yrs experience, creative design skills, experience coordinating volunteers & ablility to prioritize. Adobe & Microsoft software preferred. Submit resume & salary requirements to FCC Attn: Shelley Regan, PO Box 3548, Edmond, OK 73083 or [email protected] by September 27. Questions may be directed to the Search Committee: Marcy Williams Moderator, Cole Stanley, Marilyn Noles. Ex-officio: Loree Rice - Personnel Representative, Jerry Black & Shelley Regan, Staff Liaisons

Feel FANtastic! Give BLOOD at our

Fall Blood Drive Sunday, September 27 8:30 am until Noon About 60 percent of the population is eligible to give blood, but only about five percent of those people actually do. Please help save lives. Schedule your appointment today because you never know, “Whose Life You Can Save Today.” Questions? Contact Sherrye VanOsdol, Blood Drive Coordinator, 341-0922.

Peter, Paul & Mary Jesus Seminar Lectures September 25 & 26 By Rev. Chris Shorow

GROW with Us! New Adult Class Forming Interested in a learning option for adults at 9:30am on Sunday mornings? Join us for an organizational gathering this Sunday, September 20 in Room 113 at 9:30. The class will be led by Larry Ball and Jeff Fine-Thomas. This gathering will be a time to voice study preferences, child care, and participant needs. This class is ideal for those who sing in the choir and currently have no Sunday morning learning options.

Volunteers Needed for UNITE We are still seeking volunteers to help with dinner preparation, dinner set-up, dinner clean-up, home bakers, children’s small group leaders, children’s crafts, children’s games. Let us know if you can help. Sign up on your connection form in worship, or online @

Stay Healthy Get A Flu Shot Oct. 4

The Jesus Seminar, a group of scholars researching the historical Jesus and more recently the traditions of the early church, will present lectures and workshops September25-26 at Mayflower Congregational Church in Oklahoma City. Scholars Kathleen Corley, from Claremont Graduate School and Brandon Scott, from Phillips Theological Seminary will be presenting lectures on Peter, Paul and Mary, Three Early Christian Voices. They are both doing cutting-edge work on the Mary Magdalene, and Peter and Paul. Those of you who have attended my Bible studies have heard much about Dr. Scott’s work on the parables. He will be bringing that same scholarship to Peter and Paul. The lectures kick off Friday night, Sept. 25 at 7:30 pm and then there are workshops on Saturday from 9:30-4:00. You can attend individual sessions for $20 or $30, or come to all for $60. If you are interested in attending, please contact Iris Jordan at [email protected] and we may take a bus down to Mayflower Congregational Church where the event is happening. For more information, please contact Chris Shorow; [email protected] or 341-3544.

On The Road

The Parish Nurse Health Ministry has arranged for the Visiting Nurse Association to give Flu Shots on October 4th, 2009 from 8:30am to 12:30pm. The cost will be $25.00 for the Flu shot and $55.00 for the Pneumonia shot unless you have Medicare Part B and they will file your Medicare for you. Bring your Medicare Card! Flu mist will also be available for $30.00 for those 2 years old to 49 years old. Shingles, Meningitis, Tetanus, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B can be made available by calling Donna Clark at 413-1954 and she can arrange to have these vaccines available on October 4th as well. We hope to see you then!

Prayers of the People OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Louise Weeden (Judy Bennett’s mom) in Baptist OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Richard Randolf, Doris Dowell, Ted Lietzke (Glenda Adams’ son), Jana Huff, Neal Hunt, Gene Warnock (Shelley Ryland’s dad), Kelly VanOsdol, Ed Berry, Bart Rodr, Betty Winn, Ron Davis, Nita Johnson (Robert Hall’s mom), Charlie Young, Kathy Lee, Roger Banks (Jennifer McGrew’s dad), Barbara Hall, Ed Penland, Dana Shadid, Phil Rehrig (Glo Rehrig’s son), Nita Williams & Bootsie House (Jeff Williams’ mom & aunt), Hank Thomas (Randy Thomas’ brother), Hurshell Wright (Patrick Wright’s dad), Margaret Basso (Anne Stone’s sister), Patrick Douthitt (Duke Douthitt’s brother), Eric & Penny Koegel, Alyssa Baker OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS to Connie Westhof and family in the passing of her mother, Lela Ferneau, who passed away September 16 in Midwest City. Her funeral will be Saturday, September 19 at 10am in Braman, Oklahoma at the United Methodist Church. AND TO the family of Jess Webster, former FCC Choir Director, who passed away September 12.

A Report from the Finance Committee

Through August of this year our General Fund Revenues are 102% of Year to Date Budget and our General Fund Expenses are 96% of Year to Date Budget. Expenses for all the Ministries remain at or below Year To Date Budget with Outreach at 10% of General Fund Revenues. Building Fund Revenues for August were very good and improved Building Fund Pledge deficit to 93% of Pledged Revenue. Following are the August 31 Year to Date Revenue and Expense summaries. General Fund Building Fund Actual Actual Revenue $684,052.45 $189,601.31 $640,929.48 $181,834.24 Expense Excess/(Shortfall) $43,122.97 $7,767.07 Please remember to note on your checks or envelopes to which church accounts you want your contribution credited

Inaugural Winter Family Camp March 16-21, 2010 - YMCA Park at Snow Mountain Ranch CO Winter Family Camp will be a 5 night trip similar to our summer family camp in Estes Park - but of course there will be SNOW! Fun activities include: Snow skiing at Winter Park and/or Solvista, Cross Country Skiing in Snow Mountain, Indoor Climbing wall, Snowmobiling and so much more! We will stay in Silver Sage Lodge, very similar to Eagle Cliff in Estes Park. Rooms have 1 queen bed, 2 sets of bunk beds, and a private bath. The lodge is close to the dining hall.

Space is limited so call Susan Huffer quickly at 623-2185.

Happy Birthday! 9/20 Jo Ann Bullard, Don Mecoy, Mark Preslar, Ruth Preslar 9/21 Donetta Herndon 9/22 Linda Burrows, Richard Cutter, Marni Fuller, Bill Howell, Jr., David Larrison, Sarah Rahhal 9/23 Jerri Brigham, Donna Combs, Jim Downing, Jeff Fine-Thomas 9/24 Blair Eischeid, Alix Jackson, Kim Knox, Leslie Lee, Ken McClain, Nick Rodr, Zoya Schmoyer, Anna Lisa Stanley, Bob Thomas 9/25 Campbell Christensen, Matthew Clark, Rob Farrah, Marshall Hall, Andrew Timmons 9/26 Kallie Beers, Lynn Holzberlein, Kalli McKee 9/27 Lori Beasley, Karly Meadows, John Osburn, Missy Voegeli

Offertory Envelopes From the Finance Committee

As our Church moves forward, items we have become accustomed to may be discontinued or changed. The Finance Committee believes our present Offertory Envelopes fall into the category of being ready to be discontinued. We plan to discontinue these envelopes starting with the 2010 Calendar Year. If you have strong feelings about discontinuing the Offertory Envelopes, please contact us at the Church with a note: Attention: Finance Committee or contact Randy Clark at 348-0893.

Student Ministries info @

 Sunday, September 20 10:00am Youth Café & Classes – FLC Gratitude Celebration!  Wednesday, September 23 5:30pm UNITE  Thursday, September 24 Lunch Santa Fe Freshman Accademy

It’s Time To “GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!” at First Christian 8:15, 9 & 11AM

“Making A Difference!” Series September 20 Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Scripture: John 3:1-10

September 27 Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Scripture: Mark 16:1-8

The Chalice CONNECTION Shelley Regan, Editor [email protected] submit or read news online @

We will begin the evening with an old fashioned chili cook-off at 5:30 in the fellowship hall. Fabulous prizes, like last year, will be awarded for the best, hottest, and most original pot of chili. No chili recipe? No problem! Bring a finger food or dessert to share. At 6:30, we will move into the sanctuary for a FREE evening of entertainment featuring some of the best talent in Edmond…..our own FCC members! (Not to mention our own Frank Gresh and Mark Nash as emcees for the evening!) The deadline for registering your Follies act and your pot of chili is fast approaching. Please sign up by Sunday, September 27th!! Register online @ or in person at the Follies display in the Rotunda. Questions? Contact Diane Ball at 341-3544 ex. 25; [email protected] , or any of the FOLLIES Committee members: Dana Theobald, Darcy Biby, Frank Gresh, Sherry Parks, Mark Nash, or Gary Owen. Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity to fellowship with your whole church family.

(USPS 210-360) is published weekly (except weeks of New Year's Day and Christmas Day). Periodicals postage paid by First Christian Church, 201 E. Second, Edmond, OK 73034-4561. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chalice CONNECTION, PO Box 3548, Edmond, OK 73083


(And start working on your famous Chili recipe) The 3rd Annual FCC FOLLIES & CHILI COOK-OFF, coming October 4th, is fun for the whole family!

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